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It's great to PVE with no Damage Meters


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you know what's funny? the 'pro-guilds' from wow who migrated to this game seem to do fine without the damage-meter, but it's the anti-meter people who don't know what they are talking about.... I still want an explanation for that


People are totally doing nightmare mode raids right now.

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i guess at some point we can implement addons into the game, then there will be a DMG meter, no doubt...


obviously, and most people will accept that, even if they are against dps-meters. but that doesn't mean I'm not still going to keep voicing my opinion that I don't want this to become a carbon-copy of 'that other game', just in space.


and my biggest concern .is. the community that comes along with it. of course elitism can't be stopped completely, but it doesn't need to be encouraged to the core

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Also, anyone who reads the WoW forums you will see the amount of whining that players give towards the developers, and it really holds them back from releasing great content since they need to worry about balance.


For example, XX class whining because they are middle of the pact...



or XX class whining because they're not #1 in the meters (rogues) and since they have no other utility, they DEMAND they be #1.



So much drama erupts from people whining because they are in the "middle" of the pact.


I always see people saying raid memeber 1 doesn't deserve the loot because raid memeber 2 did 200 mroe DPS.


It's ridiculous, and it ruins the game.


of course it is. I'd much rather have people in my group who know when to use a certain CC, for example, and as far as I can see so far, lots of the cc skills don't even make any damage at all... so why do I need a dps-meter again? :eek:

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of course it is. I'd much rather have people in my group who know when to use a certain CC, for example, and as far as I can see so far, lots of the cc skills don't even make any damage at all... so why do I need a dps-meter again? :eek:


Bosses can totally be CCed to death :rolleyes:

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Combat log - A must


Damage/Healing Meters - Not needed, nor wanted by me. Just another form of elitism. I dont need a meter to tell me who's not pulling their wait, and If you cant either then maybe you should look at yourself first before looking at others for reasons you failed.

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which of our 4 raid healers isn't healing, so we can gkick him.



That's why most raiders want meters, to sit in judgement of others and lord their own uberness, it's been that way since the first meter appeared and why the majority of people who are for one do so.

Edited by KerinKor
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Also, anyone who reads the WoW forums you will see the amount of whining that players give towards the developers, and it really holds them back from releasing great content since they need to worry about balance.


For example, XX class whining because they are middle of the pact...



or XX class whining because they're not #1 in the meters (rogues) and since they have no other utility, they DEMAND they be #1.



So much drama erupts from people whining because they are in the "middle" of the pact.


I always see people saying raid memeber 1 doesn't deserve the loot because raid memeber 2 did 200 mroe DPS.


It's ridiculous, and it ruins the game.


This post makes a very valid point.


We don't need the drama and elitist preening that come with meter.just let people enjoy the game. you wouldn't give the school bully a gun. Don't give the elitist know it alls a way to belittle other players.

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Whats up with the whole "You do less damage so you are a bad" mentality I see.


As a Tank i'd rather play with someone who does less damage but CCs and knows not to go all lonewolf so I have to save his behind when he aggro something he shouldn't have. Now he puts stress on the tank to come save his behind and stress on the healer as well to make sure he doesn't die. Now the healer using his good heals on the DPS while Tank has aggro on the hard hitting target. Next thing you know the tank is in trouble and the healer is waiting for the cooldown so he can heal the tank...then watch the dummy DPS do that ish again....

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Whats up with the whole "You do less damage so you are a bad" mentality I see.


As a Tank i'd rather play with someone who does less damage but CCs and knows not to go all lonewolf so I have to save his behind when he aggro something he shouldn't have. Now he puts stress on the tank to come save his behind and stress on the healer as well to make sure he doesn't die. Now the healer using his good heals on the DPS while Tank has aggro on the hard hitting target. Next thing you know the tank is in trouble and the healer is waiting for the cooldown so he can heal the tank...then watch the dummy DPS do that ish again....


all the healers in the world thank you for that <3

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Because we're not talking about 4man dungeons. This is about raids, the higher difficulty ones even.




Dmg matters in those ONLY when raid mechanincs dictate that you have to kill this guy by a certain time or the raid will get face planted. I know I do not know if the raids in this game have this mechanic or not. Not even looking that far down the road.


If there is then you might have a small argument or you could, as a guild get better and every look at their gear and strat to come up with a better solution than looking at the guy thats missed drops the last few times and is lagging on heals or dps.

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Dmg matters in those ONLY when raid mechanincs dictate that you have to kill this guy by a certain time or the raid will get face planted. I know I do not know if the raids in this game have this mechanic or not. Not even looking that far down the road.


If there is then you might have a small argument or you could, as a guild get better and every look at their gear and strat to come up with a better solution than looking at the guy thats missed drops the last few times and is lagging on heals or dps.


Game has raids with 3 difficulties. Enrage timers already confirmed since ages ago.


I know what i'm talking about.


Also high-end guilds won't want to keep "untalented" people around.

Edited by Skeelol
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I didnt say you didnt and i also said i havent looked that far down the road. But my argument still stands


Your argument still doesn't stand, sorry.


Even if the boss didn't have an enrage mechanic, top guilds don't want freeloaders. Without a proper combat log showing off dps/interrupts/heals/fails etc there's no way to judge peoples performance.

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Game has raids with 3 difficulties. Enrage timers already confirmed since ages ago.


I know what i'm talking about.


Also high-end guilds won't want to keep "untalented" people around.



and such is their prerogative and right, especially in a hard core guild but im attempting to iterate here there are other ways in weeding those guys out

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and such is their prerogative and right, especially in a hard core guild but im attempting to iterate here there are other ways in weeding those guys out


Do point out how. I'm really curious.


Every single top guild asks for a combat log of your previous raids to judge your performance. Every single one.

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No it doesn't. Just because there isn't an enrage timer doesn't mean that low dps can't be the cause of a wipe.


I said nothing about JUST ENRAGE timer I said game mechanic, which could be anything but specificaly if you dont kill this guy by x amount of time then your dead. Ie Dots, spawns, tank finger cramp.

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I'm fine with damage meters, as long as you can only see your own damage and no one else's. If that isn't good enough for you you're only using it to grief. Also, if you can't tell who is asleep during an operation, then you have issues damage meters can't fix.
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