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Why are people against a LFG Tool


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No it doesn't if it did many people would use it.


It doesnt work unless people use it, so if people wont use it if it doesnt work its never going to work.


I really dont see whats wrong with just tying LFG in general anyway, thats how we used to do it back in the day.


The fix they need to make to /who is to let you type in the actuall stuff with the /who command, instead of having to bring /who up first then type more stuff.


You should be able to type: "/who 23-25 juggernaut tatooine lfg"


and get a list of only level 23-25 jugs on tatooine who are lfg


Of course again, any mmo that doesnt copy ddos amazingly awesome lfg/lfm system is already knocked down a star. I just don't understand why developers these days always implement a shoddy /who system, have people complain about it, then jump straight to an automated group former that lets people be assess with no real consequence in the community.

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I really dont see whats wrong with just tying LFG in general anyway, thats how we used to do it back in the day.



Back in the days we played games in 640x480.


Something that was good and enough back in the days doesn't mean is enough now.


I had lots of fun playing anarchy online. I wouldn't play it now ever.


Diablo1 was awesome, if I would play it now I would cry.



So many players saying: this should be this way because it's like it was before and it was good.


Good years ago!=good now

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Back in the days we played games in 640x480.


Something that was good and enough back in the days doesn't mean is enough now.


I had lots of fun playing anarchy online. I wouldn't play it now ever.


Diablo1 was awesome, if I would play it now I would cry.



So many players saying: this should be this way because it's like it was before and it was good.


Good years ago!=good now


There are plenty of posts describing, in detail, how a proper LFG tool should be done, and why certain features have a negative effect on the community.


However, if you would prefer to ignore those well-reasoned posts and focus on the ones that you feel you have the ability to verbally attack, chances are logic is lost on you to begin with.

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Back in the days we played games in 640x480.


Something that was good and enough back in the days doesn't mean is enough now.


I had lots of fun playing anarchy online. I wouldn't play it now ever.


Diablo1 was awesome, if I would play it now I would cry.



So many players saying: this should be this way because it's like it was before and it was good.


Good years ago!=good now


Diablo 1 is still a fantastic game and its only bad now because the community that was built around it no longer exists =P


Watching LFG messages in general chat helps a new player get an idea of where they should be trying to get a group for.


Ive learned so much about a game just watching its zone chats.


having people make use of chat benefits the game.


Though i always used /who and such in games in addition to chat, and i agree a good lfg system is helpful, which is why ive always advocated ddos lfg/lfm system with all its customization and flags and detailed filters and streamlined grouping progress to help people not only find other people, but to find groups, merge groups, etc.


There should never be something that auto forms a group for you though, because it undermines an important part of mmo communities, blackisting.


Its not good enough to have an option to ensure you dont ever play with certain players. You need people physically joining a group, seeing X in that group, then leaving, explaining that X is a loot ninja or some such, in order to spread the word not to group with X, in the hopes that they quit.


Works best if you are a healer, since people dont want to anger healers, and X may be kicked instead.


Maybe harsh, maybe you think its being a jerk, but the lack of such things is why mmo communities in modern times have degraded.

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I don't think that an LFG tool is actually a bad thing, I think the main issue is that the LFG tool came into WOW at the same time as it lost any type of community aspect and as a result people need to blame something, the tool being a good example.


The last 2 expansions for WOW have sucked big time, they have lost any type of story or lore, the quest chains were pitiful and the only purpose to login was to get into a Heroic and then leave. This meant people didn't want to go running round the world, they didn't need to go practice their trade skills, and so they spent their entire time on line in IF/OG.


The LFG tool made it even easier to do this, as they could login, log dungeon request and then do nothing until the group happened, then they would teleport in, do the instance then teleport back.

Look at WOW outside the cities...the servers are complete morgues.


Now, the LFG tool was not the only cause of this, it was unimaginitive, uninspired boring expansions that didn't give people a reason to leave the cities that did that. The Tool was part of it, and certainly didn't try to reverse it, and that I think is why a lot of people don't want it on TOR.


I actually think it could work, as long as BW keep me interested in the content outside the dungeons and give me a good reason to do other things, It will be fine. But it certainly should not teleport you to the door, you should have to do somethings on your own.

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Basicly LFG is a slippery slope.

1 day players are given a LFg tool


2 day players complain about limitation and that it doesnt auto invite


3 day Auto invite gets implemented


4th day player complain that it doesnt teleport them


5th day teleportation is implemented


6th day players complain that they need Xserver


7th day.............................



But i do agree as it stands now LFG have alot that could be better.

I would like seeing a LFG as Vanilla WoW had which basicly was showing everyone that wanted to do an instance (Almost the same as now but with a big difference )


They had it user friendly meaning it was easy to spot and easy to use Swtor needs abit of work as it stands now

Edited by Varghjerta
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Bah! This thread it's useless so many fanboys defending the current crap LFG tool.


Typing a message on Who "LFG HS" same as typing it on chat. I've been using this tool in Beta 2 months ago and never got a response cause it was the same as typing it on chat.


The current tool was useless at beta and it sucks more now in live. People don't want to interrupt questing to spend hours on the station LFG for 1 miserable instance.


Same system for PvP should be used for LFG and if people don't like the interserver tool don't freaking use it. If you don't like it use the Who LFG flag tool or type LFG on chat. That's what people did in WoW when they refuse to use the tool.


Bioware should make the interserver tool and keep the Who flag LFG tool too.

Edited by Kevinik
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There are plenty of posts describing, in detail, how a proper LFG tool should be done, and why certain features have a negative effect on the community.


However, if you would prefer to ignore those well-reasoned posts and focus on the ones that you feel you have the ability to verbally attack, chances are logic is lost on you to begin with.


Are you just writing prescripted messages?


"you have the ability to verbally attack"


Read my post again, I haven't verbally attacked anybody. I am explaining something that happens very often, that you remember old times with nostalgy. Happens to everybody.


Even in wow, many players say how good vanilla wow was, forgetting all the problems it had. But even if they had fun back then, times evolve, games improve, and you can't compare old content to new content, even if it was awesome back then.


It is totally related to this topic, since it is at least in my opinion, why players are against the LFG tool,respec, and such things. If you don't agree, that's your joice, but it is you who attacked my point of view, not me attacking others like you said.ñ

Edited by kalarro
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I don't understand the argument. A LFG tool would not be any less social than how things are now.


The argument, is that it prevents people from having to talk with one another to form their groups, and once the group is made, if you like them, you add them to your friends list.


This is reasonable, but if you take a LFG Tool, that is server side only, your point is mute.



Spamming LF HEALER FOR SUCH AND SUCH FP in General is not being social, and once they respond: I'll do your instance, invite me~


Guess what? That's exactly what the tool does, without the General Spamming, without the sitting in the Space Station doing nothing, but watching General Chat Spam waiting for that special some one who's paying attention, and it saves General Chat for people who actually want to use it.


Please stop saying this is a bad idea. The opinion that it takes away from the social aspect of the game, is bad.


Simply because in World of Warcraft, the automatic, x-realm dungeon finder, ruined the community, spoiled the players and introduced the concept of massively solo player game, with all bad behaviour included : rudeness, lasiness, primadona tanks, selfshness, anti social behaviour etc.

This is exactly the reason why WOW became souless game.

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Simply because in World of Warcraft, the automatic, x-realm dungeon finder, ruined the community, spoiled the players and introduced the concept of massively solo player game, with all bad behaviour included : rudeness, lasiness, primadona tanks, selfshness, anti social behaviour etc.

This is exactly the reason why WOW became souless game.


lol wut. Looks like you didn't play WoW that much. But when a game has millions of players there are going to have a lot of players with bad attitude. I've been playing with that kind of people since Vanilla WoW so don't give me that crap the game community became so and so because some expansion.


People will most likely focus on seeing the negative in a community and forgetting quickly the positive experiences.

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Are you just writing prescripted messages?


"you have the ability to verbally attack"


Read my post again, I haven't verbally attacked anybody. I am explaining something that happens very often, that you remember old times with nostalgy. Happens to everybody.


Even in wow, many players say how good vanilla wow was, forgetting all the problems it had. But even if they had fun back then, times evolve, games improve, and you can't compare old content to new content, even if it was awesome back then.


It is totally related to this topic, since it is at least in my opinion, why players are against the LFG tool,respec, and such things. If you don't agree, that's your joice, but it is you who attacked my point of view, not me attacking others like you said.ñ


Picking apart a post of subjective nostalgia instead of actually addressing real concerns doesn't advance discussion of the topic.

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lol wut. Looks like you didn't play WoW that much. But when a game has millions of players there are going to have a lot of players with bad attitude. I've been playing with that kind of people since Vanilla WoW so don't give me that crap the game community became so and so because some expansion.


People will most likely focus on seeing the negative in a community and forgetting quickly the positive experiences.


The more a person can hide behind anonymity, the more likely they are to behave poorly. This is a fact, and shouldn't need to be debated, whether you choose to use WoW as a basis for that argument or not.

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The tool isn't needed, however a server wide LFG chat would be nice.


Well, their current system needs some improvements ( like being able to put an visible LFG comment with more than 12 characters in ), but you are absolutely and completely right about the need for a global LFG channel. Nobody wants to have to stay on the fleet all day, instead of being out in the world playing.

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All you naysayers can bark all you want.


Everything WoW has will eventually be copied to SWTOR.


The casual players demand it, and these are the times of casual players.


Faster Travel.

Teleport to own ship.

Linked transports.

Auto Attacking.

Default Autotargeting.

3x Increased Threat for tanks.

Switching Advanced Classes.


All these things and more will be implemented in the next 6 months. Mark my words and favorit this post, because in 6 months you can look at it and say: "Gosh, he was right!"



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Picking apart a post of subjective nostalgia instead of actually addressing real concerns doesn't advance discussion of the topic.


Yes it does, just not to your likeing so you say it doesn't. I'm telling people that maybe if they try to not be nostalgic about good ol' times, they wouldn't mind getting tools to enhace gameplay.


And yes, I read your reasoning, and no, I don't think not doing an instance because I want to do it now and not in 30 minutes improves socialicing due to having to chat.

Edited by kalarro
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Why are people against a LFG tool?


Let me answer that question for you with the risk of coming acros arrogant and all knowing, while not intended.


People believe that when certain mmo's introduced this it took away part of the community feel you had in the game and often put the blame purely on that tool as it made team building a fully automated system.


The truth however is that often in such games a dungeon or instance is actually one of the few parts where you actually need another player so the core "problem" (if you see it as a problem) comes from ideology that was introduced in the mmo genre several years ago.


Where "accesability to all" became the key phrase and the genre made it possible that a lot of things can be done on your own with only a few exceptions. So actually for the biggest part a lot of players actually aren't that social to begin with as you used to and i'm speaking of the beginning of this decade you had to find a group to do anything or most of the content - which wasn't great either but we went from one extreme of the spectrum to another.


The other part is people believe that by introducing a LFG system it takes away part of accountability feel a player might have, as they often refer it to cross realm. What is something Bioware has stated they do not want to do.


By having a list of people you don't want to ignore but simply not group with is a solution to this and not making it cross realm is another.


What do i find of bioware idea, if it is their official stance to not have it and not simply lack of time.


Time will tell if people will start to use their regular LFG system something only mmo veterans are used to using - although that system it self could use some improvements before being written off such as global accesability and visibility not just zone/planet wide.


If they succeed kudos to them if not you'll see them introduce and adjust to their playerbase needs as every other mmo did to the point they might even go cross realm to support lower pop servers. Either for Instances or Warfronts. Simply due to the reason given above, "Accesability" is the key word in this day and age mmo developing, as that's what blizzard build their succes off and that's what they are selling if one of their current or former developers speaks on a converence.

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One of the best and worst things they did in Rift. Best because it took al the spam out of chats and made it a lot easier to find like minded people, it also increased the social interaction and feel of the game because you were forced into working with other people you hae not yet met....onthe whole a great idea and one I would like to see in here.....when i can log in ;)
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