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Is healing broken?


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I noticed they may have made some adjustments to healing and others things. I have early access to expansion and while doing hardmode "The Emperor whatever"...normally was a snooze fest for healing...but I was struggling keeping people alive all of a sudden. I don't know exactly what was changed.. but I felt it...in the force...
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I noticed they may have made some adjustments to healing and others things. I have early access to expansion and while doing hardmode "The Emperor whatever"...normally was a snooze fest for healing...but I was struggling keeping people alive all of a sudden. I don't know exactly what was changed.. but I felt it...in the force...


Maybe they forgot to put some items back on after naked pvp

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Since I have no exp with endgame PVP I just asking cause in Warzones Sages healing alot more than damage.



We can keep anyone up just fine if you have the gear and your ally you're healing isn't being mauled by too many enemies at once. Right now its the Bolster bug that just makes the damage way too out of control to be able to heal through if they have more than 1 person on them. I know most of my healing buddies have spec'd DPS until its fixed since there's no point in healing - you're better blowing up the guy who's hitting your teammate instead of spamming heals when you can 4 shot anyone naked with a FiB-MC-Disturbance-TW

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I don't know about Sages, but I jumped in with my level 44 operative, concealment spec with only 10 points in healing, and hit over 6k on a kolto injection. I never broke higher than 3200 or so before. I would think with everyone having 2k expertise the healing would be up.


Actually I was in a few WZ's last night where puddle sages were easily hitting 800k - million healing. It was rare to see that before this patch, though that may have been due to all the bubble stun sages that went back to full healing. Don't know. :rak_02:

Edited by Ridickilis
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Critical hits seem to heal/damage huge now, and there's an ability in the Sage/Sorc healing trees that increase their crit chance of next heal ability by alot. Standard rotation procs this basically every time so that's why they probably seem to be healing tons.
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Actually I was in a few WZ's last night where puddle sages were easily hitting 800k - million healing. It was rare to see that before this patch, though that may have been due to all the bubble stun sages that went back to full healing. Don't know. :rak_02:


Yeah, now we can go up our tree and pick up all the talents we usually had to leave on the table to pick up our bubblestun, so our puddle heals are adding huge numbers, especially with the crit and bolster issues. I never intended to say we can't pump out huge HPS now, its just silly compared to the DPS being put out as well. Our Force Push heals friendlies in the aoe cone as well now for a pretty big amount if you can hit 4 or 5 of your teammates.

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In 1.7 a top healer could output about 10-15% more than a top dps. In 2.0 that gap has expanded to 20% or higher. In a match where both sides have good players, it quickly becomes a defensive struggle. Clearly this is a change that was done to increase TTK for the average player. But in ranked matches it is going to mean that maps like Voidstar, Novare and Alderaan are even more one dimensional and boring.
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Yeah things seem out of balance in pvp for at least the 30-54 brackets. Did two WZs on sage last night and both of them was with a horrible pug who just absolutely got destroyed by imps. I couldn't get a heal off or get through a full healing trance channel before people were dieing it was so quick. Honestly thought I was doing nothing in heals because I could not keep one person up through anything. Just death after death after death. Wondered what happen to my heals and why they are so terrible now.


Well, ended first match with 650k healing and second match with 820k healing. Couldn't believe it... maybe the pugs were just that bad I don't know. But if I ever got that kind of healing before 2.0 my team never died. Now I do that kind of healing and no one stays alive. It's really weird. Will require more testing though.

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Yeah things seem out of balance in pvp for at least the 30-54 brackets. Did two WZs on sage last night and both of them was with a horrible pug who just absolutely got destroyed by imps. I couldn't get a heal off or get through a full healing trance channel before people were dieing it was so quick. Honestly thought I was doing nothing in heals because I could not keep one person up through anything. Just death after death after death. Wondered what happen to my heals and why they are so terrible now.


Well, ended first match with 650k healing and second match with 820k healing. Couldn't believe it... maybe the pugs were just that bad I don't know. But if I ever got that kind of healing before 2.0 my team never died. Now I do that kind of healing and no one stays alive. It's really weird. Will require more testing though.


I have had the same issue, but I think it's due to the damage increase being so much. I have been healing and dpsing on my operative, so I have gotten an idea of both sides. I have been hit with an 6k and 8k dispatch, so the executes have skyrocketed in damage. I didn't buy the expansion, so I am stuck at lvl 50 and in the wzs I seem to be doing a lot better than before the expansion. The changes to expertise making people have less damage reduction and take more damage is just making it harder to heal people. I can't imagine what lvl 55 pvp is going to be like when people have more expertise. I already feel useless at times trying to heal people in 30-54 bracket, I have a feeling it's going to be a lot worse at 55.

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Not got to 55 yet but i think the problem in 30-54wz when compared to the old 50s is that HP totals have only gone up by 10% or so but the damage as gone by 30% so the TTK is now way quicker. Shorter TTK means the healer as less time to react and fire off heals before a teammate is dead even though healing as increased alot as well.


From what i saw on youtube of the 2.0 PTS 55wz matches average HP totals were closer to 30% higher than 1.7 which should fix the current problems seen in 30-54 warzones at the moment by making TTK the same or slight longer than pre 2.0


heres hoping anyway.

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Why are you people focusing on the healing numbers? Did you stop to consider how LOW the TTK is now? It's ridiculous and most healing is simply scoreboard healing, rather than effective healing (the healer's ability to keep a focused target alive).


You should be QQ'ing about the TTK and ridiculous burst (3 GCDs can kill a sorc for example) rather than how much useless healing is going on.

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newsflash: increased stat pool = increase wz stats


amazing and unexpected I know.


I'm always astounded that folks fail at ratios.....so much qq'ing about "omg, i just got smashed for 9K!" ...well, in 1.7 you had 20K HP and got smashed for 7K, now in 2.0 you have 25K health and get smashed for 9K....roughly the same percent as before.


I guess devs just want to feed the simpleton mentality that if we increase the stat pool they will get excited and be interested again.


So no, healing is not broken. Your healing numbers go up because all the numbers have gone up....but at the end of the day nothing is really different.

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newsflash: increased stat pool = increase wz stats


amazing and unexpected I know.


I'm always astounded that folks fail at ratios.....so much qq'ing about "omg, i just got smashed for 9K!" ...well, in 1.7 you had 20K HP and got smashed for 7K, now in 2.0 you have 25K health and get smashed for 9K....roughly the same percent as before.


I guess devs just want to feed the simpleton mentality that if we increase the stat pool they will get excited and be interested again.


So no, healing is not broken. Your healing numbers go up because all the numbers have gone up....but at the end of the day nothing is really different.


I like how you're so completely rude, yet wrong in your post. If what you said was true then why is there another thread with people agreeing that the TTK (time to kill) someone is lower then before. That means that no the damage or healing ratios compared to someones health is not the same.

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I like how you're so completely rude, yet wrong in your post. If what you said was true then why is there another thread with people agreeing that the TTK (time to kill) someone is lower then before. That means that no the damage or healing ratios compared to someones health is not the same.


It's lower than before because we are doing the damage of a level 55 with the health of a level 50. When you have 27-30k health instead of 21k, TTK will increase as healers will have more time to get off heals.


Like someone said above, healing right now is a lot of fluff numbers. I can get big heals off on my teammates, but they get killed so fast my heals aren't doing much other than extending their life 1 or 2 GCDs. It's really effective when i'm the only healer so those couple extra GCDs are enough for my teammates to kill the enemy.

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Well, while still getting used to the scaling, I believe healing has been given a boost in v2.0


Was fighting a sage in HB, at first I was knocking his life down at around the same rate as expected. Then, he began healing himself, not just a little bit, but his life would shoot up further and further, despite me constantly hitting him.


I was lvl 11, so I had no interrupts. There was no outside help for him (we were in the pit and everyone else was slugging it out in the mid. However, as I said, his life often went from a few ticks, to over 50% in a single heal! In the end, he eventually ran out of force and I finally took him down (damn right I got a medal for that one!) but wow, he kept ticking for a long time.

Edited by chimex
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Well, while still getting used to the scaling, I believe healing has been given a boost in v2.0


Was fighting a sage in HB, at first I was knocking his life down at around the same rate as expected. Then, he began healing himself, not just a little bit, but his life would shoot up further and further, despite me constantly hitting him.


I was lvl 11, so I had no interrupts. There was no outside help for him (we were in the pit and everyone else was slugging it out in the mid. However, as I said, his life often went from a few ticks, to over 50% in a single heal! In the end, he eventually ran out of force and I finally took him down (damn right I got a medal for that one!) but wow, he kept ticking for a long time.


From my experience with level 27 operative healer, sure, heals heal a lot, but the amount of damage is also so huge that people having 50% of their hp and fighting 1vs1 can pretty easily die before my big heal can channel.

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We can keep anyone up just fine if you have the gear and your ally you're healing isn't being mauled by too many enemies at once. Right now its the Bolster bug that just makes the damage way too out of control to be able to heal through if they have more than 1 person on them. I know most of my healing buddies have spec'd DPS until its fixed since there's no point in healing - you're better blowing up the guy who's hitting your teammate instead of spamming heals when you can 4 shot anyone naked with a FiB-MC-Disturbance-TW


Yeah, healing right now is amazingly difficult.

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Yeah, healing right now is amazingly difficult.


healing is not difficult no one claims that but it is quite unsatisfying all you do is hoting your mates and spamming your group heal on CD combined in case of scoundrel/ops with insta heals as castet singeltarget heals will almost never land as your mate dies a milisecond before your spell is finished.

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Are people actually complaining about healing when scoundrel/operative healers can out heal the highest total damage in a game 2:1? I just had one ding a million in a fairly standard, if not short, game. The highest DPS had only 600K.


What makes it even worse is that it's not a guarantee that both teams will have a healer. So here we have one healer able of keeping up his entire team while the enemies die like flies. The whole "form a group and bring a healer" argument is just BS. Just imagine the scenarios if everyone were to do that. Teams of two would bring a healer and all of a sudden we'd have four healers on every team. Do people actually believe that their "good advice", always in a snarky tone if I might add, is going to stop people from pugging or going in with just 2-3 ppl.

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healing is not difficult no one claims that but it is quite unsatisfying all you do is hoting your mates and spamming your group heal on CD combined in case of scoundrel/ops with insta heals as castet singeltarget heals will almost never land as your mate dies a milisecond before your spell is finished.


I don't know if I agree with that or not (I haven't healed at 55 yet).


From what I've learned, throwing HOTs on people provides a significant buffer for damage; as long as I keep HOTs up on people, they'll live long enough for me to use UWM, once they start taking damage.


But, yeah, I do feel that there's significantly less gameplay freedom than there used to be. I used to be able to choose when and where to heal vs. throwing out damage; I don't feel that luxury anymore, I feel as if I have to be on top of the healing ball, full-time, and I'm not thrilled about it.


"Broken" is an exaggeration, though.

Edited by JenseitsvonBose
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Healing, especially scoundrel/operative healing, was buffed way too much, energy management is a sick joke. I was hovering between 1.2k-1.5k hps yesterday in 30-54. What I noticed is that tanks are way more necessary due to removal of bubble stun and general class mechanic changes (buff of burst specs like tk sages, left tree slinger). No tank means a harder time keeping people up.
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I don't know about ranked, but in regs sage healers are imensly powerful now. My average HPS went up by 25% easil., big heal crits for about 7300 now, alacrity cooldown, insta aoe heal....


edit: yeah and what Graziell said above, tanks are a lot stronger than they were.

Edited by sanchito
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I don't know about ranked, but in regs sage healers are imensly powerful now. My average HPS went up by 25% easil., big heal crits for about 7300 now, alacrity cooldown, insta aoe heal....


edit: yeah and what Graziell said above, tanks are a lot stronger than they were.


Again, it does not matter how much scoreboard healing you're doing if healers are unable to keep up a focused target while under pressure. I healed just shy of 2 million yesterday in a voidstar - 1400hps...99% of that was fluff and ineffective healing.


People that only do regular WZs seem to only care about scoreboard numbers I guess...

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