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Thanks for 15 hours of content - what's next?


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[basically you're paying £10 for a lvl 55 "unlock" in reality. If they said the level cap was still 50 but if you buy the expansion you can play on Makeb, i bet only 10% of people would have bought it. So in reality we're just paying £10 so we can be lvl 55 because thats the only way to make our characters more powerful/keep up with everyone else :)


Say what you will, but thats the basic truth.


If you are PvP oriented, it is exactly this. Nothing but paying for level unlock.

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After advertising Makeb for many months, most of the people I know are already or close to level 55.


So what are the plans for the next big thing?

Or do we have to wait another 6 - 8 months for 10 - 20 hours of content?

Don't get me wrong, Makeb is cool and fun but it doesn't keep you busy for weeks or months. It is just another planet nothing else.


Im sure your girlfriend is asking herself the same type of question if you rush everything in your life the same way you did makeb.

Stop and smell the roses every now and then will you?

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If you are PvP oriented, it is exactly this. Nothing but paying for level unlock.


Well and new gear that you don't need! :D


PvP did get shortchanged. They could have at least given us a warzone. Yes, I'm complaining too. I don't have any problem with the OP complaining, he should just own up to it.

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I think the OP is not complaining, he's just asking what's next.


The Super Secret Space Project. It's coming and it is going to be da bomb!


Im sure your girlfriend is asking herself the same type of question if you rush everything in your life the same way you did makeb.

Stop and smell the roses every now and then will you?


I think you give him too much credit.

Edited by BJWyler
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The expansion hasn't even been out a full day, in fact it's not even OFFICIALLY out yet... this is early access... asking what's next..



When Avengers was in the test theaters, were you screaming at Marvel to give you the info on Avengers 2? "Thanks for an hour and a half movie, now what's next?" (Insert any other blockbuster movie with sequels in the works there you wish, my point remains the same)


Really, that's what you are doing here.


Plus as others have said, there is no fricking way you completed everything added in the expansion in only 15 hours. If you powered through the main Makeb missions, ok... but there is a LOT more added than just that.

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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After advertising Makeb for many months, most of the people I know are already or close to level 55.


So what are the plans for the next big thing?

Or do we have to wait another 6 - 8 months for 10 - 20 hours of content?

Don't get me wrong, Makeb is cool and fun but it doesn't keep you busy for weeks or months. It is just another planet nothing else.


Maxed out that fast? Put down the hot pockets and Mountain Dew, back away from the keyboard and go outside, maybe go for a walk, try to do a sit-up. Something productive.

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After advertising Makeb for many months, most of the people I know are already or close to level 55.


So what are the plans for the next big thing?

Or do we have to wait another 6 - 8 months for 10 - 20 hours of content?

Don't get me wrong, Makeb is cool and fun but it doesn't keep you busy for weeks or months. It is just another planet nothing else.


Dear god....people like YOU actually ruin this game. Your the people who caused there to be comms caps and other such limitation's in the game. You blow through new content and got OCD so now we all have to suffer for it. .


Join a freakin guild and do Ops with them to earn good gear.

Have Guild Events.

Level alts.

Help other players.

Craft things to sell and make credits.


Or maybe you missed the NEW Seeker Droid and Macrobinocular quests that take you to many planets and all over because you were too busy rushing?

Edited by DarthVengeant
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Good one.. I paid full price for Halo 4 for 10 hours of content, for example.


10 dollars for 15 hours is a steal!


^ This.


$10 gets me a movie ticket or 15 hours more content for all my characters? I'll take the latter.

Edited by Syas
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I guess you missed the point where I said that I am just level 51, right? ;)


Then you aren't done with it. Yes, some people powerlevel to 55. YOu know what? The first 3 days of early access back in December when the atcual game first came out people were level 50 and saying the exact same thing you are...


BUT just like now, those level 55 in less than 24 hours people still haven't done EVERYTHING added in the new expansion, just like there is no way someone who got to 50 in the first 3 days completed all the story content from 1.50.


So, people like that, they are not the measuring stick you need to use. The measuring stick to use is the AVERAGE player. Not the hardcore powerlevelers.


SO, using the AVERAGE PLAYER as a measuring stick, this expansion is just fine. Hell, as others have said, single player game expansions give less content... Do you ***** about them too, or is Skyrim too sacred for your to ever consider a complaint about?

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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What most seem to forget is the expansion is not just the quests on Makeb, there's a new operation, 3? new level 55 hard mode flashpoints, new dailies on Alderaan, Hoth and other planets, 3 new levels of PVE gear, 2 new levels of PVP gear, more reputation to grind, achievements, new weekly quests and more ive forgotten no doubt.


You get all that PLUS Makeb for $10, and you want to moan?

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Yes sorry that I am interested to know what are the plans... I didn't know that people got offended by beeing interested in the future of this product ;)


/e Sorry I am just laughing my *** off by reading some answers of people here and how they rage by just asking a simple question... your too funny guys! :D

Edited by Qintas
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it took me about 15 hours to hit lvl 50, so 15 hours to hit 55 seems a very long time!


just saying


15h to hit level 50.


Just simply f*cking no.


@OP, new operation, heroic FP's (kinda old but...maybe bosses have new mechanics), achievs, I heard of a new faction to farm rep for...when everything else fails, do some PvP.

Jk, don't play PvP in this game or you'll instantly unsub.

Edited by iphobia
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Yes sorry that I am interested to know what are the plans... I didn't know that people got offended by beeing interested in the future of this product ;)


/e Sorry I am just laughing my *** off by reading some answers of people here and how they rage by just asking a simple question... your too funny guys! :D


I don't think a lot of people are raging, just curious about your sense of entitlement, what other product gets released and the very next day people start asking "Now what?"

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I did, you're just a long line of people who consume content like locusts and then complain.


Please point out where he was complaining? That's right you can't. Stop complaining about people who you think are complaining but really aren't. You look like a tool. Probably because you are one.


I for one didn't enjoy this expansion. Gameplay wise it was fun but story wise I felt it was lacking IMO. Not complaining either. I just had high expectations that might have been unrealistic. I breezed through the expansion like butter. Not 100% done but close enough.

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Read your own post, you didn't JUST ask what is coming next. This is what that would look like:




Basically if you had just posted your subject, without the 15 hour thing. Here is what you actually wrote:




The first clause of line one is unnecessary if you only wanted to know what's next. The second clause of line one is an irrelevant anecdote also unnecessary to the question. Bioware knows better than you do how quickly people are consuming this content.


Line 2 is really all you needed to say. But that's not all you said, to wit:


Line 3, is patently untrue in the frequency of content. Remember the Gree event from 2 months ago; or the Warzone 2 months before that or the HK-51 quest a couple months before that. It's likewise untrue with regard to the amount of time it takes to consume the content. Have you done all the content Dulfy.net and others have reported being there?


Line 4 is another subjective opinion unnecessary if you were just asking a question.


You were complaining. Congrats of being one of the first to chew up the content and complain.


ahhhh I see, every post is a complaint unless we're praising Bioware to high heaven. Thanks. Got it.

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After advertising Makeb for many months, most of the people I know are already or close to level 55.


So what are the plans for the next big thing?

Or do we have to wait another 6 - 8 months for 10 - 20 hours of content?

Don't get me wrong, Makeb is cool and fun but it doesn't keep you busy for weeks or months. It is just another planet nothing else.


Go back and read all the threads from last year around January 2012 or so.


The message hasn't changed. You burned through all of the content, and if you're out of alts, welcome to level 55!


I've got 3 class stories to finish before I even get to Makeb... and I suspect it will take a bit to work up the Rep and items I need for one of the speeder bikes. and the process through Makeb appears to be custom-tailored depending on your class anyway. So even replay seems somewhat interesting, at least from this vantage point.

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New endgame to do, PVP, the usual. As with any other MMO out there.


What else did you expect?


FYI many expansions actually add new ways to play the game, new types of quests and etc. This did that to some extent but it was nothing major and barely noticeable. I leveled to 55 in 8 hours, no boosts no "rushing" just did the quests in makeb.

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