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Bolster = end of swtor PvP?


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Wait for the patch, maybe they fix bolster to the point where going naked isnt the best way of gearing and everybody has more or less the same stats. But i bet you will still complain that your hard earned gear didnt save you from this lvl 30 guy just outplaying you.


If you just get out played so be it. I'll be the first to admit there are better PvPers out there than me (not a keyboard turner though).

Yes getting geared up takes work maybe not hard as it's only a game and should be fun but still. Why do people do dailies? For the fun of doing the same quests everyday? They do it for the rewards at the end. Meaning better gear / stats, vehicles, companions whatever.

What is going to be the reward for PvP? A note in your codex? Not enough incentitive for most people. Most might do their daily but whats the point after that? Is there even a point to doing the daily?

The less people you have queueing for PvP do to lack of incentitive means longer queue times for l33ts like you.

Edited by Ashenshuggar
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I never got this "hard work" thing, u playing a game remember? lol at hard work. And on my server everyone who pvps has elite wh or close to, so "nobody stands out".



You are playing the wrong game.

This is an MMO and MMOs are about progression.

That includes PVP, especially in a game with dedicated PVP servers.


If you want pure PVP without progression, I can recommend about a dozen other games.

All of them do PVP much better than SWTOR.


So why are you here?

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The low bracket PvP is actually really nice, I tried it on my 20 commando yesterday and basically everyone gets pumped up to the same stats. Taking certain armour pieces off increase or decrease stats, but the difference is a matter of 1 bonus damage or something, very minimal. I haven't played 55 yet but I heard it's fine also. It's really just the Tier 2 bracket that needs fixed. I don't get why they don't just make everyone have the same stats in the T2 bracket no matter what.
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For Gods sake...all of this hysteria about the bolster system is just ridiculous. Its been acknowledged that it didnt go live as intended. Why dont we wait to see what the actual finished idea BW had for the system is before calling quits on pvp in this game ey? :rolleyes:
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Well, there is this concept which people don't know about anymore....its called...fun.


People should do stuff for entertainment because its FUN, not because there are things to gain by doing it.


But if you have FUN by gaining things? (Which is quite common in MMORPGS or any gear based game, really)

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Well, there is this concept which people don't know about anymore....its called...fun.


People should do stuff for entertainment because its FUN, not because there are things to gain by doing it.


Yeah, lets just remove all rewards from the game alltogether. Those who like a certain aspect of the game will do it for fun and entertainment...because progressing your toon isn't the one main thing about MMO's or anything...

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Again while WoW isn't perfect it is the most successful MMO ever and in that there are level brackets. Again not perfect but so far the best solution. So that even in low level pvp if you work to make sure your gear is up to date for your level you are rewarded. Or if you have a main and this is your alt you can get BOAs and not have to worry about updating as much, but still rewards for accomplishing something.


This ^

Edited by Quenum
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You are playing the wrong game.

This is an MMO and MMOs are about progression.

That includes PVP, especially in a game with dedicated PVP servers.


If you want pure PVP without progression, I can recommend about a dozen other games.

All of them do PVP much better than SWTOR.


So why are you here?


For the same reasons every other pvper is here, for having fun in competing, i actually happen to like the style of this pvp here. Dont know about you RPers tho.

Edited by Floegens
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I played SWG before i loved it untill they changeg fighting system. Now here is the same i loved PVP untill yestarday :( it will kil the game!! sniper lvl 50 no armour only rifle and dmg rises to the top !!! what is the point of looking for gear now? what is the point of getting RWC? only to get rifle? whis kills PVP for Damage dealers !!! previous system was gr8 i went in columi gear on lvl 50 into pvp and got my *** kicked so much ... i was sorry for myself but then ... NOOO i must get better gear. I played i played got better gear. there was a reason to play now there is none..... no comment
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For the same reasons every other pvper is here, for having fun in competing, i actually happen to like the style of this pvp here. Dont know about you RPers tho.


I'm not an RPer.


And you sound like you couldn't cut it in any skill based PVP game and that's why you are here, no?

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But if you have FUN by gaining things? (Which is quite common in MMORPGS or any gear based game, really)


It's not "Quite common" -It's the most basic main thing with any MMO; Advancing your character in one way or another.


This is what wiki says about endgame gear:

Often, the widened range of equipment available at the maximum level will have increased aesthetic value to distinguish high ranking players in game. Colloquially known as endgame gear, this set of empowered weapons and armor adds a competitive edge to both scripted boss encounters as well as player vs. player combat. Player motivation to outperform others is fueled by acquiring such items and is a significant determining factor in their success or failure in combat related situations.


and: In nearly all MMORPGs, the development of the player's character is a primary goal.

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It's not "Quite common" -It's the most basic main thing with any MMO; Advancing your character in one way or another.


Yeah, i was deliberatly coy when choosing my words.


I simply get increasingly annoyed by people who proclaim that "real" players do not need any "carrots" (but only when it comes to PVP of course, PVE carrots ar fine), when the "carrots" (aka advancing your character) are the REASON FOR THIS WHOLE MMORPG INDUSTRY.


Furthermore, I assume that the majority of these people have fully geared out toons themselves and lying to us and/or themselves when they say that they are above such silly things as gear advancement, the precious pure little souls they are.

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Lets put this in laymen's terms... PvP gear will still trump PVE gear in level 55 PvP, which in tern, means that you will still be working towards getting all the PvP gear at level 55 if you want to be competitive.


The gear gap however will not be as big, as bolster will greatly help the lack of PvP gear on the PVE geared players. But it will be PvP gear > PVE gear and always will.


So in short, no, bolster most certainly is not the end of SWTOR PvP.

Edited by Sweeet
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Lets put this in laymen's terms... PvP gear will still trump PVE gear in level 55 PvP


Thats what they said. They also said they are fixing the naked bolster issue after closing the PTS.


But yeah, we have to wait and see how it all turns out.

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Yeah, i was deliberatly coy when choosing my words.


I simply get increasingly annoyed by people who proclaim that "real" players do not need any "carrots" (but only when it comes to PVP of course, PVE carrots ar fine), when the "carrots" (aka advancing your character) are the REASON FOR THIS WHOLE MMORPG INDUSTRY.


Furthermore, I assume that the majority of these people have fully geared out toons themselves and lying to us and/or themselves when they say that they are above such silly things as gear advancement, the precious pure little souls they are.


That is correct and that's a big reason why people were playing MMOs:

With time and effort you progress your toons, sometimes over many years.


But times are changing!

Today, many players don't want to spend time or effort anymore.

Hence, game companies have started to cater to their need of instant gratification by giving them what they demand.

Of course, that leaves traditional MMO players without a reward and, ultimately, without a reason to play.

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That is correct and that's a big reason why people were playing MMOs:

With time and effort you progress your toons, sometimes over many years.


But times are changing!

Today, many players don't want to spend time or effort anymore.

Hence, game companies have started to cater to their need of instant gratification by giving them what they demand.

Of course, that leaves traditional MMO players without a reward and, ultimately, without a reason to play.


^QFT (sad but unfortunately true)

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That is correct and that's a big reason why people were playing MMOs:

With time and effort you progress your toons, sometimes over many years.


But times are changing!

Today, many players don't want to spend time or effort anymore.

Hence, game companies have started to cater to their need of instant gratification by giving them what they demand.

Of course, that leaves traditional MMO players without a reward and, ultimately, without a reason to play.


Those people need to go play a FPS or something. This is a MMORPG, it's all about progression.

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PvE endgame is gear based. Try running HM OPs naked. See how that works out for you all.

PvP endgame is gear based. Try running RWZs naked. See how that works out for you all.

Edited by Elogio
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Those people need to go play a FPS or something. This is a MMORPG, it's all about progression.


This is SWTOR, it’s all about cartel market ;-). But you are right. MMORPG is about progression, this game was initially designed that way and now...


I am not asking for some uber gear with sky high stats, I would be fine with some NICE orange shells, or something. But here, you are getting sucked not moving towards any goal, as no goal is present.

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I agree with the OP. In fact, it's why I quit GW2 after about 3 days. PVP needs a progression, and progression needs to mean a world where there are haves and have nots. Without these two things, there is no reason to PVP.


I mean, you can get new PVP gear, but you're better off without it, so why bother? Why even level up? Why even play?

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I agree with the OP. In fact, it's why I quit GW2 after about 3 days. PVP needs a progression, and progression needs to mean a world where there are haves and have nots. Without these two things, there is no reason to PVP.


I mean, you can get new PVP gear, but you're better off without it, so why bother? Why even level up? Why even play?


That's why most people stick to WvWvW, as gear actually matters. SPvP seems to just be were people go to practise different builds on the fly or to see which gear to get.


On a side note, gear will still matter at 55, don't fret, you won't be quitting any time soon :rolleyes:

Edited by Sweeet
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I love to PvP but this is really getting old. Going from gear grind to none at all is silly. They should have at least kept some what of a grind on PvP servers at least. At this point I'm not even sure what my comms are for. I can't buy anything with them that I can really use. I don't care anymore, this is exhausting bouncing around from...whatever who cares. I get the feeling they don't want hardcore pvpers in the game period and most have left anyway. So this was a way to weed the last of us out. The game is centered around making people who aren't very good At the game unaware they aren't good at the game.
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That is correct and that's a big reason why people were playing MMOs:

With time and effort you progress your toons, sometimes over many years.


But times are changing!

Today, many players don't want to spend time or effort anymore.

Hence, game companies have started to cater to their need of instant gratification by giving them what they demand.

Of course, that leaves traditional MMO players without a reward and, ultimately, without a reason to play.


I don't know. It seems to me that the gear progression/grind in PVE is not questioned at all and it always focussed on PVP.


Even worse, our 2.0 PVP gear is no even more useless in PVE than before - which is fine by itself. But I simply do not get why doing PVP with PVE Gear is supported by the new bolster, while doing PVE with PVP gear is frowned upon.


Why then not remove expertise and let PVPers get exactly the same comms (and gear) as PVE players? Would be at least fair then.

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I don't usually reply on the forums but I have to say this. This new bolster system makes sub 55 PVP non gear centric. I feel most of the people that don't like it are the people that rely on gear for an edge to smash under geared opponents. From what I have seen most of the complaints are coming from people who are dependent on their gear for an edge. What I have seen are the truly "pro" pvper's are still dominating the charts as far as kills and stats like damage. While the "average," with top gear, pvper is the one truly getting hurt because they rely to much on gear for an edge. These are the people that are complaining as far as I can tell. The average PVPer that does not have top gear is getting equal footing with the avergae pvper with top gear. A truly pro pvper is still going to out play an average pvper with equal gear. As far as the "carrot" goes, if you ask me is in, ranked PVP getting high ranking and ranked PVP gear should be goal enough. Maybe they could throw in some more speeders or pets or titles .
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