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Weekly coms cap, please remove that restriction


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They have to put weekly comms in I think to get new subs. In the old system hardcore players were fine and casuals were left miles behind (or people who did not have the time to play as much).


With this new system nearly everyone can get the weekly max (including casuals), so it will feel as though they can now keep up and new players will be able to catch the rest of the hardcores.


If that makes sense.


no, it makes no sense, because now someone who hits lvl 55 few months down the road is hopelessly behind and will never be able to fully catch up if they are casual and don't have a guild that can drag them through content for drops. weekly limits are not made for casuals. they are made to stretch content for hardcores. weekly limits actually hurt casuals

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+1 :)


What's the deal also with the planetary comm limit? 50 comms go away in one proper planet shopping.


And i'm sure people don't like to be stuck on one planet per week.


that one at least they changed. its 50 total limit, not weekly. go shopping to get rid of some and you can go back to questing again. not ideal, but at least its a relatively minor inconvenience, vrs draconic restriction it was before.

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As a tank that does a crapton of Flashpoints there is absolutely no point in doing them anymore, see, I reached the weekly cap and can't gain anymore, if I can't gain anymore then why bother?


Yes Bioware, we know you're reading this, so fix this crap already.

Edited by yoomazir
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hardcore players is probably like 1% of the population. alienating 10% of 1% is fine compared with alienating 10% of the 99%. also slowing down progression keeps people playing longer, although i would argue there are diminishing returns on that tactic. blizzard does this with wow, there is a weekly cap on valor points. think about it from a business perspective and it will make sense. Edited by Floredon
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hardcore players is probably like 1% of the population. alienating 10% of 1% is fine compared with alienating 10% of the 99%. also slowing down progression keeps people playing longer, although i would argue there are diminishing returns on that tactic. blizzard does this with wow, there is a weekly cap on valor points. think about it from a business perspective and it will make sense.


They're losing subs because of this tactic. People will sub if they like the game and want to support it, not for the piece of gear you'll earn in a month

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Sorry man but I prefer to play the game the way I want. I'm not interested in playing alts, I want to play my character and be able to do it. I think it's completely legit from my side.


The devs cannot cater to everyone's preferred style of play.

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Oh basically BW is putting a leash to people who play a lot this game, is that what you mean? Cool, if they don't want me to play it, fine by me, I'll waste my money somewhere else.


Except that as the limit is per character and Bind on Legacy gear allows you to transfer things someone with a lot of alts can gear up 1 character pretty quick using comms.

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They can regarding this cap. Remove the cap and let people play however they like.


That does not cater to everyone's style of play. That might cater to your preferred style of play, but that might alienate the "casual" player, as the gear gap between hardcore and casual would likely increase at an exponential rate. As I said, they cannot cater to everyone's preferred style of play.


Is this a case of "I don't care BW/EA alienates, as long as it isn't me?"

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I support removing commendation caps. As it is now there is no reason to play any of my characters if I'm going to cap it in a few hours. I am not okay with playing flashpoints or ops and getting nothing because of this silly cap.
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That does not cater to everyone's style of play. That might cater to your preferred style of play, but that might alienate the "casual" player, as the gear gap between hardcore and casual would likely increase at an exponential rate. As I said, they cannot cater to everyone's preferred style of play.


Is this a case of "I don't care BW/EA alienates, as long as it isn't me?"


Absolutely not. The casual players shouldn't care anyways as they are most likely not playing to be in a gear competition with hardcore players to begin with. My biggest issue is why punish the people who have more time to play?

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Bioware remove the weekly cap. You fill it up in 2 days of light raiding/questing, it's unacceptable.


The cap should go back the original format and RAISED from there. We should get a chance to have MORE rather than LESS. No clue why we get these F2P type restrictions after we are paying per month to play the game.

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That does not cater to everyone's style of play. That might cater to your preferred style of play, but that might alienate the "casual" player, as the gear gap between hardcore and casual would likely increase at an exponential rate. As I said, they cannot cater to everyone's preferred style of play.


Is this a case of "I don't care BW/EA alienates, as long as it isn't me?"


Last I checked, before this change happened. Nobody complained about the current cap limit. But hey, this issue is totally debatable in you're eyes. :rolleyes:


Current weekly comm cap is a bad change for the game, period.

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Seriously Bioware, I thought I was a paying subscriber, then why do I feel like an F2P with all those restrictions around the new content?


What is it, are you afraid that we might get the loot a bit too fast for your own tastes? That maybe we might leave the game once we get all the content, even with 8+ characters? I don't know about the others, but I sure feel myself the urge of quitting because of the current state of "weekly cap"..


I feel the same way. I feel like I'm being punished for something i did and I don't even know what it is. Would it really hurt them to have the limit higher or not even a limit at all? I've thought about it and don't think so at all.

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Considering the old caps where 1000 and no weekly cap, the new system is bull.


I'm now nearing 50 on one of my chars and started looking around what to do about gear before going into HMs as theres no Tio now.


Planetary is no use as its only 116 same as i can make on cyber.


And getting into HMs etc with 116 is that sufficient?


Btw as several has said, 2 days of gearing and then ill have to wait a week?




Suggestion: Classic 1000 cap and no weekly.

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That does not cater to everyone's style of play. That might cater to your preferred style of play, but that might alienate the "casual" player, as the gear gap between hardcore and casual would likely increase at an exponential rate. As I said, they cannot cater to everyone's preferred style of play.


Is this a case of "I don't care BW/EA alienates, as long as it isn't me?"


its actually the exact opposite.


caps will alienate casual players because now casual players will never be able to catch up. hit lvl 55 few months down the road? you are hopelessly left behind, because due to cap, you cannot just play a lot over weekend and catch up on gear. you are still stuck with 1.5 or less pieces per week.


caps INCREASE the gear gap, NOT decrease it in a long run.

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I also reached the weekly cap by doing daily and weekly on section x and black hole etc and a few HM flashpoints, out of which I got 1 implant, since it seems nothing proper is dropping. Only implants, earpieces and bracers. Note that I haven't done any SM operations to get the comms from there.


I can see three solutions to the comms problem:

a) Remove the cap

b) Reduce the amount of comms gained and the price of gear

c) Remove the cap


As for hardcore/casual, it actually increases the gap. A hardcore player is probably already in black hole gear and better, so he is able to join lvl 55 ops and get the new gear. For a casual player who just got to 50, and has to grind black hole through hardmode fps, since there is no complimentary gear anymore, it will take forever to get few black hole pieces to be able to join the operations, thus letting him weeks behind.


I believe this is insulting to subscribers. OK, I have no life and like killing Torvix and Dread Commanders. So what?

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The com restriction is stupid. If you're a subscriber you shouldn't have to deal with it! 200? really? 4 flashpoints and I pretty much hit my limit? yeah, fine, you don't want me playing this game as much bioware? I'll spend my money on something else. Thanks for catering to idiots who don't even pay for your game instead of us!
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As a subscriber this cap is a mess...


If BW wants players not to progress that fast they should just limit the amount of caps I can spend per week, but keep an sort of overflow so that my HARD WORK was not in vain and the comms are lost... that's just depressing!

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its actually the exact opposite.


caps will alienate casual players because now casual players will never be able to catch up. hit lvl 55 few months down the road? you are hopelessly left behind, because due to cap, you cannot just play a lot over weekend and catch up on gear. you are still stuck with 1.5 or less pieces per week.


caps INCREASE the gear gap, NOT decrease it in a long run.


couldn't agree more

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