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Space Missions - What am I missing?


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There was never a tutorial mission that I came across and no matter what I do, I can't even finish my first grey mission. It feels like I have no control over speed, angle of attack or knowledge of where I'm being attacked from.


It feels like I'm in a cheap console game following a predetermined path in a shooting gallery and I'm really bad at it :)


Seems like a really neat part of the game and I hope I missing something.


Can anyone help?

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There was never a tutorial mission that I came across and no matter what I do, I can't even finish my first grey mission. It feels like I have no control over speed, angle of attack or knowledge of where I'm being attacked from.


It feels like I'm in a cheap console game following a predetermined path in a shooting gallery and I'm really bad at it :)


Seems like a really neat part of the game and I hope I missing something.


Can anyone help?

I don't know what issues you and others are having, but to make the missions easier you can always upgrade your ship parts to grade 1 or 2 at the start. But the first few missions really shouldn't require you to have those.

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There was never a tutorial mission that I came across and no matter what I do, I can't even finish my first grey mission. It feels like I have no control over speed, angle of attack or knowledge of where I'm being attacked from.


It feels like I'm in a cheap console game following a predetermined path in a shooting gallery and I'm really bad at it :)


Seems like a really neat part of the game and I hope I missing something.


Can anyone help?


On the mouse, the left button, the one for you forefinger is your primary weapon. The right mouse button is for your guided missiles, use these sparingly during missions. Aim with the Aim thing and shoot your primary when aim thing is red. Enemies with a yellow circle around them are harder to kill, use your guided missiles on them.


The game is on a rail and once you get it down, it's actually pretty fun to play in my opinion.

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I found the escort mission to be the easiest, personally.


There is a vendor who sells grade 1 upgrades @ Fleet. Get those, and you'll find the missions much easier.


EDIT: Using spacebar will make you do a barrel roll. It's true.



My main complaint is that the mouse controls aren't inverted. I always go down when I mean to go up, and it sometimes makes me crash into things.

Edited by belialle
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Buy the level 1 upgrades outside of your hangar on coruscant first. They help. The missions are pretty easy because all you do is target and shoot guns with the left button and missiles with the right while moving side to side a bit to avoid some of the fire. I have only done the first series of missions but that was all there was to it. Your ship is on a controlled course at a controlled speed all you can do is wiggle and shoot.
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The first space mission - Jabrim Escort?


The escorted ship must survive until the end, so you have to take down all fighters going for it fast. Did it at appropriate level with no ship upgrades and just using blasters, maybe you need to practice your aiming a little?


Of course for 500 creds you can get the 40 shot missile pod, and it becomes incredibly easy, but it isnt necessary for that first mission.

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There was never a tutorial mission that I came across and no matter what I do, I can't even finish my first grey mission. It feels like I have no control over speed, angle of attack or knowledge of where I'm being attacked from.


It feels like I'm in a cheap console game following a predetermined path in a shooting gallery and I'm really bad at it :)


Seems like a really neat part of the game and I hope I missing something.


Can anyone help?


Also, the directional arrows and WASD move you around, so it helps when you aiming in one direction with the mouse but want your ship to fly slightly to the opposit side. spacebar makes you do a barrel role.


when i do the space missions i steer my ship with WASD while targeting my objectives with the mouse (which also steers which direction you move in.) if i feel like theres a lot of fire directed at me i move my ship around alot and hit spacebar, (it does help to avoid taking hits.)


I've noticed that the volume of sound seems to change depending on where your being shot from. also the location of ships flying around to you. I've found it enough to be able to tell if someone's coming at me from behind, or if they're firing from really far away.


Space combat is one of my favorite features in TOR :D some of it's aspects are 'simple/easy' while others are a bit more chalenging, and ofc fun.

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Although I was able to complete the escort mission I still agree with the OP. It took me 4 tries and I did nothing differently the last time. I played no better than the first time. But for whatever reason the ship didn't suddenly go from 40% health to 0% in the last 36 seconds. It was pretty quick too. I'd think I'd made it and then the damn ship would explode out of the blue. Somehow 2 fighters in the last 30 seconds do 1000% more damage than the combined might of the previous fighters.
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Although I was able to complete the escort mission I still agree with the OP. It took me 4 tries and I did nothing differently the last time. I played no better than the first time. But for whatever reason the ship didn't suddenly go from 40% health to 0% in the last 36 seconds. It was pretty quick too. I'd think I'd made it and then the damn ship would explode out of the blue. Somehow 2 fighters in the last 30 seconds do 1000% more damage than the combined might of the previous fighters.


I'll look for the escort mission. I haven't seen that one in my list. The one I keep trying and failing to do is the one where you have to kill 60 fighters, a few shield generators, ship guns and something else and you only get 4 mins.


It's ridiculous. If I could go where I want and attack at he angle I want, I'm sure it would be easy but it's terrible the way it's designed and it's grey to me.

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Constantly shooting your blaster lowers your shield. Once your shield is down there's nothing protecting you from incoming missiles and blaster fire. Go to the ship vendor and do your level 1 upgrades before you do the mission. You get a tougher shield, more powerful blaster and the ability to hold 36 missiles.


Use your blasters on small enemy fighters and your missiles on turrets and other things like antennas and such. To use the missile, hover the reticle over the yellow circle and right click the button on the mouse. It should then turn blue, which means it's locked on.


Even though the missions are really basic and it's on rails, the quest reward XP and credits are awesome. I make sure I do the quests daily.

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You might be colliding with other ships or asteroids btw. That causes your ship to lose a hefty chunk of hp.


Always did these missions at the first go , got to the new tier 2 ones atm with lvl1 upgrades alone.


Note, lvl2 upgrades and lvl4 are player made apperently, so check the Ah

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My only problem with the space missions was that suddenly I'd gained 2 levels and started to wonder if I might accidentally blow right past the level range of one of the class storylines.


You won't. And if it does happen, then skip the Bones quests on some planets.

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are you any good at starfox? You should rock at this.


I'm going to get flamed for saying that, but i never said it was a bad thing, i love starfox..


Starfox was epic.



I played the escort mission and after 2 tries and getting the hang of it i found is doable. No upgrade or anything other needed. Found it fun also

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I did them all one the first try except the Mandalorian one, forgot to use missiles on that one, so i did it on the second try. Never had any problems... and with the upgrades? It gets so easy that i more or less just spam missiles, since you can hold 40 missiles with an upgrade for 500 (totally worth it!).


And since you get 10k for completing the quests aswell as ship commendation (you can buy upgrades for these, the cheapest one costs 20).


and as said above; Do the barrol roll! ^^

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I'll look for the escort mission. I haven't seen that one in my list. The one I keep trying and failing to do is the one where you have to kill 60 fighters, a few shield generators, ship guns and something else and you only get 4 mins.


It's ridiculous. If I could go where I want and attack at he angle I want, I'm sure it would be easy but it's terrible the way it's designed and it's grey to me.


It sounds like you might have been doing one of the ones that suggests grade 1 upgrades and above. Its best to start out with the escort one like people have mentioned.

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If you love Starfox, you'll love space combat in SWTOR



I enjoyed the escort quest, once I got the feeling for the controls I was dodging and barrel-rolling my way through all the first tier space combat quests. I think I've failed two times out of the roughly 10 times I ran space missions the past two days.



It's like Starfox, just without Peppy telling me what to, Slippy being a ******* and getting himself shot down, and Falco's emo angsty attitude.



I'd give Space Combat 9/10

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It is pretty simple. Point and shoot. One mouse button fires off your limited supply missles. The other fires you ships blaster cannon. The game itself sends you down a track in which you have to follow at whatever speed the GAME determines. You get a moderate amount of movement within what is essentially a "tube" along whatever path the game takes you. Once you are done with that tube...game ends and you see if you won or not.


There is an in game "rules" for space combat under the Codex ("L" key and then Codex tab at bottom of that window).

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