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Sins can stun you, then kill you without you even being able to do anything.


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I don't know if it's going to be different at lvl 55, but this is pretty bad. You can even do anything to them before they kill you. BTW, I'm not talking about 1 stun only. I'm referring to the 2 - 3 CCs they get. They basically CC you nonstop and kill you. You can't even do anything but sit there. Edited by Individual
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It is my understanding that an assassins job is to find an isolated target and remove them before slipping away and hunting for another. Assassins cannot pop out of stealth stun and kill more than one guy. It's literally the easiest class to counter. Stay next to your teamies and don't solo defend unless u are invisible as well and this will happen allot less. Remember no matter what you do though assassins will do their job and as long as you do your job you will still win. Let the assassin instakill the silly sorc running to snow while I marauder rush the crap out of the front line with a pocket healer. TLDR: it's balanced and it's fine get over it.
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It is my understanding that an assassins job is to find an isolated target and remove them before slipping away and hunting for another. Assassins cannot pop out of stealth stun and kill more than one guy. It's literally the easiest class to counter. Stay next to your teamies and don't solo defend unless u are invisible as well and this will happen allot less. Remember no matter what you do though assassins will do their job and as long as you do your job you will still win. Let the assassin instakill the silly sorc running to snow while I marauder rush the crap out of the front line with a pocket healer. TLDR: it's balanced and it's fine get over it.



Funny...that's what Scoundrel/Operatives said, and they got nerfed into the ground.

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I made a thread about Operatives going to be OP a while back and I got laughed at and flamed. I just rolled my Operative for the first game in PvP and one of my first kills was on a GS. Killed before she even broke stun.


Operatives and Assassins are bursty as hell right now, though they are extremely squishy so it's kind of fair.


Excuse the garbage quality and tiny picture. LOL


Edited by Jayshames
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L2P n00b!



Sorry, couldn't help myself :rak_01:


Ya, this because this is a L2P issue. I have no CC breaker, I get knocked down, get up with like half health. I get stunned again. I pretty much after the 2nd - 3rd CC. I should try harder to dmg them through CC abilities I guess.

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Ya, this because this is a L2P issue. I have no CC breaker, I get knocked down, get up with like half health. I get stunned again. I pretty much after the 2nd - 3rd CC. I should try harder to dmg them through CC abilities I guess.




Assassins can't assassinate Groups just like smashers cant smshers can't smash when stunned and snipers can't snipe ou of cover. This discussion has been had many times and if u really want a balanced class nerfed like ops were then just like them EABW is going to listen to the QQ and you will get your wish. It you will not be better at pvp for it. If you put in the time and do what I did. Play an assassin to learn how they work/where they go fishIng for solos. You will realize that there not op but suddenly you are.

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Assassins can't assassinate Groups just like smashers cant smshers can't smash when stunned and snipers can't snipe ou of cover. This discussion has been had many times and if u really want a balanced class nerfed like ops were then just like them EABW is going to listen to the QQ and you will get your wish. It you will not be better at pvp for it. If you put in the time and do what I did. Play an assassin to learn how they work/where they go fishIng for solos. You will realize that there not op but suddenly you are.


It wouldn't be so bad if they couldn't stun you the whole time. The main problem is the stun locking imo. I don't mind how hard they hit, but at least let me get some abilities off to fight back with. Them being able knock you to the ground for 2 seconds, do some dmg, low slash, do more dmg, then use their stun abilitity and kill you is ridiculous. People thinking that is ok is not ok. Yes I think something should be changed with them. I don't think them being nerfed to the ground like Operatives were though is the right move. They should buff the dmg to operatives if they keep these sin changes. It only makes sense that a counter to a sin would be an operative and vise versa. Right now though, the only counter to a sin, is another sin. I don't think this is right as you'll see a mostly sins and shadows in warzones.


Just an FYI, snipers in lethality can do plenty of dmg out of cover. I don't care if they can't do group dmg or not, they shouldn't be able to do what they can now. If you don't have a sin on your team watching a node, you're flat out will lose the node every time a sin or shadow gets near it unless you're stacking two people.

Edited by Individual
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I hate to say this, but the problem is probably on your end. I've 1V1'ed shadows, and i'm a gunnery commando. Here are a few tips, from a trooper perspective anyways. 1) Warzone Medpack can be activated while you are standing up and basically negates their opening burst. 2) Hold the line goes up immediately afterwards followed by a punt and a mad dash towards the healer and the rest of my group (in a warzone anyways). 3) If he pursues the kill, electronet, tech override,grav round, demo round, HiB, spare clip, plasma nade, sticky, laugh maniacally as his health disintegrates and he can't vanish or move. Couple of pointers, if he starts to glow use sticky and HiB. If he twirls his staff use Demo round, grav, and stock strike.


Also: I don't play a shadow but I do have an operative and here is what I look for when ganking, don't be this and you're probably going to save yourself alot of grief

1) wounded (<75% health)

2) undergeared

3) low on resources

4) just used up their major CD's

5) 1v1ing in off to the side

6) being stupid.

If you match more than 2 of those and a sneak is around to see it, you will get ganked. Simple as that.

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It wouldn't be so bad if they couldn't stun you the whole time. The main problem is the stun locking imo. I don't mind how hard they hit, but at least let me get some abilities off to fight back with. Them being able knock you to the ground for 2 seconds, do some dmg, low slash, do more dmg, then use their stun abilitity and kill you is ridiculous. People thinking that is ok is not ok. Yes I think something should be changed with them. I don't think them being nerfed to the ground like Operatives were though is the right move. They should buff the dmg to operatives if they keep these sin changes. It only makes sense that a counter to a sin would be an operative and vise versa. Right now though, the only counter to a sin, is another sin. I don't think this is right as you'll see a mostly sins and shadows in warzones.


Just an FYI, snipers in lethality can do plenty of dmg out of cover. I don't care if they can't do group dJmg or not, they shouldn't be able to do what they can now. If you don't have a sin on your team watching a node, you're flat out will lose the node every time a sin or shadow gets near it unless you're stacking two people.



As I said to the op assassins cannot stun lock and kill you if you not alone very easily and besides that unless you are terribly geared or wounded they can't actually 100-0 you. I play assassin and like the other guy said I'm looking for weak out I position targets or just an alone person to stealth stun and walk away from/decide if I can win the fight. If I unstealth next to more than one guy I'm either doing some sort of objective or have other guys around. Assassins would be almost useless for anything other than point defense/ capping if everyone knew how to

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I made a thread about Operatives going to be OP a while back and I got laughed at and flamed. I just rolled my Operative for the first game in PvP and one of my first kills was on a GS. Killed before she even broke stun.


Operatives and Assassins are bursty as hell right now, though they are extremely squishy so it's kind of fair.


Every DPS is squishy. Being "extremely" squishy doesn't matter if you kill your opponents before they can even react and never have to be in a fight you didn't pick.


I expect that expertise will be tweaked to lower the burst. Because that kind of gameplay is only fun for the Assassin / Op.

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Every DPS is squishy. Being "extremely" squishy doesn't matter if you kill your opponents before they can even react and never have to be in a fight you didn't pick.


I expect that expertise will be tweaked to lower the burst. Because that kind of gameplay is only fun for the Assassin / Op.


I only win on them if either;

Get the lead attack and initiate the fight.


Have my cloak off cooldown and ready to be used.

If I have both of those, then it's a pretty one sided fight.

Edited by Jayshames
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I only win on them if either;

Get the lead attack and initiate the fight.


Have my cloak off cooldown and ready to be used.

If I have both of those, then it's a pretty one sided fight.


I don't think you get the fact that none of that matters. If shadows/ops are guaranteed a win when they open from stealth, and their opponent doesn't have a chance to effectively react to the attack, the gameplay for shadows/ops will be changed, because that's not fun for anyone except the shadow/op.

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I don't think you get the fact that none of that matters. If shadows/ops are guaranteed a win when they open from stealth, and their opponent doesn't have a chance to effectively react to the attack, the gameplay for shadows/ops will be changed, because that's not fun for anyone except the shadow/op.




If an assassin/op could jump out Of stealth on an unaware out of position target prime to be severed for

Existence and be dispAtched by said target the class would literally be useless. Stick with your teammates and don't roam while CDs and health are down. If you want tO make a class unplayable the wisest way is to give them a role and then make them unable to fulfill it. You don't see rage threads about Mars who can't win fights on the front line or complaining its hard to roam and kill a squishy guy with loads of cc by himself. Hate to say it but l2p noob I'm done with this topic

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Well. I'm Assassin myself, and I seen REALY LOOT bad player coming back.

They stand and watch how you kill them, also everyone got a DPS buff.

Also you shouldn't say a class is OP, until you hit 55, because at the moment, people play Naked PVP (playing low lvl without gear is better than playing with gear, bolster buff you TOO MUCH!)


Also I see LOOT of differenc in Assassins/Shadow, they don't have Force Managment problems, and we got Reset on CD for "Recklness" every time we exit stealth (it gives us 2 or 3 stacks of 60% increase chance to Critical Hit from any >Force> only damage attacks) as our abilities REALLY relies on Crits (many perks in skill tree that gives us additional critical damage).


But at the same time, our abilities like Discharge were nerfed, we need stacks to use it (so only good Sin can utulize it), max of 3 stack, and 1 stack gives 750-1k dmg. If it crits it hits maximum for 4,5k.

Schock damage was also nerfed, but the ability from Madness Skill Tree, that give us 45% (3 perks), to get a 2nd schock that gives hit for 50% of normal schock dmg.


Still its should be ok, since the Smashers also got buffed, and they still hit hard.

So you can talk about nerfeding Shadows/Assassins after they nerfed the Smash.

Vanguards are still very good, so where would be justice if Sins would get nerfed before the realy need class that need a nerfed (although I don't think it need Nerfed as it is on par with other classes).

Also don't say class need a nerfed just because your getting killed by 1 (he may be a hardcore PVP'er), also get to lvl 55 first, since the bloster SUCK at low lvl.



This game is supposedly based on getting best gear there is (now also achivments), but seems BW want to us to play Naked now.

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If an assassin/op could jump out Of stealth on an unaware out of position target prime to be severed for

Existence and be dispAtched by said target the class would literally be useless. Stick with your teammates and don't roam while CDs and health are down. If you want tO make a class unplayable the wisest way is to give them a role and then make them unable to fulfill it. You don't see rage threads about Mars who can't win fights on the front line or complaining its hard to roam and kill a squishy guy with loads of cc by himself. Hate to say it but l2p noob I'm done with this topic


Umm...have you seen the pages and pages and pages of people screaming for a Sniper/GS nerf? On my GS I eat Marauders for lunch. Most of them die before they can even get close to me. They're an after thought. Thus, pages and pages of nerf screams.


Here's the rub. Another class, 1v1 should have a SHOT at killing an Assassin. As it stands now, it's not even close. What you're advocating for is fields of WZs that are empty...with assassins and shodows roaming around looking for one another....why?


Cuz if you can't win 1v1, you're not going to win, and having the outcome predetermined is F-ing garbage. The fact that you're defending it is due to the rush and chuckle you get from acing a player from 100-0. You're trying to defend that feeling of superiority. It ain't you bud...it's game mechanics.

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Well. I'm Assassin myself, and I seen REALY LOOT bad player coming back.

They stand and watch how you kill them, also everyone got a DPS buff.

Also you shouldn't say a class is OP, until you hit 55, because at the moment, people play Naked PVP (playing low lvl without gear is better than playing with gear, bolster buff you TOO MUCH!)


Also I see LOOT of differenc in Assassins/Shadow, they don't have Force Managment problems, and we got Reset on CD for "Recklness" every time we exit stealth (it gives us 2 or 3 stacks of 60% increase chance to Critical Hit from any >Force> only damage attacks) as our abilities REALLY relies on Crits (many perks in skill tree that gives us additional critical damage).


But at the same time, our abilities like Discharge were nerfed, we need stacks to use it (so only good Sin can utulize it), max of 3 stack, and 1 stack gives 750-1k dmg. If it crits it hits maximum for 4,5k.

Schock damage was also nerfed, but the ability from Madness Skill Tree, that give us 45% (3 perks), to get a 2nd schock that gives hit for 50% of normal schock dmg.


Still its should be ok, since the Smashers also got buffed, and they still hit hard.

So you can talk about nerfeding Shadows/Assassins after they nerfed the Smash.

Vanguards are still very good, so where would be justice if Sins would get nerfed before the realy need class that need a nerfed (although I don't think it need Nerfed as it is on par with other classes).

Also don't say class need a nerfed just because your getting killed by 1 (he may be a hardcore PVP'er), also get to lvl 55 first, since the bloster SUCK at low lvl.



This game is supposedly based on getting best gear there is (now also achivments), but seems BW want to us to play Naked now.



You just reminded me of something else I would like to add. With the 3 stack discharge criting for 4.5 k that is actually quite low compared to the fact that on my mar all I have to do is hit someone with massacre then I get an auto crit forcescream that can almost hit 5k. Assassin damage does not really match that of marauders or other dps. This is intended so that the amount of cOntrol they have balances this in their favor in 1v1 situations IE ( assassinations)

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