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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

lol bolster


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TTK is too short unless your group has a good healer. Healer's can easily outheal any single dps damage now. Smash still hits hard and too many targets but not much harder than on live. Many classes hit very hard. Crit chance has not been nerfed as on PTS. Power needs DR. Edited by Aelaias
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Hey everyone,


Just wanted to let you know that I am grabbing questions/feedback from this thread and passing it on to the PvP and combat teams. I should have answers to some of your questions, etc. a bit later on today. Thanks!




Sums up the community's feelings


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1) old bolster system

2) add new level 50 pvp gear like there was in 20 and 40 levels. Give that gear back. (I dont care you wrecked the WH/EWH... but give me something to wear i dont pve so i have no gear options).

Edited by Princz
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1) old bolster system

2) add new level 50 pvp gear like there was in 20 and 40 levels. Give that gear back. (I dont care you wrecked the WH/EWH... but give me something to wear i dont pve so i have no gear options).




There was nothing horribly wrong with the old bolster. Especially when compared to this one.

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Good man. Now we can cast aside all the doubt that people may have had and get to the solution.. besides people can see how chaotic pvp really is now.. This Bolster system didn't make it easier for anyone..well yea it did, but it takes like 2 buttons and your target is dead, and the same goes for you most of the time depending on the class. IF you are stunned forget about it.


i survived a stun on my bubble stun spec sage in 61/63 raid gear lol, got the "juggerNOT" acheivment when i killed the smashbomber next to the sorc that stunned me.


Yes it's ironic, yes it's horrible, funny, and grand at the same time.



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Hey everyone!



It is important to note that “naked Bolster” is never intended to be better than wearing gear, this is a bug and is going to be fixed.


it is just unfortunate that the system has bugs in it that make getting to that point frustrating.







The problem is that you were told about this issue during testing and chose to ignore it - THAT'S whats pissing people off.

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What you're seeing is damage dealt and taken with lack of proper coordination. In this game, Guard and taunts can drop a player's burst to 35% of normal damage. (70% of normal with the taunt which is split by Guard.) This means damage without those two things in play can be quite ridiculous. It's just like in Warhammer Online. In low man or pug situations, people die fast. In coordinated groups, engagements can last an extremely long time. Except there's no OP group healing in this game.


The bolster is no question bugged. But this is what PvP looks like with everyone even. Proper use of guard, taunts, peels, and heals are mandatory to survive. Maybe it will get people to actually bring proper tanks into solo queue PvP. But I doubt it.


bravo, well sad

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Hey everyone!


I was able to spend a bit of time today talking to Rob Hinkle and Alex Modny about the PvP changes and although they are busy right now working on getting solutions to some of these issues, I wanted to pass on some explanations on what is going on.


What is the purpose of “naked” bolster? So I want to clarify why Naked Bolster exists. For Bolster we need to have a system that impacts Warzone players from level 10 to level 55. To do this we want to make sure characters are on as even a playing field as possible. However, when you were leveling up your main, when did you get your first helmet, implant, or relic? In the level up game we have certain points where characters have not yet received certain items and we don’t want to punish these characters because they don’t have access to certain items while higher level characters have plentiful access, so they both get bolstered up to the same level to create a more equal playing field.


Ex: We want to make sure your level 11 without a helmet is getting some stats for their head slot to be equal to the level 25 with a helmet.


With that being said, we do not intend for naked Bolster to be better than wearing gear of any type. This is a bug with the system that we are adamant on fixing and attempted to fix on PTS. The truth is that when we fixed one aspect of the system we opened up another edge case. Last night when it became apparent we had not done enough to fix the issue we started an investigation (yes at 3am CDT in the morning) and have been working all day on a plan of attack to shore up this system so that it is fun and balanced for all parties.


More specifically the issues we have discovered are how the Bolster system handles Relics and diminishing returns. Currently on live, Bolster is giving too many stats to the Relic slot, meaning if you don’t use a Relic (naked Bolster) you will get more stats than the Relic itself would give. Actually different stats entirely since most Relics have Endurance and a proc effect. This means that taking off Relics will give you more primary damage stat and secondary stats and you will probably lose Endurance. How Bolster looks at Relic slots needs to be redone so that stats it assumes are present or should be present are more in-line with Relics that are present and we are working on that currently.


The other issue we found in our investigation is that Bolster’s diminishing returns are too generous and giving out too many stats over the course of a set. Our item system uses a diminishing returns formula on each individual stat on a mod, so that putting more and more of a stat on a single mod costs more “item budget.” The Bolster system follows the same formulas, but because it gives more frequent smaller values that are added together, each stat takes a less harsh diminishing returns hit. Taken over the course of an entire set, the result is that a fully Bolstered character tends to have gained some small values in each stat and rating over actual items. To fix this we need to massage some numbers to make diminishing returns affect Bolster stat gains more drastically.


It is important to note that “naked Bolster” is never intended to be better than wearing gear, this is a bug and is going to be fixed.


How does this affect level 55? Bolster will bolster characters up to right below Partisan gear, the new level 55 PvP set gear. This is working correctly from what we can see and means that the Elder Game will not have this issue of “naked Bolster.” Partisan and Conquer gear are still highly valuable and give better stats than Bolster so that max level PvP should be intact as we designed, it is just unfortunate that the system has bugs in it that make getting to that point frustrating.


Because of the bolster changes and general changes to 2.0 combat math you will see larger numbers during combat. We have given out more health with levels which means more damage to counter it. Also, in 2.0 the gear gap has been closed significantly. In pre-2.0 the gap was roughly (very roughly!) 80% difference between Recruit and fully augmented Elite War Hero gear. Closing this gap means that PvP battles will be on a more equal footing but you might be experiencing damage and heal numbers you hadn’t seen before the patch.


Hopefully this post has addressed some of your concerns about the current state of PvP following Game Update 2.0. Again, naked Bolster being as strong as it is right now is a bug and is not intended design. We have outlined above what our current plan is for addressing it but this is always subject to change. I will do my best to keep you all updated on how and when these changes will happen. Thank you all for your questions and feedback.











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but since most people are complaining they lost gear advantage, it remains as it is. :)


Are you even reading these posts? People aren't complaining they lost a gear advantage. They are complaining that NO gear has MORE advantage than having gear on

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1) old bolster system

2) add new level 50 pvp gear like there was in 20 and 40 levels. Give that gear back. (I dont care you wrecked the WH/EWH... but give me something to wear i dont pve so i have no gear options).




They could've kept the old level 10-49 bolster system that was functional. All they had to do after the new system was reported as horrible on PTS, was to keep the old lvl 50 pvp gear (with one vendor selling recruit for cash/quest and another one selling EWH for a few WZ comms), add a new level 50-54 pvp bracket, with a bolster system based only on base leveling stats, and ofcourse the new level 55 bracket with the new gear.

Instead of that they decided to go live with a broken system. Yet again. Go figure...

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so my fully min maxed ewh marauder was just killed by a lvl 35 sin with 30k healh/assassinate for 7400 dmg...cant wait to see the lolacaust that lvl 55 pvp is going to be with the bolster changes. am getting 2 shot by everyone/2 shotting everyone i target. if anyone played the secret world, it feels like pvp in that game now. i really dont care how broken 10-54 is but im just guessing based on what ive seen so far that 55 is gonna be so broken now.


Where is all this two shot nonsense coming from. The Test Server? I have yet to be two shot by anyone yet. Yes i get killed in 5 seconds but it takes 7 imps to do it with them rotating their stuns.


I am totally enjoying the pvp. Most fun I have had in game has been today.


People running around naked and I lol cuz I have done both and my stats are greater wearing my gear than not wearing it.


I am very happy with this update so thanks Bioware ignore the haters who seem to be sheep following the whatever they seem to be following.

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Where is all this two shot nonsense coming from. The Test Server? I have yet to be two shot by anyone yet. Yes i get killed in 5 seconds but it takes 7 imps to do it with them rotating their stuns.


I am totally enjoying the pvp. Most fun I have had in game has been today.


People running around naked and I lol cuz I have done both and my stats are greater wearing my gear than not wearing it.


I am very happy with this update so thanks Bioware ignore the haters who seem to be sheep following the whatever they seem to be following.


2-shot may be an exaggeration... but on my Sniper I have 3-shot people several times. Killing a person with 3 abilities in under 5 seconds with only me attacking them... does that sound right to you?

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What is the purpose of “naked” bolster? So I want to clarify why Naked Bolster exists. For Bolster we need to have a system that impacts Warzone players from level 10 to level 55. To do this we want to make sure characters are on as even a playing field as possible. However, when you were leveling up your main, when did you get your first helmet, implant, or relic? In the level up game we have certain points where characters have not yet received certain items and we don’t want to punish these characters because they don’t have access to certain items while higher level characters have plentiful access, so they both get bolstered up to the same level to create a more equal playing field.


Ex: We want to make sure your level 11 without a helmet is getting some stats for their head slot to be equal to the level 25 with a helmet.


Why? Why should someone not wearing a helmet have simular protection as someone who is wearing one? Explain that logic to me please.


Instead you should have allowed for level 10's to access such armor pieces at level 10 and make that a requirement for bolster to work. It could be as simple as a nice "Welcome to level 10, here's a basic helmet" gift...but no, you prefer the "Welcome to Nude Wars" approach.


It is important to note that “naked Bolster” is never intended to be better than wearing gear, this is a bug and is going to be fixed.


And the fact that you gave everything else priority over this, shows us what to expect from your pvp team in the future. There were hardly any patchnotes at all concerning pvp only, and the issues we see now are the same as people reported on PTS forums since the day they tried it out. More or less you simply failed the one and only note that held any kind of significance for the pvp community.


-And let me ask you this; What exactly did you people mean when you clearly stated you were "Squashing bugs such as the naked bolster"? What kind of tests were made after that "fix" was done?


Because there wasn't any advanced testing needed to see that bolster was acting completly wrong when removing pieces of gear...no, im confident you knew this was an issue but decided to go with it anyway instead of pushing the release forward. If so, thats fine, but you should have the backbone to stand up for it.


How does this affect level 55? Bolster will bolster characters up to right below Partisan gear, the new level 55 PvP set gear. This is working correctly from what we can see and means that the Elder Game will not have this issue of “naked Bolster.” Partisan and Conquer gear are still highly valuable and give better stats than Bolster so that max level PvP should be intact as we designed, it is just unfortunate that the system has bugs in it that make getting to that point frustrating.


I certinatly hope so, but my trust in those responsible for pvp development isn't really at it's peak atm so we'll see. Either way you shouldn't sweep this away as "unfortunate" tbh, this is about lack of insight and failure to respond to community concerns. Or are you claiming this wasn't reported or that you indeed made the proper testing required before finalizing bolster?


And btw, if it's of any interest for you...while on my lvl45 sorc healer yesterday, i removec my gear and wore only an empty orange chest and leg piece. My stats got stupidly bolstered as typically described in this thread - BUT, i also got allmost 2000 AIM. I suppose that's not working as intended either and might be worth looking into...


Because of the bolster changes and general changes to 2.0 combat math you will see larger numbers during combat. We have given out more health with levels which means more damage to counter it. Also, in 2.0 the gear gap has been closed significantly. In pre-2.0 the gap was roughly (very roughly!) 80% difference between Recruit and fully augmented Elite War Hero gear. Closing this gap means that PvP battles will be on a more equal footing but you might be experiencing damage and heal numbers you hadn’t seen before the patch.


I have only tried maybe 8 warzones with this new system, but i'll have to say the general feeling i got is that my health and healing couldn't keep up with the much bigger dmg numbers i saw...i can only hope it's not this low TTK in the 55's or im done with this game for sure....but ofc, it might partially be a bit learning curve and getting used to along with better gear at 55...we'll see....but right now some classes have stupidly low TTK in pre55's.

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Where is all this two shot nonsense coming from. The Test Server? I have yet to be two shot by anyone yet. Yes i get killed in 5 seconds but it takes 7 imps to do it with them rotating their stuns.


I am totally enjoying the pvp. Most fun I have had in game has been today.


People running around naked and I lol cuz I have done both and my stats are greater wearing my gear than not wearing it.


I am very happy with this update so thanks Bioware ignore the haters who seem to be sheep following the whatever they seem to be following.


Are you the same Lurdtz as was in SWG on Chimmy? If so, this post makes complete and total sense lol

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I have only tried maybe 8 warzones with this new system, but i'll have to say the general feeling i got is that my health and healing couldn't keep up with the much bigger dmg numbers i saw...i can only hope it's not this low TTK in the 55's or im done with this game for sure....but ofc, it might partially be a bit learning curve and getting used to along with better gear at 55...we'll see....but right now some classes have stupidly low TTK in pre55's.


another sidenote considering TTK. They can remove the bloody resolve bar altogether now...

Edited by LanceGabriell
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He is saying that naked bolster doesn't exist in 55 lvl? Yesterday had a wz after waiting like 2hours for it on 55lvl when i took off every single item on me except lightsaber i had more WP than with full ewh augmented + some partisian and 1 conqueror item so that's basically bull******** players that the naked bolster does not affect 55lvl wzs.
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I'm glad a fix is on the way. I played a few matches and TTK is lightning fast. No fun on the recieving or dealing end. Got taken out by a stealth DPS In what felt like three GCDs; I'd not experienced that since I was in Recruit gear and I am mostly min/maxed EWH! Conversely, burning through peeps so fast is no fun either. I guess it would take a really good healer to keep someone alivd but most of the people we vaporized had no chance, heals or not.


Other than this, I am loving the new abilities and Makeb!

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