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lol bolster


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Wondering about armour too. If people are going naked, get no armour, then complain about getting two-shotted, there may be an easily-spotted reason.


Anyway, speculation, can't wait to log on. Be glad you can play the new stuff if you're on.


Might try to remove everything but the armoring mods then =P

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No ****, Sherlock.


Everyone will go either naked or use empty orange shells in pvp until lvl 55 (assuming the lvl 55 Bolster at least was not desgined by someone who is a nudist as well, of course).


But tell me, do you really not think it is somewhat silly that taking of your equipment in an MMORPG will make your stats better?


Because lowbie pvp is not pvp, it's a leveling ground where every one deserve to have same stats.

Edited by Atramar
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Because lowbie pvp is not pvp, it's a leveling ground where every one deserve to have same stats.


Even If would agree with your notion that "lowbie pvp is not pvp" (whatever that means), do you actually listen to yourself?


You honestly think that pvping naked for the best stats is "working as intended"? In an MMORPG?


Why not expand this glorious system to PVE then? I mean doing OPS naked is sure fun as well...

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Even If would agree with your notion that "lowbie pvp is not pvp" (whatever that means), do you actually listen to yourself?


You honestly think that pvping naked for the best stats is "working as intended"? In an MMORPG?


Why not expand this glorious system to PVE then? I mean doing OPS naked is sure fun as well...


Hmmm. Naked Ops drinking game. I think we have a new guild event!

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Even If would agree with your notion that "lowbie pvp is not pvp" (whatever that means), do you actually listen to yourself?


You honestly think that pvping naked for the best stats is "working as intended"? In an MMORPG?


Why not expand this glorious system to PVE then? I mean doing OPS naked is sure fun as well...


lowbies pvp was never ever pvp. It was:

dante's inferno for people who actualy participate in team pvp

ego boost for twinks who gained gear advantage by doing L 47-49 and full auguments

leveling ground

training ground for new players (or should be 'what NOT to do in regular warzones if you ever want to be invited into premade')


pick one.

as for naked pvp, I'm not saying going naked should give you BiS, but you refuse to give full explanation of an issue.

How are stats (not just HP and mainstat) on:

-full naked with or with main and offhand

-pve gear (not talking columi, talking L 47 craftable stuff)

a: pve green

b: pve blue

c: pve purple

-naked shells of adaptive armors

-white/armor specific oranges but empty slots

-adding/removing auguments



this would be considered testing, not

'omg, ***, L 35 has more hp then me, let's go forums and cry a river'


and naked operation runs were always fun :)

Edited by Atramar
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as for naked pvp, I'm not saying goign naked should give you BiS slot,


Thank you, that`s all I am saying.


So, if you only could stop calling that this thread a "twink pvp QQ thread" when it is really a "naked pvp ftw is ridicoulous thread" we are settled.

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lowbies pvp was never ever pvp. It was:

dante's inferno for people who actualy participate in team pvp

ego boost for twinks who gained gear advantage by doing L 47-49 and full auguments

leveling ground

training ground for new players (or should be 'what NOT to do in regular warzones if you ever want to be invited into premade')


pick one.

as for naked pvp, I'm not saying going naked should give you BiS, but you refuse to give full explanation of an issue.

How are stats (not just HP and mainstat) on:

-full naked with or with main and offhand

-pve gear (not talking columi, talking L 47 craftable stuff)

a: pve green

b: pve blue

c: pve purple

-naked shells of adaptive armors

-white/armor specific oranges but empty slots

-adding/removing auguments



this would be considered testing, not

'omg, ***, L 35 has more hp then me, let's go forums and cry a river'


and naked operation runs were always fun :)


How about you try the new system for yourself , since you are fully capable of doing that, then come back and tell us what YOU think.. Instead of sitting here arguing about something you know nothing about?

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How about you try the new system for yourself , since you are fully capable of doing that, then come back and tell us what YOU think.. Instead of sitting here arguing about something you know nothing about?


Atelast I addmited that I can't do it right now, I will when I get the chance.


How about, instead of pointless QQ, you give some actual and real data?


Thank you, that`s all I am saying.


So, if you only could stop calling that this thread a "twink pvp QQ thread" when it is really a "naked pvp ftw is ridicoulous thread" we are settled.


few people already said, it's just problem with L 50 gear, like tionese,columi,rakata,warhero,elite warhero. try lower rate/empty/crafted mods/gears.

when I get reply on list of tested posibilities, I will stop calling it 'twink pvp qq thread', but since most people are complaining they lost gear advantage, it remains as it is. :)

Edited by Atramar
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when I get reply on list of tested posibilities, I will stop calling it 'twink pvp qq thread', but since most people are complaining they lost gear advantage, it remains as it is. :)


Sorry, could you point me to one post of this thread where somebody is "complaining over their lost gear advantage"?


But you are right, the problem with the lvl 50 pvp gear will fixes itself over time.


The fact that there is a new bolstering system in all ALL warzones which apparently was not fully thought through and which was never properly explained (where are the formulas for how boosting works exactly?) might, however, persist longer than that.

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few people already said, it's just problem with L 50 gear, like tionese,columi,rakata,warhero,elite warhero. try lower rate/empty/crafted mods/gears.

when I get reply on list of tested posibilities, I will stop calling it 'twink pvp qq thread', but since most people are complaining they lost gear advantage, it remains as it is. :)


No, it's still a major issue when players without any gear are performing better than the ones with pvp gear. Maybe it's for the best, in order to prevent fully EWH people facerolling lowbies.


Although if such a strong bolster system exists in top-level pvp (55), then it's a gamebreaking issue.

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If they don't fix something they will lose my sub, this bolster system just doesn't feel right, and the fact you can pvp naked and have better stats.


My 1st time ever posting in Forums is to give a +10 to this comment

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No, it's still a major issue when players without any gear are performing better than the ones with pvp gear. Maybe it's for the best, in order to prevent fully EWH people facerolling lowbies.


Although if such a strong bolster system exists in top-level pvp (55), then it's a gamebreaking issue.


it could be to prevent 'forever 50s' who didnt buy expansion, from owning 30-54 who had not chance to by L 50 pvp gear. old PVP and old PVE gear should not ever ever ever have any advantage over anything that is only avalible currently in game in means of PVP.


for L 55, we have to wait and see (by L 55 I mean 55 in 55 gear, not 55 in 50 lvl gear)

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Might try to remove everything but the armoring mods then =P


The armor mods have endurance... so having them on actually reduces your health... you are better with nothing... if you want clothing, just use empty orange shells

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it could be to prevent 'forever 50s' who didnt buy expansion, from owning 30-54 who had not chance to by L 50 pvp gear. old PVP and old PVE gear should not ever ever ever have any advantage over anything that is only avalible currently in game in means of PVP.

Surely wearing something should be better than wearing nothing, though?

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This is what BW looks for on PTS forums

-does the vendor work? no? fix

-does the CM gear look right? fix

-how is the clipping? fix

-did anyone get stuck in the floor of the new area? fix

-do mobs spawn right? fix

- is the 3rd rock from the left on the monument the right shade of grey? FIX


-X class is a total cluster F#*! here are a list of experienced players who see this and offer solutions/warnings for free- IGNORE till post live and MASSIVE QQ and probably sub loss

- Z skill is totally runing pvp/pve here are a list of experienced players who see this and offer solutions/warnings for free- IGNORE till post live and MASSIVE QQ and probably sub loss

- Y class needs nerf/buff to work here are a list of experienced players who see this and offer solutions/warnings for free- IGNORE till post live and MASSIVE QQ and probably sub loss


XY change is a REALLY REALLY BAD IDEA anyone who has played and has a brain can see this DEAR GOD IN HEAVEN IM WARNING YOU DO NOT SEND TO lIVE how did a dev not see this? how did this make it past the design phase and closed beta? FOR THE GOOD OF SWTOR I IMPLORE YOU TO INVESTIGATE FURTHER- IGNORE till post live and MASSIVE QQ and probably sub loss


Best description ever of the work of the company lately and the manage of the game lately

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Looking ahead for the first QQ post about low level griefers.


"Me and my two 50 level guildies have been continuesly ganked by a lvl 35 while we were trying to finish our dailies.

What's up low lvls? You can not compete with people at your own lvl and you hunt higher lvl players? Grow some balls and go fight at your own bracket!"


Bioware made the revolution of gaming!


:D :D :D :D :D :D

Edited by Fearine
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The problem here is that some people who yesterday were max-leveld, min/maxed-EWH-geared fighting machines can't adapt fast enough to the fact that a couple of hours later they became lowbies with useless vintage gear. Get used to it. It's an inevitable side effect of expansions with additional levels and gear.
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The problem here is that some people who yesterday were max-leveld, min/maxed-EWH-geared fighting machines can't adapt fast enough to the fact that a couple of hours later they became lowbies with useless vintage gear. Get used to it. It's an inevitable side effect of expansions with additional levels and gear.


No actually the problem here is that you can pvp naked and ROTFL STOMP people.. don't you understand that?

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The problem here is that some people who yesterday were max-leveld, min/maxed-EWH-geared fighting machines can't adapt fast enough to the fact that a couple of hours later they became lowbies with useless vintage gear. Get used to it. It's an inevitable side effect of expansions with additional levels and gear.


OMG are people so thick headed that they want this to be about something it is not just so they can be confrontational?


Yes. I just totally cannot adapt by taking all my clothes off and running around naked. :serioussmiley:

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as for naked pvp, I'm not saying going naked should give you BiS, but you refuse to give full explanation of an issue.

How are stats (not just HP and mainstat) on:

-full naked with or with main and offhand

-pve gear (not talking columi, talking L 47 craftable stuff)

a: pve green

b: pve blue

c: pve purple

-naked shells of adaptive armors

-white/armor specific oranges but empty slots

-adding/removing auguments


this would be considered testing...


I will try and answer some of these questions for you on naked PVP <Sith Sorc... madness spec>

ALL stats, not just main stats are effected and up scaled... but maybe not to the way you would have done them... ie my crit only goes up to 26% when naked, but my surge is 77%... my Activation is 7. something... damage increase is noticeable... and my health jumps to 24000+... and Expertise is over 2000

Before the 2.0 release I had Elite WH gear... that I had customised to get the stats that I wanted... I had 35% crit, 75% Surge, 8 Activation... 22000+ health

First PVP I went into nearly made me quit the game in discussed... a lvl 33 "green armor" sorc had 24000+ health... I thought ***... anyway I went on to get smash in that PVP... someone on our fleet suggested naked PVP... guess what it works... better stats than my Elite WH gear

I tested some things with different stats... ie Power, crit, expertise in my lightsabre... it actually gave me less stats then being naked

I have tested "orange" empty shell armor and weapons... it is the same as being naked... I have tested my Columi gear... worse than being naked... but better than Elite WH gear

I have yet to test any low lvl green gear, but I think it would be the same

I have tested some old lvl 47 PvE armor I had in my cargo hold... worse again than naked


So I guess until they "fix" the bolster system, everyone will be playing naked or in empty orange shell armor

Edited by Icykill_
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