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What The F still no Cathar


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The Cathar has been promised and talked about since June 2012 it was said they will be coming with F2P and then for it to be with patch 2.0, still there is no sign of the race, now there is speculation that it will be released as part of the barber shop in which you can only get with cartel coins... Is BW/EA going to screw the subscribers over yet again by not allowing us free access to the Cathar race when or if they ever get off their back ends and put them into the game like it has been promised along time ago.


Please remember BW/EA we subscribers are what is paying your salary stop screwing with us and give us subscribers some love with the game.

Edited by Scarr_swtor
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Scarr_swtor I think its been known for a while now that the Cathar are going to be part of the CM. In one of the interviews where that talk about it I believe they say its going to be part of the CM and depend on how well it does there will determine if they continue to add new races to the game.
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The Cathar has been promised and talked about since June 2012 it was said they will be coming with F2P and then for it to be with patch 2.0, still there is no sign of the race, now there is speculation that it will be released as part of the barber shop in which you can only get with cartel coins... Is BW/EA going to screw the subscribers over yet again by not allowing us free access to the Cathar race when or if they ever get off their back ends and put them into the game like it has been promised along time ago.


Please remember BW/EA we subscribers are what is paying your salary stop screwing with us and give us subscribers some love with the game.


BioWare has already stated that Cathar will be a Cartel Market species and they have insinuated that further species additions would be dependent on how well they sell. BioWare has never been specific on when the Cathar would be released. No one from the dev team ever said that they would be released with F2P, with 2.0 or with the Barbershop. Those were all player speculation.


We know we will have to pay.

We don't know when we'll get them.

That's all we know.



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They've talked about them, but never offered any date for their release. The closest thing to that would that they said in early summer we're getting a character customization type feature that will allow changing species, Cathar included, so we can conclude that Cathar will be out some time by early summer.
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The Cathar has been promised and talked about since June 2012 it was said they will be coming with F2P and then for it to be with patch 2.0, still there is no sign of the race, now there is speculation that it will be released as part of the barber shop in which you can only get with cartel coins... Is BW/EA going to screw the subscribers over yet again by not allowing us free access to the Cathar race when or if they ever get off their back ends and put them into the game like it has been promised along time ago.


Please remember BW/EA we subscribers are what is paying your salary stop screwing with us and give us subscribers some love with the game.


1) They haven't been talked about since June 2012. They were announced at E3 2012 last year, but since that initial announcement they've acted like they never made that announcement. I'd hardly call that talking about them.


2) It was never stated that they'd be coming with 2.0. Alot of people assumed that because the Cathar appeared in the same video that Makeb was announced in. The same video showed off HK-51 who was released awhile ago, although nobody ever put that together, ie not all this stuff is part of a single update.


3) Both the Cathar and Barber Shop were confirmed for Summer, and they stated quite awhile ago that you'd have to purchase them.


You're complaining about alot of things that have been publicly known for awhile now, and they're not going to make them free for subscribers no matter how many you complain about it.


What have you been spending your Cartel Coins on exactly? People complain about subs not getting free stuff or having to pay for certain things in the CM but then these same people buy stuff they don't really need in the CM simply because they have coins and want to spend them rather than saving them for something they actually want like the Cathar.

Edited by Darth-Obvious
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This thread is like a bad timewarp. Every few days someone makes this exact same thread. They said weeks ago that the Cathar would not be included with 2.0 & ROTHC. Several weeks before that, they said the Cathar would be part of the Cartel Market. If people are going to create forum threads, they should really spend 2 minutes to search the forums or check the dev tracker for answers to their questions before creating all these duplicate threads.
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I'm kind of hoping they forget to add them in and skip right to the next planned race.




Only race worth making.


off topic


Im just getting fed up with the ridiculous failure this game DOESNT HAVE TO BE.


Is it a bad decision? If so, we here are BW are making it. Is it likely to outright anger our customers? FULL SPEED AHEAD BEST IDEA EVER!!! Make everyone pay, then pay again. And then pay again. Never keep ANY promises and half arse everything. lol.


The words "Star Wars" are why I play. No other reason. God help you if any other company makes any other star wars game.

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The Cathar has been promised and talked about since June 2012 it was said they will be coming with F2P and then for it to be with patch 2.0, still there is no sign of the race, now there is speculation that it will be released as part of the barber shop in which you can only get with cartel coins... Is BW/EA going to screw the subscribers over yet again by not allowing us free access to the Cathar race when or if they ever get off their back ends and put them into the game like it has been promised along time ago.


Please remember BW/EA we subscribers are what is paying your salary stop screwing with us and give us subscribers some love with the game.


No one ever said they were coming with 2.0.

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The Cathar has been promised and talked about since June 2012 it was said they will be coming with F2P and then for it to be with patch 2.0


Can you quote any official source with either of these dates as a promise for the Cathar? Go ahead and link it here.

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I'm kind of hoping they forget to add them in and skip right to the next planned race.




Im hoping this as well, pitty that this thread does have a point. Yes, info regarding Cathar has been announced, however, it certainly feels like SWTOR are screwing subs over by not making it a free race for a particular faction class of course, but anyway, GO FOR TORGRUTA :)

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I too am a bit miffed that it is taking so long, but if the Cathar are reasonably well done and have a good variety of customization options (oh please let them have nice hair), I will be happy. :)


As much as I wish for a summer release, I am trying not to get my hopes up for any specific time. I distinctly recall watching the fancy trailer shown at E3 last summer --

-- and getting all excited when I saw the Cathar and then imagining playing one by Christmas due to the "Coming this year" that had splashed across the screen. Obviously, delays happened, but it would be really nice if they would throw us a bone and let us know if they will be an early summer release like they heavily implied/hinted at when talking about the upcoming barber shop feature. *crosses fingers* :)


(btw, I am understanding and forgiving of of the delay, I only linked the video so I wouldn't get a bunch of people telling me "you imagined it, Cathar were never included in the E3 video!" :p 'Cause I think the version they released later had them edited out.)

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I don't think anyone actually wants the Cathar race anyway, we want better and more important races like the Ithorian, Wookies, Jawa's, Gungans etc.


I'd rather take Cathar over Wookies, Jawas and Ithorians any day.

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