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Satele useless with lightsaber?


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Interesting point, though I still think holding that ground a little while longer would've made good sense :)


Nope, you want to push immediately. Delay allows the enemy time to reform and regroup to address the suddenly appeared threat. By instantly jumping down and pushing forward it allows then to push the attack before the imperials have even gotten their bearings.

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Zannah's skill is defensive fighting. That is how Bane trained her and why her saberstaff is actually shorter then most others. This takes advantage of her size. She was a disadvantage in that battle with the Jedi, not because of the size differance, but because he was being aided by a Jedi master using Battle Meditation. When Bane went after that Jedi one of his other comrades pushed him out of the way, interrupting his Meditaion. That is when Zannah's opponent seemed to become distacted.


When Zannah was hunting Bane he easily beat her and got away because he lured her into going on the offensive, taking her right out of her comfort zone. In the final battle Bane had a hard time with Zannah because she was on the denfensive building her power to unleash her sorcery. That was her strength, defensive saber fighting while using her sorcery skills for offensive fighting.


Even so when she started using the dark tendrils he had no problem leaping in and effortlessly disarmed her and sweeped her leg out from under her. As she fell she countered with the tendrils taking his arm before he could kill her. Her sorcery won. Her skill with a blade was no match for Bane. In the final battle she did her best to keep him away from her.


That being said many people are forgetting she effortlessly cut through several Sith before engaging Malgus. Being weaker than one person =/= Being weak. This logic implies that you have to be the best. Anyone lower than the best is weak. Must Jedi and Sith would stand no chance against Satele. It doesn't matter if the contest is with a lightsaber or the force.

Edited by Rhyltran
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Nope, you want to push immediately. Delay allows the enemy time to reform and regroup to address the suddenly appeared threat. By instantly jumping down and pushing forward it allows then to push the attack before the imperials have even gotten their bearings.


You sound like you know what you're talking about, so I'll happily concede the point. Its not like the lack of "realism" bothered me, anyway :)

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Interesting point, though I still think holding that ground a little while longer would've made good sense :)


You hold the high ground too long it becomes a liability, if you give your enemy the chance to recover, they can surround you and suddenly your high ground is a massacre in the making with no way out. the best time to attack is when the enemy is unprepared, that way you hold the high ground all the way out.


Malgus had the high ground the whole way in both fights until he held it a little while longer then he should on alderaan and was being attacked by two enemies who surrounded him. for his trouble he is left needing a respirator mask for the rest of his days.


Satele isn't the most physical presense on the battlefield, but as others stated, her strength lies elsewhere. to me it's in her agility, not her brute strength which Malgus had plenty of until Jace came back at him with a grenade, but unlike Satele, Jace thought ahead and knew his task is impossible unless he did something different to have a fair chance at it.


On the other hand though Satele's training was interrupted when the sith attacked the station she was on with her master while escorting a artifact smuggler for questioning. so i am guessing at this point that she had only recently got enough training for combat, but not enough to adequately learn how to use her weapon and her own agility along with the force to her greatest ability, but it's not like her master was that great in combat either when he made the mistake of underestimating Malgus. But Jedi are not combatants, they are keepers of peace and the lightsaber is usually a ceremonial fuction upto that point, a symbol.

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On the other hand though Satele's training was interrupted when the sith attacked the station she was on with her master while escorting a artifact smuggler for questioning. so i am guessing at this point that she had only recently got enough training for combat, but not enough to adequately learn how to use her weapon and her own agility along with the force to her greatest ability, but it's not like her master was that great in combat either when he made the mistake of underestimating Malgus. But Jedi are not combatants, they are keepers of peace and the lightsaber is usually a ceremonial fuction upto that point, a symbol.





Her master was the jedi battlemaster so he was about as good in combat as the jedi had.

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Her master was the jedi battlemaster so he was about as good in combat as the jedi had.


And he was an unpopoular one at that because of how he acted as a master. So it puts into question the type of training Satele got and how much her "battlemaster" influenced her over the years to fight this or that style instead of learning to be more flexible which her master was not. Battlemaster doesn't mean anything clearly when the sith returned. just a fancy title.

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Her Master was good enough to fend off both Malgus and Vindican at the same time long enough for the others to escape and then defeated Vindican. The length of the battle and the effort combating two Sith exhausted him, hence him getting overwhelmed at the end by Malgus, he was running on fumes.
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Her Master was good enough to fend off both Malgus and Vindican at the same time long enough for the others to escape and then defeated Vindican. The length of the battle and the effort combating two Sith exhausted him, hence him getting overwhelmed at the end by Malgus, he was running on fumes.


so your saying that jedi who train their whole lives in preparation to fight a ruthless enemy somewhere are not trained in endurance incase of an extended fight? nor communing with the force to help them recover their strength even if they were taxed?


i think not, Malgus was just as much as in that fight as Dao like Vindican and yet he had enough power to keep going, if Malgus had the strength and endurance to keep going, so did the battlemaster.

Edited by Celise
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Malgus also wasn't fighting two opponents at the same time for most of the combat either, if he so vastly over matched Cerach from the start then how come he wasn't able to simply butcher both Jedi in a matter of moments when the fight started to begin with? Also remember this was the first time the Jedi had fought Sith in 300 years and here you had one Jedi versus a Lord and a high level Apprentice, so he was fighting at peak performance with the aim of keeping them occupied and allowing the others to escape.


But as I pointed out before earlier in the fight you didn't have Malgus just bashing thru anyone's saber blocks effortlessly, he had to knee to the gut to drop Satelle before he could attempt to polish her off and all it took was a saber toss by Cerach to not only deflect the attack away but damned near spin Malgua around like a top.

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I don't know if anyone here has pointed out the obvious--the cinematics when it happened was at an earlier time and with a younger Satele; at that time she was not yet the Grandmaster she is ingame. I have yet to see the whole Jedi Knight storyline (my highest level character so far is a 40 Sent), but I would think by the game storyline Satele has vastly improved from the time of the cinematics.
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I don't know if anyone here has pointed out the obvious--the cinematics when it happened was at an earlier time and with a younger Satele; at that time she was not yet the Grandmaster she is ingame. I have yet to see the whole Jedi Knight storyline (my highest level character so far is a 40 Sent), but I would think by the game storyline Satele has vastly improved from the time of the cinematics.


She actually states she has gotten weaker and that the JK is better.

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I don't know if anyone here has pointed out the obvious--the cinematics when it happened was at an earlier time and with a younger Satele; at that time she was not yet the Grandmaster she is ingame. I have yet to see the whole Jedi Knight storyline (my highest level character so far is a 40 Sent), but I would think by the game storyline Satele has vastly improved from the time of the cinematics.


Good point as everyone seems to base Shan versus anyone else solely on the two fights from those two fights in order to depict her as inept against any one other fodder.

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Also, we saw in the Hope cinematic Satele block a saber thrust by Malgus with her hand. That in itself is impressive, because it wasn't just a mere block but she had to withstand the pressure and heat of the lightsaber bearing down. I am not sure if there are many Jedi and Sith who can do that. And what is even more impressive was she still managed to Force move a tree to fall down on Malgus while still blocking the thrust. Those done when she was still not at her peak. I think those alone already show her power.
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Also, we saw in the Hope cinematic Satele block a saber thrust by Malgus with her hand. That in itself is impressive, because it wasn't just a mere block but she had to withstand the pressure and heat of the lightsaber bearing down. I am not sure if there are many Jedi and Sith who can do that. And what is even more impressive was she still managed to Force move a tree to fall down on Malgus while still blocking the thrust. Those done when she was still not at her peak. I think those alone already show her power.


No she didn't, she was in a saber lock with Malgus when she took the tree down, not when she was absorbing the blade, she had to be saved by Jace during that point.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Darth Bane's apprentice was very good with her double-bladed saber, and she was a light little thing. :p


On the contrary, Zannah can barely hold her own versus a capable duelist, there is no record of her beating anyone notable in straight up sabre combat.

She is a sorcerous type.

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No she didn't, she was in a saber lock with Malgus when she took the tree down, not when she was absorbing the blade, she had to be saved by Jace during that point.


Rewatched that; thanks for the correction...

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She actually states she has gotten weaker and that the JK is better.


Well, the JK being better doesn't mean much. JK is an absurdly potent lightsaber combatant who wins his/her own fight against Malgus and goes on to be the next Battlemaster after the BH kills the current one.

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