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SW spoiler : don't read if chapter 3 is not completed :p


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Ok ***! I wanted to chop Quinn's little head off! Why is he still alive! Why can't we kill him!? I'd rather lose a companion than have a ****** story, guys .. ***!


Sigh. Seriously. Another one of these threads?


There are any number of RP reasons, if only you could use your imagination, here. I decided, in my own Warrior story, that my warrior blamed the actual architect of that incident -- Darth Baras -- and not the non-force-user of a tool he manipulated to use against her. Because why blame someone for being unable to resist whatever pressure a friggin' Sith brought to bear against him, rather than the Sith himself.


But you play your game as you choose, of course. Just have fun!

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Besides what Sith would show mercy to a traitor? Quinn's in time out for now until I can jet him into space


This x10


Quin should know by now that I don't let traitors live. And that I give my enemies one chance to surrender or die. So what if he was just a tool? Use the wrong tool for the job and it gets broken... Too bad if my female sw and his bad something going, that obviously didn't stop him.


When I chose the dark side option I burst out with a yell of "yeah!"

And then was disappointed to see my sw let him live.. Which was followed with my disappointed "aww! weak..."


I just hope someday they'll give me the option to actually kill him off instead.

What kind of sith let's a back stabber live?



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They changed it because people were unhappy that their decision had consequences, namely: oh no, my healer's gone forever now.


Which likely many who are upset about not being able to kill off Quinn, would then be complaining about.


Which makes me glad I knew about the betrayal before hand. It allowed me to not rush ahead on the companion romance, so it all worked out with my Sith saying Quinn will have to find a way to get her to forgive him *wink wink* ^_^


Though I guess if I did kill him off instead, I know I never ran with my healer :p

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I think the part I liked the least about this was that he seemed to think that he had been in a long and passionate romance with my marauder, when she had only just started the romance arc, and he was still in the "My lord, I couldn't, it would be inneficient!" stage.


I see plenty of chances where companions might have been killed off, and yet Quinn is the only one I see complained about. I'm beginning to wish that they would change it back, simply to shut everyone up about it.

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I think the part I liked the least about this was that he seemed to think that he had been in a long and passionate romance with my marauder, when she had only just started the romance arc, and he was still in the "My lord, I couldn't, it would be inneficient!" stage.


I see plenty of chances where companions might have been killed off, and yet Quinn is the only one I see complained about. I'm beginning to wish that they would change it back, simply to shut everyone up about it.


I'd say Skadge is up above Quinn in people wanting dead.

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They changed it because people were unhappy that their decision had consequences, namely: oh no, my healer's gone forever now.


That is a pathetic reason to reverse it lol, everyone here knows certain actions have consequences, especially choosing the action "kill Quinn " lol. But I mean the Droid that we have heals so losing Quinn shouldn't matter.

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I wanted to flush Ashara out of the airlock when she mumbled something about how she was so good in the jedi flight simulator and wanted to fly my ship but Andronikos doesn't let her. Ashara, some annoying jedi kid. Me, sith lord in dark V. Andronikos, my husband and my ship's pilot. You think you have my symphaties, jedi?


Anyway, the ship droid isn't that great healer, so I can understand if people didn't realize [kill Quinn] would actually, permanently kill him, they would be annoyed. But hey, you can always roll a pureblood and use that species ability to punch him once every hour or something. I'm sure pretty soon he wishes he was dead. xD


Anyway, with my jugg I just told him to make it up to her, though it was a bit disappointing that he would try to assassinate his own wife...the guy clearly needs a shorter leach. Personally I couldn't kill Quinn even if it was possible. He's too hot to die. xD

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That is a pathetic reason to reverse it lol, everyone here knows certain actions have consequences, especially choosing the action "kill Quinn " lol. But I mean the Droid that we have heals so losing Quinn shouldn't matter.

Yeah, but the droid blows.


I mean, I agree with you, but I can understand the logic behind what BW did, and I don't really have a problem with it from a game-balance point of view.

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Yeah, but the droid blows.


I mean, I agree with you, but I can understand the logic behind what BW did, and I don't really have a problem with it from a game-balance point of view.


They could buff the droids heal a bit to match Quinn and give him the carbon freezer skill. As of now my SW is my only tion that I have a 50 so I can't really relate to how the other class stories go.

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That is a pathetic reason to reverse it lol, everyone here knows certain actions have consequences, especially choosing the action "kill Quinn " lol. But I mean the Droid that we have heals so losing Quinn shouldn't matter.


I think the main problem in the beta (in which you COULD kill your companions) was that if you rolled darkside, there was NO WAY WHATSOEVER to take a dark-sided choice and not lose him. People were probably unhappy with having to take lightside points just to keep their companion.


That said, I think I see how they can make it work now. Just remove one of the two light-sided options we currently have and replace it with one where you kill him. That makes it possible for those who don't mind losing him to stay in character, while still allowing those who don't wanna kill him to remain dark-sided.

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There are any number of RP reasons, if only you could use your imagination, here. I decided, in my own Warrior story, that my warrior blamed the actual architect of that incident -- Darth Baras -- and not the non-force-user of a tool he manipulated to use against her.


Aye. My own take on it was that Quinn was between a rock and a hard place and saw no way out except death by your hand. Think about it - he talks about how he's studied your combat style in detail and programmed those droids perfectly against it. And the droids were useless. He planned to die in combat instead of to whatever Darth Baras promised him if he doesn't kill you.

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Aye. My own take on it was that Quinn was between a rock and a hard place and saw no way out except death by your hand. Think about it - he talks about how he's studied your combat style in detail and programmed those droids perfectly against it. And the droids were useless. He planned to die in combat instead of to whatever Darth Baras promised him if he doesn't kill you.


I remember that theory from somewhere on the forums. There was also the theory that (agent story spoiler)

the brainwashing used on the imperial agent was used on Quinn

which has it's own set of negative implications.

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That said, I think I see how they can make it work now. Just remove one of the two light-sided options we currently have and replace it with one where you kill him. That makes it possible for those who don't mind losing him to stay in character, while still allowing those who don't wanna kill him to remain dark-sided.

I just wish there were more ways to RP that whole thing in general. As it is, there is an extremely diverse range of potential responses and the coverage we get from the extant ones, even for LS SWs, is inadequate, IMO.

Aye. My own take on it was that Quinn was between a rock and a hard place and saw no way out except death by your hand. Think about it - he talks about how he's studied your combat style in detail and programmed those droids perfectly against it. And the droids were useless. He planned to die in combat instead of to whatever Darth Baras promised him if he doesn't kill you.

That's...unsatisfying for me.


If he wanted to commit suicide, he could've just, you know, committed suicide. The way it is now, he chooses to fight the SW but then surrenders and continues to fight on his/her side later. That's not a very efficient way to commit suicide. If he felt that he had an obligation to Baras that was incompatible with his responsibilities, duties, and relationships as a member of the SW's crew, then choosing to fail and then surrender cannot in any reasonable sense be regarded as a discharge of that obligation.


And if he thinks that his obligation to a man who specifically told him that his debt had been repaid on Balmorra actually interferes - much less overrides - his responsibility to his current commanding officer and the person who has facilitated his continued success in the Imperial military, then he's got one incredibly messed-up concept of honor, duty, and obligation. Which, admittedly, isn't that unbelievable for an Imperial officer in this Sith Empire, but it does make his character considerably less sympathetic than you probably want to portray.


And then there's the angle of female SWs who've already married him, which is just impossible to explain away in any form that doesn't involve an outrageous amount of mendacity.


I don't think that there's a way for him to come away from the Quinncident without having acted stupidly, inconsistently, hypocritically, or some combination of the above.

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I just wish there were more ways to RP that whole thing in general. As it is, there is an extremely diverse range of potential responses and the coverage we get from the extant ones, even for LS SWs, is inadequate, IMO.


That's...unsatisfying for me.


If he wanted to commit suicide, he could've just, you know, committed suicide. The way it is now, he chooses to fight the SW but then surrenders and continues to fight on his/her side later. That's not a very efficient way to commit suicide. If he felt that he had an obligation to Baras that was incompatible with his responsibilities, duties, and relationships as a member of the SW's crew, then choosing to fail and then surrender cannot in any reasonable sense be regarded as a discharge of that obligation.


And if he thinks that his obligation to a man who specifically told him that his debt had been repaid on Balmorra actually interferes - much less overrides - his responsibility to his current commanding officer and the person who has facilitated his continued success in the Imperial military, then he's got one incredibly messed-up concept of honor, duty, and obligation. Which, admittedly, isn't that unbelievable for an Imperial officer in this Sith Empire, but it does make his character considerably less sympathetic than you probably want to portray.


And then there's the angle of female SWs who've already married him, which is just impossible to explain away in any form that doesn't involve an outrageous amount of mendacity.


I don't think that there's a way for him to come away from the Quinncident without having acted stupidly, inconsistently, hypocritically, or some combination of the above.


It is one thing to go to death and other to kill yourself. Concerning Balmorra did it ever cross your mind that Darth Baras might have lied?


Personally I am also in the camp of he made such a weak attempt that he wanted to fail.

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It is one thing to go to death and other to kill yourself. Concerning Balmorra did it ever cross your mind that Darth Baras might have lied?


Personally I am also in the camp of he made such a weak attempt that he wanted to fail.

If Baras told Quinn that his obligation was discharged, then rewarded him commensurate with such a discharge (by allowing him choice of post and an increase in grade), it would be reasonable for Quinn to have considered himself free of obligation to Baras. Quinn's honor is not something that Baras could lie about. If Baras later came to Quinn and said, "oh, by the way, you still totally owe me for insulating you from Broysc, now enact this desperate and doomed plot for me so I can try to save my crumbling little fiefdom", Quinn would only have to obey if he himself considered himself honor-bound to do so. Baras couldn't make Quinn feel obligated any more than he could turn the Emperor's Wrath aside with a few words and a disdainful glare.


So this was all on Quinn, and his screwed-up concept of honor. If he thought he still owed Baras more than he owed the Wrath, especially after that gut-check with the crew following the return to Quesh, then he was just crazy. And he apparently did feel that way. Which made him crazy. Which is the complaint.

Edited by Euphrosyne
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You know, if they were to add in more potential companions, with the ability to kill off and/or turn away some and grab someone different....


This would be wonderful. Being forced to accept Skadge as a companion pissed me off much more than anything in this game, including the various bugs, balance issues, and other things people usually complain about.

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You know, if they were to add in more potential companions, with the ability to kill off and/or turn away some and grab someone different....


Excellent idea! I didn't want broonmark lol maybe through in combat pets for companions like a wampa or a rancor. That would be something I'd like to see :p

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