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Gotta Kill Fast III - Valor 100 Concealment Operative PvP [Video]


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oh good you are back. come to take my reputation down a notch or two? I miss you.... come play with me again.


are you staying knives? or going to go healing again?


I need a knifey rival!!!!


Haha, I only go healing or lethality when I'm really bored.


But yeah, some operative teams would be pretty cool. I'd almost pay to see you, me, and Atess in the same group.

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That's a lot of 5k hits. Just how the heck are you doing that?


Note the wz red buff he has when getting most of those 5k hits. The points of this, from what I can tell, is a burst compilation, so it makes sense that he's picking up the +15% damage buff for his openers.

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Note the wz red buff he has when getting most of those 5k hits. The points of this, from what I can tell, is a burst compilation, so it makes sense that he's picking up the +15% damage buff for his openers.


whats the wz red buff?


regardless, i can hit 5k plus on undergeared players .. im not sure if he was hitting fully geared toons for 5k. im assuming he was fully min/max too ...

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Note the wz red buff he has when getting most of those 5k hits. The points of this, from what I can tell, is a burst compilation, so it makes sense that he's picking up the +15% damage buff for his openers.


I noticed that some of the time, but not all the time.


I suppose it could just be a matter of him always going up against very low geared players, but I know I've fought the Old Republic guys before and they do deal some significant damage.


It's not like I haven't got a few 5k hits here and there, but it's very very rare. Basically has to be a medium or light armor wearer in terrible gear. And I don't seem to run into those types often.

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hey now just wanted to drop in and say thx for the vid. I can actually watch it. there's alot of you guys who put music in their vids that isn't licensed in other countries and they get blocked.



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Yes, using Acid Blade back to back (by waiting for the HS dot to finish first) is usually preferable.


However, when I know the target is going to stun/mez/run from/etc. me as soon as they get up from my opener I'd might as well just use Backstab ASAP (beforehand) because by the time I get back to the target it will probably be ready for use once again.


The sniper fight as 1:13 is a good example of this.




^Also, this.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that does this. I've been doing this for so long, because it's pretty much a guarantee that I will get CC'd immediately anyway on most targets. Might as well just maximize burst when I have the chance.

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6 power/surge enhancements, 1 crit/accuracy enhancement

7 power mods, 2 crit mods

2 crit color crystals

14 cunning augments


With exotech stim that leaves me at:

978 bonus tech damage

34% tech crit

79% crit multiplier

102% tech accuravy

1314 expertise

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Great vid, it was good fun to watch, enjoyed the soundtrack as well. However, nearly everyone that was faced off against had 16k or less hps and as soon as you faced off against someone with greater hps, it flipped to another vid of you slaughtering the 16k or less hps. Hardly sporting.
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However, nearly everyone that was faced off against had 16k or less hps and as soon as you faced off against someone with greater hps, it flipped to another vid of you slaughtering the 16k or less hps. Hardly sporting.


19 of the kills were on targets with over 18k health, making up the majority of the video. 12 of them were 19/20k health targets.

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That's a lot of 5k hits. Just how the heck are you doing that?


On the Warzone Training Dummy I get the general numbers of:

5100 on Hidden Strike crit

4600 on Backstab crit

4200 on Explosive Probe crit

3300 on Shiv & Lacerate crit


The nice thing about being a stealther is you can easily grab the red buff in warzones before assaulting a node and its unsuspecting defender(s). A concealment operative with a damage buff is a thing to be feared indeed.

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  • 8 months later...
I bet he stunlocked a few people into unsubbing. Then 2.0 hit and he got nerflocked into unsubbing too with the rest of the Ops.

Concealment operatives have been in a nerfed state for a long, long time. All the videos I've made thus far are just me squeezing as much amusement out of it as I can.


We didn't get nerfed in 2.0. My playstyle simply got nerfed indirectly by a new emphasis on longer, drawn out battles where defensive cooldowns (something we lack) are key to victory. Frankly though, constant nerfs have been the norm since the original ultra nerf so it's not like 2.0 killed the class for anyone. DPS ops will likely always be that gimp class that's still fun to make shine now and then.


Why did I take a break from the game? A combination of my guildees quiting, the insufferable perma-root exfiltrate bug (which still isn't fixed?!), and, most of all, a newfound Warframe addiction were responsible for me forgeting SWTOR existed for awhile. But then Warframe started to get boring and I missed PvP so that's why I'm subbed again.

Edited by Campaigner
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Concealment was in its best state during Beta, back then I made a post stating how this build will dominate PvP as the premier stealth build due to the control+burst+healing...I played it in beta and was a killing machine...


Game goes live and the build was buffed...OMG BW had completely missed the mark and absolutely had no clue what they were doing..metrics are all good and fine but man did they botch it!


You all know what happened next....Well the issue is not this build its other builds that have dumbed down the game so much with perma snare and perma roots....


PT: Perma snare with stun's -yes more than 1 stun- and pull

Warrior: Chain root, snare. mez


Now how many Arena teams have PT's and Warriors? and that is your answer...


Sorry but giving builds passive way to perma snare is dumb

Root off Resolve is dumb

Giving every class multiple CC's on SHORT CD is dumb

Perma snare is dumb


All this CC is because developers/designers need a crutch..they can not actually deliver quality so they add CC with short CD.


Don't get me wrong I'm all for CC that promotes skillful game play -which means LONGER CD CC- but what we have now is madness...

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