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Why Would Count Dooku Say That?


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Just have a question. My daughter and I watched Episode II again the other night and there was a sequence in that movie that I thought peculiar and never completely made sense to me.


I'm referring to the scene with Count Dooku and Obi-Wan Kenobi in shackles on Geonosis (sp?). Dooku pretty much lays out for Obi-Wan the realities of Darth Sidious having control of the Republic Senate. The question occurred to me the second time I saw the film and again the other night: Why would Dooku tell Kenobi this information?


The first time we saw this we weren't clear on Dooku's role, but in the end of the movie it is clear that he is the apprentice of Darth Sidious. The only thing I can surmise is that Dooku was attempting to persuade Kenobi to be his apprentice so he could unseat Sidious himself and take control of the Senate, but I'm not quite sure.


The movies, and even the Clone Wars material, don't give any sort of clear explanation. Was wondering if some of you that are more interested and aware of the lore know something I don't. Thx.

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Just have a question. My daughter and I watched Episode II again the other night and there was a sequence in that movie that I thought peculiar and never completely made sense to me.


I'm referring to the scene with Count Dooku and Obi-Wan Kenobi in shackles on Geonosis (sp?). Dooku pretty much lays out for Obi-Wan the realities of Darth Sidious having control of the Republic Senate. The question occurred to me the second time I saw the film and again the other night: Why would Dooku tell Kenobi this information?


The first time we saw this we weren't clear on Dooku's role, but in the end of the movie it is clear that he is the apprentice of Darth Sidious. The only thing I can surmise is that Dooku was attempting to persuade Kenobi to be his apprentice so he could unseat Sidious himself and take control of the Senate, but I'm not quite sure.


The movies, and even the Clone Wars material, don't give any sort of clear explanation. Was wondering if some of you that are more interested and aware of the lore know something I don't. Thx.


... what did you think the count was going to do with obi wan other than kill him, imprison him, or that horrendous idea you had of him turning obi wan.

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Count Dooku trained Qui Gon who trained Obi Wan. So he felt proprietary towards Obi Wan. He probably did like the idea of Obi Wan as his apprentice but the one thing we know for sure is that he planned to betray Sidious at some point, "Treachery is the way of the Sith, thought Count Dooku" (Revenge of the Sith Novelization).
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Dooku did have plans of using Obi-Wan as an apprentice. He always thought he would be a better choice than Anakin if he could convert him to the dark side. Dooku was hoping that Obi-Wan would think like his master and rebel and join his side knowing that there was a Sith Lord controlling the senate that needed to be dealt with. But Qui-Gon was more complex and I really don't believe the Dark Side of the force would ever have been an appealing option to him. Obi-Wan knew this as well. In fact, I'd say Obi-Wan knew Qui-Gon better than Dooku ever did when you read the books and comics on the matter.
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Clone Wars spoilers:


It is likely that Dooku did not see Obi Wan escaping so it was a join me or die kinda thing.



Sidious very much followed the Rule of Two and knew that Dooku would eventually betray him (why he decided to get rid of him in the EP3)


Tyranus also knew this and had his own apprentices (Ventress who was ordered to die by Sidious when she grew strong enough to challenge him and then Savage Opress (the brother of Maul) who was in fact an agent of Ventress who survived Tyranus' betrayal. Opress then betrayed Dooku but did not best him and he even turned on Ventress and they both escaped.


Ventress then pretty much became a bounty hunter.


Opress was told by Mother Talzin (a Dathomiri Witch with high mastery of 'magic' i.e. the Force but adhered to differently than the Jedi, Sith, Aing-Tii, Voss or other Force-sensitives) that Maul has survived and Opress went to find him. Maul fashioning himself as a Sith Lord with Savage as his apprentice then manipulated Pre Viszla of the Death Watch (Mandalorian) to take over the capital planet of Mandalore, he then betrayed Viszla and killed him and used the former leader Satine to bait Kenobi as he wanted to kill him but Kenobi escaped. Unfortunately, Sidious also felt Maul and travelled to the planet where he duelled and killed Opress, told Maul that he was a failed apprentice and there can only be two (Sidious and Tyranus). He tortured Maul but did not kill him saying he had other uses for him.


As to the question it was very much an attempt to turn Kenobi to the Dark Side and a part of Dooku's ongoing quest for power. It is simply what Sith under the Rule of Two do, the apprentice takes his own apprentice and kills the master and the cycle continues.



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