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Question of the Day 4/4/2013


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Level my powertech as far as I can. Have allot going on so may not get 50. Also alts are finally starting to take away my time. Between alts, a 2 year old, my woman and just finishing my year end at work my time is spread all over...hoping this weekend can least get to 45 or 46. I been playing only a couple months and considering how much time I have to play this game is excellent for me...really got lucky with the double exp weekends even if I worked most of last weekend.


Already ordered the new expansion and can not wait!!!

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Probably going to take my girlfriend to a local park and have a picnic. Maybe watch some basketball with my buddies the next day and drink.


Does double XP mean I have to throw my weekend away on a game?


Not at all, obviously you're a man with those manly plans you have (minus the picnic of course). Cool guys like you and me don't waste our time on stupid games when we got man things to do right? I'm going to the gym and building a man cave...UNDER GROUND with a shovel!



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Not at all, obviously you're a man with those manly plans you have (minus the picnic of course). Cool guys like you and me don't waste our time on stupid games when we got man things to do right? I'm going to the gym and building a man cave...UNDER GROUND with a shovel!





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Probably going to take my girlfriend to a local park and have a picnic. Maybe watch some basketball with my buddies the next day and drink.


Does double XP mean I have to throw my weekend away on a game?


No, but I am to some extent. Not going out Saturday night. Will still spend tonight with my wife watching TiVo'd shows for a couple hours. Will still go out and play with my kid, run errands as normal.


However, during downtimes? You better believe I'll be logged in :)

Edited by islander
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I will spend it the same as I did the last double xp weekends and log off until it is over. I prefer to enjoy the storyline at the pace swtor originally intended.


We'll spend it the same way we always do, Pinky, plotting to take over the galaxy! And then probably get my inquisitor to chapter 2 or something, or maybe get my BH to 50, or one of my trroopers to 50 or my second smuggler to 50 or one of my jedi knights to 50 or something, or maybe just eat bacon all weekend long, with maple syrup.

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I'm going to work on a couple of my newer characters. :) It took me several tries to get some character/class combos "right", so I am quite sick of Dromund Kaas and Coruscant and want to zip through those on my fresh-off-the-starter-worlds Warrior and Trooper. xD


If I have time, I'd also like to get through Balmorra on my Warrior, as I am looking forward to picking up his second Companion.

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I still haven't entirely decided. I've been out of town on the weekends lately. This will be the first double XP weekend that I will be able to take advantage of.


I have a plethora of random characters (see sig). I enjoy mixing things up. I'm leaning towards leveling my 31 sage. If I still have time (and can stand it), I may finish off leveling the sorcerer as well. I do enjoy playing as a BH mercenary, but there's probably no way I could get all three of those to 50 this weekend (without losing my sanity). I also really enjoy playing my gunslinger. Not enough time lol.

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I'll be enjoying levelling some toons doing the interesting bits rather than making sure I get every bonus and side quest just to keep up with the levelling curve so I don't end up being 2+ levels too low for the next Planet.


Double XP lets me level at leisure

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I'll be playing some other game. I played during the first one and hated how badly I ended up overleveling the content. I really love the journey, and hate rushing towards the endgame. Crazy, I know. :eek:


Not that huge a deal, but I wish there was an option to turn off these things. Definately looking forward to the expansion regardless.

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I would love to get my 36 Guardian to 50, but like many other players, I am getting an empty server list upon login. I have re-installed the game, run repair many times, checked my firewall. Nothing. I can't send an in-game help ticket, I waited on hold with customer service for an hour before my phone died, and no response on twitter. Is there ANYTHING being done about this? Anything other than waiting til the next patch?
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