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I have lost my raid spot... thanks to Bioware.


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I used to be one of the top dps in my guild. I was taken to almost every HM and NM operation as melee dps. As a madness Assassin I could always out dps marauders on a single target. Then the PTS came out. Assassins got completely screwed up by Bioware. Now my guild's raid leader (and myself) have no idea how madness DPS is going to fair at level 55. Therefore, I have officially lost my raid spot. In order to get my raid spot back again I have to wait and see if the class is even viable anymore at 55 and then prove myself all over again to my guild. All confidence in my class has been shot. I am trying to figure out if I even want to continue playing this game. Thanks Bioware. You really screwed me over this time.
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That's because they only have one main person with a few assistants doing all the class balancing mostly and they decided to take a class that didn't need any changes made to it, other than scaling their DPS with the new level cap, and completely broke the class and DPS rotation.


Good Game Bioware!

Edited by Spamalots
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Sorry if my post sounded a little whiny, I was pretty upset when I found out. I'm not joking about the situation, but I can see the humor in it I guess..... sigh.

edit: I would also like to point out that I am in a hardcore raiding guild that will do whatever they have to to progress quickly in the operations. Right now 2 Marauders are being taken for melee DPS. :mad:

Edited by ratiphi
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Reasons to bring a Marauder to Operations:

Amazing single target DPS

Amazing AOE DPS

Group damage buff


Reasons to bring an Assassin DPS to Operations:

Possibly decent single target DPS (noone knows for sure)

No other utility that matters for boss fights


When you are talking about a progression guild they will always take the best class for the role. There is currently no reason to take an Assassin for DPS. I guess I should have seen this coming...

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I wished BW could be honest about it, Assassins are strictly a PvP class and is not meant to be used in PvE. Every change to the class skills, abilities and mechanics are made with PvP in mind and that is not going to change.

From the looks of it, im not going to be able to use my Deception Assassin in an operation, Madness is out to.


Im not in "hardcore" progression guild, but when you know that the only thing you bring to the table is mediocre DPS and absolutley no utility whatsoever, i dont feel its fair to the other members of the group.

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Make a merc or sniper, thank me later. Every time I see we have weaker heals, ranged dps is safest option to avoid damage and focus on dsping. if you lost your spot because of changes that didn't hit live yet, then i would change that guild.

No one noticed death mark is increased? Yes, energy regen loss is a b***.



1.Good player that want's to do good raiding will adapt.

2.Don't give me that 'you don't have time to make other chars' as you seem to be hardcore raider ;) (If you lost your spot, you have time to level :p)

3.wait for it to hit live, if will underperform, I'm sure class will be balanced.

4.any smart leader will take smart player over extra 5% damage.

5.rething your guild. I mean really. If I would hear that from my GL, I would hit /gquit so fast, it would make his head spin. and then again on my other 50's and other alts..

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Assassins will be one of the worst dps in 2.0. There is no debating that. There is also no debating that if you were to form the most effective raid group, keeping player skill and gear constant, an assassin dps would not be included. That holds true on live, as well. However, that does not mean assassins will not be viable dps in 2.0. Fights in TFB and S&V rely less on hard enrage and more on soft enrages. Assassins, especially in deception, will be a healer's blessing during fights like Dash'Roode, Titan, and Styrak, because they do some of the most damage to targets under 30%. Assassins, even one of the worst dps, will put out enough damage to pull their weight on operations bosses. The enrage timers are not tight enough to make assassins non-viable. Edited by bbare
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I used to be one of the top dps in my guild. I was taken to almost every HM and NM operation as melee dps. As a madness Assassin I could always out dps marauders on a single target. Then the PTS came out. Assassins got completely screwed up by Bioware. Now my guild's raid leader (and myself) have no idea how madness DPS is going to fair at level 55. Therefore, I have officially lost my raid spot. In order to get my raid spot back again I have to wait and see if the class is even viable anymore at 55 and then prove myself all over again to my guild. All confidence in my class has been shot. I am trying to figure out if I even want to continue playing this game. Thanks Bioware. You really screwed me over this time.


If your guild kicks you out of a raid spot because of all the QQ on the forums then just go find a new guild, they are garbage if thats the case. I have one of each AC's on the ptr, and as of the 3/14 changes, my Assassin in Mad Maul spec is on par or over all the other AC's. With 0-18-28 I was easily sustaining 2400 dps on the 55 dummy. With Sniper Lethality/Engineering hybrid was only doing 2200 dps and spiking at 2300-2400, same for my Pyro Powertech. I am pretty weak at my Marauder, but there isn't anyone posting that they are breaking 2400dps.


Yes as of right now a full Madness build is lacking because they wanted to take Maul out of the rotation to simplify it. But this is the Assassins hardest hitting ability, to take this out of the rotation was a bad idea. Putting Maul back in the rotation and taking Creeping Terror out will add 100-200 dps to your parse.

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If your guild kicks you out of a raid spot because of all the QQ on the forums then just go find a new guild, they are garbage if thats the case. I have one of each AC's on the ptr, and as of the 3/14 changes, my Assassin in Mad Maul spec is on par or over all the other AC's. With 0-18-28 I was easily sustaining 2400 dps on the 55 dummy. With Sniper Lethality/Engineering hybrid was only doing 2200 dps and spiking at 2300-2400, same for my Pyro Powertech. I am pretty weak at my Marauder, but there isn't anyone posting that they are breaking 2400dps.


Yes as of right now a full Madness build is lacking because they wanted to take Maul out of the rotation to simplify it. But this is the Assassins hardest hitting ability, to take this out of the rotation was a bad idea. Putting Maul back in the rotation and taking Creeping Terror out will add 100-200 dps to your parse.


Good to know. Thanks

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To everyone saying find a new guild: This is not my guild leader's fault. In hardcore raiding guilds thats the way it goes. This is not a new thing in MMOs. As stated above, its not my guild leader's fault that Bioware screwed the class up. I just hope they are viable dps in operations or this game is pretty much dead to me. :(
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The point I was trying to make is that Assassin at the end of ptr was one of the highest dps classes, if your raid leader wants to bring sub par dps then, well, you need a new guild. If your raid leader was making his decision based off of ptr QQ and not performance, well, you need a new guild.
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Because his guild leader nerfed Assassins.. right?


Bioware didn't say "You can't go on raids any more, because your class isn't as good as it used to be". Sure, they're the ones who made the changes to his class, but it's his raid/guild leader who is choosing not to take him along.


OP: Like many other people are saying, find a new guild. You play the game to play the game, so you go where you CAN play the game, that is evidently not at your current guild at this time. Make a new character for ops, or bide your time to see if Assassin/Shadow gets fixed. I'm sure there are plenty of great guilds on your server that would take you along for ops, and at a pace where you still get what you want out of the game

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If your guild kicks you out of a raid spot because of all the QQ on the forums then just go find a new guild, they are garbage if thats the case. I have one of each AC's on the ptr, and as of the 3/14 changes, my Assassin in Mad Maul spec is on par or over all the other AC's. With 0-18-28 I was easily sustaining 2400 dps on the 55 dummy. With Sniper Lethality/Engineering hybrid was only doing 2200 dps and spiking at 2300-2400, same for my Pyro Powertech. I am pretty weak at my Marauder, but there isn't anyone posting that they are breaking 2400dps.


Yes as of right now a full Madness build is lacking because they wanted to take Maul out of the rotation to simplify it. But this is the Assassins hardest hitting ability, to take this out of the rotation was a bad idea. Putting Maul back in the rotation and taking Creeping Terror out will add 100-200 dps to your parse.


I agree that assassins are still "viable," but your parses are pretty low for other classes. My sniper hybrid was doing 2500-2600 dps. My pyro powertech was doing 2700 dps and 2500 dps after the nerf. My marauder was doing 2600 dps in carnage and 2650 dps in annihilation. These are pretty reasonable findings if you look at Gyrodynamic's (I think that is the name) thread on the forums. You will find Assassins below most other classes by about 5%.

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So lets say the Assassin is 5% lower than other classes. If we are talking about a hardcore raiding guild (which is what I prefer), why would any sane raid leader take an assassin to dps? They are single target dps only. Marauders have 5% better single target dps, MUCH better AOE dps, and a group damage buff. Any guild I would want to raid with would make this assessment and then ask me to switch to another class. Therein lies the problem... I dont want to switch classes. I have played my Assassin as dps very successfully since the beta. Im not about to change now just because Bioware's class balance monkey is a moron.
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So lets say the Assassin is 5% lower than other classes. If we are talking about a hardcore raiding guild (which is what I prefer), why would any sane raid leader take an assassin to dps? They are single target dps only. Marauders have 5% better single target dps, MUCH better AOE dps, and a group damage buff. Any guild I would want to raid with would make this assessment and then ask me to switch to another class. Therein lies the problem... I dont want to switch classes. I have played my Assassin as dps very successfully since the beta. Im not about to change now just because Bioware's class balance monkey is a moron.


The assassin has never been the best melee to take into a raid. Marauders or Powertechs have always been better since the launch of the game. The assassin situation is not really that much worse than it is on live. They still will be a worse choice than marauders. You weren't switching classes before when assassins were not as good as a marauder, why switch now? If your raid leader is too much of a jerk to not let your assassin in the raids, quit that guild. and find a guild that isn't pretentious and elitist. Honestly, if dps is a major problem for S&V, it is due to player skill and not class balance. People were downing the first 6 bosses like nothing on the PTS, and the 7th became much easier once people started getting the augments.

Edited by bbare
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The assassin has never been the best melee to take into a raid. Marauders or Powertechs have always been better since the launch of the game. The assassin situation is not really that much worse than it is on live. They still will be a worse choice than marauders. You weren't switching classes before when assassins were not as good as a marauder, why switch now? If your raid leader is too much of a jerk to not let your assassin in the raids, quit that guild. and find a guild that isn't pretentious and elitist. Honestly, if dps is a major problem for S&V, it is due to player skill and not class balance. People were downing the first 6 bosses like nothing on the PTS, and the 7th became much easier once people started getting the augments.


I have to be honest here, I wasnt aware of this. I pretty much always output more single target dps than any class in my raids, including marauders and PTs. I know that including AOE (which is a lot of boss fights) they come out on top. I guess now that I think about it, yeah, Assassins have always been subpar. I played mine well enough to turn heads within my guild. I guess all those years DPSing as a feral druid in WOW paid off. My skill at the class usually earned me a spot in guild raids. Guess the times are changing...

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To the op:


So, let me sum it up...


- You joined an hardcore PvE guild knowing that they kick out everything that is not at the top of efficiency.

- In a MMO game where every player making sense know that power is something that change with time and patchs.

- Feeling happy that you had always a reserved spot, even if it was meaning, if you have two cents of logic, that some others don't have one because of your over-efficiency.

- With the presence of the logic that anyone thinking two minutes calmly can have that is the class/spec who have the most chance to be nerfed next is the one that is at the top of efficiency.

- And now complaining that you are not sure to have a spot left right now in it



I'm often a player that try to be nice with others, but even thinking hard, I don't see anything else to answer that "you reap what you saw" ?


And give you an advice: Play what is fun and play it well, don't chase efficiency on an MMO and don't play with people that only make choices based on it.

Edited by Moonheart_S
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I have to be honest here, I wasnt aware of this. I pretty much always output more single target dps than any class in my raids, including marauders and PTs. I know that including AOE (which is a lot of boss fights) they come out on top. I guess now that I think about it, yeah, Assassins have always been subpar. I played mine well enough to turn heads within my guild. I guess all those years DPSing as a feral druid in WOW paid off. My skill at the class usually earned me a spot in guild raids. Guess the times are changing...


Now time to be brutally honest:


If you are in a "very hardcore" raiding guild and you were out dps'ing marauders and powertechs as an assassin, then that guild is not that hardcore in the first place. I would tell them, that they should be looking at the skill of the marauder and powertechs before you, because a top-notch marauder or powertech should be out dps'ing you by a pretty large margin. This is definitely a guild issue and not much of an issue with class balance. Assassins will be one of the worst dps when 2.0 comes along, but they won't be bad enough to be non-viable in raids.

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