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prediction: RWZ season 1 champion team composition


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8 advance classes. 8 slots on a rated wz team. Season 1 coming down the pike soon.


Given what we know about 2.0 class balance from PTS, assign a probability to each advanced class. The probability is the likelyhood that the champion of RWZ season 1 brings that class to the final match(es). Extra credit: you can mention the spec (e.g. we expect an op healer but maybe not a concealment op).


  1. Guardian / Jugg
  2. Sentinel / Marauder
  3. Sage / Sorc
  4. Shadow / Assassin
  5. gunslinger / sniper
  6. scoundrel / operative
  7. commando / merc
  8. vanguard / powertech


We don't really know how much class balance tuning is going to happen between the public release of 2.0 and Season 1 RWZ but lack of knowledge never stopped anyone from speculating.


I'll start off by saying that there is 0% chance that the champion team has a DPS commando/merc.

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Season 1 coming down the pike soon.


Love the optimism.



  1. Merc dps
  2. Madness assassin
  3. Madness assassin
  4. Concealment op
  5. Anna Mara
  6. PT Tank
  7. 2x Merc heals


One of the assassins will have to guard a node but anything but this is a fail.

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Arsenal Merc

Arsenal Merc

Arsenal Merc

Arsenal Merc

Arsenal Merc

Arsenal Merc

Bodyguard Merc

Bodyguard Merc


Ultimate comp nobody will EVER top this. RWZ champ team hands down


I have to disagree


Arsenal merc

Arsenal merc

Arsenal merc

Arsenal merc

Arsenal merc

Pyro merc

Body guard merc

Body guard merc

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8 advance classes. 8 slots on a rated wz team. Season 1 coming down the pike soon.


Given what we know about 2.0 class balance from PTS, assign a probability to each advanced class. The probability is the likelyhood that the champion of RWZ season 1 brings that class to the final match(es). Extra credit: you can mention the spec (e.g. we expect an op healer but maybe not a concealment op).


  1. Guardian / Jugg
  2. Sentinel / Marauder
  3. Sage / Sorc
  4. Shadow / Assassin
  5. gunslinger / sniper
  6. scoundrel / operative
  7. commando / merc
  8. vanguard / powertech


We don't really know how much class balance tuning is going to happen between the public release of 2.0 and Season 1 RWZ but lack of knowledge never stopped anyone from speculating.


I'll start off by saying that there is 0% chance that the champion team has a DPS commando/merc.


I like the thread sorry everyone had to crap on it, so I'll take a real stab at it.


1. smash marauder

2. smash juggernaut

3. smash marauder or juggernaut

4. healer operative

5. healer operative

6. sniper

7. sniper

8. tank/dps hybrid assassin


like you said mercs are out if you really want the best team, powertechs have been nerfed to the ground, instead of glass cannons they are glass handguns not to mention the new shoulder cannon is lame and only an exceptional sorcerer would be even part useful. I think 3 (6) of the 8 (16) classes are locked out of real competitive PvP now.

Edited by NathanielStarr
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I actually don't see a massive change from current


1. Sage Healer

2. Scoundrel Healer

3. Tankadow Node Guard

4. Tank Guardian

5. Combat Sentinel Speed Buff B*tch

6. Gunslinger

7. Gunslinger

8. Gunslinger

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My guesses:




Jugg / Guardian tank

Shadow / Sin nodeguard tank




Sage / Sorc

Operative / Scoundrel


Those are pretty much set in stone IMO:


now for the DPS -


Focus Guardian / Sentinel / Marauder / Jugg -> no explanation needed here.

Combat Sentinel / Carnage Marauder -> these hit like a truck. plus their utility is a must.

Sniper / Gunslinger (not sure on spec right now. if I had to guess either Eng / Sab or MM / SS)


And then for the last DPS...


With the nerfs to pyrotech...


Still. Pyrotech in the last spot i suppose.

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I like the thread sorry everyone had to crap on it, so I'll take a real stab at it.

I don't mind people joking around but it is nice to see a serious response.


I actually don't see a massive change from current


1. Sage Healer

2. Scoundrel Healer

3. Tankadow Node Guard

4. Tank Guardian

5. Combat Sentinel Speed Buff B*tch

6. Gunslinger

7. Gunslinger

8. Gunslinger


Really? Who bring two, much less 3 snipers to rated in the current live release? In my survey a while back people brought 0 or 1 snipers to their rateds. As for PTS, did anyone bring 3 snipers to rateds (not counting the bolster bug matches)?

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I don't imagine the composition will change much. Snipers received a decent buff in 2.0--but they stack poorly ... I'd rather stack dps sorcerers than snipers.



  1. Juggernaut - Tank
  2. Operative - Heals
  3. Sorc - Puddle Heals
  4. Marauder - Carnage
  5. Powertech - Pyro
  6. Powertech - Pyro
  7. Sniper - Map-depending
  8. DoorHumperAssassin - who cares.

Edited by Blasphemerr
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My guesses:




Jugg / Guardian tank

Shadow / Sin nodeguard tank




Sage / Sorc

Operative / Scoundrel


Those are pretty much set in stone IMO:


now for the DPS -


Focus Guardian / Sentinel / Marauder / Jugg -> no explanation needed here.

Combat Sentinel / Carnage Marauder -> these hit like a truck. plus their utility is a must.

Sniper / Gunslinger (not sure on spec right now. if I had to guess either Eng / Sab or MM / SS)


And then for the last DPS...


With the nerfs to pyrotech...


Still. Pyrotech in the last spot i suppose.


Pretty close. The focus/rage guardian/jug is brought over the focus/rage marauder due to force push (push healer away from guard). The carnage marauder would lose his place without 80 percent speed to another slinger/sniper.


There are only really 3 spots up for grabs after op/sorc heals, jug/sin tank, carnage marauder. I wouldn't be surprised if two of those are snipers. Engineering is stupidly good at holding a node and denying a cap (the big fight), and lethality can go through armor like butter. MM would be better in 2's, with both syncing on targets and bringing them down quick, but you could also do that with the carnage marauder/mm working together. I expect to see a metric @#$% ton of snipers. Then a lot of hybrid tank melee to counter them.

Edited by biowareftw
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I like the thread sorry everyone had to crap on it, so I'll take a real stab at it.


1. smash marauder

2. smash juggernaut

3. smash marauder or juggernaut

4. healer operative

5. healer operative

6. sniper

7. sniper

8. tank/dps hybrid assassin


like you said mercs are out if you really want the best team, powertechs have been nerfed to the ground, instead of glass cannons they are glass handguns not to mention the new shoulder cannon is lame and only an exceptional sorcerer would be even part useful. I think 3 (6) of the 8 (16) classes are locked out of real competitive PvP now.


Lol not even close.

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Arsenal Merc

Arsenal Merc

Arsenal Merc

Arsenal Merc

Arsenal Merc

Arsenal Merc

Bodyguard Merc

Bodyguard Merc


Ultimate comp nobody will EVER top this. RWZ champ team hands down


Let's not give the devs a reason to think mercs are OP yeah? They might just jump on it :rolleyes:

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All depends if people start stacking MM snipers. If so Merc healer will be a very good counter. I expect that might happen up until the point people realize how good engineering and lethality are lol :)


I was referring to the 3 smashers.



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This is the team I would run -


1 - Sorc healer

2 - Sorc Healer

3 - Engineer - area denial, healer protection, primary dps

4 - Engineer - area denial, healer protection, primary dps

5 - Sin tank - for 5% healing boost

6 - Vengeance jug - CC immunity - respecs for huttball - spammable slow

7 - concealment operative - node takers / defenders - respecs to heals if needed - lol roll

8 - Deception sin - node takers / defenders - respecs to tanksin for huttball

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1. Juggernaut (Usually tank, will respec rage in rare situations such as void star offense)

2. Assassin (Node Guarder, tank for huttball)

3. Marauder (Carnage for huttball, probably rage for everything else)

4. Another Marauder (Still arguably best survivability and versatility of the DPS classes)

5. Sorc (Healer, maybe respec to dps for voidstar offense)

6. Operative (Healer)

7. Sniper (probably lethality, but a sniper of any spec will be extremely useful)

8. Powertech (Still decent damage in pyro despite nerfs, can respec tank)



You could optionally replace the second marauder with a sorc dps or a merc dps. Those would have the advantage of being able to respec for heals in turtle situations like voidstar defense.


I don't think many of the top teams will stray far from this formula.

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My stab in the dark:


Sage Healer

Scoundrel Healer

DF Slinger

SS Slinger

Sab Slinger

Combat Sent

Tank Shadow

Tank Guard


Maybe swap out the SS slinger for a Vanguard, and have the Sab respec when cap control isn't needed. But all three specs look like they'll bring something nice to RWZs.

Edited by Jherad
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Season 1 never happened and never will.


It was supposed to be for level 50s.

BUT EA/BW fumbled repeatably and lost a season.

Class balance, server Qs and rapidly falling subscribers killed them.


Now level 55s will MAYBE have a chance.

I would not count on it though... knowing EA/BW the way we do.

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