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Who are these guys? (PvP loud mouths)


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I like loudmouths. When I see someone call someone a retard in a warzone, I go to camp our node and do nothing until the wz ends, completely ruining the match for them, making it impossible to turn it to a win. Either that, or I just run around using basic attack on randoms to avoid getting votekicked.


I can't even begin to tell you how amazing it is seeing peoples heads explode when I tell them I'm afking in a corner because when they act like snotty little children, I'm gonna act like a snotty little kid and go sit in a corner :) Hopefully some of them might realize that what they are doing isnt helping, and calm down. Either that or leave the warzone, Im fine with either one.

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I like loudmouths. When I see someone call someone a retard in a warzone, I go to camp our node and do nothing until the wz ends, completely ruining the match for them, making it impossible to turn it to a win. Either that, or I just run around using basic attack on randoms to avoid getting votekicked.


I can't even begin to tell you how amazing it is seeing peoples heads explode when I tell them I'm afking in a corner because when they act like snotty little children, I'm gonna act like a snotty little kid and go sit in a corner :) Hopefully some of them might realize that what they are doing isnt helping, and calm down. Either that or leave the warzone, Im fine with either one.


Nice, you ruin a match for your entire team just to spite a single person you thought was too mean. Are you really amazed that people get mad at you for purposely being useless in a team game? I think you need to do a little self reflecting, because what you're doing isn't amusing or teaching anyone a lesson.

Edited by Zican
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Nice, you ruin a match for your entire team just to spite a single person you thought was too mean. Are you really amazed that people get mad at you for purposely being useless in a team game? I think you need to do a little self reflecting, because what you're doing isn't amusing or teaching anyone a lesson.


Oh, I'm neither amazed nor surprised at it. For that matter, I rarely get yelled at personally. I just cba playing as long as people act that poorly, but I still want my daily done in lowbies. So I go hide in a corner. Everybody wins from it!


The people crying and yelling: get someone / something to yell at, and can thus stroke their epeen

Myself: I get my daily done

The rest of the team: No longer gets berated by the self-proclaimed internet hero, as he is busy trying to get me off my lazy arse.


Everybody wins!



I don't find it amusing, nor does it teach anyone a lesson when someone yells at people calling them *******. Still, people do it. Why should I bother beeing any better?

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Oh, I'm neither amazed nor surprised at it. For that matter, I rarely get yelled at personally. I just cba playing as long as people act that poorly, but I still want my daily done in lowbies. So I go hide in a corner. Everybody wins from it!


The people crying and yelling: get someone / something to yell at, and can thus stroke their epeen

Myself: I get my daily done

The rest of the team: No longer gets berated by the self-proclaimed internet hero, as he is busy trying to get me off my lazy arse.


Everybody wins!



I don't find it amusing, nor does it teach anyone a lesson when someone yells at people calling them *******. Still, people do it. Why should I bother beeing any better?


"I can't even begin to tell you how amazing it is seeing peoples heads explode when I tell them I'm afking in a corner". You said that.


Nobody wins when your team has to carry you because you're having a tantrum over something someone said. You are screwing everyone on your team over. You aren't being the hero by having some guy yell at you. You're just being justifiably yelled at for your actions. If your reaction to negative words is to make an effort to be useless to your entire team, then leave the game. Or better yet, don't queue at all. What you've described is one of the most disgusting things I've heard anyone do in PvP. Maybe that guy said something mean. Maybe that guy didn't have time or willpower to sugar coat his words when someone screws up bad. Hell, maybe he was justified. But at least that guy is contributing to his team through action. Your reaction is completely childish and screws over 6 other people that had nothing to with your hissy fit.

Edited by Zican
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You know the story...Pug match starts, your team make-up is far inferior to the team you are up against. You all are just simply destroyed by the other team with no contest. Yet there is *always* that one guy who calls everyone, "Retarded idiots!" or "Scrubs!" or "Uninstall, you guys suck!" or whatever he has to say to throw the blame off himself and on to his team.


Typically I just ignore the guy and move on. They are obviously raging morons who love to live behind anonymity where there are no consequences to how they talk to people and I am 100% positive if they ever actually had to face half the people they scream at in real life, they would become human punching bags real quick.


This is not my point though, my point is, ignoring these idiots does not make the problem go away. Placing them on ignore does not guarantee you that you will never be paired with them again in PvP. Placing them on ignore only hurts your team in the long run when you can't see the moron scream for help when he has incoming on a node.


So here you are, in this PvP match, where communication is a must, yet you have to sit there and watch this idiot put everyone down around him, because somehow it is NEVER his fault that your team is losing. Yet the idiot has a megaphone to voice his opinion...in which nobody could care less what he has to say outside of "incoming!"


I suggest a system be put in place, that after so many reports of abusive behavior, the only words you can type and actually show through are, "INCOMING SNOW" INCOMING GRASS" INCOMING WEST" INCOMING EAST" and nothing more. I'm positive there are better ideas out there, but there needs to be some way to take away their megaphones. Perhaps give them a set command list to chose from once they have been deemed A-Holes?


These guys are abusive and need to be stopped one way or another. Their behavior is totally unacceptable even on a PvP server...and to be honest, being on a PvP server does NOT excuse their behavior. These people ruin the fun for others and they chase away the attraction to PvP to players who are new and trying it out to see what it's like for the first time. Enough is enough. After 10 years of playing MMOs, I think it's time to finally put this kind of crap to an end.


99% of the time, those are the guys who're at the bottom of the leaderboards.

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"I can't even begin to tell you how amazing it is seeing peoples heads explode when I tell them I'm afking in a corner". You said that.


Nobody wins when your team has to carry you because you're having a tantrum over something someone said. You are screwing everyone on your team over. You aren't being the hero by having some guy yell at you. You're just being justifiably yelled for your actions. If your reaction to negative words is to make an effort to be useless to your entire team, then leave the game. Or better yet, don't queue at all. What you've described is one of the most disgusting things I've heard anyone do in PvP. Maybe that guy said something mean. Maybe that guy didn't have time to willpower to sugar coat his words when someone screws up bad. But at least that guy is contributing to his team through action. Your reaction is completely childish and screws over 6 other people that had nothing to with your hissy fit.


Amazed was a poor choice of words, I find it funny is probably more correct.


I never claimed I was beeing a hero. Im saying that as long as people are acting like complete and utter morons, Im not going to do my part in trying to win us that warzone. Its clearly already lost, due to 'you're all morons / ******* <insert random insult>'. The keyboard warriors are -usually- not contributing in any way (most of the ones I see, just stand in a corner ranting at people). I don't call that contributing to your team. Maybe you do, I dont know. It's not about sugarcoating his words, its about displaying common courtesy towards your fellow gamers. As long as he's not gonna do it, I'm sure as hell not gonna do it. My reaction might be childish (heck, it is childish, no doubt about it), but as far as I'm concerned, a keyboard warrior ranting at random people over the internet because of his internet anonymity is at least as childish. I'm sick and tired of self-entitled, self-proclaimed keyboard warriors acting like they are the masters of warzones. I'm tired of watching people insult randoms. If people could just act with the common decency that applies everywhere besides online gaming, the community would be a lot richer for it, and pugging warzones would be a helluva lot more fun.



I exaggerated slightly in my first post, its not often I let it go this far, I usually send the dude a whisper, telling him to sod off, then most oftenly leave the warzone. Not to say I never just afk etc, but most often I leave. I exaggerated to emphasis my annoyance at keyboard warriors, and I probably shouldnt have.

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How bout u stop crying about "Cyber bullying" and just play the game. You know you don't have to talk to them right?



99% of the time, those are the guys who're at the bottom of the leaderboards.




They're all talk most of the time. Do what you can, do your best and don't worry about these morons.

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That would be me, or Trist. It's hardly unjustified either if the match ends and my vanguard has top dps in either the match or faraway on the team I am on. Higher protection than the actual tanks on our team, and comparable healing to the sages.... You can't explain that.



I honestly think you might be quoting me, and if I did say it, it was an earned remark. Also I doubt they are raging, they may be frustrated, or annoyed, but most of the time they are YOLO Team death matching if the entire operation is aborting itself. I have a feeling that due to being in Pax Republica you must hear these things a lot in warzones.


And if its abusive and you put them on ignore anyways, why would you want to limit their right to speak their minds?


Your entire post reeks of someone who raged in a warzone after being told to uninstall. After this you should seriously take that prophet's advice into consideration.

Edited by Natharon
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Ones whine of people leaving, others whine of people rage chatting.. there is no way to make every one happy :rolleyes:


yes, many times that guy who throws words at people is a baddie with 40k damage, 1k healing and 500 objective

but sometimes, that guy who throws stars in your face, might have a point...

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A pvp match doesnt define anyone as a person. If it does, then you must live a **** life.


I dont mind it when people are yelling at each other on the events going on in the WZ, that i can ignore. However, when someone starts attacking everyone personally that is going too far. I really pity the person who takes WZ, even a pug one, that seriously. It can only mean they have forgotten how to enjoy themselves.


I know that me and many others turn off the chat because of ragers. I wouldn't doubt it if the reason alot of the cries for support are ignored because people's chat box is turned off. Ever wonder why bioware made it so the on/off option is one button press away?

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In real life, is it okay to start calling people with names if they don't get good grades in school? Or if you happen to get better results in work? Well, then explain me why this would be any more acceptable in the internet.

Of course it happens, and it happens afk also, but I can't think of a SINGLE reason this would be acceptable. It's nothing but schoolyard bullying, only that it's done by "grown-ups". I understand that it may sometimes be hard to hold your anger, and you may say things you aren't supposed, but that some people actually saying this is good and okay? I just want to believe you are all trolls.


Also, /ignore doesn't do much good, since the guy may want to call incs later - not to mention that you get matched to same wzs with people on your /ignore list. I'd really like to start reporting these guys, but I don't know that bw would think of me sending that much reports every day...

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In real life, is it okay to start calling people with names if they don't get good grades in school? Or if you happen to get better results in work? Well, then explain me why this would be any more acceptable in the internet.

Of course it happens, and it happens afk also, but I can't think of a SINGLE reason this would be acceptable. It's nothing but schoolyard bullying, only that it's done by "grown-ups". I understand that it may sometimes be hard to hold your anger, and you may say things you aren't supposed, but that some people actually saying this is good and okay? I just want to believe you are all trolls.


Also, /ignore doesn't do much good, since the guy may want to call incs later - not to mention that you get matched to same wzs with people on your /ignore list. I'd really like to start reporting these guys, but I don't know that bw would think of me sending that much reports every day...


also, ignore only works if its a few people are doing it, but it seems like every other lost WZ there is one self-centered *****, who thinks if the top healer cant keep him up, then that healer must be a terrible healer, person, and should kill himself.

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In real life, is it okay to start calling people with names if they don't get good grades in school? Or if you happen to get better results in work? Well, then explain me why this would be any more acceptable in the internet.

Of course it happens, and it happens afk also, but I can't think of a SINGLE reason this would be acceptable. It's nothing but schoolyard bullying, only that it's done by "grown-ups". I understand that it may sometimes be hard to hold your anger, and you may say things you aren't supposed, but that some people actually saying this is good and okay? I just want to believe you are all trolls.


Also, /ignore doesn't do much good, since the guy may want to call incs later - not to mention that you get matched to same wzs with people on your /ignore list. I'd really like to start reporting these guys, but I don't know that bw would think of me sending that much reports every day...


Actually, if someone is taking a piss at work, making my work harder, slower, and generally causes me pain in the ... you can bet your sweet behind I will tell them few words. Why I have to work double and do some one else work for them, just because some stupid blondie can't make a proper sql -> excel export and make sure spellings on import file is correct?

Same for bad grades at school. Seeing how kids now are spoiled, I'm quite happy I got smacked few times by my mom, for my bad behavior/grades.(pity she didn't give more attention to my english classes though)


Some people deserve to get smacked from time to time. Life is a b....

Edited by Atramar
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You know the story...Pug match starts, your team make-up is far inferior to the team you are up against. You all are just simply destroyed by the other team with no contest. Yet there is *always* that one guy who calls everyone, "Retarded idiots!" or "Scrubs!" or "Uninstall, you guys suck!" or whatever he has to say to throw the blame off himself and on to his team.


Typically I just ignore the guy and move on. They are obviously raging morons who love to live behind anonymity where there are no consequences to how they talk to people and I am 100% positive if they ever actually had to face half the people they scream at in real life, they would become human punching bags real quick.


This is not my point though, my point is, ignoring these idiots does not make the problem go away. Placing them on ignore does not guarantee you that you will never be paired with them again in PvP. Placing them on ignore only hurts your team in the long run when you can't see the moron scream for help when he has incoming on a node.


So here you are, in this PvP match, where communication is a must, yet you have to sit there and watch this idiot put everyone down around him, because somehow it is NEVER his fault that your team is losing. Yet the idiot has a megaphone to voice his opinion...in which nobody could care less what he has to say outside of "incoming!"


I suggest a system be put in place, that after so many reports of abusive behavior, the only words you can type and actually show through are, "INCOMING SNOW" INCOMING GRASS" INCOMING WEST" INCOMING EAST" and nothing more. I'm positive there are better ideas out there, but there needs to be some way to take away their megaphones. Perhaps give them a set command list to chose from once they have been deemed A-Holes?


These guys are abusive and need to be stopped one way or another. Their behavior is totally unacceptable even on a PvP server...and to be honest, being on a PvP server does NOT excuse their behavior. These people ruin the fun for others and they chase away the attraction to PvP to players who are new and trying it out to see what it's like for the first time. Enough is enough. After 10 years of playing MMOs, I think it's time to finally put this kind of crap to an end.


You are that noob sorc who standing on borderline on Huttball, avaible for jugg's ballcarrier charge?


And after his goal, bad teammates call you bad words, so you comes crying on forum, right?


Well done sir :o

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Actually, if someone is taking a piss at work, making my work harder, slower, and generally causes me pain in the ... you can bet your sweet behind I will tell them few words. Why I have to work double and do some one else work for them, just because some stupid blondie can't make a proper sql -> excel export and make sure spellings on import file is correct?

Same for bad grades at school. Seeing how kids now are spoiled, I'm quite happy I got smacked few times by my mom, for my bad behavior/grades.(pity she didn't give more attention to my english classes though)


Some people deserve to get smacked from time to time. Life is a b....


Lol you better hope that neither you or me work togather, because if i cant even use the bathroom without you giving me a hard time about it, then we are going to have major problems...

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Lol you better hope that neither you or me work togather, because if i cant even use the bathroom without you giving me a hard time about it, then we are going to have major problems...


'taking a piss' is an expression of a lazy person screwing up work not giving a damn. Noticed I said 'at work' not 'in work'?

Edited by Atramar
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'taking a piss' is an expression of a lazy person screwing up work not giving a damn. Noticed I said 'at work' not 'in work'?


Then it usually has nothing to do with wzs, since the people who usually get raged at are simply new to the game and just don't know what to do. Getting angry at them does nothing good, it just gets them angry and hurt. And makes sure that if you try to give them some actual advises, they couldn't care less what you say.

Also, if your mom here and there told you to get better, it's like bioware would tell these people to get better. You telling other players to get better is like your classmates "smacking" you to get you do better.

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'taking a piss' is an expression of a lazy person screwing up work not giving a damn. Noticed I said 'at work' not 'in work'?


Sorry, i never heard that expression before.. To me "taking a piss at work" means using the restroom *at work. *Notice I too used "at work."

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Then it usually has nothing to do with wzs, since the people who usually get raged at are simply new to the game and just don't know what to do. Getting angry at them does nothing good, it just gets them angry and hurt. And makes sure that if you try to give them some actual advises, they couldn't care less what you say.

Also, if your mom here and there told you to get better, it's like bioware would tell these people to get better. You telling other players to get better is like your classmates "smacking" you to get you do better.


Well, it depends on level of raging and number of censored words included.

Besides people who throw guano in random directions while being at the bottom of the score board are different subject, there is a limit of how much one can take.

it starts with

please pass the ball/don't stand on edges/call incs

next time call incs/pass/don't stand on edges

why the hell you not call incs/pass/standing on edges

oh for (alot of starts) stop ^

' but, but, I was stunned, couldn't type' :rolleyes:

is a person being bullied, or being stupid.


School maybe a wrong example, kids are being kids (I wish I had class mates who would encourage good results - not bully the nerds), but while playing a group sport, like football, I can't even imagine an instance when I'm/some one is playing badly and not being shouted at for it.

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School maybe a wrong example, kids are being kids (I wish I had class mates who would encourage good results - not bully the nerds), but while playing a group sport, like football, I can't even imagine an instance when I'm/some one is playing badly and not being shouted at for it.


I played football for several years and if anyone would have behaved the way peopel behave in warzones, the coaches would have had a serious chat with that person. In tournaments, they actually sometimes gave prizes to players that supported their teams, told them that they are doing good job and had a positive effect on the team's mood.

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