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Dear BioWare...


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I was being genuine in my post as well, although it may not have come across like that. But in the long run it will help me and the community keep the filth that is "bad players" out of OP's. Not to mention I love topping the charts and rubbing it in the face of the baddies :D.Fun can always be had through the misfortune of others!
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Please implement DPS meters, Healing meters, and GearScore so I can effectively manage my character, the groups i form or take part in, and have a visual competition with other players.

Fixed that for ya. Looks better now ;)


spent enough time in azeroth (06-2011) (vanilla-cata) but that game is now geared to casuals which is the main reason I left.

I'd say the latest raid, especially on heroic, is enough to satisfy even the most hardcore audience for quite a while.

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Please implement DPS meters, Healing meters, and GearScore so I can be elitist as fuh! :D


So you want SWmoniTOR and/or MoX?

Download it, run it, love it. In-game parsers will only create "Lol u suk, ****" attitudes that this game doesnt need. There are tools out there for ya so use them :)

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So you want SWmoniTOR and/or MoX?

Download it, run it, love it. In-game parsers will only create "Lol u suk, ****" attitudes that this game doesnt need. There are tools out there for ya so use them :)


3rd party addon is not an option. That's why I'm asking BioWare to implement them via Raid Frames. you silly goose.

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3rd party addon is not an option.


Currently, it is your only option. That said, I would like to have these in-game just so we can filter out the trash, instead of having to wait for it to self-identify by making threads like this...

Edited by ZeroOneNine
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So you want SWmoniTOR and/or MoX?

Download it, run it, love it. In-game parsers will only create "Lol u suk, ****" attitudes that this game doesnt need. There are tools out there for ya so use them :)


These are ok tools but they really don't meet the need. In playing this game since beta and running ops, I think a little "hey, your DPS is really bad" in flashpoints before some player decides he's the bee's knees and that he should be running ops might actually be beneficial. I cannot tell you how many times we get people that want to do ops that simply can't DPS, but they have no idea that they're not great because there are no tools in the game to tell them, nothing that lets them compare themselves to other people and attempt to baseline.


Additionally, there is only so much a 3rd party tool can do. For example, while SWMoniTOR and MOX try to do threat meters, they simply cannot on fights that have more than one target. They try to parse the total threat being tossed around and show it to you as a whole, but a 3rd party tool will NEVER be able to tell who you are targeting to give you the actual threat of the mob you're hitting. Simple as that.


I realize that there will be people that have aneurisms over someone doing 10DPS less then them, but I think that's a necessary evil. It's kind of absurd that ops leaders have to rely on 3rd party tools to tell if a strategy is working or not. I would love to be able to open up a flat text file with everyone's logs in it (without running a 3rd party tool) and being able to grep for specific strings (or otherwise manipulate the text) to see what happened. As it stands, the game on its own merits lacks the ability for ops leaders to troubleshoot why their raid isn't working...why their strategy is failing and that seems like a huge deficiency.

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Gear score? Completely unneeded, pretty much because we already have it. Just look at the level of mods in a person's gear. You could try to start a trend of adding them all up into a single number, but smart players will still understand that gear score is nothing next to itemization so don't bother.


I'd never thought about an in-game DPS meter for PvE, but I kind of like it. It would invite the jerkiest among us to indulge, though. And there ARE perfectly viable dps meters that most guilds out there are already using. But for semi-serious half-guild half-pug runs I could see this being good, since the pugs invariably don't have the software installed.


It could turn full-on pugs really vicious though, and just end up alienating those who'd have the most to learn from using a DPS meter. But I agree there is an issue with HM FPs being so stupidly easy that people can gear up in Columi from them and not be able to take their champ in EV. An in-game DPS meter and operations released with minimum DPS suggestions could be good.

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So you want SWmoniTOR and/or MoX?

Download it, run it, love it. In-game parsers will only create "Lol u suk, ****" attitudes that this game doesnt need. There are tools out there for ya so use them :)


I fully agree, dps meters only make peoples egos go up, sure theres dps meters out there already that work tho I dont use them this game is mod free and I enjoy it, I wouldnt mind a macro but that too would just allow people to smash one button and rape

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