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Stupid Things Star Wars Characters have done (My Top Ten)


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I invite you all to post your Top Ten Dumbest Things Star Wars Characters or Organizations have done. Here are my Top Ten:

10.) Obi-wan or Anakin not slicing each other apart when in a force lock.


9.) Ahsoka Tano losing her light saber to a common thief.


8.) Bastila Shan losing her light saber underneath the seat in her escape pod.


7.) Mace Windu trusting that Anakin would let him kill Palpatine.


6.) Deadeye Duncan dropping his pistol after trying to quick-draw like Han-Solo then getting knocked out in one shot


5.) Obi-wan trying to kick Grievous in the groin when he is made of almost all metal.

Those are my Top Ten


4.) Trusting Jar-Jar with a blaster


3.) The Empire not burning down the entire Endorian forest surrounding the shield generator ensuring no Ewoks can surprise attack and allowing for full efficiency of Walkers.


2.) Not covering the Death Star's exhaust port.


1.) Qualifying Porkins for military service than allowing him to be your wingman.

Edited by Neltronluur
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Well **** happens really...though for 3 and 2, those weren't exactly stupid.


2. The Death Star was perfectly safe from harm, the only reason it got destroyed was a rebel pilot(Luke) out of all the rest could use The Force and send his proton torpedos where to go.


3. Why would you burn down an entire forest showing a bunker? That just screams of "HEY REBEL DUDES! WERE RIGHT HERE!" well that and what is the possibility that the Rebels would even find the bunker anyway? If it weren't for Palps letting them get the location they may have never found it.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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10.) Obi-wan or Anakin not slicing each other apart when in a force lock.

They were each shooting massive amounts of pressure at the other one. I don't know if you have ever sky dived, but imagine the amount of wind sheer that skydiving generates, but instead of it rushing past you as you fall, you are instead blasting it out of your entire body directed at your opponent who is in turn shooting the same force back at you so that both of you are repelling the other with an equal amount of wind sheer. Basically this would mean that the space between them would be generating Tornado Strength Winds but in the small area of the space between their palms. That is why they went flying when they finally released that force. The only reason they didn't both die because of that is probably because they were both cognizant enough to use the Force to cushion their falls.


7.) Mace Windu trusting that Anakin would let him kill Palpatine.

Anakin may have been acting stupidly at the time, but Mace Windu didn't have any reason to doubt that he was loyal to the Jedi Council yet. At least not from where I am standing. Keep in mind that Anakin's exploits on Tatooine were not totally known to the Jedi Council, they only had a vague understanding of what transpired there.


5.) Obi-wan trying to kick Grievous in the balls when he is made of almost all metal.

Er... I thought Obi-wan sideswiped his leg in an effort to knock Grievous' balance off kilter... Grievous doesn't actually have an anatomical structure resembling the balls on a male to my knowledge.


4.) Trusting Jar-Jar with anything*

Fixed that for you...


3.) The Empire not burning down the entire Endorian forest surrounding the shield generator ensuring no Ewoks can surprise attack and allowing for full efficiency of Walkers.

But, but, walkers are All-Terrain Vehicles... What do you mean they can't do dense forests?


2.) Not covering the Death Star's exhaust port.

Wouldn't be a very effective exhaust port if it didn't, you know, exhaust? That said, the correct answer is, make sure the exhaust port doesn't have a straight line of access to the main power generation system for the entire star base.

Edited by XantosCledwin
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They were each shooting massive amounts of pressure at the other one. I don't know if you have ever sky dived, but imagine the amount of wind sheer that skydiving generates, but instead of it rushing past you as you fall, you are instead blasting it out of your entire body directed at your opponent who is in turn shooting the same force back at you so that both of you are repelling the other with an equal amount of wind sheer. Basically this would mean that the space between them would be generating Tornado Strength Winds but in the small area of the space between their palms. That is why they went flying when they finally released that force. The only reason they didn't both die because of that is probably because they were both cognizant enough to use the Force to cushion their falls.



Anakin may have been acting stupidly at the time, but Mace Windu didn't have any reason to doubt that he was loyal to the Jedi Council yet. At least not from where I am standing. Keep in mind that Anakin's exploits on Tatooine were not totally known to the Jedi Council, they only had a vague understanding of what transpired there.



Er... I thought Obi-wan sideswiped his leg in an effort to knock Grievous' balance off kilter... Grievous doesn't actually have an anatomical structure resembling the balls on a male to my knowledge.



Fixed that for you...



But, but, walkers are All-Terrain Vehicles... What do you mean they can't do dense forests?



Wouldn't be a very effective exhaust port if it didn't, you know, exhaust? That said, the correct answer is, make sure the exhaust port doesn't have a straight line of access to the main power generation system for the entire star base.


Very True lol

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2.) Not covering the Death Star's exhaust port.


Then it wouldn't be able to move.

Look what happens to a car when the exhaust is blocked.


Besides, they solved the exhaust port problem for the second one.

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1. Building another deathstar. What is so great about destroying a planet? Why not mine the planet dry and strip it of all resources, and enslave the population. You essentially kill the planet that way, while making mo money. The resources and materials spent on the deathstar could have been used for a more mobile, gigantic fleet that would have clownstomped the rebel alliance.


2. Jedi council fail. Not paying to release Anakin's mother from slavery. Bad move.


3. Love interest fail. Padame is rich and a queen. She probably could have skimped on one stupid looking hat and freed Anakin's mom. This makes her the most evil, selfish person to ever live in the star wars universe.


4. Little kid jedi fail. Next time you see a guy with glowing red or orange eyes? Get the hell out of there and don't ask him questions. Do they not teach these dumb kids, that jedi go rogue all the time? Luke should make this the first lesson in the new jedi order for young students. In fact all future jedi temples should have an eye identification system that you pass through to enter the temple. When glowing red/orange eyes are detected? No entrance.


5. Not wiping out the Ewoks with carpet bombing, did the empire have a shortage of wood? Why didn't they enslave these people? Some evil empire...


6. Universe fail. Two words. Chemical warfare. Make a disease that attacks midichlorians. No more Sith, no more Jedi. Midichlorians can't be trusted.

Edited by biowareftw
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1. Building another deathstar. What is so great about destroying a planet? Why not mine the planet dry and strip it of all resources, and enslave the population. You essentially kill the planet that way, while making no money. The resources and materials spent on the deathstar could have been used for a more mobile, gigantic fleet that would have clownstomped the rebel alliance.


You build another Super Weapon, because that is what Evil Galactic Empires do. Of course according to SWTOR, the Republic and thereby good guys, are no better... Afterall the only way to keep the masses in line is with threat of planetary destruction. Of course the only way to one-up the Death Star is with the Sun Crusher.... and of course the only way to one up the Sun Crusher is with the Null Galaxy... and the only way to one up the Null Galaxy is with... well you get the point.


2. Jedi council fail. Not paying to release Anakin's mother from slavery. Bad move.


But, she wasn't a slave by the time she was kidnapped by the Tuskan Raiders. She married Lars as a free-woman. It just happens that the Lars family lives in Tuskan Raider territory which is about the worst place for a fertile young woman to live.


3. Love interest fail. Padame is rich and a queen. She probably could have skimped on one stupid looking hat and freed Anakin's mom. This makes her the most evil, selfish person to ever live in the star wars universe.


She was undercover as a handmaiden at the time. Would have totally blown her cover if she went around paying for a random slaves freedom.


4. Little kid jedi fail. Next time you see a guy with glowing red or orange eyes? Get the hell out of there and don't ask him questions. Do they not teach these dumb kids, that jedi go rogue all the time? Luke should make this the first lesson in the new jedi order for young students. In fact all future jedi temples should have an eye identification system that you pass through to enter the temple. When glowing red/orange eyes are detected? No entrance.


those kids grew up in the center of the Republic, as far as the Jedi knew up until that point the Sith were extinct. It is possible that the Jedi didn't even know what Dark-Side Corruption actually looks like anymore, at least not without asking the Ancient Sith Holocrons, which is taboo to the Jedi.


Also, I doubt that your eyes changing color actually alters the Retina structure, so Eye Identification systems would be pointless. And there are species in the Galaxy that have naturally orangish-red eye colors, so that alone nulls the entire system.


5. Not wiping out the Ewoks with carpet bombing, did the empire have a shortage of wood? Why didn't they enslave these people? Some evil empire...


Oh yes, carpet bomb the forest planet that you want to hide a shield generator bunker on. That's a surefire way to tell the Rebellion exactly where you are hiding the shield generator.


6. Universe fail. Two words. Chemical warfare. Make a disease that attacks midichlorians. No more Sith, no more Jedi. Midichlorians can't be trusted.


One word... Rakghoul.


Also, everyone in the galaxy has a Midichlorian count. It is just the concentration of Midichlorians that determines force sensitivity, not the presence of them.

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But, she wasn't a slave by the time she was kidnapped by the Tuskan Raiders. She married Lars as a free-woman. It just happens that the Lars family lives in Tuskan Raider territory which is about the worst place for a fertile young woman to live.


She was undercover as a handmaiden at the time. Would have totally blown her cover if she went around paying for a random slaves freedom.



She wasn't a slave at the time because at some point in the intervening 10 years Watto had sold her to Lars, who freed her. There's really no excuse for why she wasn't freed and brought to Coruscant, , or Naboo, or really set up anywhere as a free woman like, 10 minutes after the end of the events of TPM. :p Other than that the Jedi had what they wanted, Padme was back in her palace, who cares about some random old slave woman?

Edited by jovianus
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Something you all are forgetting with regard to Shmi if she had been freed she wouldn't have married Cliegg and lived with him and his son Owen, then when Luke was born they wouldn't have actually been able to take him there as they would not have been family. Tattoine was the best place to hide Luke . Who in their right mind would have thought about Tattoine?
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She wasn't a slave at the time because at some point in the intervening 10 years Watto had sold her to Lars, who freed her. There's really no excuse for why she wasn't freed and brought to Coruscant, , or Naboo, or really set up anywhere as a free woman like, 10 minutes after the end of the events of TPM. :p Other than that the Jedi had what they wanted, Padme was back in her palace, who cares about some random old slave woman?


Other than the fact that Anakin needed to learn the lesson of "Letting go of attachment" which unfortunately he never did learn to the detriment of the Galaxy.


Yeah and what ScarletBlaze says is also true.

Edited by XantosCledwin
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Other than the fact that Anakin needed to learn the lesson of "Letting go of attachment" which unfortunately he never did learn to the detriment of the Galaxy.


Yeah and what ScarletBlaze says is also true.


Nobody said Anakin had to be the one to do it. And that's some twisted logic, "Well, obviously after taking her son away we had to leave the woman as a slave on a distant backwater planet, to help Anakin build character!"


And the galaxy is a big place, I doubt Tatooine is the one planet that could possibly be overlooked. Especially given that they sent Leia to one of the most prominent planets in the Republic/Empire, under the care of one of Palpatine's vocal opponents. It's a good thing Bail never irritated the Emperor enough to get his family rounded up and disappeared. :p

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Nobody said Anakin had to be the one to do it. And that's some twisted logic, "Well, obviously after taking her son away we had to leave the woman as a slave on a distant backwater planet, to help Anakin build character!"


And the galaxy is a big place, I doubt Tatooine is the one planet that could possibly be overlooked. Especially given that they sent Leia to one of the most prominent planets in the Republic/Empire, under the care of one of Palpatine's vocal opponents. It's a good thing Bail never irritated the Emperor enough to get his family rounded up and disappeared. :p


I think you misunderstood me. Anakin had to learn how to lose something important to him without succumbing to anger, grief, and pain, all of which lead to the dark side. Unfortunately he did not learn that lesson, not when he was a 10 year old kid, not when he was 20 years old and certainly not 3 years afterwards. In fact he didn't even learn it when he was about to lose his son. Everyone touts that Anakin restored his balance and became lightsided again when he killed the Emperor in order to protect Luke, but all I see in his doing that, is that angry 20 year old kid who slew an entire village of Tusken Raiders... only this time he has enough power to slay the most powerful entity in the Galaxy.


And actually, if they really wanted Luke to grow up on a remote planet that Anakin could never find. All they had to do was send him on over to the Lost Tribe of the Sith. But that would defeat the purpose of raising him to be a Jedi in the first place, now wouldn't it?

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I think you misunderstood me. Anakin had to learn how to lose something important to him without succumbing to anger, grief, and pain, all of which lead to the dark side. Unfortunately he did not learn that lesson, not when he was a 10 year old kid, not when he was 20 years old and certainly not 3 years afterwards. In fact he didn't even learn it when he was about to lose his son.


And what part of that required leaving his mother in slavery? As you said, it didn't work anyway. :p


And actually, if they really wanted Luke to grow up on a remote planet that Anakin could never find. All they had to do was send him on over to the Lost Tribe of the Sith. But that would defeat the purpose of raising him to be a Jedi in the first place, now wouldn't it?


They could have taken him anywhere. He could have been raised on Coruscant and no one would have been any the wiser. Vader had no magical ability to identify his children.


Tatooine may actually have been the worst possible choice, especially putting him in the care of Owen and Beru and having him keep the name 'Skywalker'. Vader was oblivious to Leia's identity until he sensed it in Luke's mind, and there no indication he had any idea who Luke was when he was chasing him across the surface of ht e Death Star. We know he's aware by ESB...what are the odds that maybe 2 and 2 were put together when he found out that the Rebel who made the impossible shot was named 'Skywalker', was keeping company with Obi-Wan Kenobi, and travelling around on a ship that had been seen on Tatooine?

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You realize that Tatooine belongs to the Hutt's, and is not part of the Galactic Empire, or the Galactic Republic. The Hutt's have had a longstanding tradition of defying authority. They even went so far as to stay out of the Hyperspace War between the Jedi and the Sith so as to allow them to conquer whoever won (didn't work but that's what they did). So actually, hiding Luke on a planet owned by the only group in existence with enough military power and financial superiority to actually hold off the Empire completely, was a brilliant move.


Not to mention, if they had hidden a force sensitive on Curoscant, the Empire would have found him in a matter of hours. The Emperor and Darth Vader were not the only Force Sensitives that the Empire employed. And the others that they used were generally utilized in an effort to find other force sensitives. Heck, they even had all of the Jedi technology for detecting Midichlorian levels at their disposal to boot.

Edited by XantosCledwin
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You realize that Tatooine belongs to the Hutt's, and is not part of the Galactic Empire, or the Galactic Republic. The Hutt's have had a longstanding tradition of defying authority. They even went so far as to stay out of the Hyperspace War between the Jedi and the Sith so as to allow them to conquer whoever won (didn't work but that's what they did). So actually, hiding Luke on a planet owned by the only group in existence with enough military power and financial superiority to actually hold off the Empire completely, was a brilliant move


"Feel free to send Imperial Troops to our planets to interrogate people at any time" is an odd way of standing up to the Empire. And my point was that Tatooine is not the only unimportant or Hutt controlled planet in the galaxy, it is however the only planet in the Galaxy that Darth Vader has a personal connection too and living family that he is perfectly aware of on. And again, we know that Vader found out about Luke sometime between ANH and ESB, you don't think 'Skywalker' 'Obi-Wan Kenobi' and 'Tatooine' all being associated with the same rebel pilot who made what should have been an impossible shot that destroyed the Death Star might have had something to do with it?


Not to mention, if they had hidden a force sensitive on Curoscant, the Empire would have found him in a matter of hours. The Emperor and Darth Vader were not the only Force Sensitives that the Empire employed. And the others that they used were generally utilized in an effort to find other force sensitives. Heck, they even had all of the Jedi technology for detecting Midichlorian levels at their disposal to boot.


So there are Imperial Force-Sensitive Hunters combing the surface of Coruscant all day every day with Midichlorian detectors? Vader didn't sense anything about Luke or Leia when he first encountered them. And Coruscant was just an example that remote backwater planets are in no way necessary. Leia was adopted by a political enemy of the Emperor and raised in a presumably highly public position (Princess) on a major Imperial world, yet nobody, the Emperor, Vader, or these Imperial Force Hunters ever noticed a thing.

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"Feel free to send Imperial Troops to our planets to interrogate people at any time" is an odd way of standing up to the Empire. And my point was that Tatooine is not the only unimportant or Hutt controlled planet in the galaxy, it is however the only planet in the Galaxy that Darth Vader has a personal connection too and living family that he is perfectly aware of on. And again, we know that Vader found out about Luke sometime between ANH and ESB, you don't think 'Skywalker' 'Obi-Wan Kenobi' and 'Tatooine' all being associated with the same rebel pilot who made what should have been an impossible shot that destroyed the Death Star might have had something to do with it?


It makes perfect logical sense for the Mafia to allow the standing military of the evil empire to act as their personal security guards in their crime syndicates to me. What they don't allow is for the Evil Empire to interrupt business.


So there are Imperial Force-Sensitive Hunters combing the surface of Coruscant all day every day with Midichlorian detectors? Vader didn't sense anything about Luke or Leia when he first encountered them. And Coruscant was just an example that remote backwater planets are in no way necessary. Leia was adopted by a political enemy of the Emperor and raised in a presumably highly public position (Princess) on a major Imperial world, yet nobody, the Emperor, Vader, or these Imperial Force Hunters ever noticed a thing.


In the case of his first encounter with Leia, might have something to do with the fact that she wasn't actively using her force powers or even actually aware of them yet. And in the case of Luke... might have had something to do with the fact that Darth Vader was distracted by Obi Wan at the time.

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ten most dumbest things in SW?


10. Qui-Gon going after Maul alone. Come on, over the hill buddy, shouldn't of done it.


9. Obi-wan not b***h slapping anakin more as a child and putting him in his place


8. Luke skywalker going after that droid alone on Hoth. come on now...


7. Han solo not keeping his ship in repair, why he got caught in ESB


6. Trade federation not putting up the shields on the flight deck and let a snot nose kid fly inside and blow it up. Fail there


5. Palpatine expecting Vader to stand there and watch his son be electrocuted. Didn't you know the whole reason he went to the darkside was his family? Same thing would bring him back... Fail there


4. Not having a better place to put the exhaust port. Come on, a trench where fighters can juke and have cover from most other fighters? Yeah..very slick there empire


3. The Jedi Order not bothering to read the clone contingency orders especially order 66, way to go jedi council, way to go.


2. Obi-wan not coming clean about Luke and Leia being siblings. Way to go Obi-wan, let Leia driver her tongue down her brother's throat...nice...


1. Luke attempting to land on Dagobah the first time and not taking precautions about possible wind and climate conditions. Lucky didn't bust his damn fighter beyond repair.


Those were not in any real order but still 10 of the biggest FUBARs i can think of.

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What I found quite awkward is that even though Count Dooku said Chancellor Palpatine was a dark lord of the Sith, Obi-Wan didn't even try to see if there was truth in it.


Also, if I as Grand Master of the Jedi heard that some other mysterious Jedi ordered a massive Clone army, I would certainly be suspicious. As far as I know, the Jedi Council pretty much gave up on investigating the instigation of the Clone army.


This all happened AFTER Obi-Wan 'defeated' Darth Maul, who obviously sided with the Trade Federation. All while Yoda knew of the Rule of Two. They should have known there was one more Sith and Dooku pretty much played open cards.

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Oh yes, carpet bomb the forest planet that you want to hide a shield generator bunker on. That's a surefire way to tell the Rebellion exactly where you are hiding the shield generator.


As if a generator with enough output to shield the Death Star II from the nearby moon could be hidden from anyone with sensors? Surely it should shine like a small sun.

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The empire didn't want Endor destroyed simple as that. The Emperor himself stated so in the movie that he allowed the rebels to know the location of the secret location of the shield generator. He thought he had it all figured out including up to converting Luke. He failed as he only looked at it the scenario from one side of the coin. A smart person would have looked at in from both sides and planned for the alternative in case in didn't work the way he wanted. Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Cause you know, most torpedo's don't have self propulsion. So they can't alter their trajectory. That would be missiles that can do that.


Um... torpedos have had self propulstion since 1870.


ten most dumbest things in SW?


8. Luke skywalker going after that droid alone on Hoth. come on now...

He's on a scouting mission, why wouldn't he scout something suspicious?

6. Trade federation not putting up the shields on the flight deck and let a snot nose kid fly inside and blow it up. Fail there

If they put up their shields, how would they recover their own craft for repair/resupply?

5. Palpatine expecting Vader to stand there and watch his son be electrocuted. Didn't you know the whole reason he went to the darkside was his family? Same thing would bring him back... Fail there

"Once you walk down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny." Even Yoda would not have foreseen that. He tried to dissuade Luke from attempting it.

4. Not having a better place to put the exhaust port. Come on, a trench where fighters can juke and have cover from most other fighters? Yeah..very slick there empire

"Well, the Empire doesn't consider a small one-man fighter to be any threat, or they'd have a tighter defense." - Gen. Jan Dodonna

3. The Jedi Order not bothering to read the clone contingency orders especially order 66, way to go jedi council, way to go.

Much like our own government does today, many security clauses exlude outsiders from knowledge. Including their own military commanders.

2. Obi-wan not coming clean about Luke and Leia being siblings. Way to go Obi-wan, let Leia driver her tongue down her brother's throat...nice...

One word: Retcon

1. Luke attempting to land on Dagobah the first time and not taking precautions about possible wind and climate conditions. Lucky didn't bust his damn fighter beyond repair.

He's young. Why would he expect a Jedi Master to live in such an in hospitable place. Ignorance of youth.

Edited by Thylbanus
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What I found quite awkward is that even though Count Dooku said Chancellor Palpatine was a dark lord of the Sith, Obi-Wan didn't even try to see if there was truth in it..


Pretty sure that Dooku told Obi-Wan that there was a group of Senators who'd fallen under the influence of Darth Sidious, without ever naming names- which was a pretty slick move since it undermines the Jedi's trust in the Senate, strengthening Palpatine's position.


2. Jedi council fail. Not paying to release Anakin's mother from slavery. Bad move.


I can kinda, sorta chalk this one up to the Jedi just having internalized their "no attachments" mindset so much that it would be out of character for them to do this. But it was pretty dumb that Padme didn't step up.


Yeah, I get that she would be incredibly busy with Naboo recovering after a huge invasion and spending time/money on something off-world wouldn't be a priority, but the kid did both play a huge role in her getting off Tatooine and he won both the space and ground battles that liberated her planet!

Seriously, just pass a hat during that big parade or something.

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SIngle stupidest thing ever:


Yoda telling Anakin: ''Learn to let go of everything you care about''. a.k.a ''Deal with it''


For 800 years didn't he learn that Jedi can fall to the darkside because of their emotions? So if there is a very emotional Jedi let's not help him but give him a small meaningless sentence to convince him the Jedi Order doesn't care about him...


Why not deeply discussing what attachment leads to, tell stories of people who have fallen....no let's be preachy and vague...

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