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Best money making skill???


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This is a really nooby question probably, but how exactly does slicing make you money? Do you sell off the mods to store or do you have to merchant it to the public?


You spend money for missions that give you lockboxes with money that give generally morem oney than the mission cost.

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I've found slicing to be quite nice, alongside the lockboxes (my max has been a bit over 3000cr so far - level 4 lockbox) and the occasional Mission Token for a crafting mission...they sell for a nice amount, sometimes.


Also, I've found Archeology to be somewhat decent, selling low-level crystals and artifacts.

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Yeah, slicing used to give more money (mainly in the form of high quality items you could GTN for a sizable amount), but it still gives a lot of money. I'm not sure that T1 slicing missions are profitable, but by the T2 and T3 ones they're really pumping out a solid profit margin, and there are plenty of harvesting nodes around. I imagine most mission skills can be profitable though, but only if you GTN what you get rather than using them yourself. For example any T2 Underworld Trading materials you get can sell for thousands of credits each.
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Slicing gives a ludicrous amount of money once you get to higher tiers, at least ludicrous for the level. My level 17 darkness assassin is in pretty much all purple (or orange with purple mods) gear, has the first two bag upgrades, just gave 50k to the person I'm leveling with for mount training/crafting, I've bought a good 15k in biochem mats from the GTN, and I have 30k in my inventory ATM. Once I'm higher level, I think I'll PROBABLY unlearn it in favor of a mission skill that yield expensive and in demand crafting mats, but as far as getting money while leveling I believe slicing pretty much blows everything else out of the water. Being able to alt-tab in while I'm raiding in WoW and get a free 4k every 15 minutes is great.
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I'd say that, as for the moment, Slicing.


I'm quite sure the other gathering crew skills will eventually get in a better position once the game gets older; With the increase of demand of crafting items - which is pretty low at the moment. Everyone is levelling and increasing their skills as they go.

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WHat is the differnce on Treasure Hunting Lockboxes and Slicing Lockboxes ?


The Treasure Hunting lockboxes can give a small fee back, in a lot of cases it doesn't even cover the cost of the mission. So running missions on lockboxes barely breaks even with the investment.


To offset that you can get some green/blue items out of the Treasure Hunting Lockbox missions. So in the end you can make a profit out of it.


Slicing however is pure profit, you send a companion on a mission for 500 credits and get a box that gives you 1000-1500 credits. I never had a slicing lockbox return less credits then the cost to send the companion on that mission. In the lower tiers the profit isn't that high, but still there.

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I think some of you are doing it wrong. You don't want a side character for slicing, you want a side character for Underworld or Investigation or whatever. You want Slicing on your main character, because you can not only keep missions running on the side, but also loot Slicing nodes in the field, something your level 10 mule can't do.
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The Treasure Hunting lockboxes can give a small fee back, in a lot of cases it doesn't even cover the cost of the mission. So running missions on lockboxes barely breaks even with the investment.


To offset that you can get some green/blue items out of the Treasure Hunting Lockbox missions. So in the end you can make a profit out of it.


Slicing however is pure profit, you send a companion on a mission for 500 credits and get a box that gives you 1000-1500 credits. I never had a slicing lockbox return less credits then the cost to send the companion on that mission. In the lower tiers the profit isn't that high, but still there.


Ok! Thanks! Thats a big difference.

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I think some of you are doing it wrong. You don't want a side character for slicing, you want a side character for Underworld or Investigation or whatever. You want Slicing on your main character, because you can not only keep missions running on the side, but also loot Slicing nodes in the field, something your level 10 mule can't do.

nah, the missions just get longer and longer. if you ever want to get to the max ressources, you better keep some companions occupied the whole time.

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Dear sweet baby Jeebus, in only about an hour or two of play this morning, at level 23-24 on Nar, I went from 69K credits to over 109K credits, almost entirely from Slicing. I was both having Jorgan and the droid running missions while I cleared the Red Light district and collected nodes there. Every ten or twenty minutes I'd clear out my inventory and rack in several thousand creds. I found it best not to overshoot, to have them running missions of slightly bellow the best available, especially the droid who's a bit of a ####-up.


When I started the day the best I could do was 24-30something missions, so I'd send the Droid on green missions in the 17-24 tier, the lowest ones that were still green, and then send Jorgan on the ones that were orange. I unlocked the next tier up, but haven't sent anyone after them yet. I might be wrong, but I think you actually get more credits out of the green ones than you do the orange, perhaps because they are trivial you're more likely to "crit" them or something.

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