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Why are you ruining my weekends? Option to turn off xp bonus!


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I really do not like double xp weekends as it makes the game unplayable for me. This can't be that hard to understand. I do not want the game played for me with double xp. I want to be the one playing the game. All I want is to not be forced to participate in this "perk". Most people seem to enjoy it. Good for them. Personally I do not like having a class storyline finished in a few short days. I don't like the game being made extremely easy. It ruins the whole experience to the point that it is unplayable. You may as well just get rid all of the side quests and only have class storyline. Why not ding a level with every mob you fight?
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I really do not like double xp weekends as it makes the game unplayable for me. This can't be that hard to understand. I do not want the game played for me with double xp. I want to be the one playing the game. All I want is to not be forced to participate in this "perk". Most people seem to enjoy it. Good for them. Personally I do not like having a class storyline finished in a few short days. I don't like the game being made extremely easy. It ruins the whole experience to the point that it is unplayable. You may as well just get rid all of the side quests and only have class storyline. Why not ding a level with every mob you fight?


It's a limited event. After next weekend it'll be gone so don't play during that time. Simple.

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Before I say anything, I would like to say that I enjoy double-XP weekends since I already did the side quests several times. It allows me to skip entire planets if I want to.


If I did not have any level 50 however, the double-XP would irritate me terribly - it practically forces to to skip quests or to do them when you are severely over-leveled (so you cannot enjoy them since they become ludicrously easy with the level difference).


A cry for attention or just whining for whining's sake ?


Actually he has a fair point. I do not see why should he be forced to level up fast.


Double XP is a nice feature for most players but there some who really do not like if they over-level enemies and the game becomes easily boring.


Stop QQing. If you don't like it don't play. I really really don't think that not playing for 72 hours is going to kill you.


As for this post: Well, some people do not play during work days and play only during weekends... If they stopped playing during double-XP event like you suggest, they would not be playing for a month. Not playing is not a solution to the problem...


It's a limited event. After next weekend it'll be gone so don't play during that time. Simple.


Just because it is limited time event does not mean that it does not require a solution. You know just as well as I that this event will be repeated again and again in the future (every time before a new expansion, every time when the server population begins to decline etc.)


SOLUTION: Adding one button to stop your character from getting any XP cannot be that hard... And as soon as you wish to continue leveling your character, you just press the button again and the XP bar unlocks again.

Edited by Jedlosson
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One of the big selling points of SWTOR over other MMOs is/was the storylines. Some people, like me, actually enjoy stories. But stories kindda suck when it's building up to what is supposed to be an epic encounter with your class nemesis just to stamp him into the ground in 10 seconds flat.

Imagine going to to see The Avengers and after all the build up to the final battle in the city it lasts only 10 seconds. That's what it's like.


So do only class quests. I guarantee you'll stay under-levelled regardless of double xp and you can have all the challenge you like.


Don't want to miss the side-quests/world quests? Never fear! You can either a) wait until double xp weekends are over and roll an alt for doing all of the content or b) roll an alt and only do world/side quests during double xp.


The solutions are simple. There is literally no reason to complain about double xp. It's entirely possible that making double xp optional would require more work than it's worth, no doubt creating a new bug where your lightsaber turns into a lollipop and your guns shoot mini sandwiches.

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One of the big selling points of SWTOR over other MMOs is/was the storylines. Some people, like me, actually enjoy stories. But stories kindda suck when it's building up to what is supposed to be an epic encounter with your class nemesis just to stamp him into the ground in 10 seconds flat.

Imagine going to to see The Avengers and after all the build up to the final battle in the city it lasts only 10 seconds. That's what it's like.


Your gear actually makes your power. Not your level. Leveling has nothing to do with it except for a new skill point.


Leveling means absolutely nothing to the challenge in the game (outside of a few bonus points and a new ability).


If you go around and do every single quest and get every single piece of gear you will be more than ready for the next challenge.


The reason people are complaining about being over leveled has no merit because this game is gear based. Doing all the quests drops you all the gear you need and makes the next encounters trivial. The encounters aren't being trivialized because your are three levels ahead.


Now you will say "But Arkerus, being over leveled allows me to equip higher level gear than the planet was designed for."

That's another FALSE argument. Let's take Alderaan for example: If you start on Alderaan, complete all the quests on Alderaan and never leave Alderaan until you beat the entire planet...YOU NEVER GET GEAR THAT WASN'T MEANT FOR THAT PLANET.


This ludicrous argument about over-leveling trivializing the game needs to end. It has no basis in fact. You are experiencing the illusion of being more powerful when in reality you aren't.

Edited by Arkerus
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I would love to see a half XP weekend just to copy paste some of these asinine "arguments" like "just don't play" or "take off your gear if you want a challenge" reworded and thrown right back at all of you.


I'm sure all you would say "You know, that's a very good point. I really have nothing to complain about!" if someone told you to "stop qq-ing and play something else" or "go play a 50 instead" on a half XP weekend. /sarcasm


I could also garauntee if XP was halved and along with it there was an option to keep leveling at the original pace you wouldn't have people throwing fits over the mere suggestion of even having this option. It's just plain sad how bafflingly defensive people are getting over the mere suggestion of an option to turn the double XP off. There's literally nothing to be defensive about here. The game, the mmo industry, hell the videogame industry is only going to continue to slide in the "double xp" direction, the future continues to look bright for you guys. Hell, maybe some day you'll see an MMO that you can complete the same day you install it! The faster the better, right? The people that don't want it are the ones that at least have a little good reason for their frustrations.

Edited by Phyein
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I really do not like double xp weekends as it makes the game unplayable for me. This can't be that hard to understand. I do not want the game played for me with double xp. I want to be the one playing the game. All I want is to not be forced to participate in this "perk". Most people seem to enjoy it. Good for them. Personally I do not like having a class storyline finished in a few short days. I don't like the game being made extremely easy. It ruins the whole experience to the point that it is unplayable. You may as well just get rid all of the side quests and only have class storyline. Why not ding a level with every mob you fight?

Before the "double-xp weekends" your character was either:


1. Already overleveled, or

2. Already skipping optional sidequests.


With no bonus XP of any kind, if you do every planetary and side quest, you will become overleveled quickly. If you add to that the bonus series for a planet (an entirely new quest chain telling more story) you become HIGHLY overleveled.


This problem isn't going to go away when double-xp-weekends stops.


My suggestion is you embrace the fact that there are 8 different class storylines to see. Taken all together that is an epic amount of RPG activity you can engage in. Focus on the class quest line and skip over optional side quests. You will rapidly balance out your level and the quests level. Once your current class is done, start another class and see IT'S storyline.


Note that even with every XP bonus in the game you still have to do side / planetary quests. Class quests aren't enough. So those side quests you skipped on this run? Do them on the next one.

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Lord of the rings online has the outlevelling content/missions too quickly problem.It peeved me of in that game that there'd 20+ missions in an area i'd completely outlevelled.Double experience being foisted on me here also peeves me off.


One way it has annoyed me,is playing my newest pvp toon,levelling only through wzs so i will have enough comms at 50 to get a few ewh pieces plus the rest being wh.Double exp every weekend has royally screwed that up.

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One way it has annoyed me,is playing my newest pvp toon,levelling only through wzs so i will have enough comms at 50 to get a few ewh pieces plus the rest being wh.Double exp every weekend has royally screwed that up.



this is a lie


im leveling a new gunslinger for rothc with pure pvp and at lvl 30, i have both my lvl 40 pvp gear and 2000+ wz coms so you must be doing something wrong if the db weekend is messing this up

Edited by astrobearx
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I would love to see a half XP weekend just to copy paste some of these asinine "arguments" like "just don't play" or "take off your gear if you want a challenge" reworded and thrown right back at all of you


WHY would Bioware do something so anti-consumer?


There is only one more double XP weekend. After that they are gone. Just bare with the game for that weekend.

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Phyein was being sarcastic. swtor will likely do this again in the future and I do not want to be forced to go through it with everyone else. I would gladly pay the extra money to not have double xp on my characters. Phyein had some really good points in that same post.


Khevar says that before double xp my character is:


1. Already overleveled, or

2. Already skipping optional sidequests.


This is true, which is a good part of why double xp makes the game unplayable. Double xp makes the out leveling problem 10 times worse!


Why are people becoming so defensive and outraged about the mere suggestion to have the option to disable double xp? Do you think we will somehow have an unfair advantage over those that DO use double xp?

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Why are people becoming so defensive and outraged about the mere suggestion to have the option to disable double xp? Do you think we will somehow have an unfair advantage over those that DO use double xp?


Because It's only 4 weekends. Next weekend is the last weekend. After that it's gone forever. Which'll make these people happy.

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Double xp makes the out leveling problem 10 times worse!


Double Xp makes the problem twice as worse. to be ten times worse you would need 10x increase.


Exagerations get you nowhere.


On what authority do you say swtor will never do this again?


the same that authority that you say it will undoubtably happen again.

Edited by Darth_Halford
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On what authority do you say swtor will never do this again?

Logic. This was a build up to an expansion. To allow people to quickly get to 50 so they can experience the expansion because unlike WOW or SWG's first expansions, there is NOTHING in the expansion for low levels. Until and unless they do another expansion, this won't happen again. and if there is another expansion, it won't be for at least a year or two.

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I can understand why double XP has the potential to be irritating for those who are playing their first character and don't intend to play a second one of that faction. If you play a lot on the weekends, you will become overleveled to the point that you have to skip sidequests or stop getting XP for them, which could be a pain of you actually enjoy doing each one.


However -- and I may be wrong here -- I was under the impression that the majority of players have multiple characters. And I guess I just do not understand why someone would be upset that they overleveled and could skip doing a few of the same sidequests more than once. I am in fact leveling my first Imperial character, but am not at all upset at the prospect of skipping a few sidequests; rather, the opposite. That just means there will be some "new" sidequests when I level my second Imperial character. :)


I am sorry for those that hate this double XP for whatever reason, but I would hope they find a way to deal with it. IMHO the reason people get so defensive about it is because said people really DO like double XP weekends. I strongly suspect that it isn't a simple matter of "just let us turn it off!" for double XP, and they don't want it to be turned of altogether (or not done again) because of a few people that dislike it so much. Just my 2 credits!

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Darth_Halford, your logic needs work. 10x worse is a figure of speech, which is obvious. It is far worse because with all of the xp gains doubled as opposed to just the double xp that you get from rested xp (which only applies to mobs) we are getting insane amounts of xp and out level almost everything almost immediately. I said they are either likely or highly likely to do this in the future, not that it is a certainty. To my knowledge swtor has not said one way or another what their future plans are for double xp weekends. You are either misinterpreting what I am saying or putting words in my mouth.


Bomyne, your logic is a little better, but you are confusing inductive reasoning with deductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning deals with probabilities. Even then I do not believe we have all of the facts.


EDIT: Thank you for your post Gwena. As a Christian I also like your Bible verse signature :)

Edited by James_four
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Bomyne, your logic is a little better, but you are confusing inductive reasoning with deductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning deals with probabilities. Even then I do not believe we have all of the facts.



We might not.


You might be right. They might do this again. And honestly, after dying several times on my chapter 2 ending this morning, I really hope they do. That wasn't any fun for me.


If they do it again, they'll probably include it as a free item from the cartel market or something. But as I said, this was a lead up to the expansion, so it's very very unlikely that we'll have another until the next expansion.

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@James_four, what did you think of my suggestion:



My suggestion is you embrace the fact that there are 8 different class storylines to see. Taken all together that is an epic amount of RPG activity you can engage in. Focus on the class quest line and skip over optional side quests. You will rapidly balance out your level and the quests level. Once your current class is done, start another class and see IT'S storyline.


Note that even with every XP bonus in the game you still have to do side / planetary quests. Class quests aren't enough. So those side quests you skipped on this run? Do them on the next one.

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The method I've found to work nicely on double experience weekends is...


1. Check the level range of the planet.

2. Do all the quests you can find until you reach the top level of that range.

3. Then, just finish your class quests and the main planet quest chain.


You still end up slightly overleveled for the next planet, but only by one or two levels. And once you get to Voss, you can ignore side quests entirely and just focus on your class quests and the main planet quest chain, there and on Corellia.

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I don't want to *********** outlevel content whether dbl xp weekend or not increase the amount of XP it takes to level up. Mind you i'm only interested in myself I don't really care how it affects others. Do it for me BioWare because I'm greedy and selfish. Don't be fooled this is how i genuinely feel about this topic.
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