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This Question goes out to BW.


Question: Why are you so into this Cartel Market and not even showing any signs of Fixing any of the current problems that are in the game????


I just do not understand how BW is coming out with an expansion when they have not even fixed the problems in the game. I am getting sick of playing the game because every time I explore or run a flash point or OP that there are Glitches and bugs. I know BW know about them because I have reported them and I know a lot of other folks who have reported them. And whats up with this Cartel Market, all I see it has is junk and I for one am not going to spend real money on this stuff when I can get it on the GTN cheap. I am already spending real money to play the game what I want them to do is FIX IT.........................

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Do you think that the same people who are creating models and textures for Cartel Market items are the people who will fix network code issues or graphics rendering issues?


Do you think that the writers and voice actors for Makeb are the same people who would fix ability animation issues or class balance problems?


Do you have any experience with software development?


It's been said dozens of time: Games are not made by twelve people who can do every job. They are made by a hundred people, separated into specialized teams. In most cases, there are even separate teams for maintenance and new content.

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Do you think that the same people who are creating models and textures for Cartel Market items are the people who will fix network code issues or graphics rendering issues?


Do you think that the writers and voice actors for Makeb are the same people who would fix ability animation issues or class balance problems?


Do you have any experience with software development?


It's been said dozens of time: Games are not made by twelve people who can do every job. They are made by a hundred people, separated into specialized teams. In most cases, there are even separate teams for maintenance and new content.


This +10

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The OP has a point whether you F2P people refuse to see it. Server instabilities seem to be the BIGGEST problem. Constant lag spike, glitches, and bugs aren't helping the game. So many ( like myself ) are tired of trying to play the game only to lag something fierce, and it isn't our computers or internet. For them to worry about the cartel market, expansions, and shutting down APAC, this doesn't make any sense! The game needs more servers and they need to lock servers so people cannot overpopulate. Server stability still has yet to be fixed and IMO this is the biggest problem. I am a subscriber and I find myself not wanting to play because of all the constant lag because of the amount of people in one general area. Other mmo's I play, I never suffer this kinda lag. Edited by Glorthox
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The OP has a point whether you F2P people refuse to see it. Server instabilities seem to be the BIGGEST problem. Constant lag spike, glitches, and bugs aren't helping the game. So many ( like myself ) are tired of trying to play the game only to lag something fierce, and it isn't our computers or internet. For them to worry about the cartel market, expansions, and shutting down APAC, this doesn't make any sense! The game needs more servers and they need to lock servers so people cannot overpopulate. Server stability still has yet to be fixed and IMO this is the biggest problem. I am a subscriber and I find myself not wanting to play because of all the constant lag because of the amount of people in one general area. Other mmo's I play, I never suffer this kinda lag.


Please read 2 posts above your post. . .


Making complaints about how they work on a game when completely ignorant of software development is bad. Just saying.

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This Question goes out to BW.


Question: Why are you so into this Cartel Market and not even showing any signs of Fixing any of the current problems that are in the game????


I just do not understand how BW is coming out with an expansion when they have not even fixed the problems in the game. I am getting sick of playing the game because every time I explore or run a flash point or OP that there are Glitches and bugs. I know BW know about them because I have reported them and I know a lot of other folks who have reported them. And whats up with this Cartel Market, all I see it has is junk and I for one am not going to spend real money on this stuff when I can get it on the GTN cheap. I am already spending real money to play the game what I want them to do is FIX IT.........................


So you go on a rant about how the Devs need to fix all these issues, and you are questioning the decision they made to release an expansion pack, but you don't even list one issue? Welcome to the MMO world, there is always bugs, there always will be.

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How i see it is that cartel market is just made to milk out the dying cow.

Why bother to invest crappy optimized game engine now when they have not done anything in over year for it much easier to just cash out now while they can.


If development priority of swtor is ingame cash out shop with cosmetic and useless items over smooth and optimized gameplay... Well good luck with that Disneyware :D

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The OP has a point whether you F2P people refuse to see it.


:rolleyes: Seriously?


What point? OP sited absolutely no specifics as to what to fix, complained that this was because of the focus on the Cartel Market... AND then ripped into it about how dare they release an expansion.


And F2P cannot post in the forum. So that attempt at passive aggressive completely misssed the mark. ;)


But let's get real.... different teams inside Bioware work on patching/bug-fixes, Cartel content, the expansion, etc. It's even a different team that directly supports this forum.

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So what part of the team fixes server instability problems?? Myself and so many others experience so much lag in certain areas that are overpopulated. Major cities, fleet, and daily areas seem to be the worst areas. The more people on that planet or section, the more people lag. Myself and others just want this problem fixed before they release an expansion that will have 10 times the lag.
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:rolleyes: Seriously?


What point? OP sited absolutely no specifics as to what to fix, complained that this was because of the focus on the Cartel Market... AND then ripped into it about how dare they release an expansion.


And F2P cannot post in the forum. So that attempt at passive aggressive completely misssed the mark. ;)


But let's get real.... different teams inside Bioware work on patching/bug-fixes, Cartel content, the expansion, etc. It's even a different team that directly supports this forum.


Yep pretty much this.....the OP post smacks of the whining for whining sake that so many of the agenda based Trolls did (and still does) before the F2P conversion.


There is a really great post mortem of SWTOR by non other than James Ohlan over at massively, and he talks about the direction they are going with SWTOR as well .


Soide note: I honestly look for Ohlen to take Hickmans position in the next few months and that's when things will really start to move forward.


So what part of the team fixes server instability problems?? Myself and so many others experience so much lag in certain areas that are overpopulated. Major cities, fleet, and daily areas seem to be the worst areas. The more people on that planet or section, the more people lag. Myself and others just want this problem fixed before they release an expansion that will have 10 times the lag.


Just throwing this out there but have you and your'e friends updated both your net framework and Java drivers in the past three weeks?


I ask that because I have solved many peoples lag with that very fix.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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I think I just figured it out. It must be double XP on the forum today for QQ. :p


It just has to be... because there are some great complaint threads this morning. :D


Nope Bioware is basically slapping the myths surrounding the game down at the GDC and are getting standing ovations for their frank and honest discussions of what's right and what's wrong with the game...this makes the hate machine nervous so they have to attack.


simple really.

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ROFLMAO Software your backing a company that has yet to prove to me as well as a vast number of people that since the game came out all the little things have not been fixed all the major things have not been fixed. and for those that don't get the point hear you go.

many issues in the game like Bugs, Glitches, art work that has not been fixed ( holes in the landscape where you can look into and see through the world or even walk into)

sound, video,


ok you guys seem to think that they are doing everything they can as fast as they can are simply put fools. ask them what there list is they go by to fix issues in the game. I have seen the same Bug issue since I started on day on and reported it, not once or twice but 7 times from my list of things. and yes I do write down and keep track of every glitch, video, art work, Bug. I report and how many times I report it. I have yet to see them fix anything.

Now if your content on supporting them by saying they are doing what they can I think you need to take a step back and think and look at what has been done. even this Gree event had bugs, did they fix them i.e. Pylon droids jumping back and reset. a report sent out by several people I know did they do anything , nope. they just brought them back. inside the ship mobs would reset in the middle of a fight did they fix that, nope.


My point to all this is simple, they have issues in the game. instead of trying to roll out an expansion fix the issues in the game. If they do they will have more people willing to stay and play and spend there money. I for one am not going to stay if after the expansion comes out and has a lot of issues. I work hard for my money and want to spend it on a game I can enjoy rather than getting halfway through an flashpoint and can't because the game is bugged.

I Beta tested and reported what I found did this many times before launch but now I feel all BW is worried about is a Cartel Market new expansion.


Oh and if there team who is supposed to fix this in-game stuff did there jobs we wouldn't be talking about this.

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Do you think that the same people who are creating models and textures for Cartel Market items are the people who will fix network code issues or graphics rendering issues?


Do you think that the writers and voice actors for Makeb are the same people who would fix ability animation issues or class balance problems?


Do you have any experience with software development?


It's been said dozens of time: Games are not made by twelve people who can do every job. They are made by a hundred people, separated into specialized teams. In most cases, there are even separate teams for maintenance and new content.



Partially true. Companies can invest more on some teams than others and the cartel has clearly been a focus point to bioware on the last few months and it will probably be for the rest of the game life =)

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Do you think that the same people who are creating models and textures for Cartel Market items are the people who will fix network code issues or graphics rendering issues?


Do you think that the writers and voice actors for Makeb are the same people who would fix ability animation issues or class balance problems?


Do you have any experience with software development?


It's been said dozens of time: Games are not made by twelve people who can do every job. They are made by a hundred people, separated into specialized teams. In most cases, there are even separate teams for maintenance and new content.


in response to your last section. in this game yes they must have had twelve people. And if they do have a hundred people who worked on the game and a team who did maintenance they sure as hell are not doing there jobs.


this X10 lol

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OFLMAO Software your backing a company that has yet to prove to me as well as a vast number of people that since the game came out all the little things have not been fixed all the major things have not been fixed. and for those that don't get the point hear you go.

many issues in the game like Bugs, Glitches, art work that has not been fixed ( holes in the landscape where you can look into and see through the world or even walk into)

sound, video,


ok you guys seem to think that they are doing everything they can as fast as they can are simply put fools. ask them what there list is they go by to fix issues in the game. I have seen the same Bug issue since I started on day on and reported it, not once or twice but 7 times from my list of things. and yes I do write down and keep track of every glitch, video, art work, Bug. I report and how many times I report it. I have yet to see them fix anything.

Now if your content on supporting them by saying they are doing what they can I think you need to take a step back and think and look at what has been done. even this Gree event had bugs, did they fix them i.e. Pylon droids jumping back and reset. a report sent out by several people I know did they do anything , nope. they just brought them back. inside the ship mobs would reset in the middle of a fight did they fix that, nope.


My point to all this is simple, they have issues in the game. instead of trying to roll out an expansion fix the issues in the game. If they do they will have more people willing to stay and play and spend there money. I for one am not going to stay if after the expansion comes out and has a lot of issues. I work hard for my money and want to spend it on a game I can enjoy rather than getting halfway through an flashpoint and can't because the game is bugged.

I Beta tested and reported what I found did this many times before launch but now I feel all BW is worried about is a Cartel Market new expansion.


Oh and if there team who is supposed to fix this in-game stuff did there jobs we wouldn't be talking about this.



I would rather they come out with new content then fix your issues. The issues I have come across are minor annoyances at most for me while new content is fun for me to play through. Pretty sure I am not alone in that opinion as well.

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How i see it is that cartel market is just made to milk out the dying cow.

Why bother to invest crappy optimized game engine now when they have not done anything in over year for it much easier to just cash out now while they can.


If development priority of swtor is ingame cash out shop with cosmetic and useless items over smooth and optimized gameplay... Well good luck with that Disneyware :D


"Dying Cow" = second largest MMO in NA.


Thanks for letting me know who I can ignore.

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"Dying Cow" = second largest MMO in NA.


Thanks for letting me know who I can ignore.


You are welcome.

Nothing new on that though ignoring and denial seems to be the only solution to make problems go away in this game. Sadly it just does not work for me. If there are problems they need to be solved. No? Ok...


But as a current paying customer, a player and an investor (As everyone is who plays swtor and pays from it in any possible way is.) I feel that i can have my personal and self experienced opinion based on the current situation and the past year of how swtor´s gameplay problems have been fixed or not.


Long story short my experience is that cosmetic things have been priorized over the real gameplay issues.


And i could not give a flying hutt how big mmo swtor is in any list.

I have always loved swtor and always will but i can not see myself playing it in the future with the way it is being development... new content same old problems.


I do know i am not alone with these problems.


-Ability lag using ability spell, melee attack or ranged attack procs cooldown

but nothing happens this will not happen to your enemies they will still beat the sith out of you.

-Opening map or inventory etc. while moving. Fps spikes down to 10 or worse.

-Dismounting vehicle Fps spikes down to 10 or worse.

-Calling companion Fps spikes down to 10 or worse.

-Companions finishing crew skill mission, crafting mission os selling junk. Fps spikes down to 10 or worse.


These are just some of the major problems.

All of these problems happen no matter what planet or instance you are.


My gaming rig can run any other game i have tried at high/ultra settings with no problems

and stable 70-100 fps depending on what game.


So i should go and play those other games and quit swtor?


Yeah that would probably fix the problems in this game if everyone with these problems would do that...

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This Question goes out to BW.


Question: Why are you so into this Cartel Market and not even showing any signs of Fixing any of the current problems that are in the game????


The cartel gets many revamps for a simple reason, that I will have my friend 50 cent explain to you. :)


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I do know i am not alone with these problems.


-Ability lag using ability spell, melee attack or ranged attack procs cooldown

but nothing happens this will not happen to your enemies they will still beat the sith out of you.

-Opening map or inventory etc. while moving. Fps spikes down to 10 or worse.

-Dismounting vehicle Fps spikes down to 10 or worse.

-Calling companion Fps spikes down to 10 or worse.

-Companions finishing crew skill mission, crafting mission os selling junk. Fps spikes down to 10 or worse.


These are just some of the major problems.

All of these problems happen no matter what planet or instance you are.


My gaming rig can run any other game i have tried at high/ultra settings with no problems

and stable 70-100 fps depending on what game.


So i should go and play those other games and quit swtor?


Yeah that would probably fix the problems in this game if everyone with these problems would do that...


Sorry,i don't have those problems at all, pretty sure only a small number of people are affected .

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-Ability lag using ability spell, melee attack or ranged attack procs cooldown

but nothing happens this will not happen to your enemies they will still beat the sith out of you.

-Opening map or inventory etc. while moving. Fps spikes down to 10 or worse.

-Dismounting vehicle Fps spikes down to 10 or worse.

-Calling companion Fps spikes down to 10 or worse.

-Companions finishing crew skill mission, crafting mission os selling junk. Fps spikes down to 10 or worse.


If the time has come for a whiner to call those major problems then BW has made a hell of a good work in polishing this game. Honestly, only the first one is a real issue.

Edited by Spoletta
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I do know i am not alone with these problems.


-Ability lag using ability spell, melee attack or ranged attack procs cooldown

but nothing happens this will not happen to your enemies they will still beat the sith out of you.

-Opening map or inventory etc. while moving. Fps spikes down to 10 or worse.

-Dismounting vehicle Fps spikes down to 10 or worse.

-Calling companion Fps spikes down to 10 or worse.

-Companions finishing crew skill mission, crafting mission os selling junk. Fps spikes down to 10 or worse.


Those issues are down to your PC setup.


I don't get any FPS drop beyond perhaps 2-3 FPS down from the normal 100 when those things occur. Now I do have a new PC BUT I did not have that bad an FPS hit when those things happened on my previous PC which I bought back in 2005 (AMD 3800+, 2GB Ram, GT530 1Gb).


BW cannot fix your problem, only you can fix the problem of your PC being inadequate to run SWTOR.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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