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I Hate Overload/Force Wave

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No other single ability in this game makes me want to kick someone out of a group faster.


I play a Sin tank and a PT tank on the Imp side. Having mobs grouped up in tight little balls benefits me greatly. I enjoy being able to hit everything all at once and allow my group mates to AoE til their heart is content. And that's usually when the Sin/Sorc DPS/Healer decides that using Overload for it's "good damage" is worth sacrificing the Snipers/Ops Orbital Strike or PT/Mercs Death from Above.


Transversely, I play a Sage TK DPS and a Sent Force Sweep machine. I enjoy being able to utilize some of my best DPS on multiple mobs in tightly packed bunches.


I really wish they would remove the damage from this ability so people would stop using the ability as anything more than a knockback.



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No other single ability in this game makes me want to kick someone out of a group faster.


I play a Sin tank and a PT tank on the Imp side. Having mobs grouped up in tight little balls benefits me greatly. I enjoy being able to hit everything all at once and allow my group mates to AoE til their heart is content. And that's usually when the Sin/Sorc DPS/Healer decides that using Overload for it's "good damage" is worth sacrificing the Snipers/Ops Orbital Strike or PT/Mercs Death from Above.


Transversely, I play a Sage TK DPS and a Sent Force Sweep machine. I enjoy being able to utilize some of my best DPS on multiple mobs in tightly packed bunches.


I really wish they would remove the damage from this ability so people would stop using the ability as anything more than a knockback.




I feel your pain. I hate it when push backs are used on something I'm tankin.

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I agree 100%. My most hated ability in the game. I too also play both the toons you play. Both of which(compared to a jug) are very easy to round up all mobs in a pull and aoe the hell out of them. What really gets me though is while PvPing as pyro go up for a DFA which ill only use maybe 3-4 a match if that. Basically only if there is 3+ people grouped and sure as sh*t every single time I go up some Sin or Sorc come out of no where and KB everyone out of my aoe.
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I'm guessing you haven't heard that in 2.0, Force Wave does healing.


So in that pug, that healer might just bounce those adds away from you and claim "but I'm healing ..."


And so does the merc knockback.

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They are my fav abilities, makes running FP's a breeze tossing enemies off cliffs (especially on maps like CWG and RR), rather that then wait to burn them down with your amazing aoe.


Yes it annoying to have someone knock enemies out of your aoe attack but thats on the player not the skill

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To me it isn’t the abilities that are annoying; it is the players that don’t know when to use them. I would add tanks pull and sage pulls of abilities that can be annoying if the player don’t know when to use them. Same thing with force leap, although watching a sage use force wave and a knight use force leap at the exact right moment is a thing of beauty. The enemy goes flying off ledge followed closely by knight. :p
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I feel your pain. I hate it when push backs are used on something I'm tankin.


How about when the tank is the one doing it? We've come across the same sin tank twice now in FPs who loves to push his enemies.... usually while we're aoeing.

Sometimes he charges up and leads with a push :p

We tried explaining...

We tried telling him "dude don't do that! "

He stopped for a bit then restarted.

So we gave up and decided to laugh about it each time he did it.

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How about when the tank is the one doing it? We've come across the same sin tank twice now in FPs who loves to push his enemies.... usually while we're aoeing.

Sometimes he charges up and leads with a push :p

We tried explaining...

We tried telling him "dude don't do that! "

He stopped for a bit then restarted.

So we gave up and decided to laugh about it each time he did it.

Lol yeah I was running D7 with a sin who kept leading with his knockback. It was really weird. Not enough to ask him to stop, but damn...don't you like being able to toss Discharge and Wither on everyone?

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How about when the tank is the one doing it? We've come across the same sin tank twice now in FPs who loves to push his enemies.... usually while we're aoeing.

Sometimes he charges up and leads with a push :p

We tried explaining...

We tried telling him "dude don't do that! "

He stopped for a bit then restarted.

So we gave up and decided to laugh about it each time he did it.


I can understand the frustration. The only time I use my knock back is to clear a target from a near by CC, over a cliff, or if a nasty cast is counting down and no one has any other interrupt available.

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I actually did use it for aoe a few times on my shadow while really low level, but only as an emergency backup, like for example in Athiss I tank next to the door that the adds spawn from, and due to old habits, I sometimes used breach for threat and accuracy debuff on the boss before the adds spawned, so when they did breach was still on cd - a quick force wave right as they became targetable and before anyone had time to place aoe's ensured aggro on them until breach became available again, without messing with anyones damage since they where back right on top of me in no time anyway.

Using it as a primary ability rather than backup for anything but knocking things off edges, interrupting casts and/or positioning when needed though? Yeah, that's stupid.

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Cant say i hate the ability since i use it aas a tank to group them up sometimes ( depends on mobs position ), but hate it indeed when dps starts doing it it fcks up dps aoe and mine aswell wither etc...


I've seen some great Sin tanks use it for that, to knock the one or two guys off to the side into the rest of the group. Love those guys.


Then there's that group I was doing a Heroic 4 with on my Vanguard tank that had a Shadow and a Sage and they were doing it on every single damned group even after I asked them to stop.

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I should add an addendum.


When it's used constructively, I don't mind it. Pushing mobs off and repositioning isn't my major gripe. It's more to do with after the CC's are out, the kill order is set and so on.


That said, as the tank I would much rather you leave the repositioning to me. If there's a mob to be knocked off, I'll usually pull it to a ledge and knock it off on myself with the Sin or make it known ahead of time on my PT if someone else in the group has a KB.


Repositioning, to prevent AoE damage to mobs is kind of different. Most times, I'll use pull at the start of a fight on the mob that is going to be CC'd so it will be away and I'll have initial aggro. Or if there are multiple mobs that need CC'd and I have faith in the healer to keep me alive, I'll forgo the CC and just face tank everything. This is usually when someone wants to be a hero and AoE KB stuff off me.

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The reason that Overload/Force Wave is generally the first thing people harp on is because Shadows and Assassins have almost negligible AoE damage (especially at lower levels) and a lot of people see Overload/Force Wave not as a knockback utility (which is what it is) but as a damage ability (which, while it *does* do some tangential amount of damage, it is *not*). It doesn't help that Noxxic actually *recommends* using Force Wave/Overload as part of the fundamental AoE rotation (and most of those people consider Noxxic to actually provide good advice rather than the rubbish that it actually provides so they don't even *realize* it's terrible to use it as such).
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I wouldn't restrict this hatred to Force Wave and Overload. I'd broaden it to every single mob re positioning move that I'm not using. I especially hate Sharpshooter Gunslingers with the specced KB on Charged Burst(?) or when they run in and use Cover Pulse. Seriously.


As a tank I use Force Pull, Force Wave, Force Push and Harpoon to position and group up mobs just like the OP. Grouping things makes my role, the DPS's role and the healers role much easier and makes the FP much faster. On my DPS and healer toons I am very hesitant to use any of those abilities unless the tanks ask or there is a clear and obvious time to use them like KB off a ledge.


I am especially annoyed about the new talented heals on Commando and Sage KB. These are GREAT tools for PvP and have some benefit when dealing with an Ops boss, but ANY healer who uses one in an FP that I'm tanking is likely to get a reaming. Sure, I'll try and be patient to start with but that's a limited commodity. I actually wouldn't be surprised if many of the great tanks stopped PUGing for that reason.

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I wouldn't restrict this hatred to Force Wave and Overload. I'd broaden it to every single mob re positioning move that I'm not using. I especially hate Sharpshooter Gunslingers with the specced KB on Charged Burst(?) or when they run in and use Cover Pulse. Seriously.



Interesting. It's Aimed Shot / Ambush actually. And it only works if the mob is within 10 meters.


When I'm in grouped content (flashpoints or ops) I'm seldom closer to 10m from a mob, unless I've pulled aggro and the mob is running towards me. In which case that particular knockback has value. Do the gunslingers stack near you during combat or something?


Snipers/Sligners have the longest range in the game for a reason -- they don't need to be within 10m of the tank.

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On my Sin & Shadow tanks i use it at the start of the fight to knock one group into another so they are nicely grouped up. That and using it to knock enemies off ledges and kill them are really the best uses for the ability.


Whenever Force Wave and Jet Boost like attacks are used poorly I make a point of telling people why it is such a bad idea. Someone uses Force Wave and knocks a group out of an Orbital I comment how their 500 HP attack just knocked the mob out of a 7000 HP attack. Nice work. When Jet Boost is used "because i was being attacked" and knocks the mob out of an AOE, I comment that taking the hit from the mob (they are wearing heavy armor) and letting the AOE kill the mob is much more efficient.


Had a nice example recently. Was doing the Gree Heroic in the PvP area with a group I put together. Two times in a row the Merc used Jet Boots and knocked the mob out of an Orbital.

I said "you should get out of the habit of using Jet Boost so much".

Merc "whatever"

Me "in ops groups people will be very upset with you and will probably kick you for doing that"

Merc: 4 line flame aloing the lines of "I know my class, mind your own business, F off".


Removed from group and since we were in PvP area, killed him. Best part was other two in group joined in.


Put a smile on my face all day.

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