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QOL Improvements - What does the community want to see?

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Posted (edited)

UPDATE: Very glad to see BW introducing new species (finally), as well as a kiosk to alter your characters appearance AND armor dye's. These are the kind of updates that I have been waiting for since launch, so although it's taken a while, I truly applaud their efforts, and look forward to more ideas from this list being implemented! QOL improvements ARE content in my eyes, especially when it comes to customization! It's threads like this that let them know what we want, so please keep the conversation flowing! :D


OP: I for one was encouraged to hear that upcoming content for SWTOR will include some quality of life (QOL) improvements (see post from Mr. Hickman here). For me personally, this is the kind of content that I most like to see. But the point of my creating this thread is because I would like to know what "quality-of-life improvements" means to you and also what you, the community, most wants. Plus it would be nice to get all our collective ideas in one place rather than scattered threads with three responses throughout the forums.


EDIT: Some have mentioned the "papercuts" thread as already being over 70+ pages long and addressing the same concerns for the communities QOL issues. My interpretation of the idea of the "papercuts" thread encompasses the idea of numerous small irritating things that are not game breaking, but affect overall game experience. Some of the ideas in this QOL thread are more around larger implementations, many of which may require significant dev time, but would go a long way towards greatly improving the ways in which you experience and play the game. At least that's just my two cents =)


I have several items that fall under my QOL category.

Top Three:

Shared Legacy Datacrons

Swap Mirror Class Abilities

Pazaak & Swoop Racing

Shared Legacy Codex

New Customizable Lightsaber grips and stances (rifles/basters too!!!)

Hood Toggle

Armour Dyes

Day/Night and Weather Cycles


Even more far out stuff like color crystal and lightsaber creation systems


Also super excited for Barber Shop, but subscribers really deserve some benefits here! I thought this poster had a great idea for implementation! Barber Shop Done Right!


Anyway, that's my dream list. What is on yours?!


Community QOL Wish List


Legacy Shared Datacrons (except matrix shards, which should need be collected imo)

Legacy Banks (Account storage for rare items & especially for crafting materials)

Double XP for Legacy Level X (30, 50?)

Legacy Mail



More Guild Functions like Calendar/Guild Missions/Achievements/Levels, Mail etc

Guild Mentoring program (Padawan/Apprentice/Master system)

Cross Faction Guilds!

Guild Ships



Account Friends/Ignore lists (cross faction too?)

Account wide settings/keybinds


Character Enhancements:

"Barber Shop" (Done Right!) & more creation options (new hair, tatoos, jewelry, & species) - Confirmed for 2.1 (Appearance Designer Kiosk details from Dulfy here).

Hood toggle

Swap Mirror Class Abilities

Armor Dye - Confirmed for 2.1

Color crystal creation system (or a darker green saber crystal available for my friends who long for this!)


Side/Mini Games & Casino:


Pod and/or Swoop Racing

PvP and PvE Arena Duels... Tournament structures even (I suppose community could also organize those)


UI Improvements:

Global Key Binds!!! (for all characters)

UI Editor Alignment Grid (to make things evenly neat and tidy :p)

Healing UI Options (Health Text on Focus Target, Target of Focus Target frames, Click to Cast, Mouse-over-healing)

More UI customization (Color change, Raidframes, buffs, debuffs, flashing proc's, fix for mouse over chat/group pane working with keybinds)

Quest Sorting and different color icons for Class and Heroic Missions (on map and above NPC's)


User Experience Improvements:

64-Bit Client (that would truly be lovely)

Day Night Cycles & Weather Effects

Server Transfers

Name Changes

Dual Spec

Animal and multi-passenger mounts

Emote/Mood hot buttons/keys

Appearance Tabs

LFG Chat Channel

Interactive objects (chairs/beds, in specific areas I assume, like ships/cantinas)

GTN improvements (unit price w. sort)

Mod Vendor improvements (sort, sort by stat, etc.)

Improvements to Crafting (make it worth it again; add orange versions of green drops and make them reverse engineer-able)

Chat Bubbles with toggle on off

Starship 'player housing'

A new central hub planet for both factions!

Color and stat crystals separated!

Edited by AdamGe
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Posted (edited)

1) A second gear "profile" to the character sheet & give us a radio button to swap gear profiles with one click. It would be nice to have this feature just for swapping between PvE roles or swapping between PvE/PvP. (EDIT ~ give that radio button an "ability" icon that can be added to our hotbar)


2) A legacy bank tab or two. Just a shared bank tab where we can put any unbound or BoL item, that our entire legacy can get access to. I'd like to have this just I can do away with, mailing mats in circles, the apprehension of mailing a rare BoL item, and the spell checking paranoia that comes with those.


3) Shared datacrons. It is ANTI-fun to platform for these over and over and over and over.

Edited by Cleet_Xia
Posted (edited)

Hood toggle is on your list, but it's definitely my no.1. Was meant to arrive in the next major update after 1.2 >.>


It's the only thing I care for to rate TOR 10/10. Seriously.


Pazaak would be great, especially if we got bet in-game credits. Imagine tournaments and high-stakes matches where millions of credits come and go!


This game is too laggy and the engine is awful to handle podracing/swoops :'(


Legacy bank.


Cartel Market armor sets turned Legacy.


Ship Teleport - 1 hour cooldown instead of sick 24h.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue

Noone mentioned a priority transport back to the planet you were questing on? Well, id like one of those :)


+1 to the account wide storage also.


Are you people out of your minds?


You didn't learn your lesson from the barber shop?


You may as well call this thread, "things for BW to charge $15/month subs extra CC for"


Stop giving them "feedback", its only going to cost you more later.....like the hood toggle that was mentioned last year, BEFORE ftp was announced; dollars to doughnuts that goes into the CM as an unlock.

Posted (edited)

  • Legacy Datacrons
  • Legacy Codex
  • Hood Toggles
  • New moddable gear schematics that actually look nice and are from Star Wars lore, game previews, and character creation screens that are not available (I said schematics because i'm a sub and don't think I should have to buy armor just because the in-game options stink)

Edited by TrickyNinja

1. Dual Spec.

2. Legacy-wide datacrons.

3. Ability to go from ship straight to planet.

4. Account-wide chat settings, chat colors, and keybinds.

5. Better ticket feedback, with an "escalated" status rather than just "closed cause we sent it to the devs" and comments about what's being worked on. Email response to tickets that includes the ticket text rather than just the ticket number, cause I forget what the ticket was about when I read emails.

6. Fixed keybind issues (such as T not working if you bind it for targeting, or awse not working for ship piloting (arrows do work)).

7. Ability to select which gathering skill nodes I see on the minimap.

8. Account login on the website that takes me back to the thread or post where I was, once I'm done logging in, rather than to the SWTOR home page.

9. Website pages that don't change their header, page layout, font size and color, and reload all the icons / images 3 times in the process of loading up. Biggest culprit: http://www.swtor.com/community - just trying to click on the General Discussion forum link but it keeps changing location, size, and shape, and blinks in and out of existence several times as the page loads all the headers above it.


-(!)Pazaak club in Nar Shaddaa (restrict it to 18+ if you have to).

-Any form of speeder Racing

-Interactive objects in personal ship. Allow me to lay down on my bed and sit on the 50+ chairs/couches that are in my ship.


I think I would commit murder to have any of these in the game. I think having mini-games about as in-depth as the current spacemissions is sufficient.


I hadn't heard of the Swap Mirror Class abilities idea, but I can tell you that every serious PVPer will make their alignment so that they can use the better and/or less obvious animations. In other words, mostly imperial animations, except for sorcerers who will go light side to replace Lightning with TK Throw. Commando Medics will definitely want to replace that Here I Am green beam.


My list (somtimes just agreeing with others):

Legacy Datacrons

Legacy Codex (should be in addition to character codex, not replace it)

True dual spec with wardrobe manager

Legacy bank tab

Legacy friends/ignore lists

Server Transfers (for the love of God, Montresor!)

Faction switch (here is the thing: if my guild and toons are republic, and lets say I have a Sentinel, I should be able to enjoy the Warrior story line and get a Guardian for my troubles).


Number one with a bullet: health text on focus target.


And number 2: target of focus target frame. Tired of not knowing who the boss is targeting as a healer.

While we're at it, mouse over healing, and smart target healing (targeting an enemy heals its target).


A lot of the stuff listed already aren't QOL. For example, things like Pazzak and Speeder Racing aren't QOL; they're mini-games.


QOL improvements I'd like to see:


  • Copy configuration, especially keybindings, from other characters.
  • Click-to-cast (it's a healer thing).
  • Cost per unit column on GTN, with ability to sort on it.
  • Cartel market items to move out of inventory and into pets or skills tab - things like the Party Jawa and the remote control spaceship toy self-heal.

Posted (edited)

1. Shared Legacy Datacrons

2. Dual Spec

3. Shared Legacy Bank

4. Trip Spec

5. Animal mounts

6. Hood Toggle


I'm not a big fan of the swap mirror abilities idea. This will make it even more confusing figuring out someone's class in PvP. Honestly what I would like to see is a new class that is a grey Jedi/Sith that mixes both dark and light abilities.

Edited by Arlon_Nabarlly
Added Shared Legacy Bank

- Chat Bubbles (That you can toggle on/off if you want)

- Custom emotes to be visible cross-faction.

- Cross-faction tells. (Without it, Conflictual faction vs faction RP is hard to manage. it would be easier if we could keep a communication going OOC and agree on the details of that RP.)

- Cross-faction groups. (Some may think its against the lore but from a pure QoL point of vew they would be very useful for player run events and RP)

- Possibility to lean.

- Possibility to sit chairs.

- Player housing. (Even instances like our ships I would be glad to have that)

- Ship and housing decoration.

- Guild Capital ship.

- Dye for armor.

- Every alien race they haved as NPCs that are roughly humanoid should be a playable race.

[*]Cost per unit column on GTN, with ability to sort on it.


Per unit pricing is actually on the GTN now, just not in its own column. They put it in a tooltip if you mouse-hover the price on a stack.


That said, ability to sort by unit cost would be nice, and would probably require putting unit cost in its own column anyway...


Until recently, I never had many alts, but one request I know I've seen before has been a "Legacy" bank tab that we can share...that would be quite invaluable.


For me, the one quality of life thing I would LOVE to see would be a way to land directly at a planets Starport, bypassing the landing station so many have.


  • Daily allotment of Med Probes for Preferred players
  • Audible Keyclick in the chat pane - (leave focus in chat pane, hit keybinds, scratch head trying to figure out why you're just standing around looking stupid :eek:)

Posted (edited)

mm I did post minigames didnt I?


Anyways, the QoL I would like to see:


More UI customization:

-Resizing health/resource bar on player and target frames (just like the Ops frames)

-Option to show energy/heat regen breakpoints instead of the 20% breakpoints. Easier for newer players to understand when an ability brings them a regen breakpoint lower.

-Highlighting your debuffs on the target frame (really nice for DoT classes).

-Seperate class procs (buffs that reset CD/autocrit/buff certain abilities) from the 1h buffs, auras and HoTs. Perhaps highlight abilities when they recieve such a buff. (I know WoW did it too, but it makes it much easier for the eye)

-Being able to change the colortheme of the UI from blueish to red (to give an imperial feel) or the typical starwars orange. Perhaps even more custom colors.

-Able to drag companion abilities to rearrage them on the companion bar.

-Being able to hide the Cartel Market icon or the ability to add it to the microbar.

-Allow elements (actionbars) to hide and reapear on mouseover.

-Resizing the worldmap.

-Mouseover healing. (Played a healer in WoW for 4 years. I simply cannot get used to target healing after that.)

-Ability to hotkey the PvP and Group-finder panes.


Also, for companions:

-Make the usefulness of DPS and tanking companions more in line of the healer ones.



-Sort per unit price instead of total price.

-Allow easy-linking of item names into the searchbox.

-Selling of multiple stacks of the same item at once. For example 4x1 Derelict-Purple Color Crystal for 120k each.



-Reduce lvl requirement of Worldboss weeklies to the minimal recommended lvl of the zone the first world boss is in. For example, the first weekly is available at lvl 16, at which point you already are to leave Coruscant/Dormund Kaas. Same applies to the other weeklies as well.

-Armor color dyes.

-Sniper/gunslinger cover has a green lightpulse. Make it so the color uses the Sniper-rifle or MH pistol's color crystal. Have Scattershot use the color of your colorcrystal, instead of always being green. (EDIT: Actually make sure all abilities use the color cryatal where applicable, if there are any besides the Sniper/Slinger scattershot.)




Despite the list, I still love the game! Keep it going Bioware.

Edited by Kameki
For me, the one quality of life thing I would LOVE to see would be a way to land directly at a planets Starport, bypassing the landing station so many have.


They would have to do something about the little dude that always gives you the planet quest line. They could move him to the surface outside the shuttle, but that would take redoing camera angles and stuff for the conversations.

Posted (edited)

Thanks for all the feedback guys. I'll add a list of most of the big stuff to the OP and try to keep it updated. Would be great to get some dev feedback too! ::coy smile::


Audible Keyclick in the chat pane - (leave focus in chat pane, hit keybinds, scratch head trying to figure out why you're just standing around looking stupid :eek:)


Def do that all the time, lol. Same with cursor over group pane... I must look stupid a lot :D

Edited by AdamGe

Hood toggle

Hoods on twi'leks, anyday now.

Shared storage between toons. Would make crafting easier.

More legacy gear.

Character transfers

Sitting chairs

Swoop racing


bring back more events to get the world busy. Ilum is a great example with the gree event. Tatoonie could use some love with the rakghoul event again.

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