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I have been here since open BETA and pre-launch. I am just wondering how many have stuck with it and what are your thoughts? I know I have a few and will elaborate with other posts. I have paid my monthly all the way through but is really worth it?
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i started not from the Day1 but a week or two later

suscriber all the way


mainly alt-ing and run for now not every ops in the game

do not like pvp at all

crafting IMHO is killed in the game and no fun now



i like the game

it worth that money


meat the Raven

meat the Malgus

meat the Emperor

and kill him!

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Here since shortly after launch. First guild died, second assumed command. Got burnt out moved servers loving it again. PvP is great once you find your perfect fit toon. PvE Meh you can only do the exact same thing so many times before it gets old. But I have tested S&V and am excited to teach the new content to my guild. Crafting= worthless.


The attitude of gen pop... well I won't even go there. Still sub, still have fun but if something even remotely similar comes along I will probably bounce.

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Been in Tor since early access.

Our guild of 7 years, Unity, came across to Tor when Star Wars Galaxies closed and we have been here, ever present since. We are approaching our 8th anniversary as a guild on 3rd May.

We were a mixed faction guild in SWG so rather than choose a side here, we wanted to give members a choice so we created Unity on the Republic side and Dark Unity on the Empire side, both on Red Eclipse.


The first six months was hard work for us. Officers we had in place prior to the launch, those we knew well from our old game decided the game was not for them and most left, and we noticed the turnover of players was extremly high, especially with level 50s but i think thats been well documented in the past as no end game for them.

We stuck at it though, continued to replace Ops leaders and officers from within the guild when positions opened and recruited well, mostly via the Server forums here on the official site.

We were lucky in that we were an experienced guild and the guild is well run by many, not just 1 or 2. Example is we have a guild leader, a deputy leader (me), and a senate of senior members from the games we are in (now here and lotro). We then have 5 officers per faction so each is run as well as the other and a team of Ops leaders. So if a few leave they are replaced and the guild continues. I think this system is what got us through the first 6 months.


Thanks to the hard work of alot of members, we are now very very active and have a great community. We are getting upto 30 members online peak times on both factions, run the same op on both factions 3 times a week (Tuesdays Storymode for newer 50s), Sundays and Thursdays alternating the others in HM/NiM and do about 2-3 planet datacron runs a week for all levels of players and encourage members to post own events using our forums ie flashpoint groups, world boss runs.


At this present time, we are probably at the best we have been in Tor and its been like this for a few months now but due to our hard work and effort in providing a wide range of activities weekly for members we are starting to have issues with ingame guild features.


1. The Guild cap of 500 is way way too low when you consider 1 player can have 16 characters. We have guild management in place and remove inactive members if they go to 70 days but we still have around 485+ members on each side. Our kinship in Lotro has a guild cap of 5000 as an example.

We do not recruit via general chat, only via really our forum thread here and also word of mouth, friends of those joining us often want to join also.

We have done ticket after ticket, our guild leader has sent a letter of complaint in, but zero response.

We will soon be at the point of turning away players as we will be full. Once that happens a part of us and what we stand for will die and perhaps, just perhaps, if another mmorpg comes out better suited to larger guilds we may have to consider it if the cap remains low here.

2. Ingame guild tools we find really poor. No Guild email after 15 months as an example. Message of the day is poor and not enough characters on it to type. We get around this though by using our website.

To join us you must fill in an application on our website. Once approved this means you have forum access and from day 1 we have had to use our websites forums for events as just dont have the features ingame. ie Ops we post in advance for signups, stating min gear requirements and other info. Cant do that ingame.


We all enjoy the game, or we would not be playing it, but coming from SWG where we used to do regular server events there, i really wish the add the social aspects into Tor.

1. Need mini games/pazzaak. We currently play pazzaak via external link and teamspeak once a month as a guild event but be much better inside a cantina in Tor to play.

2. Guild Ships. We need a place to call home, somewhere we can have meetings, something we can all work at as a collective and grow/better. Those who played SWG and had housing and lived inside a city for years will understand mostly. I was Mayor of the servers largest and most active city back in SWG and the pride players took living there really added something to thier gameplay. A home they could decorate as they saw fit. Ships are okay but very very limited at present.


We can only see Tor getting better than it is now and we plan on sticking around for years to come yet. The only downside we have at the moment is the guild cap issue which could become a major issue for us soon if not addressed by bioware. The current 5% xp for being in a guild is a nice touch in 2.0 but i would not have this as a priority for guilds, the cap issue should be priority as by posting in suggestions, it seems a few guilds are having same issue as us. That aside, all looks good and is going well

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I was a beta tester for the last weekend before launch and have been a subscriber ever since. I have found it is worth the benefits of being a subscriber. I just hope they start to offer up more gear to maybe a subscriber vendor and update that as much as they are updating the CM. Still having a blast with the game and I play when I have time. I have 1 toon leveled to 50 and 3 others ranging from 1 to 43. I don't use the toon too much after 50 cause of lack of time and leveling the other characters. I hope bioware can keep up the good work but just add a little extra for the subscribers.
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pre ordered on first day of pre orders and been here since beta... did take a break in the middle.


still love the game. just wish they would improve guild activitys/achievments and stuff.... seems like been in a guild gives no rewards atm... and since launch other than that love this game

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I have been here since mid beta. I have subscribed all the way through to date and though i love this game i am ever disappointed by the cartel market and what i believe it has done. I don't like being nickled and dimed to death. I hate the idea of a reputation system that requires you to buy boxes with real money( seeing as i'm a completionist). The PvE is by far my favorite part of the game. I love the raids, karagas palace and Denova being my two favorite. PvP has its moments and i do enjoy it on occasion though not nearly as much as PvE. I had a wonderful guild up until about 2 months ago when medical issues and lack of interest in all the new content ( being practically strictly cartel related) marked the end of that guild. Since then Ive been enjoying a relaxed guild setting with a few friends but i am ever looking for a more organized and dedicated guild that i can call my own. As far as sticking with the game goes I'm all there. The only major problem i have with the game and mind you i have many problems with it this being the only "major" one is the cartel market. However as long as i can continue to buy everything on the cartel market through credits on the GTN, I will tolerate it. If this changes then they will lose one of their most dedicated players permanently. 15$ a month is all i will pay not a cent more. That said i do love this game. The amount of work they put into the planets and conversations had to be INSANE. The art is extraordinarily beautiful, every last planet especially my favorite, Alderaan.
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meat the Raven

meat the Malgus

meat the Emperor


You make this game sound like an exotic butcher shop.


I was here for open beta, first day of early access, and still remain a subscriber. There is plenty I could say about the game and BioWare's handling of it, but I'll keep it short:



  1. The subscription is worth it compared to preferred and F2P models if you intend to experience all facets of the game and not just the story quests.
  2. SWTOR's community is comparable to that of WoW in the sense of attitude and style. There are a good amount of people willing to help, provide resources, and who just want to have fun with others. However, this portion of the population is dwarfed by trolls and players just looking to ruin another player's experience/day.
  3. BioWare's interactions with the community is very touch and go. By that I mean they seem to hardly talk to us in anyway for months and then appear for a few days to respond to a good amount of posts. Their inconsistent level of communication is frustrating and the community as a whole would be happier if the community managers/devs made themselves more transparent more often.
  4. The current direction of SWTOR is questionable at this time. Game bugs and "unintentional gameplay" is quickly recognized but takes weeks to fix or they're just given a band-aid that doesn't rectify the issue (this is a trend since launch). Content is added fairly often but is mostly intended to be utilized by non-subscribers (i.e. Cartel Market items or game features that limit F2Pers). Class balancing is very slow and significant changes happen very rarely, and when they do occur it tends to tone an over-preforming class down than increase and under-preforming class (which usually doesn't fix the issue at hand).
  5. Social features, like guilds, are largely ignored by the devs and are not given the appropriate treatment (e.g. the only addition to guilds in 2.0 so far is that players get a 5% experience bonus for being in a guild).
  6. Instanced PvP, Warzones, remain fun when you're grouped with a friend or two but open-world PvP is still in the backseat. After removing Ilum's quests, open-world PvP has only seen a band-aid in the form of the Gree event instead of a reason to actively pursue open-world PvP.
  7. Crafting is very simple, resource consuming, and usually not worth the effort. Certain Crew Skills get bonuses far superior to that of other (e.g Biochem's reusable stimms and Cybertech's reusable grenades versus Armormech and Synthweaving being able to craft BOP Rakata belts and bracers). Aside from augments and the increase to 450 skill in upcoming 2.0, crafting has only seen balancing changes when it came to Biochem reusables.
  8. Endgame Operations and Flashpoints are fun, but face some balancing problems or style issues. This content is also updated every few months and typically leaves players in a lull for a few weeks waiting for more endgame content to appear.
  9. Questing and class stories are excellent for the most part. A few of the class storylines feel generic or thrown together, but almost all of them feature memorable characters.


TL;DR This game is worth the subscription if you have a few friends and intend to fully experience PvP, Operations, Flashpoints, and future story content (Makeb in 2.0). However, if you are just in it to experience the Star Wars lore and don't mind running a planet's bonus series or two to make up for the reduced XP gain, stick to free-to-play or just buy a few dollars in Cartel Coins to obtain a preferred status.

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Pre-ordered the digital download. Installed and launched it day one. But after a day or two (leveling three classes to about level 10), I stopped playing. Fact is that I am a one MMO kind of player - I have to get the MMO I'm playing completely out of my system before I start playing another in earnest - and at that time I was still playing WoW and felt that I still had things to do in WoW.


About three months later, I unsubbed WoW and started playing SWTOR. I have never unsubbed since I started playing SWTOR in earnest, but I have taken breaks, but that's par for the course for my play style. I have no problem paying the subscription so I do so for the simple convenience of knowing that when I want to play, I can log on and do whatever I feel like doing, even if I do not play for weeks at a time.

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Been here since beta in October 2010. Been subscribing since day one. My wife, daughter, son, and brother-in-law all play here, and have also been here since day one.


We like it because its a fun game that is fun & relaxing, with challenges not being nearly impossible to overcome, but still challenging.

We like the ease of crafting while you run other content.

We find the group content a lot of fun.

We find the bugs are starting to get fewer.

We like Lightsabers.

We love Star Wars.


I think that pretty much covers it. :)

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I started playing in the Open Beta and was subbed for the first six months. I had started what was turning into a good guild, then we reached end game content and the guild split. Those of us who continued with OPs joined another guild and after a few months of that I quick after completing HM Denova. I had to take a break but have come back recently after the Cartel Market changes.


I realized the parts of this game which keep me entertained and paying my sub again are:


1. Class story quests - working on those I've not experienced yet and each one just adds more to the full story in SWTOR, which I'm enjoying more with each alt.


2. SM OPs - I love the Flashpoints and following the story arch through every FP, and then into the OPs. However, not a fan of gear grinding so once I do the OP and get the story I don't see much point.


3. Adaptive Gear - I loved it when they introduced Adaptive gear and I could now allow my Sage Counselor wear the Containment Officer social gear from the Rakghoul event. I love seeing him running around with his lightsaber out and what appears Trooper gear.


4. Rakghoul Event - BW, please more events like this one. Gree just doesn't cut it and again is more gear/rep grinding which I never much cared for in WoW.


Things I've not liked:

1. Gear grinding - Especially when you first hit 50 and got into the HM FPs, and then to OPs. There has always been the fact to complete the next FP/OP you had to have the best gear or you'd not do so well. Takes away from being able to leisurely work your way through the game and enjoy the content. Felt a LOT like a job. This is inevitable in any MMO, but at least here its not quite as bad as it was right after launch.


2. Cartel Market - Since they give me coins with my sub, I use them, but I'm rather sad of how much the game has come to revolve around the CM. The Reputation with the CM is just silly. At least with speeders, pets, schematics which dropped in a HM FP or OP, I felt more value in my Sub as I worked towards those. No, if anyone has the cash they can own those items. How does that keep people playing and thus paying longer?


3. Crafting - I love crafting in MMOs and had high hopes for crafting here at first. Initially I think Crafting was somewhat viable, especially when finding the Magenta Color Crystal Artiface schematic on the Hoth WB. It was such a blast finding and being one of the few on the server able to make that crystal. I was making for guildies and others just for mats. Great times. However, since then its just become a shame. The only use I've really found in it are Augment Kits (make those myself instead of paying 30K+ creds for each one on GTN) and for Biochem consumables.


TLDR - Still sub, love the game overall, and hope it sticks around for many years to come.

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Been here since early access. I love the game. I know many think it's flawed, but as a life long star wars fan, I think it's a dream come true.


I will say this. Every time they add some new thing to the Cartel Market, I feel a little bit irked. Look I get that you have to make money, but I know I'm not alone when I say that the rewards for being a subscriber are slowly diminishing.


It's very simple: The monthly stipend of coins (550 or something) is simply not enough. If that's how you're going to play it, then subscribers deserve at least 2000 coins/month.




Everything in the cartel market should be always 50% off for subscribers, in addition to any other sales


Bottom line though, as a subscriber, I should not have to pay any extra money for anything in the game. Period. You're already making $144ish/year off me. I am therefore entitled to everything in your game. There needs to be a vendor in game who sells everything on the cartel market to subscribers only for a reasonable fee. For example, a pack (360 on the cartel market) could sell for 360,000 at said vendor.


There are still people who subscribe who would rather just buy it from the cartel market, and that's fine, but this game is already an investment to subscribe to. Don't drive away your most loyal customers!

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Beta tester as well. Started playing before the Aussie servers came out on the eastern coast server Eidolon Security.

Made my first 50 there my Assassin.


Then moved to Dalbora and subsequently stayed there. I have stuck it out, dealt with lots of bugs but have had quite good interaction with CS. I do see some miss management and I am not blind to some fundermental flaws yet I still enjoy the game and my tight knit guild of friends still enjoy it too.


Long live SWTOR.

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Subbed since launch.


Other than a Tauntaun and Founder Title, I have nothing to show for that any newbie cannot get within 1 month.

Good for newbies, slap in the face for veterans.


I like Star Wars, but I have accepted that Star War the story and SWTOR the game are two very different things:


I don't like that Bioware/EA never listens to the community

I don't like that Bioware/EA balances by metrics only instead of playing and play-testing

I don't like that Bioware/EA doesn't punish exploiters/hackers out of fear to lose subs

I don't like that reported bugs haven't been fixed in 15 months.

I don't like that the Cartel Market has changed this game into SWTOR: The search for more money.


I'll stick around for Makeb and/or the release of another science fiction MMO that captures my interest.

Edited by Totaltrash
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Collector's Edition - 7 day early start player - my subscription end in august (3x 6months)


I haven't played since the anouncement of the cap raise to level 55.


I only will recommend this game to MMORPG newbies. SW:TOR has above average solo play capabilities with the option to do stuff with people.


Major flaw is that even after one year I still don't identify myself with any of my characters, because of the class story lines there is nothing what makes my character in any way special or different in any way from other characters of the same class.

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Been here since open beta, bought the CE, been a sub since day1, and also bought the new X-pac as soon as it was announced. I don't post very often as I mostly just enjoy reading the posts and the occasional bouts of hilarity from people like Sir Copperfield. Seriously though, that guy is hilarious :D .


I've seen lots of things change over the course of the game. From launch where roughly 70% of people rolled on the Imperial side (and roughly 80% of those rolled Assassins... ugh) to now where the factions are fairly well balanced. I can't help but laugh though. With all of the FOTM madness that has happened I've stayed true to my sniper since day 1 and arguably have a claim to first 50 sniper on Jung Ma (debatable as game first but I make no claim there). Our class has seen very few changes, nerfs, buffs, or any kind of tampering since launch. Though with ROTHC I can tell that it will probably become a FOTM just because of features like "Roll to cover".


Anywho, as for the game state: I think that EA/BioWare have made decent progress considering the deadlines that they have rushed to satisfy. Could they have done more sooner? Probably but at the same time, does anyone here remember the nasty bug at launch that was Taris (the one where you could not leave and had to put in a ticket just to do so)? That was nothing short of a rushed feature and I would hate to see it happen again. I can honestly say that I am pleased with the progress (albeit rather slow) that has been made and plan on sticking around for a while yet.


P.S. In case anybody feels the need to flame me for loving up on the dev's; I am a SW fanboy, but not a drooling mindless one. I am also a '90's kid (lego jokes anyone?) and very vividly remember the disaster that Ep. 1 was. I also rarely stick around in a thread once I have posted, so don't expect me to "feed the trolls" as I rarely even notice them.


May The Force Be With You

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