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Does anyone else feel sniper fotm will be extremely boring?


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I cant wait to see two teams full of snipers playing hutball......


I joined a 4 sniper vs. 3 GS in lowbie HB this week; was indeed a boring match. I like playing those 2 ACs and hope the usual deterrents apply to minimize the lemmings. I tend to not play whatever the current flavor is.


Those that played on PTS or are otherwise in the know: Do you think the wall at 50 will still exist come 2.0?

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Anyways, stop bullying NoTomorrow.

If that is meant specifically for me, then I have no clue what you are on about mate. I've never pm the guy in game in any of his chars or in any forum. If you have ever read his posts then you would see who is the bully.

Edited by MusicRider
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My guildies and I rolled a all GS premade and completely demolished the other team. to anyone saying that's not OP, u really need to fight an entire team of GS/sniper or be a part of that team.. putting 5 sab charge on one guy and seeing him go from 100% to dead in a sec is pretty funny. dropping 6 flybys on a node and killing their entire team, classic. sab/engineer pwning a mara/jug even when the mdps is right in the melee range. that's just wrong, lol..


I love my sniper and I really can't understand any buffs since I feel he is often the most important of my 8 classes in pvp. All three specs have great teamplay uses and the one I normally use (MM) is capable of dropping cross healed healers without them even realizing it until it is too late.


Also, two of the three specs (not MM) are capable of huge chart dmg and this is what many people consider meaning the most (it doesn't lol). Now my MM usually tops the chart but I can destroy MM chart dmg on several of my other chars. Also, MM is the type of class that shouldn't be going for top chart dmg. It should be all about dropping important players before the other team can react.


So I really don't see why sniper needed any buffs, however since I have a sniper I don't really mind this part.


What bothers me is that sniper/slinger heavy matches are extremely boring imo. Everyone I have talked to about this agrees with me as well. Now I know that just talking to some people doesn't mean that most people feel that way but I have a good feeling that many people will if sniper fotm actually occurs.


Now what I think will most likely happen is that most snipers will continue to suck and then pick another class and that the fotm will be short lived. If this happens I don't care if snipers are made a little more OP. However, if I am wrong and sniper fotm is here to stay then pvp will be extremely boring.

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My guildies and I rolled a all GS premade and completely demolished the other team. to anyone saying that's not OP, u really need to fight an entire team of GS/sniper or be a part of that team.. putting 5 sab charge on one guy and seeing him go from 100% to dead in a sec is pretty funny. dropping 6 flybys on a node and killing their entire team, classic. sab/engineer pwning a mara/jug even when the mdps is right in the melee range. that's just wrong, lol..


I have fought teams with 3 or more GS/snipers and its not fun.

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My guildies and I rolled a all GS premade and completely demolished the other team. to anyone saying that's not OP, u really need to fight an entire team of GS/sniper or be a part of that team.. putting 5 sab charge on one guy and seeing him go from 100% to dead in a sec is pretty funny. dropping 6 flybys on a node and killing their entire team, classic. sab/engineer pwning a mara/jug even when the mdps is right in the melee range. that's just wrong, lol..


I'm pretty sure Juggernauts using Ravage, Sorcs using Thundering Blast, Operatives using Hidden Strike etc etc would all be insta kills aswell

Edited by WaldoA
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the new sniper FOTM will not be any more boring than the last smasher FOTM period was. Same crap as before, different class on top.


Working as intended when your goal is to balance for FOTM (obviously this is what BW does) so that players are encouraged to keep rolling new characters

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the new sniper FOTM will not be any more boring than the last smasher FOTM period was. Same crap as before, different class on top.


Working as intended when your goal is to balance for FOTM (obviously this is what BW does) so that players are encouraged to keep rolling new characters


That would apply only if Snipers are going to be FoTM. People only crying out for a nerf because they parse highest numbers on a non-moving, non-healing dummy. In PvP for instance, they are by far from OP. Operative and Marauder both trump easily.

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Hmm yeah dream on, smashers werent even addressed yet ^^


Pretty much this. How long has it taken for them to address smash premades that can lock down most healers with little to no skill? None of the FOTM's would be this aggravating if they would only bring healing back to what it was pre 1.2. Some of the most balanced matches I have ever seen. As it stands right now, healing is by far the toughest of the 3 archetypes to play. Even pre 1.2 as long as dps could properly focus, you could take down healers regularly. I still maintain Bioware acquiesced to bad dps who were not smart enough/could not be bothered to focus down healers.


Many of these flavor of the month issues could easily be resolved by returning the expertise buff to healing back to what it was in 1.2.

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Pretty much this. How long has it taken for them to address smash premades that can lock down most healers with little to no skill? None of the FOTM's would be this aggravating if they would only bring healing back to what it was pre 1.2. Some of the most balanced matches I have ever seen. As it stands right now, healing is by far the toughest of the 3 archetypes to play. Even pre 1.2 as long as dps could properly focus, you could take down healers regularly. I still maintain Bioware acquiesced to bad dps who were not smart enough/could not be bothered to focus down healers.


Many of these flavor of the month issues could easily be resolved by returning the expertise buff to healing back to what it was in 1.2.




You do know that on the test center healers were healing for way more then the dps was dpsing right? The only dps coming close to the healing output was snipers/slingers.


IF guard and taunts didn't exist you would have a point. They do exist however and this is the EASIEST game to dominate on a healer that I have seen. In fact when 2 decent teams face each other it becomes a complete snoozefest.


Do me a favor. You make a team of all smashers and go into ranked. Tell me how that works out for you. Want to know why you don't see all dps teams? Cus guard/heal synergy, plus hybrid dps throwing out taunts is OP as hell. You want to buff it more???


If you are not dominating pug pvp atm with a healer? You are either horrible, undergeared, don't fake cast, or need to find a better tank.

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I have not seen THAT many snipers in lowbie. When marauders went FOTM, I would see about 4 per side on average. Snipers I tend to see 2 max per side.


The game is too long in a run and there is not so much endgame content.. People are forced to roll an alt to not get bored. So many people already have a 50lvl slinger/sniper as alt.

What they will do is just bring them in 2.0

Edited by Missandei
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The game is too long in a run and there is not so much endgame content.. People are forced to roll an alt to not get bored. So many people already have a 50lvl slinger/sniper as alt.

What they will do is just bring them in 2.0


I could see that. I have one of every class myself, but sniper is or has been my favorite, so much so I've leveled a gunslinger as well(might like even better just because I like Gus). I will be torn though; as I also am not a fan of playing. FOTM classes as I saw just leveling my marauder and people just whining all the time, but I generally seem to just like the ranged classes. Too bad for me my merc looks to not be getting much better.

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