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In Game, Don't Be A Jerk And Heal Mobs!


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Christ, people are jerks. That's worse than people running into your AOE to get you flagged and that's saying something.


I completely agree with your use of the word 'griefing' by the way. It's not like they were doing you or themselves a favor, there was no reward other than knowing they annoyed you.


But judging by the answers this thread has gotten, clearly this is hilarious. I keep forgetting that yes, 15 year olds play this game as well.

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But judging by the answers this thread has gotten, clearly this is hilarious. I keep forgetting that yes, 15 year olds play this game as well.

Ugh... the labeling again. Maybe... just maybe... when you get this upset you need to take a step back. If a game causes you this much aggravation that you need to label someone else as being an immature teenager, then maybe you should play some nice single-player games. =)


Just a thought.


Fyi, I don't do this type of thing, myself, but you and the OP are getting way, way too worked up about this.

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Even when we are ready to start xeno and you are still there... healing the mobs.


Remember if he let you take down the mob HP to 20%...



people usually flees if i do otherwise...


PS: This is a game do you rember? Try to not take it so seriously...

Edited by Tulith
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While I agree with the: "So what? Then kill them and quit crying!!" attitude. That only applies when it's on a PvP server since that's what you rolled there for.



On a PvE server? No. It can be considered greifing and I hate players that do this on PvE servers. If they want that stuff they can come to a PvP server with me and deal with the reprocussions.


I feel for ya OP

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Unfortunately, I am on a sick day (teeth work) so my guildmates aren't around or we would have taken that player down too and it isn't funny to the player it's happening to. It's damned immature.


I need to disagree. I actually think it's funny. I'm sure it's frustrating for you, but your reaction is well over the top imo.

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On a PvE server? No. It can be considered greifing and I hate players that do this on PvE servers. If they want that stuff they can come to a PvP server with me and deal with the reprocussions.


I feel for ya OP


But as i say... you can change istance in one click ^_^

Edited by Elminster_cs
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So if healing a mobs greifing. Then if you were fighting another player and he/she is healed is that griefing? Honestly if it happened to me I would be annoyed but I find its still within the game rules to do so.


No it wouldn't be since you chose to fight the player (assumingly). But being flagged again'st your will for PvP and then killed is.

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Remember guys. Its the opposing faction (your enemy) You are supposed to do harm to your enemy. Making them annoyed in the process is even better.


However I agree that on PVE server, when not flagged its at least very questionable. Its a clear loophole he was exploiding. Still I dont see it big of a deal, if it was just once and didnt continue to harass you more. Maybe the other guy wasnt thinking about it at all. Just thought it was fun thing to do.

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I wouldn't have counted it griefing. But then I'm on pvp. I've never done it but I watched the opposing faction do it to someone on my faction. I had to watch for abit because it was so funny then I healed my faction and took him... But I don't think the admins would take it as grief either tbh.
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Ugh... the labeling again. Maybe... just maybe... when you get this upset you need to take a step back. If a game causes you this much aggravation that you need to label someone else as being an immature teenager, then maybe you should play some nice single-player games. =)


Just a thought.


Fyi, I don't do this type of thing, myself, but you and the OP are getting way, way too worked up about this.


Trust me, I would be playing a single-player game if I hadn't played KOTOR 1&2 and then felt like giving this a try.


You know, I had this whole rant written down, but I don't think it's really worth it to post it. Basically, it's not this particular example, rather it's the whole attitude of people who know there won't be any consequences and therefore just do whatever they like to do. Yes, yes, 'welcome to the internet', spare me.


Aside from that, I most certainly stand by seeing people who genuinely find this kind of behavior funny as immature.

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I keep forgetting that yes, 15 year olds play this game as well.


Playing MMORPGs for years has taught me that age has little to do with behaviour online.There's dozens of immature players in their 20s, 30s and even older and quite a few levelheaded teenagers. Online behaviour isn't dictated solely by age.

But as i say... you can change istance in one click ^_^


Unless, of course, there is only one instance. Which is often enough the case.

Edited by Pscyon
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Remember guys. Its the opposing faction (your enemy) You are supposed to do harm to your enemy. Making them annoyed in the process is even better.


However I agree that on PVE server, when not flagged its at least very questionable. Its a clear loophole he was exploiding. Still I dont see it big of a deal, if it was just once and didnt continue to harass you more. Maybe the other guy wasnt thinking about it at all. Just thought it was fun thing to do.


Not on a PvE server. I take it you're on a PvP server. Big difference there and it was more than once. It was the first mob and then the second mob which had about 6 different enemy NPCs and no, I'm not being overly sensitive. I don't want to pay the death repair bills. If you want to, then go for it. Once 2.0 comes out, you'll probably end up regretting that decision.

Edited by AlaricSevGirl
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Playing MMORPGs for years has taught me that age has little to do with behaviour online.There's dozens of immature players in their 20s, 30s and even older and quite a few levelheaded teenagers. Online behaviour isn't dictated solely by age.



Unless, of course, there is only one instance. Which is often enough the case.


True, that was a very broad generalization. It was mostly meant to be a jab at people who aren't that age anymore, but still behave in a way most might expect from a 15 year old, but I should have specified that.

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