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Can we get an update on lightsabers with special effects fix please?


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Pretty please?


When the effects disappear after using an ability. For example, As a Sentinel if i throw my saber when it comes back it no longer has the effect.


My guildies shadows DB lightsaber ends up missing an entire side of his saber after combat.


My sage loses it after force quake.


and so on...

Edited by Toweleeeie
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Oh, you mean the "disappearing blade". Yeah, this is pretty common nasty bug that's been around for quite a while. Double lightsaber becomes just one-blade visible.


Though, it also happens with the new ones, as long as you're not in combat, the effect it's visible; but once you enter combat, it disappears.


I really hope they will fix it in a future patch.

Edited by zorroazul
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I can tell you that both of the sabers from the original cartel packs the tythonian and guardian lose there effects frequently.


Also the cannons from the original cartel packs lose there effects as well.


Also the techblade from the cartel market (the one that looks pinkish) loses its effect also.


I have not tested the others yet that have effects but I can assume they are doing the same thing.


I don't hold out any hopes of an actual fix... as I was leveling a trooper during dbl xp weekend I found a class bug on Hoth that has been here since launch...

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I can tell you that both of the sabers from the original cartel packs the tythonian and guardian lose there effects frequently.


Also the cannons from the original cartel packs lose there effects as well.


Also the techblade from the cartel market (the one that looks pinkish) loses its effect also.


I have not tested the others yet that have effects but I can assume they are doing the same thing.


I don't hold out any hopes of an actual fix... as I was leveling a trooper during dbl xp weekend I found a class bug on Hoth that has been here since launch...



All CM weapons + event weapons that have special effect never worked since CM came.


It wasnt priority for them to fix this issue and its general issue not one weapon type specific. They implemented "special" effects on weapons but it never worked properly. Only when you preview weapon or enter combat first time, same as manually get weapon out.

All they need to do is to apply into code a fix that whatever skill you use or combat move that hides weapon/ throw weapons for a brief time and when character again uses weapon the effect should persist any previous combat skills used. Different special effects are nice but not implemeted fully, so i think its not bug rather half done poorly impemented feature that doesnt take into account combat itself.

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