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APAC Reality...


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You guys are making a huge deal out of what's really just a minor nuisance.


This game has such small down time in comparison to other MMOs that I really don't see what the issue is.

Servers go down, what, once a week? For like 30 min?


I think you'll find large population servers a much greater benefit than the occasional evening down time.


I'm guessing you must sleep when downtime happens, because for APAC its usually 2-3 hours during peaks time, once a week. Nothing new when you have played WoW, but don't try say that its half an hour and is a non-issue. Especially in the last couple of weeks when they do emergency maintenance on thursday/friday nights. How are we supposed to organise ops etc. when 2 nights during the week, we can't play?

Even then, you are completely missing the point when you think that that is even an issue that we care about when talking about losing the APAC servers. :S

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I don't think that's the issue here, mate. :)


What is the issue then? That you guys are getting transferred?

Guess what, I was on an early access East coast US server and I've been transferred twice, and lost all my character names to accounts younger than mine. I survived.

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What is the issue then? That you guys are getting transferred?

Guess what, I was on an early access East coast US server and I've been transferred twice, and lost all my character names to accounts younger than mine. I survived.


I guess you're just more inclined to put up with EA's bull#### :)

Edited by PseudoScience
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What is the issue then? That you guys are getting transferred?

Guess what, I was on an early access East coast US server and I've been transferred twice, and lost all my character names to accounts younger than mine. I survived.


The ping to NA means that we can no longer be competitive in pvp. For eg, interupts are useless, or getting fried in the hutball fire cause its on when it looks off.


We basically lose pvp.

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I'm sure i won't be alone in doing so, all the character's i intend on playing have been given the advantage of the "subscription" already, Ride all of EA's and Bioware's "hard work" for free


and if your character's have not gained those Subscription bonuses, Ride out the rest of your Subscription (as we all know we are not going to get our money for those months back) and collect the "Free" cartel coins for each month, and use that to upgrade your char's

Edited by Hybrid_
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It is just a game.


Eventually the Guilds will dissolve, the Servers will close down, and SW:TOR will be nothing more than another video game that you once played.


Passion is fine, however recognize that this is a video game please.


If the entire thing shut-down tomorrow I would shrug my shoulders and find something else to do with my off-time.


This is a point at which all players will have to reach eventually; APAC players happen to be at this point at the moment. We will all be there eventually.


It happens, move on if you are going to move on, stay if you are not.


There is no point in raging over it.



There are numerous problems with this attitude. for starters: It's demeaning, as was previously stated, to assume that something that may or may not concern you should not concern a different person. It's narrow-minded and arrogant.


To suggest that someone should not care about the actions of a company that they have supplied money to for a service is inexcusable, irrespective of the service offered.


There has constantly been a discrepancy in the way server issues have been handled when comparing NA to APAC servers, which is a poor practice that should not be forgiven.


There has been terrible support from EAWare for the people affected by the change, as described in the OP.


Of course TOR will die eventually, so will WoW. That doesn't mean the acceleration of that natural decay by poor choices should be excused by the community.


You sound like an arrogant ****. If that's what you meant to achieve, then congratulations. If not, then the way you have expressed your point tends to suggest otherwise. On that topic, if this concern really is above you, why do you take the time to comment?


Stating server capacity as the issue here is one-dimensional. Blaming the end user for it is phenomenally stupid.


Finally, It's just a game. It's just a movie, or book, or video, or internet connection, or car, or tub of jelly, perhaps even an aircraft. People get angry about the state of all of these things, for more or less justified reasons. Stating something that is apparent doesn't actually accomplish anything.

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Really great post...


This move on EAware's part is kind of showing the downfall of swtor, and it makes me question what we will see after 2.0.


As a north american player, im truly burdened by the fact they would abandon what is basically another section of their fanbase.

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I'm not going to troll this however this is just going a little nuts.


Okay see years ago they did the same thing for the most part over on Age of Conan. Fun fact about AoC, all of the APAC servers had been part of the North American server list. Anyway much like TOR, the game died off after the first couple of months due to the normal things, and AoC did server merges.


Now unlike what BioWare is doing here, Funcom decided to merge the APAC servers with one another.


I did forget to throw out their that the two that got merged had been a RP-PvP server and a PvP server. Care to know how well it went over with the community on AoC? Not that well. Also they decided to merge the NA RP-PvP server with a PvP server as well. Now I know a lot of you are not fans of role players but well that just killed the community on both the APAC server and the NA RP-PvP server Cimmeria.


Also fun little fact I forgot to throw out here, those from the APAC RP-PvP server who did stay in the game just moved via character transfer over to Cimmeria when Funcom opened those up.


So what's my point? Having just one over all server may sound good, however you are taking a number of play styles that may not go hand in hand and throwing them in on one server. What happened with AoC when they did that was the servers just died off. Cimmeria isn't even around anymore it's been merged with a PvP server. Anyway before making yet more "I'm quitting BioWare" posts here's a big shocking thing you could do. See how this works out then go from there.

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I'm not going to troll this however this is just going a little nuts.


Okay see years ago they did the same thing for the most part over on Age of Conan. Fun fact about AoC, all of the APAC servers had been part of the North American server list. Anyway much like TOR, the game died off after the first couple of months due to the normal things, and AoC did server merges.


Now unlike what BioWare is doing here, Funcom decided to merge the APAC servers with one another.


I did forget to throw out their that the two that got merged had been a RP-PvP server and a PvP server. Care to know how well it went over with the community on AoC? Not that well. Also they decided to merge the NA RP-PvP server with a PvP server as well. Now I know a lot of you are not fans of role players but well that just killed the community on both the APAC server and the NA RP-PvP server Cimmeria.


Also fun little fact I forgot to throw out here, those from the APAC RP-PvP server who did stay in the game just moved via character transfer over to Cimmeria when Funcom opened those up.


So what's my point? Having just one over all server may sound good, however you are taking a number of play styles that may not go hand in hand and throwing them in on one server. What happened with AoC when they did that was the servers just died off. Cimmeria isn't even around anymore it's been merged with a PvP server. Anyway before making yet more "I'm quitting BioWare" posts here's a big shocking thing you could do. See how this works out then go from there.


while I understand your view, having higher ping, 150ms to say the least, is pretty much killing all of the playstyle, especially PvP. there are many ways to preserve playstyles without having to move to NA server.

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American's you wanna get what we are on about create a character on the APAC servers and play it to 10 and do some pvp, thats called lag, we dont want it! 2 seconds per each key press. Put yourselves in our shoes, please I beg you, Im sick of the posts from people that have no clue! Edited by AnarchyAngel
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Why posters on this forum seem to think that EA is some monstrous beast that acts out of avarice instead of a multi-billion dollar company whose principle concerns are financial in nature is beyond me.


Why you are selectively pretending not to notice that SW:TOR is finishing a major structural transition due to immense and highly public investor concern over an obviously failing revenue model for this multi-million dollar title and that APAC's shutdown is part of this, and not some over-arching cop-out by uninterested and inhuman devs is also beyond me.



The revenue model was fine under the premise that you deliver new content more often than one Operation and Warzone every 5-6 months, which is what happened from 1.2 through to 1.4. This wasn't a failed model, this was a model performing below ridiculous projections after ridiculous amounts of money invested in a company that had zero MMO experience, by its parent company that had next-to-zero MMO experience.


You cannot sit here and tell us that the slide this game experienced after initial launch was extraordinarily exacerbated by EA's ridiculous demands to change things around, given the likely investment to rally the existing development and respond.


Instead, we got 6 months of no new content, and rejoicing of QoL features like group finder like they had been crafted by a deaf-blind-mute with one hand in his or her lunch breaks. The number of simple features and how long they took to be inserted was mind-blowing, and points to total mismanagement at the planning stages throughout the history of this game.


There's no failing model here, there's a failing company. Amuse me more with your half-witted financial analysis.

Edited by DaftVaduhhh
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