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APAC players getting refunds on the Expansion


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Ok so they are shutting down the APAC server and no longer providing a server for us which means a lot of us are quitting the game(i mean ALOT!) and have no use for the expansion we preordered. So I'm making this thread to ask for a refund for all the APAC players who have unsubbed because bioware screwed us over.
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Join another server. I'm sure they will offer a merge.


They are offering transfers to US servers. However, that means they're going to have ping from hell.


I'm not sure why they can't just merge the APAC servers and offer the *option* to transfer off. Other than saving money by just closing them all, of course. :rak_01: The went through the trouble of getting APAC servers in the first place.

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The went through the trouble of getting APAC servers in the first place.


That was their actual mistake IMO. They tried to appeal to APAC customers with localization, but they failed to recognize there was no sustainable market for SWTOR on localized servers.


They should IMO, refund the Expansion purchase to anyone who submits a request and IS an actual APAC account. And then they should tag that account and if it ever wants the expansion later on... they pay full price (no subscriber discount).... because you can't have it both ways IMO.

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Either way they were well aware of the amount of people who were going to unsub by making this decision and also knowing that they wouldn't play the expansion. So I'm sure they have prepared to give refunds to those people or have been prepared to tell them to go **** themselves
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They are offering transfers to US servers. However, that means they're going to have ping from hell.


I'm not sure why they can't just merge the APAC servers and offer the *option* to transfer off. Other than saving money by just closing them all, of course. :rak_01: The went through the trouble of getting APAC servers in the first place.


they explained why they arent merging them here

Hey everyone,


To clarify a bit more about this decision. We did previously ask what folks on the forums would like to do as an APAC solution and some, but not all, offered up the solution of merging all APAC into one. The other option on the table was to merge APAC into the NA servers. When we discussed the options internally we looked to address everyone’s primary issues with APAC, low populations were creating a less than optimal game experience.


We went and looked at what current server populations looked like across all of APAC and to put it simply, even merging all of APAC together into one server would not solve the population problems. Even with that solution you would still see long queue times for things like Warzones and Group Finder. It was because of this that we decided that moving APAC into the NA servers was the best option.


One thing to note is that there is no catchall solution here. If we move APAC to NA some folks will see increased latency, but they will have healthy server populations and can remain on their chosen server types. If we merge everyone into one APAC server, latency will remain in place but the current population issues will exist and players will lose their preferred server type. Leaving things as they are leaves all of the current issues in place without a solution at all. This is one of the reasons getting the plan out to you folks took so long, we had to think long and hard about all of the implications of our decision.




so if they offered the merge to a single apac server and the optional transfers, there would be even less people

Edited by Skodan
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That was their actual mistake IMO. They tried to appeal to APAC customers with localization, but they failed to recognize there was no sustainable market for SWTOR on localized servers.


At the time that they did it, the US servers were overflowing with APAC people. If you were on the Harbinger, Jek'Jek Tar or the other PVP one, you probably remember all the fighting going on between US and Aussies and how excited people were to get their APAC servers. They made a great gesture to APAC players by giving them a better playing experience. Maybe they acted a bit too soon, same with the fact that they opened with way too many servers in the first place. Overly optimistic, I guess. Remember, they planned on this game actually retaining millions of subscriptions. So now they have the APAC servers. Now, maybe I just don't realize how ridiculously expensive keeping one open is, but it just doesn't seem like leaving one open and closing two would be so horrible. Give people the option to stay or go, rather than force them to go. Maybe the vast majority of APAC players really do prefer high pop to low ping, that too, I have no data on.


They should IMO, refund the Expansion purchase to anyone who submits a request and IS an actual APAC account. And then they should tag that account and if it ever wants the expansion later on... they pay full price (no subscriber discount).... because you can't have it both ways IMO.


Fair enough, I guess. Though who knows when they'll actually make this move, it could be long after Makeb is launched.



they explained why they arent merging them here


Yes, I read that. I just don't entirely agree it's the best option.



so if they offered the merge to a single apac server and the optional transfers, there would be even less people


Depends on how many people actually want higher population versus a tight community and better server latency.

That's why I said, give them the choice.

Edited by chuixupu
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Merging APAC to NA servers means a lot (I mean A LOT) of us are coming back.


and a lot of us our leaving and want a refund, k thnx bye. There are other MMOs that care about ALL of their player base but this is not one of them, not enough money coming out of the APAC pockets compared to american and EU.

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Ill admit that through laziness I hadnt bought the expansion. I will buy it as Bastion, per se, is not a bad option for me.


I should have rolled on Dalborra tbh or merged onto Dalborra last April as Im really a PVE'er with only ultra-ultra casual PVP'ing (read as: '*** is Majic doing in this wz??' Useless bast.ard' lol)


If I could buy it for $5.00 from one of you I would. But I cant.

I doubt you'll get a refund. Guys: 'buyer beware'. It's an oldie but well, its kinda true.


But good luck guys, I have enjoyed my time with *some* of you.


(Pex and the boys in my group get your asses to Bastion!)

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and a lot of us our leaving and want a refund, k thnx bye. There are other MMOs that care about ALL of their player base but this is not one of them, not enough money coming out of the APAC pockets compared to american and EU.


An MMO that cares about its' players Tinkle? What is this MMO you speak of?

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Refund please, now, kthnxbye.


You are no longer selling the expansion under the same terms and conditions that i bought it, therefore the sale ******** and seeing as i havent accessed it yet, i want my money back. should probably contact the ACCC about the last however many months ive been playing for this only for you to rip the server out and throw it in the bin.

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Ok so they are shutting down the APAC server and no longer providing a server for us which means a lot of us are quitting the game(i mean ALOT!) and have no use for the expansion we preordered. So I'm making this thread to ask for a refund for all the APAC players who have unsubbed because bioware screwed us over.


This is Sparta, and I approve of this message

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I demand a refund as well


You might get better results if you request one. From Customer Service.


Instead of just "me too"ing to a forum post.


I think you have a fair case, under Australian Consumer Law - if you really want the weight of the establishment behind you, call the ACCC and get their advice.

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You might get better results if you request one. From Customer Service.


Instead of just "me too"ing to a forum post.


I think you have a fair case, under Australian Consumer Law - if you really want the weight of the establishment behind you, call the ACCC and get their advice.


I just put a ticket in now asking for one.

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Ok so they are shutting down the APAC server and no longer providing a server for us which means a lot of us are quitting the game(i mean ALOT!) and have no use for the expansion we preordered. So I'm making this thread to ask for a refund for all the APAC players who have unsubbed because bioware screwed us over.


Just want add my name to this. There was a reason I left the Harbinger before. It's only reasonable that we get a refund on this.

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they explained why they arent merging them here



so if they offered the merge to a single apac server and the optional transfers, there would be even less people


That's not an explanation, it's a piss poor attempt at an excuse for this stupid move.


It's pretty obvious the majority of APAC players prefer to keep their low ping and would want an APAC super server. So even if they opened transfers for those who want to leave, there would still be a much larger population on the APAC super server if they combined us.

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