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Barber Shop costs CC. Why so shocked?


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I honestly want to know why people are so amazed that the barber shop is going to cost us Cartel Coins. I havent played loads of MMOs but every one that had this feature charged RL money. Why should SWTOR be any different. This is also a convince/quality of life thing, not a game breaking piece of super rare P2W loot. This feature will probably also sell on the GTN for a cheap amount of creds so there is even less to cry about.


So what is the deal, are people just that cheap/entitled or is there a real reason for this be a sub feature?

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I agree with you sir. If they let you race change as well then I don't see how it would be of no cost. In addiction if you are a sub you get 500 CC you can use on it. That said we should see the cost as well before mass rants ensue. But to each there own people only really complain because they care about the game for the most part obviously there are out liers. But I will take people that complain any day.
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I honestly want to know why people are so amazed that the barber shop is going to cost us Cartel Coins. I havent played loads of MMOs but every one that had this feature charged RL money. Why should SWTOR be any different. This is also a convince/quality of life thing, not a game breaking piece of super rare P2W loot. This feature will probably also sell on the GTN for a cheap amount of creds so there is even less to cry about.


So what is the deal, are people just that cheap/entitled or is there a real reason for this be a sub feature?



1. Because it's something people have been asking for a lot of time and now that it's finally announced, it's through the Cartel Market.

2. Because subscribers believe that everything that comes into the game should be attainable through playing the game and not paying for it or waiting for someone to post it on the GTN.

3. Because other MMOs (F2P or P2P) have similar features as part of the subscription plan - even though we don't know yet what exactly the Barber Shop will be.

4. Because people can justify some things coming to the game through the CM but not what they consider important.


And the last point is the one I do not understand.

This is a Freemium game that has two ways of making money: Subscriptions and the Cartel Market.

One thing that Subscribers never tolerate are P2W items through Markets.

So, what baffles me is why a cosmetic item is such an important feature. I guess for some people looks is everything or at least important enough to complain about not getting them as part of their subscription, but the cold truth is that the Cartel Market needs to sell stuff to keep the game going.


And if we were to take people's complaints so far about what has been added to the Market all this time, it would leave us with precisely 0 (zero) items that it would be OK to be added through the Market.

After all what I consider important and "part of what I think is a core feature of a game" is something someone else might not even bother with, ever.


One man's trash is another man's treasure.

Except in this case there is nothing that people can agree on that's "trash". For every little thing added to the market there will be a group of people saying that they wanted it and now have to spend real money or their free cartel coins to get it, leaving Bioware with nothing (or simply what no one cares enough to buy) for the Cartel Market.


It's a vicious circle, I tell you :p

Edited by TheNahash
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100% agree. I honestly believe that some people on these forums will only be happy if BW/EA run this as a non-profit.


It's a simple equation for me:


Subscription model = a game I love playing that is dying w/ likely no updates

F2P = a game I love playing that occasionally costs me more money, but money that I CHOOSE to payout.


Go figure.

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I honestly want to know why people are so amazed that the barber shop is going to cost us Cartel Coins. I havent played loads of MMOs but every one that had this feature charged RL money. Why should SWTOR be any different. This is also a convince/quality of life thing, not a game breaking piece of super rare P2W loot. This feature will probably also sell on the GTN for a cheap amount of creds so there is even less to cry about.


So what is the deal, are people just that cheap/entitled or is there a real reason for this be a sub feature?


I'm sure everyone expected that we would have to pay CC for Barbershop. But I think what they expected was to be charged CC for NEW appearance options. NEW Hairstyles. NEW Cybernetics. NEW Jewelry options. No one expected that they would charge us for making changes to options that ALREADY EXIST.


That's like charging us CC to change which Lightsaber or Speeder we use. That's like charging us CC for using the GTN. The in-game Barbershop system should charge credits. The Cartel Market should charge CC for NEW options to use in that system.


But oh no, they want to be able to charge us more for work that is already done instead of having to using man hours to produce NEW stuff.


Get it?


And BTW, this isn't about Pay 2 Win. It's about Pay 2 Everything.



Edited by Blackavaar
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And if we were to take people's complaints so far about what has been added to the Market all this time, it would leave us with precisely 0 (zero) items that it would be OK to be added through the Market.




A barbershop experience is the PERFECT thing to monetize. It's fulff, it's funny, it's NOT P2W.


People still hav'nt digested the fact that SWTOR is NOT a pure subscription game anymore...


Everytime Dev's announce a feature that will be in the CC shop, people will complain. Just because.

And then they'll go buy a few CC to spend on pack :)

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I'm sure everyone expected that we would have to pay CC for Barbershop. But I think what they expected was to be charged CC for NEW appearance options. NEW Hairstyles. NEW Cybernetics. NEW Jewelry options. No one expected that they would charge us for making changes to options that ALREADY EXIST.


Why don't we wait for details before assuming there will be no new options?

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Why don't we wait for details before assuming there will be no new options?


It doesn't matter if there are new options or not. They're charging to even use the goddamn thing.

If there are new options, great. Charge us for those. Don't charge us to use the system at all.



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People have been asking for character re-customizations for ages. There are several posts on the Cartel Market Suggestions forum asking to add it as a cartel market feature. Yes, multiple people have actually said they want to re-customize their characters bad enough, to even want to pay for it!

And with the Cartel Market being 99% cosmetic anyway, it was to be expected that this would be a Cartel Market feature. I would've prefered it as a unique gimmick for the Investigation Crewskill, but ah well.


Let's just hope it won't cost more than 300 coins for a complete overhaul, except perhaps for change of species, which should by all means incure some reluctance to use it.


Subs get between 500 and 700 CC a month, by the way: 100 from the security key, and 500-600 dependiing on subscription plan.

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1. Because it's something people have been asking for a lot of time and now that it's finally announced, it's through the Cartel Market.


Let me stop you right there ... I've been begging my wife for a threesome for 15 years. I have no delusion that should I get a threesome it is going to cost me a helluva lot more than a few CC.:p:p:p:p:p

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2. Because subscribers believe that everything that comes into the game should be attainable through playing the

It's a vicious circle, I tell you :p

disagree with 2,

as long as CC sold items don't affect endgame pve or pvp,

we,subers, don't care about it,


if subers get Barber Shop for free, then BW should put char transfer system for free B4 Barber Shop active in game,

if players wanna Barber Shop without CC, go UO, last time i was there, i remember it didn't cost real money.

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disagree with 2,

as long as CC sold items don't affect endgame pve or pvp,

we,subers, don't care about it,


if subers get Barber Shop for free, then BW should put char transfer system for free B4 Barber Shop active in game,

if players wanna Barber Shop without CC, go UO, last time i was there, i remember it didn't cost real money.


Take a look around the forum.

I think you'll find subscribers who don't agree with what you just said.

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I'm a bit shocked honestly. For the simple fact that this is getting more attention than the cartel market actually affecting an in-game system such as the Achievement System come RotHC. Depending upon your definition of game-breaking. I want to say that is way more game-breaking than a barber shop. For those who actually want to achieve goals in the game, and not pay for them. Edited by Dyronis
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I'm glad that they're finally implementing it. I've waited since release for this feature so this is a win for me.


I don't care that I have to pay for it as long as the price is reasonable.


Same here. As long as it's within my monthly allotment of CC, I could care less that it's in the Cartel Market.

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It doesn't matter if there are new options or not. They're charging to even use the gosh darn thing.

If there are new options, great. Charge us for those. Don't charge us to use the system at all.




every MMO with a "barber shop" to change your toons features has cost real money. The ones that done are very limited, like in wow you can change hair color and hair cut anything more you got to pay 15 bucks.


this is not shocking you are just crying to cry.

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disagree with 2,

as long as CC sold items don't affect endgame pve or pvp,

we,subers, don't care about it,


if subers get Barber Shop for free, then BW should put char transfer system for free B4 Barber Shop active in game,

if players wanna Barber Shop without CC, go UO, last time i was there, i remember it didn't cost real money.


Who is this "we" you talk about?

Just because SOME subbers dont care about it, it should mean none should?

UO isnt the only one, no MMO charges real money for subs afaik. Some might even say its a basic mechanic like end-game or custom armor, lets see how much "we" will care when all custom armor will cost money

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I honestly want to know why people are so amazed that the barber shop is going to cost us Cartel Coins. I havent played loads of MMOs but every one that had this feature charged RL money. Why should SWTOR be any different. This is also a convince/quality of life thing, not a game breaking piece of super rare P2W loot. This feature will probably also sell on the GTN for a cheap amount of creds so there is even less to cry about.


So what is the deal, are people just that cheap/entitled or is there a real reason for this be a sub feature?


Hmpf. Why so ignorant?

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I'm glad that they're finally implementing it. I've waited since release for this feature so this is a win for me.


I don't care that I have to pay for it as long as the price is reasonable.


Pretty much my feeling on it as well, though I am glad to see that a species change will be included with it.

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I honestly want to know why people are so amazed that the barber shop is going to cost us Cartel Coins. I havent played loads of MMOs but every one that had this feature charged RL money. Why should SWTOR be any different. This is also a convince/quality of life thing, not a game breaking piece of super rare P2W loot. This feature will probably also sell on the GTN for a cheap amount of creds so there is even less to cry about.


So what is the deal, are people just that cheap/entitled or is there a real reason for this be a sub feature?


Name the ones you played that cost RL money for barber shop. I have yet to run across one. And I am not talking about new options added to what can be on the characters. Barber shop to me is changing what's already available.

Edited by Jacen_Starsolo
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Cosmetic changes cost Cartel Coins... what's the problem?


The problem is that its a basic component of any MMO and is free everywhere... charging for basic stuff is ridiculous especially for people who've been supporting this game with subscriptions for 16 months

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Is it? Many games don't even allow you to do it at all, and I think you'll find if you look a bit harder you'll see that it's not as common as you think.


Large MMO's that have it (for free):





SWG (dead but still..)

TERA iirc


Large MMO's that dont:


<insert name here>

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