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So.. is this really happening?


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She's an insider for EAWare. Many sources have claimed that. She is wrong. She just doesn't want to say it because she's always trying to find some way to defend poor EAWare from the "haters". :cool:


What sources?


Let me make it crystal clear for you: I am not a Bioware or EA employee. I have no professional connection of any sort or kind with Bioware or EA.


Now please appologize for slandering in open forum. Kay Thanks.

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Um, I think he/she said "clinical" not "cynical"

<guy with very high myopia and some Hyperopia, so sometimes i need to read twice and with much attention, plus my googles are dated, and i alredy apologized and corrected myself.

Edited by Sohaim
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<guy with very high myopia and some Hyperopia, so sometimes i need to read twice and with much attentions, plus my googles are dated, and i alredy apologized and corrected myself.


As you can see, my post was before yours or Andryah's so I was just pointing out that he/she didn't call you what you said she did because you seemed quite offended by it.


I wasn't trying to make you apologize again, ffs :D

Edited by TheNahash
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What sources?


Let me make it crystal clear for you: I am not a Bioware or EA employee. I have no professional connection of any sort or kind with Bioware or EA.


Now please appologize for slandering in open forum. Kay Thanks.


It's not just these forums where I have seen this referenced !! Kinda regarded as one on other forums!! Just letting you know ;)

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Yeah and to put things into perspective, each time they release a new item set on cartel market roughly once a month, they have this 24 pack deal that is the best 'deal' and best odds to access a good majority of what it offers, however this requires a $60 purchase of cartel coins... $60??? I could buy an entire brand new game for that price, but this is the cost to obtain a random pile of items that is released every month.


I already paid 60$ own the game, then $15 a month for a year which is 150$, then I paid an addition $20 for the expansion... but no that's not enough money to access everything, I have to blow an extra $60-$80 a month to have a random chance at accessing everything.


EA does this crap with everything now, they ruined Tiger Woods for PC, and The Sims 3 has the same damn nickle and dime crap too, and now this game is the most unreasonable load. And don't tell me to get a job or don't be cheap, because this is a clear rip off. And don't tell me that crappy little 500 cartel coins for subscribers is going to buy jack...


I don't understand the concept that cosmetics in the game cost more than entire games themselves, its so dumb. I could buy a shirt in real life for cheaper than I can for my character in game. It so unreal.

Edited by chriscshunter
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oh yeah about that sorry, i am kind blind, my googles are above 6.0 so sometimes i have to get real close to the monitor, my bad,


No worries. :)


but youre still wrong and have not corrected yourself.


We have a difference of opinion, probably because we have a different perspective. Which is fine.


Let me share mine: When they release a new mode for an existing flashpoint, that counts in my book as new flashpoint content. Is it cheezy compared to releasing a completely new flashpoint? Yeah, sometimes... but it represents a new play at the flashpoint and it drives progression... so it's fair from my perspective.


In the larger landscape... they popped new PvP, they popped new end game event based content, so if they follow established pattern... new flashpoint content is next in their hopper. So, personally, I'm neither worried nor frustrated that they popped hard mode to existing content while working through their patches to get to brand new flahspoint instances.

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What sources?


Let me make it crystal clear for you: I am not a Bioware or EA employee. I have no professional connection of any sort or kind with Bioware or EA.


My Husband is postulating on whether your SO is an EA employee, because that relation would not be classified as "professional"

Edited by Brat-a-tat-
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As you can see, my post was before yours or Andryah's so I was just pointing out that he/she didn't call you what you said she did because you seemed quite offended by it.


I wasn't trying to make you apologize again, ffs :D

oh yeah i know, i dind mean that to you, was just saying the reason for my mistake, anyways thanks otherwise i would not have spotted it,

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I don't understand the concept that cosmetics in the game cost more than entire games themselves, its so dumb. I could buy a shirt in real life for cheaper than I can for my character in game. It so unreal.


It's the free market economy at it's optimal manifestation. If people did not buy this stuff... then they would stop designing it and selling it. They are responding to a market demand. You can get all up and ugly at the company about it if you like, but really the players are buying this stuff... some even demanding it.

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Yeah and to put things into perspective, each time they release a new item set on cartel market roughly once a month, they have this 24 pack deal that is the best 'deal' and best odds to access a good majority of what it offers, however this requires a $60 purchase of cartel coins... $60??? I could buy an entire brand new game for that price, but this is the cost to obtain a random pile of items that is released every month.


I already paid 60$ own the game, then $15 a month for a year which is 150$, then I paid an addition $20 for the expansion... but no that's not enough money to access everything, I have to blow an extra $60-$80 a month to have a random chance at accessing everything.


EA does this crap with everything now, they ruined Tiger Woods for PC, and The Sims 3 has the same damn nickle and dime crap too, and now this game is the most unreasonable load. And don't tell me to get a job or don't be cheap, because this is a clear rip off. And don't tell me that crappy little 500 cartel coins for subscribers is going to buy jack...


I don't understand the concept that cosmetics in the game cost more than entire games themselves, its so dumb. I could buy a shirt in real life for cheaper than I can for my character in game. It so unreal.


Simple fact: people buy them

It's the fact that people are BUYING those things that should astound you. NOT the fact that they are offering them to a mouthwatering crowd :)

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It's not just these forums where I have seen this referenced !! Kinda regarded as one on other forums!! Just letting you know ;)


Oh I am aware. I am also aware that someone (not me) went on a gaming forum and flat out pretended to be me, and then also claimed and pretened to be someone else completely who did work under contract for Bioware.


You are falling victim to internet fantasy, and it is a violation of the forum rules to be posting accusations like this toward anyone, not just me.


I strongly suggest you guys remove your posts that make accusation (directly or indirectly) that I am a Bioware employee.


Disagee with me all you like. I am fine with it. But please stop with the false accusations and attempts to assassinate character.

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No worries. :)




We have a difference of opinion, probably because we have a different perspective. Which is fine.


Let me share mine: When they release a new mode for an existing flashpoint, that counts in my book as new flashpoint content. Is it cheezy compared to releasing a completely new flashpoint? Yeah, sometimes... but it represents a new play at the flashpoint and it drives progression... so it's fair from my perspective.


In the larger landscape... they popped new PvP, they popped new end game event based content, so if they follow established pattern... new flashpoint content is next in their hopper. So, personally, I'm neither worried nor frustrated that they popped hard mode to existing content while working through their patches to get to brand new flahspoint instances.

i understand what you are trying to say i was just poiting out that you might have meant Operations on your older post, because there has been no update whatsoever on any Flashpoints as we speak, we had new OPs and NiM for EC, but not any Flashpoints, that was what i was pointing out.

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It's the free market economy at it's optimal manifestation. If people did not buy this stuff... then they would stop designing it and selling it. They are responding to a market demand. You can get all up and ugly at the company about it if you like, but really the players are buying this stuff... some even demanding it.


Its the fact that EA has done this to so many games and ruined it for people that know the value of a dollar. To sell a virtual item for more than it costs in real life is entirely ridiculous. The players didn't create the price point, EA did... Its sad that they have taken gaming in this direction, it truly is... whether people buy into it or not, the fact is valid.


You can clearly see EA doesn't care about its customers one bit so long as they are getting their money.

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i understand what you are trying to say i was just poiting out that you might have meant Operations on your older post, because there has been no update whatsoever on any Flashpoints as we speak, we had new OPs and NiM for EC, but not any Flashpoints, that was what i was pointing out.


Fair enough. Point taken. :)

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We got the rep system & 3 rep venders....and f2p has to pay for unlocks to grind those reps...for 2 armor sets.

(space mission passes & section X authorization)


And that is basically it, since the CM launched.


How about charging f2p for some new unlocks & access to new content instead of charging subs?


How about rewarding the loyalty of subscribers instead of the "loyalty" of pack buyers?


How about giving us the SOONtm QoL improvements before dumping all the sub money into yet another feature for the CM?


are you people kidding me... terror from beyond, hk-51, ancient hypergates, return of the gree... any of that ring a bell


subs get nothing its all just cartel market??? really people is your memory so short or does actual content not count?

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It's the free market economy at it's optimal manifestation. If people did not buy this stuff... then they would stop designing it and selling it. They are responding to a market demand. You can get all up and ugly at the company about it if you like, but really the players are buying this stuff... some even demanding it.


Where was EA when subscribers were demanding more endgame content? Oh, that's right... firing most of their staff and switching the game over to a much easier to manage SIMS:Star Wars game.

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Where was EA when subscribers were demanding more endgame content? Oh, that's right... firing most of their staff and switching the game over to a much easier to manage SIMS:Star Wars game.


or they were restaffing to put someone who knew what he was doing in charge like Jesse Sky, explosive conflict terror from beyond and dredtooth are awesome thank you.... don't tell anyone but they were free too :D


and I have no complaints about the new pvp maps either


games do take time

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It seems to me that for any Massively Multiplayer RPG to succeed it has to offer something for a wide base of players. I've been playing the game since launch and my expectations for the game were set then. If a game has a range of difficulties for given operations there should be a reward for doing each of the different difficulties. The best thing a game like this can do is let you feel like you've accomplished something by completing those difficulties and reward you for it. As the game stands now, and from the content I've seen on the PTS, SWTOR continues to move farther away from that.


Giving players something special for completing the highest level of difficulty isn't something unreasonable. Traditionally that reward is better gear. This gear is obvious to others just from looking at you that you have accomplished these difficulties. Right now I can grind flashpoints and lower difficulty Ops to get the best gear crafted. This then leaves me wondering on the two raid nights a week that my guild does Op runs, what's the point of spending the hours to down the hardest difficulties? I'm not gaining anything from it, nor am I improving my toon. The last thing a game like this wants to do is leave players feeling like the time they just spent doing the game's content was pointless.


In my time in SWTOR I've been through multiple guilds where the biggest reason for people leaving was that they got to the point of feeling that playing the game had lost any sense of satisfaction or had any point from doing the high end content. I love Star Wars and that is really the only reason I've stayed as long as I have. After leveling six toons to 50 and gearing them, there really isn't anything to entice me to get online and play more. I've already done all the content multiple times on multiple difficulties. Do it again on an even harder difficulty for nothing? Why? (hint: this is the question Bioware is supposed to answer to keep me coming back ingame)


The new Ops coming in the expansion has 3 or 4 difficulties...I would much rather that they had made two Ops with two difficulties. That would much more satisfying in terms of content. Once I knock out the content on the first two difficulties I'll have geared up my toon, and Bioware isn't giving me a reason to do the other difficulties. If you are going to have raiding in the game give players a reason to raid, something to work towards.

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I think I'm starting to see the whole picture here, but still maybe a little confused. There seems to be a big pattern taking place, and its pointing to this game being for people with a lot of extra money lying around. In other Big named MMO's a real money market place is a great way to add extra, non essential, cool content to the game, things that are not industry standard things, just fluff.


Why does it seem like that besides warzones, and operations EVERYTHING else in this game, since the cartel markey has been released, costs something to aquire, no matter if you sub or not. IMO if its a game FEATURE (aka in game character modification to body, hair, ect.... and future classes) should be given to the people who pay the monthly sub.


It seems this is not how this is going to be. If I have been reading correctly, the people who sub basically get the game content prior to the cartel market release for a monthly fee, then any content released after that, will have to be paid for in addition... I will just stop there, i think thats enough said... this trend is pointing to me dishing out a lot of extra money (yes, i know subs get free cartel coins a month... but with everything coming out, is it honestly enough?)


Yeah its really happening. I after pre-ordering and subbing for this whole time except a single month 2 months ago, am getting really really angry about all this Greed coming from this company. So much that I just may think about leaving.

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You have just explained the decline in player base. How can you expect to run a successful long term MMO when there is nothing to keep the more serious gamer around?


Whats the point of having all the different difficulty modes if there is not reward for doing them? If it is truly just for casuals have more instances and make them all story mode.


This game did not start as game just for the casual gamer. There was a gear grind at the beginning. The end game gear was not craft able and if I saw someone with a black and red crystal I knew they had accomplished HM content. Even when EC came out our guild flew around fleet in a flying v formation with our shiny new black speeders after we had downed Kephess. It was an accomplishment we had to work together to complete. There was something to be earned as a team.


In 2.0 end game gear will not be craftable so take heart. PvE top end gear will have to be raided for.

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or they were restaffing to put someone who knew what he was doing in charge like Jesse Sky, explosive conflict terror from beyond and dredtooth are awesome thank you.... don't tell anyone but they were free too :D


and I have no complaints about the new pvp maps either


games do take time


putting someone in charge who knew what they were doing... right. You realize the guy in charge is perhaps the single most despised name (by players) associated with MMOs right? Jeff Hickman.


He knows what he's doing all right... he's going to fly this baby right into the ground! Just like he did to DAoC and Warhammer.


Meanwhile, all the top talent from BioWare, including the Doctors that founded the place, are long gone.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Why does it seem like that besides warzones, and operations EVERYTHING else in this game, since the cartel markey has been released, costs something to aquire, no matter if you sub or not. IMO if its a game FEATURE (aka in game character modification to body, hair, ect.... and future classes) should be given to the people who pay the monthly sub.


absolutely not true, I have not had to pay for one thing out side of my sub, I didn't pay for HK-51 I didn't pay for new world bosses, I didn't pay for reputation, I didn't pay for ancient hypergates, I didn't pay for the gree event, I didn't pay for NIM EC


I did pay for some cosmetic stuff all completely optional and because I wanted too :D and I paid for the expansion witch I got 1/2 price because I pay a sub, but even if I didn't buy makeb I would be getting a huge update when 2.0 comes out regardless this all whining over the barber shop and it is not the first game to do this I had too pay 7.99 in the first guild wars to change my look, don't see how this is diffrent


you guys are full of it and just want to sound big and anti-corporation


occupy swtor :rolleyes:

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This may be true for you, and for some... but not for eveyone.


No, the reality is that all modern MMOs, and even MMO expansion packs, get spike pop in populations, followed by serious (though almost predicable) significant decline in populations under a subscription model in the 6-9 months after launch. It has been true of every post-WoW release (even true for WoWs expansion releases). The player population has become much more nomadic... consuming and moving on, rather then waiting around for the consumed resources to refresh. Some see it as fickleness in the player base, and maybe it is. I see it as a genuine move by the player base from farmers/harvesters that set roots down in an MMO to nomadic hunter/gatherers who move across the vast planes of MMO marketplace.


I really like this post I may take some of it for my sig. Thanks

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putting someone in charge who knew what they were doing... right. You realize the guy in charge is perhaps the single most despised name (by players) associated with MMOs right? Jeff Hickman.


He knows what he's doing all right... he's going to fly this baby right into the ground! Just like he did to DAoC and Warhammer.


Meanwhile, all the top talent from BioWare, including the Doctors that founded the place, are long gone.


reading fail there darththc [really? cool name bro] they put Jesse sky in charge of the endgame features like operations and the ops improved drastically. that is what I was talking about and if that was jeff hickmans call then good job it was the right one and a great improvement on end game which was what you were referring too right

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