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So who else got their free 50?


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I mean this by who else did the Gree Power leveling groups, because i know i did and got a free power level to 50 and leveled up several other alts to near 50 standings.


I ask this because if found it so funny seeing 9 instances of Ilum and the majority of them were filled with power leveling groups.

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I mean this by who else did the Gree Power leveling groups, because i know i did and got a free power level to 50 and leveled up several other alts to near 50 standings.


I ask this because if found it so funny seeing 9 instances of Ilum and the majority of them were filled with power leveling groups.


Don't take this personally, but I hope they change the mechanics so this is not possible next weekend - maybe by disabling the ability to gain XP if less than 45 or while in an Operations group.


Also, I wouldn't mind if they suspended the players that did this and rolled back the levels gained.


Seriously, with double XP and all the XP buffs passed out now it was silly easy to gain levels without afk exploiting Ilum bolstering and the Gree event.


Though I concede expecting players NOT to be so lazy as to use such an exploit is naive.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Don't take this personally, but I hope they change the mechanics so this is not possible next weekend - maybe by disabling the ability to gain XP if less than 45 or while in an Operations group.


Also, I wouldn't mind if they suspended the players that did this and rolled back the levels gained.


Seriously, with double XP and all the XP buffs passed out now it was silly easy to gain levels without afk exploiting Ilum bolstering and the Gree event.


Though I concede expecting players NOT to be so lazy as to use such an exploit is naive.


How does any of this affect you? If someone else wants to power level,, it is up to them. Though on my server it wasn't that common, but you'd expect that of an RP server.

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How does any of this affect you? If someone else wants to power level,, it is up to them. Though on my server it wasn't that common, but you'd expect that of an RP server.

My thoughts as well. My only beef is that i didn't know about this. There's no way in heck i will ever find the time or desire to run through all the classes, but i sure wouldn't mind being able to try them all out in thier full glorious 50 states.

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Why would you expect power leveling on an RP server? On an RP server, people should be more in character and enjoying the quest lines, that's what RP is. You are your character.


As far as power leveling goes, anyone who wants to should be able to. It's just their enjoyment that they're screwing with, not anyone else's.

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I knew about it, but I chose to avoid the Ilum thing.


I decided to try out a Marauder as I'd never played either mirror class and need to get to grips with the skills and playstyle, as it was I levelled like mad without trying hard, skipped a load of planet quests too.

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Although I find the methodology of lvling of the OP and countless others to be dubious and subject to controversies... One must ask himself if the weekends XP boost and the sudden Return of the Gree were put together intentionally? :p
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Why would you expect power leveling on an RP server? On an RP server, people should be more in character and enjoying the quest lines, that's what RP is. You are your character.


As far as power leveling goes, anyone who wants to should be able to. It's just their enjoyment that they're screwing with, not anyone else's.


Exactly, you wouldn't expect it on an RP server.

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I don't know about you guys, but after leveling 2 toons to 50, power leveling this way seem that much more appealing.So what you run through you class story, isn't that what a majority are here for?? With , what is it 5 or 6 class missions on each planet, you be at chapter three in no time. ^^


Too bad I missed most of the weekend. :(

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Don't take this personally, but I hope they change the mechanics so this is not possible next weekend - maybe by disabling the ability to gain XP if less than 45 or while in an Operations group.


Also, I wouldn't mind if they suspended the players that did this and rolled back the levels gained.


Seriously, with double XP and all the XP buffs passed out now it was silly easy to gain levels without afk exploiting Ilum bolstering and the Gree event.


Though I concede expecting players NOT to be so lazy as to use such an exploit is naive.


You tell him not to take it personally, but then suggest he should get suspended? Why do you care if other people were able to get their alts to 50 quicker? The ONLY reason I can understand caring about this is if you were trying to do your Illum quest and couldnt because of all the ops groups. Even if this was the case though, you could easily switch to another instance.


I leveled quite a bit over the weekend, but didnt use this method because I actually enjoy playing class quests with the occasional planet quest. But seriously...no reason to care if other people are doing it. Let people play the game they want to if it's not hurting another players experience.

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I mean this by who else did the Gree Power leveling groups, because i know i did and got a free power level to 50 and leveled up several other alts to near 50 standings.


I ask this because if found it so funny seeing 9 instances of Ilum and the majority of them were filled with power leveling groups.


I found this surprising because this was a bannable offense at launch (going to Ilum to powerlevel). It's actually considered an exploit by the devs.

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Why would you expect power leveling on an RP server? On an RP server, people should be more in character and enjoying the quest lines, that's what RP is. You are your character.


As far as power leveling goes, anyone who wants to should be able to. It's just their enjoyment that they're screwing with, not anyone else's.


Just because people like to RP does not mean they dont enjoy end game content as well.


I like RP and PvP alot.

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When i herd of this weekend xp boost, i was already on board since i wanted to make a Commando. I had several other 50s, all buffs and max companions. This one i was just for ***** and squiggles, also for the challenge of the Commando class. To get to the point I did not want to do anything but get him to 50 as fast as possible and this was the perfect way to do it. So thank you BW :)
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I am was really happy about this.


I missed most of the weekend because I spent the week at the music conference in Miami and thei went to mega-con in orlando and its also St. Paddys weekend. So i was little behind on game time.


Nevertheless I was able to get my agent a few more levels very quickly, he has been sitting at 43 for at least 5 months. I enjoy playing with him as a PvP healer but i play Tanks all the time and so the PvE side of playing with my agent was boring me to death.


Hopefully i can get him to 50 so i can use him only for PvP, AWESOME.

Edited by kirorx
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Because A) It imbalances the game.

And B) It's cheating.


As I said I didn't use this approach, I'd find it incredibly dull, however I disagree with you.


A) What imbalance? - It's very easy to get a char to 50 as it is, the route there makes zero difference to anyone, even if the person can't play their class it doesn't matter as people will just not group with them.


B) I don't see how it's cheating, incredibly boring certainly, but a person doing this gains no advantage over anyone else with level 50's (I have loads of 50's).

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As I said I didn't use this approach, I'd find it incredibly dull, however I disagree with you.


A) What imbalance? - It's very easy to get a char to 50 as it is, the route there makes zero difference to anyone, even if the person can't play their class it doesn't matter as people will just not group with them.


B) I don't see how it's cheating, incredibly boring certainly, but a person doing this gains no advantage over anyone else with level 50's (I have loads of 50's).


I'm sure you can pull a Bill Clinton all night long in rationalizing why it's not cheating. At the end of the day it's still just a flimsy rationalization. It's cheating. You know it; you just want to know it.

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Don't take this personally, but I hope they change the mechanics so this is not possible next weekend - maybe by disabling the ability to gain XP if less than 45 or while in an Operations group.


Also, I wouldn't mind if they suspended the players that did this and rolled back the levels gained.


Seriously, with double XP and all the XP buffs passed out now it was silly easy to gain levels without afk exploiting Ilum bolstering and the Gree event.


Though I concede expecting players NOT to be so lazy as to use such an exploit is naive.


I'm glad you don't work for Bioware.


Despite your negative attitude towards this, it was the most fun some people have had on Ilum (and in-game) for ages. It's FUN to be a part of a large Ops group. You may not like it, but the cool thing is, you don't have to do it...see how well that works? It was a phenomenal alternative to grinding the same old quests that have been in-game for the ## time and the best part is...it was FUN!

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I'm sure you can pull a Bill Clinton all night long in rationalizing why it's not cheating. At the end of the day it's still just a flimsy rationalization. It's cheating. You know it; you just want to know it.


it's not cheating if it was allowed by bioware :) it was just (maybe) unintended.

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Just because people like to RP does not mean they dont enjoy end game content as well.


I like RP and PvP alot.


That's not the point. The point is that it isn't "expected" on an RP server. Most of the people I know on RP servers, enjoy the game and don't rush to end game.

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Because A) It imbalances the game.

And B) It's cheating.




It is neither. 50's already exist and leveling is already in-game. It is most certainly NOT cheating. It was taking advantage of a viable alternative leveling route, one that is 100% optional and still requires hours of work, nothing more.

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Why so many QQ about this?

If you dont like it, dont do it...

Its nearly fashistic what i have to read here and on some other threads...


Look if you dont like getting lvl 50 quickly.. then dont powerlevel....

Everyone should do it how she/he likes...

it does not hurt anyone...

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If they kept this in place for next weekend, I still wouldn't do it.


Honestly, with 250% exp PvE and 310% in warzones when I wanted to suffer through the stupid...I find leveling plenty fast. I barely got through my class stories on level I was going so fast.


For me, the whole point of doing new classes (in my case, pub side) was two fold: 1) Experiencing the stories and 2) Learning how to play said classes.


I'm not sure how you do either by powerleveling in 7-10 hours from 1 to 50. I mean, in my case, I really don't play any class at 50 actively besides my sniper anyway, so...


I don't mind folks doing this. I just don't see the point. I was leveling about once an hour this weekend...I got from 15 to 32, about halfway to 33. I'm good as it is. I'd love for it to be pernament until 2.0 though!

Edited by islander
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That's not the point. The point is that it isn't "expected" on an RP server. Most of the people I know on RP servers, enjoy the game and don't rush to end game.


Why wouldn't it happen on an RP server? How can you miss the role playing justification for it? I'd find it stranger if role players ignored the Gree call out on fleet, instead of looking for a large group to get together.

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Why so many QQ about this?

If you dont like it, dont do it...

Its nearly fashistic what i have to read here and on some other threads...


Look if you dont like getting lvl 50 quickly.. then dont powerlevel....

Everyone should do it how she/he likes...

it does not hurt anyone...


Long term it does hurt everyone.


Why would anyone bother leveling anymore by doing missions on various planets, doing heroics, doing flashpoints, or running warzones if they could just afk on Ilum for the weekend?


Do you think the game world would feel alive and welcoming or just dead?


And how long before the account sellers and credit farmers and such ilk decide to mass exploit this with teams of bots?


And where do you think the game will be if this is the new norm and is mass exploited?


And what do you think Bioware does in response, just makes some light handed tweaks and changes or implements some heavy handed solution that penalizes everyone, including players who were not exploiting?


I think the double XP is great and something I would like to see more often.


The Gree event is great and is it nice to be able to do it on a high 40s character with the bolster.


I'd just hate to see both disappear or changed in some negative way for everyone just because some people decided to exploit the two together.

Edited by DawnAskham
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