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Selecting need for loot


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Came across two flashpoints yesterday where I was verbally talked down to by a gamer each time for winning loot for my companion. I dont understand the big deal. Why the sense of entitlement over another gamer? If I see an item that would be needed for my companion to equip im going to roll for it. If someone else wins it, cool, good for them as far as im concerned. If i win it f, suddenly there are problems.

First flashpoint came across an item, i passed as neither i nor my companions needed it, Second one selected need for my tank. Got it. Third one, great for my tank, selected need, got it again. Then got told I was scum and voted off.

Second one, passed on two items, third one great for my tank, selected need and was told I had no right if it was for my companion and that I cant select need. I say why not? Out of 13 loot drops in that flashpoint i chose need on 2. How is that greedy?


As far as im concerned, im a paid subscriber. Why should some other gamer dictate to me what I can or cannot do to benefit them? If someone wants help on a mission or flashpoint and asks me, ill have no problem helping them but if i see something my tank needs, im selecting need. Im certainly not going to cry over it if someone else wins it. This sense of entitlement over someone else is baffling. There is no rulebook in the game that states that you cant do it and everyone who rolls for it has an equal chance

Edited by Jonrobbie
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But why is their character more important? I play with my companion beside me every second im not playing a flashpoint and my companion is critical in my winning each mission. So i dont understand why their gaming is more important than mine. I dont understand this sense of entitlement that someone else has over another gamer. If you pay for a game it should not be dictated on someone elses terms how you play should it? As long as you arent cheating.
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As far as im concerned, im a paid subscriber. Why should some other gamer dictate to me what I can or cannot do to benefit them? If someone wants help on a mission or flashpoint and asks me, ill have no problem helping them but if i see something my tank needs, im selecting need. Im certainly not going to cry over it if someone else wins it. This sense of entitlement over someone else is baffling. There is no rulebook in the game that states that you cant do it and everyone who rolls for it has an equal chance


Social conventions in this game with the companion system have developed to the point where Need is for you, Greed is sale or companions. If you choose to flout those conventions, then expect the other players to kick you. These are unwritten rules, just like not queue-jumping at a bus stop is an unwritten rule, but still one that the other people around you expect to be obeyed. Being selfish, denying other players an upgrade just so you can use it on one of your companions, is going to get you a reputation as a ninja. Paying for the game does not give you carte blanche to be that guy everybody hates with zero consequences.


You need those other gamers to complete group content, THAT is what gives them the right. You want to play solo and rely on the RNG giving you useful items, go right ahead. You want to play in flashpoints, ops and other group activities, get over yourself and learn to play nice.

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Im certainly not going to cry over it if someone else wins it.


Then don't cry about it if they decide to boot you from the group for needing items they could have used on their actual character. It goes both ways.


Actually your comparison is not a valid one. It goes both ways would be more accurate if the "actual character" player was booted for rolling need.


Unless the "actual character" player soloed the mob that dropped the loot, he has no right to tell another player they cannot roll need. Everyone who participates in the fight has the right to roll need.


Having said that, I generally do not roll need in a pug for gear that is not an upgrade for my character, but I still respect the rights of the other players and do not deny them the right to roll on loot they helped produce. I am much more likely to vote to kick a player with an entitled attitude such as "I'm a sniper and all cunning gear is mine" than I am to vote to kick a player who needs on gear for their companion.

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Not to mention Greggy, but that system you mention is basic common courtesy. Need what Player A actually needs with Greed being for Companion/Sell.


That said, if an Item comes up that is for a Class that isn't in the Group or the Class is in the Group but isn't the right AC, then someone selecting Need [in that instance] shouldn't be yelled at or booted

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Unless the "actual character" player soloed the mob that dropped the loot, he has no right to tell another player they cannot roll need. Everyone who participates in the fight has the right to roll need.


And the group has the right to vote kick them and put them on ignore.

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Social conventions in this game with the companion system have developed to the point where Need is for you, Greed is sale or companions. If you choose to flout those conventions, then expect the other players to kick you. These are unwritten rules, just like not queue-jumping at a bus stop is an unwritten rule, but still one that the other people around you expect to be obeyed. Being selfish, denying other players an upgrade just so you can use it on one of your companions, is going to get you a reputation as a ninja. Paying for the game does not give you carte blanche to be that guy everybody hates with zero consequences.


You need those other gamers to complete group content, THAT is what gives them the right. You want to play solo and rely on the RNG giving you useful items, go right ahead. You want to play in flashpoints, ops and other group activities, get over yourself and learn to play nice.


I've lost count of the number of players I've been grouped with via the LFD tool who tout those "unwritten rules" when it comes to gear their character can use, but who also want to roll need for their companions. Seems to me that a lot of the players want to have their cake and eat it, too.

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I've lost count of the number of players I've been grouped with via the LFD tool who tout those "unwritten rules" when it comes to gear their character can use, but who also want to roll need for their companions. Seems to me that a lot of the players want to have their cake and eat it, too.


Everyone I've ever grouped with has followed these rules and asked(the polite thing to do) if they could need for a companion or alt and received permission before doing so.

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And the group has as much right to vote kick the "entitled" player and put him on ignore.


True, but a loot ninja is much more likely to be on a lot of ignore lists than a person simply needing gear for their own class. Fair warning to the OP that he'll have a really really long groupfinder wait after a while.

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Wow; unbelievable responses here. My take: If you're in a group of four, you should generally take home about a quarter of the loot. Except for those few items that bind on pickup, if someone else in the group really needs it, they are welcome to ask! I have sometimes rolled very well early in a mission, and so I'll then pass on many of the loots just to give others the opportunity to pull their share. But, I've never had someone fuss about the results of a roll; that's just absurd. We'll sometimes congratulate the winner of a roll as the rest of us quietly drool over the won item. :D


You have to remember that the ages of the players of this game vary tremendously, and some are less mature than others. I guess the question you really have to ask yourself is whether you want to be part of a group that behaves in such an immature fashion. For me, I'd surely select "pass" on that one. ;)

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Everyone I've ever grouped with has followed these rules and asked(the polite thing to do) if they could need for a companion or alt and received permission before doing so.


Then you ahve had better luck with the LFG tool than I have. In the groups I've been put in, more often than not at least one player(usually the tank) wants all gear with his main stat one it, but also insists on a chance to roll on gear for his companion, or in the case of BOE's roll need to sell on the AH or for an alt.

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Well, just to show that not everyone feels the same, I don't mind at all if somebody needs for their companion. Greed is for selling, Need is for using, regardless of whether it's for you or your companion. Your own inventory and your companion's inventory are more or less equally important to the game, they both determine how well you do in combat. Your companion is basically just a dozen more inventory slots to kit out your own success. It's not like the companion is a separate character with its own separate successes, it's just an extension of you, like your lower body for example.


Mind you, I don't Need for companions as a rule since so many other people throw hissy fits over it, but I do think it's okay to Need for companions.

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You DO NOT "need" for a companion, especially when leveling, when someone in your group could clearly use it cuz it's an upgrade to what they have.


Last week there was a scattergun drop for my scoundrel that was twice as good as what I had currently. I'm the only one in the group that could use it and some non-scoundrel decides to "need" it for their companion. Earlier that same day I was playing my vanguard and another selfish jerk decides to "need" on commando tanking legs and chest for their companion.


So both times I start off nice and say you shouldn't do that, I realize you're level 14 (or whatever) and you might be new, but if an actual real person in your group needs it you leave it, you don't try and "need" it for your companion. To that I get told that I'm the jerk and to **** cuz their companions need the gear.


So, I say "well, I'm not wasting my time with you guys" and leave myself to restart with a new group, and then I'm the one that gets abused via whispers that I'm the one being the jerk and stuff.


Basically, you try nicely to help/teach noobs about stuff and you get yelled at. Or, you try being an abusive jerk and try to help/teach noobs and get yelled at. It's a lose/lose situation half the time.


The *only* time it should be considered "ok" to get items for companions is when you're all 50 and have all your stuff and it's time to start gearing them up, but by that point most people already know the etiquette, it's the noobs that don't that always end up griefing.

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Social conventions in this game with the companion system have developed to the point where Need is for you, Greed is sale or companions. If you choose to flout those conventions, then expect the other players to kick you. These are unwritten rules, just like not queue-jumping at a bus stop is an unwritten rule, but still one that the other people around you expect to be obeyed. Being selfish, denying other players an upgrade just so you can use it on one of your companions, is going to get you a reputation as a ninja. Paying for the game does not give you carte blanche to be that guy everybody hates with zero consequences.


/thread. Why does this need further discussing?

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You are well within your rights to annoy the people you're grouping with. But you need to be able to deal with the consequences of that and not look for justification for being obnoxious on the forums. Don't want to get kicked from groups? Stop annoying them, then.
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You DO NOT "need" for a companion, especially when leveling, when someone in your group could clearly use it cuz it's an upgrade to what they have.


Last week there was a scattergun drop for my scoundrel that was twice as good as what I had currently. I'm the only one in the group that could use it and some non-scoundrel decides to "need" it for their companion. Earlier that same day I was playing my vanguard and another selfish jerk decides to "need" on commando tanking legs and chest for their companion.


So both times I start off nice and say you shouldn't do that, I realize you're level 14 (or whatever) and you might be new, but if an actual real person in your group needs it you leave it, you don't try and "need" it for your companion. To that I get told that I'm the jerk and to **** cuz their companions need the gear.


So, I say "well, I'm not wasting my time with you guys" and leave myself to restart with a new group, and then I'm the one that gets abused via whispers that I'm the one being the jerk and stuff.


Basically, you try nicely to help/teach noobs about stuff and you get yelled at. Or, you try being an abusive jerk and try to help/teach noobs and get yelled at. It's a lose/lose situation half the time.


The *only* time it should be considered "ok" to get items for companions is when you're all 50 and have all your stuff and it's time to start gearing them up, but by that point most people already know the etiquette, it's the noobs that don't that always end up griefing.


Did you solo the bosses that dropped the scattergun and tanking legs? I'm betting you didn't. If you didn't, then everyone who participated in the fight has the right to roll on the loot dropped.


Every player in the group is an "actual real person" and a player's companions are an integral part of the game and as important as their character. When you're not in a group, do you play without your companion or do you use your companion for extra DPS, tanking or heals?

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Did you solo the bosses that dropped the scattergun and tanking legs? I'm betting you didn't. If you didn't, then everyone who participated in the fight has the right to roll on the loot dropped.


Every player in the group is an "actual real person" and a player's companions are an integral part of the game and as important as their character. When you're not in a group, do you play without your companion or do you use your companion for extra DPS, tanking or heals?


The game allows you to roll, and it allows players to make a judgement call on what is acceptable practice and what is not. :)

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