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Devs regreting thy ever designed in PVP in this game ?


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So since they nerfed criit to try and nerf for sakes of PVP and failed miserably as it also affects PVE, (see the threads on crit rating nerfs and the so called "buff" in latest PTS patch) its time they admit they overreacted and return crit value back to like it is n live.


They also failed BIG time with the new bolster system to PVP and cant seem to balance it properly, to where naked is better often than best in tier as it gets bolstered more.


Also they made it completely not interesting to PVP anymore as the bolster system took away all sense of PROGRESSION for those that like to PVP and made if obvious PVE is now a must as it makes you able to do all aspects of game, whereas PVP gear was made useless in PVE, but PVE can now work in PVP so really just pissing on PVP players and actually saying they would remove PVP completely if they could from the game.


P.S spare the old beaten horse about "this is a PVE only game bla bla bla" when SWTOR was advertised heavily with PVP and bragging about all the "awesome" PVP designers they brought in from other MMOS during the VERY design of this game.


All these and other recent failed changes n PTS all seem to smell like they just want to get all rid of PVP from this game (which fits fine with their milk cow the CM so You can play dress up Barbie on Your pretty PVE toons with the newest Cartel "dresses" ....)


What do You think ?

Edited by Shinzzun
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I am hella excited for the new expansion for PVP.


Eff progression for gear. Do you like playing at a disadvantage? No? Thought so.


Do you like playing at an advantage? Yes? Thought so.


Wanna fight about it?

Edited by Polymerize
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I am hella excited for the new expansion for PVP.


Eff progression for gear. Do you like playing at a disadvantage? No? Thought so.


Do you like playing at an advantage? Yes? Thought so.


Wanna fight about it?


This Is an MMO and NOT an FPS shooter ! Wether u like it or not gear progression = MMO

Edited by Shinzzun
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As I have said many times, what are the PVP gamers afraid of. If Bioware makes the playing field level are they afraid that the gear > skill argument over how leet they were will surface.


In my opinion BW should scrap the PVP grind and give everyone BIS PVP gear which cannot be min/maxed (make it blue quality) and if a PVE player wants to go into a WZ they must equip the PVP gear, no gear switching in PVP is allowed.


This would allow BW the ability to tinker with the stats on the PVP gear without breaking the skills for PVE and having to re-design (i.e. nerf) operations.


This would create a level playing field which would allow the better PVP players to rise to the top and if the TTK metrics dont work then BW can just do a global power reduction on the PVP gear without affecting the skills or PVE aspects of the game.


Before people cry out about that there will be nothing to grind for, setup a proper rankings system where people and guilds can strive to climb the leaderboard instead of having ranked warzones in a perpetual pre-season state.

Edited by bsbrad
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Having not played on the pts for very long and having no real interest in doing so, does this new bolster system make someone without pvp gear as good as someone with the best pvp gear available? I can't imagine that it will...
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It's the best content in game. Unlike the PvE endgame content, it's dynamic each time you play it. BW regrets their early bait & switch promising ranked and not delivering timely. That cost a host of subs.


^ This. And I'd say a "host" converts to around 1 million subs.

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As I have said many times, what are the PVP gamers afraid of. If Bioware makes the playing field level are they afraid that the gear > skill argument over how leet they were will surface.


In my opinion BW should scrap the PVP grind and give everyone BIS PVP gear which cannot be min/maxed (make it blue quality) and if a PVE player wants to go into a WZ they must equip the PVP gear, no gear switching in PVP is allowed. .


I'm not sure if you PvP at all (based on first paragraph), but gear is the only "carrot" or trophy that the game offers PvPers. Once you've min/max'd a toon's gear, you get about 2-3 weeks of gameplay out of him before it's boring as hell and time to work on a new toon. or just play a new toon...that also gets the gear treatment. so while I understand and empathize with what you're saying, gear really is the only thing worth chasing in PvE or PvP. there are more rare drops in PvE like karagga's helm...but that's tough to replicate in PvP.


so there you have it. in a nutshell: equal gear is fine, but if you don't replace the gear grind with something else, ppl won't play.

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Having not played on the pts for very long and having no real interest in doing so, does this new bolster system make someone without pvp gear as good as someone with the best pvp gear available? I can't imagine that it will...

the PTS is supposedly still in testing phase while they adjust the bolster effect. the upshot is that it sounds like bolster isn't doing what they want it to do in a reliable way yet. when it works as intended, a person in pve gear will get bolstered to the equivalent of a person in recruit gear. translation: should get roflstomped by geared players and wouldn't be welcome in ranked. at least that's the impression I get from what the devs said.

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As I have said many times, what are the PVP gamers afraid of. If Bioware makes the playing field level are they afraid that the gear > skill argument over how leet they were will surface.


In my opinion BW should scrap the PVP grind and give everyone BIS PVP gear which cannot be min/maxed (make it blue quality) and if a PVE player wants to go into a WZ they must equip the PVP gear, no gear switching in PVP is allowed.


This would allow BW the ability to tinker with the stats on the PVP gear without breaking the skills for PVE and having to re-design (i.e. nerf) operations.


This would create a level playing field which would allow the better PVP players to rise to the top and if the TTK metrics dont work then BW can just do a global power reduction on the PVP gear without affecting the skills or PVE aspects of the game.


Before people cry out about that there will be nothing to grind for, setup a proper rankings system where people and guilds can strive to climb the leaderboard instead of having ranked warzones in a perpetual pre-season state.


I think this post makes more sense than anything I've heard about PvP to date. Complete gold and no I'm not trying to be sarcastic or flatter here. To level the playing field by making everyone of the same capability would indeed just as you said really make skill matter. Skill is completely relative as a player of lesser gear will disregard defeat solely on the fact that the victor had higher quality gear; therefore both parties do not benefit.


Gear-grinders, do you really want your level of skill to be evaluated by your gear or by your skill? I don't know about you but when I do play CoD (bear with me) anyone who kills me is lucky... until I find out what their K:D (Kill:Death Ratio). They are the ones that earn my respect. Now lets pretend for a second CoD had the same systems employed like SW:TOR, as in no leader boards for example; wouldn't you absolutely hate it if there were players with better guns than you. Wouldn't you have the tendency to say "his gear gave him an advantage" what merit is that gun to the player? Nothing.


Gear can be a goal and I sympathize. We need something to strive for, but a player should never be evaluated for skill based on gear.


Basically, everyone should have baseline gear for the sake of PvP balance and leader boards should be implemented so a player's skill can't be argued.

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Gear-grinders, do you really want your level of skill to be evaluated by your gear or by your skill? I don't know about you but when I do play CoD (bear with me) anyone who kills me is lucky... until I find out what their K:D (Kill:Death Ratio).



O God,not Cod.Everyone who plays that knows ping is everything.I do very well in it,but once i get host i move into godhood status.Has little to do with skill imo.Friend of mine,he's not even good but he got host a few times and rocked everyone lol.


I'm not sure if you PvP at all (based on first paragraph), but gear is the only "carrot" or trophy that the game offers PvPers. Once you've min/max'd a toon's gear, you get about 2-3 weeks of gameplay out of him before it's boring as hell and time to work on a new toon. or just play a new toon...that also gets the gear treatment. so while I understand and empathize with what you're saying, gear really is the only thing worth chasing in PvE or PvP. there are more rare drops in PvE like karagga's helm...but that's tough to replicate in PvP.


so there you have it. in a nutshell: equal gear is fine, but if you don't replace the gear grind with something else, ppl won't play.



Edited by biguydeadd
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O God,not Cod.Everyone who plays that knows ping is everything.I do very well in it,but once i get host i move into godhood status.Has little to do with skill imo.Friend of mine,he's not even good but he got host a few times and rocked everyone lol.






I don't think he ment console gaming just saying :)

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As I have said many times, what are the PVP gamers afraid of. If Bioware makes the playing field level are they afraid that the gear > skill argument over how leet they were will surface.


In my opinion BW should scrap the PVP grind and give everyone BIS PVP gear which cannot be min/maxed (make it blue quality) and if a PVE player wants to go into a WZ they must equip the PVP gear, no gear switching in PVP is allowed.


This would allow BW the ability to tinker with the stats on the PVP gear without breaking the skills for PVE and having to re-design (i.e. nerf) operations.


This would create a level playing field which would allow the better PVP players to rise to the top and if the TTK metrics dont work then BW can just do a global power reduction on the PVP gear without affecting the skills or PVE aspects of the game.


Before people cry out about that there will be nothing to grind for, setup a proper rankings system where people and guilds can strive to climb the leaderboard instead of having ranked warzones in a perpetual pre-season state.

Its an MMO tinkering with your gear is one of the funnest things about it (at least to me..) The gear gap atm on live is AWESOME because it doesnt matter about getting the top tier of gear because it isnt much of an upgrade over wh when min/maxed and wh is also really easy to get making gearing alts easy :) Not to mention legacy gear etc.

Back in the day only crazy people would gear alts at 50.. They'd avhe to go through the champion gear bag grind and there was no legacy gear back then also..

Edited by AngusFTW
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It sounds like a gen 1 Xbox FPS you're asking for. If BW could make more money selling "cookie cutter Jedi - male" vs. "wookie sniper body type 2" they would have done so. Or maybe something like LOL Wars?


All they need to do is flatten the expertise bonus in WH and EWH. The bonus for expertise is simply scaled too high. Leave the carrot of better stat gear in place, leave expertise in place to separate PvP from PvE gear. Then add main stat bonuses to the PvP tiers. Do the math and make it happen BW.


How hard would it be to disable gear with expertise on it in FPs/Operations? That solves your PvP gear being too strong for Raid content. I know this is possible now because my level 30 HK unit comes with disabled gear.


You should earn better stat gear (your character should develop) through experience. Even Halo and CoD figured that out.


MMO objective based PvP should be about teamwork and communication, then gear, then "skilll". Other than expertise scaling they've done a good enough job with WZs that I'm willing to pay to keep playing them.

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Gear grind is not interesting for me.

I'm interesting in only competitive pvp, as much as solo and small group, and massive owpvp:


* Solo individual pvp rating based on dueling on Arenas, and Solo only queue WZ/RWZ (yes, we need solo only queue)

* Group rating based on playing in small possibly team groups (2x, 3x, 4x) on Arenas, and WZ/RWZ (yes, we need 4x mans teams rwz queue)

* Open World massive pvp events, sieges, big battles

* PvP in space, space battles

Edited by TonyDragonflame
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O God,not Cod.Everyone who plays that knows ping is everything.I do very well in it,but once i get host i move into godhood status.Has little to do with skill imo.Friend of mine,he's not even good but he got host a few times and rocked everyone lol.


You're basing your point on a variable that can't be controlled. What you said could just as easily be applied to SW:TOR which doesn't support your pro-gear disposition. To knock what CoD has done right because of latency issues doesn't suggest any advantage to SW since MMOs also experience lag.


Besides, I only use CoD as an example because it is a game that everyone can relate to as most everyone in the gaming community has a good idea about the game's aspects.

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If you take gear progression away you are going to displease/ lose a lot of regular pvpers. It's an important element in mmo's. It also serves as an excuse for a lot of people when they lose, which is something some people should think about. If gear is even you'll have to figure out something else to blame your defeats on. The fact of the matter is if you are constantly crying about gear pvp probably isn't for you and it shouldn't be catered to you.


With that said there should be some changes, in my eyes the proper ones aren't really possible since these servers aren't big enough to have real tiers and you pretty much need close to instant que pops. To be honest, I think a system that puts poorly geared/ not very good/ very casual max players in the low level bracket might be the best solution. While only allowing those to solo que

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Well unless something was really off/unintended the last time I was on PTS I have to say that it is a disaster because I was literally killed in one sec. This was after the worst boost bug was fixed and i was in the best gear there is. I didnt see any extreme numbers on the scoreboard afterwards so I'm open to the possibility that it's going to be like that for sorcs/sages in every game they don't bring a guard and pocket healer. Again, literally killed in one sec. I was playing Huttball and someone came up behind me. All I saw was a pile of red numbers, I couldnt even make anything out of it ....and dead. It's going to be extremely boring to play if that's what it's going to be like. I can have three smashers on me on live and still be able to react and do something back.


So yeah, I'm worried that they will totally screw things up and then be to proud to change it back until they've figured out what the hell they're doing. I also regret having pre-ordered the digital expansion if it means that I will be forced to download it now.

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