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This could have been the MMO King...


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1. OP those are yor own opinions not things needed to be done.


2. Thr answer for the cutscenes has been answered so i will not repeat


3. Seriously? who thr hell needs to check scoreboard doing pvp? just keep count of the gold things that pop above your heard for kill counts.


4. i am srry but WoW was the first game to introduce addons... lets go back to SWG precu days... that will always be better then WoW... IMO. Most MMO didnt have addons till WoW... so dont use that full potential bs because of addons. play the game how it was meant.


5. lets all keep in mind we all have are own opinions raging over forums is dumb. i could see flaming the kids alrdy wanting nerfs on things.


O And btw thr whole QQing about cutscenes and movie to kill things realize this is an MMO based off KOTOR need i say more on why they dont have to change alot... go play all the KOTOR then come back be glad they didnt do the thing where you would pause so you can queue your ability. i am sure i stated enough validness... if anyone cares to disagree go ahead

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This game could have been the best MMO on the market today, it could have stolen a Hell of a lot of WoW subs, if not for the following;


1) The quest system. I'm sure many people enjoy this style of questing, the cinematic voice acting thing which allows you to RP/ feel involved, but really, its just a chore. No one wants to have to take part in a long conversation just to be told to go and kill 10 mobs, collect 10 furs, etc. Part of the fun of an MMO is being able to switch-off sometimes, and just grind out your quests. A large proportion of the MMO PvP community just doesn't care in the slightest for roleplaying and has no patience for this type of thing. I have 5 friends that quit this game within a day simply because of this; they said they'd play otherwise.


This game is about the story. If you don't want the story, then don't listen to it. Just space bar through it. No one is making you listen to it all. But change it so that people who don't care about the game will stay? No thanks.


2) Too much instancing. This feels like a dead game, and my server is apparently 'very heavy. There's no atmosphere. I want to feel like I'm in a bustling environment, not like I'm in a singleplayer game with IM capabilities.


There is not too much instancing. The story line instancing prevents the typical waiting for a NPC to respawn because some moron jumped ahead of you and killed it. It also allows them to tailor content to a class. They instance areas to ensure the area is not so overrun with people that everything lags. If you are in an instanced zone that is lightly populated, you can jump to a different instance of the zone where there are more people.


3) No addons. This is critical. Part of the success of WoW is due to people being able to mod, within reason, the game to their tastes. I personally hate the custom WoW UI. I might not have played the game if not for addons that enable me to change it. How many people do you think chose not to play SWTOR because of something similar?


Probably as many as would hate it being added in. This topic is hotly debated, and it is far from a general consensus that this would improve the game.


4) 1.5 second GCD/un-responsive system. Need I say more? Everybody wants an MMO as responsive as WoWs, and with the resources at Biowares disposable, I'd say they had the opportunity to make it.


It is a different system. Learn to adapt. If I wanted to play WoW, I would not have quit playing it years ago.


5) The little things; honestly, did you not listen to your beta testers? Tracking buffs/debuffs on the UI is horrible, there is no targets target, there's no way to turn off the smart camera, too much CC, there's no scoreboard during Warzones, intros/voices at the start of Warzones. I mean come on, seriously? No targets target in an MMO? I don't care if they plan on adding it later, this is an important feature. Many of these small gripes could be solved by solving #3... implementing addons.


If that is everything the beta testers said, I sincerely hope they don't listen to the Beta testers. For instance, I love CC. I always play CC characters, but CC is always dumbed down because of the PvP crowd or because of min/maxers who turn every game into a DPS race. So, no, don't listen to the Beta testers if this is the kind of changes they wanted.


There are many things this game does right. The combat looks amazing, the talent trees/classes are well-designed and fun. The world is beautiful and interesting, and the graphic style colourful and fun, but this is not an innovative MMO, nor one that improves on the current standard for MMO's. This is the most expensive video game ever made, but it seems they spent 90% of that on voice acting...




Edit: I am also well aware that many of these things might be solved further down the line, but this is not the way to release a game... you'd think EA have pretty good people working in market analysis... people will not come back, buyers have very little patience. No excuse. Release a finished product and people will stay.


I think that if I ever play a game and do not hear the trite "Release a finished product" line, I will just laydown and pass away right then and there, dying a happy man. No MMO that has ever been released has been released "finished." And no MMO every will be. The systems are too complex and releasing a "finished" product would take so long that, by the time the game was released, it would already be obsolete.


If you think it can be done, then, by all means, put together a development crew and go for it. But I can save you a lot of time and money. It ain't gonna happen. You will run out of capital and need to release the game in an "unfinished" but workable state long before it is a polished, finished product. MMOs are never "finished." The continue to be developed and changed until the day the servers shut down for good, often still dealing with problems that were there at release. It is the nature of the beast. If you want to play MMOs, deal with it.

Edited by Sotaudi
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The quest system. I'm sure many people enjoy this style of questing, the cinematic voice acting thing which allows you to RP/ feel involved, but really, its just a chore. No one wants to have to take part in a long conversation just to be told to go and kill 10 mobs, collect 10 furs


SRSLY people, where do you find such quests? I've leveled my char to 30 and only had around 6 quest that made you kill and exact amount of mobs.


Plus, you say "many people like this style of questing" and the suddenly "no one wants to have to take part in conversations to quest"


So which is it?

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I am pretty certain most of us know that the story based system they are using is the true part of the game that will be the deciding factor for everyone. MMO's have been around for a LONG time, and sadly people such as the OP have gotten used to these fail mmo's such as WoW. And by fail, I am talking about the fact that ALL mmo's were intended to have story in it, story in which you are involved with. It was supposed to be like that since the beginning but nobody has been able to truely deliver. And now here we are some 20 years later, people are used to the insanely boring grind because the other mmo's are only about end game content. Finally Bioware is delivering a true MMO experience, but there will be a great amount of people that will not like it just because they are stuck in the old ways. I for one love that leveling has purpose and fun added to it.


OP, go back to WoW, enjoy your pandas and pokemon and copy-paste new class. Thank you for at least trying to give this game a chance (granted it sounds like you didnt get far enough to truely try). Hope this post doesn't sound offensive because that is not my intent. Cheers.

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1) The quest system. I'm sure many people enjoy this style of questing, the cinematic voice acting thing which allows you to RP/ feel involved, but really, its just a chore. No one wants to have to take part in a long conversation just to be told to go and kill 10 mobs, collect 10 furs, etc. Part of the fun of an MMO is being able to switch-off sometimes, and just grind out your quests. A large proportion of the MMO PvP community just doesn't care in the slightest for roleplaying and has no patience for this type of thing. I have 5 friends that quit this game within a day simply because of this; they said they'd play otherwise.


2) Too much instancing. This feels like a dead game, and my server is apparently 'very heavy. There's no atmosphere. I want to feel like I'm in a bustling environment, not like I'm in a singleplayer game with IM capabilities.


3) No addons. This is critical. Part of the success of WoW is due to people being able to mod, within reason, the game to their tastes. I personally hate the custom WoW UI. I might not have played the game if not for addons that enable me to change it. How many people do you think chose not to play SWTOR because of something similar?



Dead wrong.


1.) No one wants to? I want to. Hence, refuted.


2.) Single player > multiplayer. Things not respawning behind your back > things respawning behind your back.


3.) Who messes with addons?

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tl;dr QQ.


1) They didnt make the game to try and steal WOW customers and becoming subscription whore online. That may have been what EA wanted but Bioware has never operated that way. They wanted to make a great Star Wars MMO not WoW in a Star Wars world.


As for the rest, did you even play WOW on launch day? It was buggy as sh*t and didnt contain 1/30th of the things it does now. WOW didnt launch with add-ons either.


Stop speaking for EVERYONE who plays MMOs because you dont have a clue and you have no research and proof to make such statements. You wanted a grind hack and slash MMO? That is not what this is, you want to quest whore and farm gold as quickly as possible then by all means continue playing WOW.


For those of us who want to feel engaged and enjoy a nice story along with our MMO we will stay here and have fun without you. I love the voiced quests and dialogue, I am sick and tired of reading a chapter in a book when I want to do a quest.

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i am pretty certain most of us know that the story based system they are using is the true part of the game that will be the deciding factor for everyone. Mmo's have been around for a long time, and sadly people such as the op have gotten used to these fail mmo's such as wow. And by fail, i am talking about the fact that all mmo's were intended to have story in it, story in which you are involved with. It was supposed to be like that since the beginning but nobody has been able to truely deliver. And now here we are some 20 years later, people are used to the insanely boring grind because the other mmo's are only about end game content. Finally bioware is delivering a true mmo experience, but there will be a great amount of people that will not like it just because they are stuck in the old ways. I for one love that leveling has purpose and fun added to it.


Op, go back to wow, enjoy your pandas and pokemon and copy-paste new class. Thank you for at least trying to give this game a chance (granted it sounds like you didnt get far enough to truely try). Hope this post doesn't sound offensive because that is not my intent. Cheers.


*edited* iyo...

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WoW's been around for 6 years or so now. It's spawned a lot of clones. For those people who started playing MMO's since 2005, there's been little choice except WoW-type games and they know nothing different.


This game is different, and some WoW-weaned players are way out of their comfort zones. Of course, they're going to moan as they can't use the playstyle they've had for years and make it as effective here.


Those other MMO's are all about end game. Rush up the levels as fast as you can to get to the raiding. No need to read the quest text, just click the accept button.


This game doesn't want you to do that. It wants you to enjoy the journey and feel part of the story. It wants you to think before you click.


That's why they specifically market this game as a story-driven MMO. It's in its own class, MMO-wise. There is nothing else like it on the market, and some won't like it.


Each to their own. :)

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This game could have been the best MMO on the market today, it could have stolen a Hell of a lot of WoW subs, if not for the following;


It already did.... roughly 800k at least (which is nearly 1/3 of WoW players in the Western market... I bet Blizzard is thanking their stars they have China).



1) The quest system. I'm sure many people enjoy this style of questing, the cinematic voice acting thing which allows you to RP/ feel involved, but really, its just a chore. No one wants to have to take part in a long conversation just to be told to go and kill 10 mobs, collect 10 furs, etc. Part of the fun of an MMO is being able to switch-off sometimes, and just grind out your quests. A large proportion of the MMO PvP community just doesn't care in the slightest for roleplaying and has no patience for this type of thing. I have 5 friends that quit this game within a day simply because of this; they said they'd play otherwise.


Use the Spacebar... it's your friend.



2) Too much instancing. This feels like a dead game, and my server is apparently 'very heavy. There's no atmosphere. I want to feel like I'm in a bustling environment, not like I'm in a singleplayer game with IM capabilities.


You want your quest areas to be crowded so you're competing heavily over quest mobs, doubling (or more) the time it takes to finish your quests?



3) No addons. This is critical. Part of the success of WoW is due to people being able to mod, within reason, the game to their tastes. I personally hate the custom WoW UI. I might not have played the game if not for addons that enable me to change it. How many people do you think chose not to play SWTOR because of something similar?


This is purely subjective opinion. Over half the people polled on the subject (what's called a majority) did not want addons. I personally agree that addons to customize the look of the UI would be fine, but it might open the door to addons that trivialize game content.



4) 1.5 second GCD/un-responsive system. Need I say more? Everybody wants an MMO as responsive as WoWs, and with the resources at Biowares disposable, I'd say they had the opportunity to make it.


I think this proves you haven't spent significant time with the system. I thought so at first as well, when I was low level on the tutorial planet. But then I got a lot more skills and learned how they combo well. Now it sometimes feels like combat can go too fast. But more importantly, there has to be a GCD. You could reduce it, but it's still necessary so people can't cheat with macros and animation cancelling.

Edited by Kashaan
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This could have been the king of MMO's if it didn't attract so many WoW players who were absolutely desperate to quit playing a game they are tired of but has become part of their routine to the extent that playing WoW is automatic. These players want WoW with a Star Wars facade. Thus they immediately enter panic-mode because their lifeboat off the slowly sinking Wowtanic isn't as plush and luxurious off-the-bat as they wanted.


^ The above is a bit cheeky, and I realize that. Yes, this game has issues that need to be worked on. This game is now officially 20.5 hours old as a wide release product. The lovely polish that comes with a seasoned product like WoW will come with time and many, many patches. Yes, I'm aware that this is 2011, not 2004. There's still no way such an ambitious game like an MMORPG is going to be problem-free on release. It just won't happen, period.


Chill out. Play or don't play.

Edited by Sajikus
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but really, its just a chore. No one wants to have to take part in a long conversation just to be told to go and kill 10 mobs, collect 10 furs, etc..


Do you, in your infantile brain, actually think you speak for everyone? Do you really think no one likes the cinematics?

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Part of the success of WoW is due to people being able to mod, within reason, the game to their tastes.


And they modded UI so severely, that Blizz had to design new dungeons with the mods in mind and it only created a larger mess. I hope there won't be any compulsory mods for SWTOR, as UI and visuals are integral part of the game and tinkering with it can cause more confusion than its worth.


UI mods in WoW are often as stupid and game-changing as aimbots and see-through hacks in shooter games (DeadlyBossMod being no.1 example I think). I don't want that. :/

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