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Jedi Shadow has very few melee abilities


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So i was under the impression that jedi shadow was primarily a melee class, but what dissapoints me is the lack of melee abilities. You have your basic attack and the double strike. Thats about it. You have some highly situational attacks besides that, kick, that AoE saber strike and backstab. Its kind of dissapointing and boring to look at when you see the jedi knight class, without skills, have maybe 10 or so. Combat looks way less dynamic and varied because of the lack of melee abilities i feel.
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Its a melee/mid-ranged hybrid with stuns, slows, and incapacitates. I have not played a Knight so I cant tell you what they have as far as utility (besides the sweet gap closer)

Double strike can hit really hard if specced correctly.

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So i was under the impression that jedi shadow was primarily a melee class, but what dissapoints me is the lack of melee abilities. You have your basic attack and the double strike. Thats about it. You have some highly situational attacks besides that, kick, that AoE saber strike and backstab. Its kind of dissapointing and boring to look at when you see the jedi knight class, without skills, have maybe 10 or so. Combat looks way less dynamic and varied because of the lack of melee abilities i feel.


Just because they have 10 melee attacks does not mean that they will be using all 10 of them at all times. The inverse is completely true for Shadows. In fact, the ratio of power types generally has very little to do with how often you actually use the powers in question. The important part is the quality and utility of the powers in question. As a Shadow, you'll use each of your substantially fewer melee powers substantially more often than you will use each Force power individually. As such, you use melee and force powers in roughly equal quantities. The melee attacks just happen to be drawn from a smaller group of powers.

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So i was under the impression that jedi shadow was primarily a melee class, but what dissapoints me is the lack of melee abilities. You have your basic attack and the double strike. Thats about it. You have some highly situational attacks besides that, kick, that AoE saber strike and backstab. Its kind of dissapointing and boring to look at when you see the jedi knight class, without skills, have maybe 10 or so. Combat looks way less dynamic and varied because of the lack of melee abilities i feel.


So you can say this with 100% proof because you are level 50........correct?

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So i was under the impression that jedi shadow was primarily a melee class

What possessed you to believe that an advanced class of the Jedi Consular was primarily a melee class in the first place?


The Jedi Knights are the warriors and champions, the Jedi Consulars are the masters of the force. Advanced classes determine the specialization within the class, they don't change the basic direction of the class.


Whether fighting in melee range or at distance, the greatest weapon of the Jedi Consular is the force.

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What possessed you to believe that an advanced class of the Jedi Consular was primarily a melee class in the first place?


In his defense it is described by many as a melee class. The shadow Tank is also seen as melee class. It's a common misconception and written that way in some descriptions. IE The sage is the caster and the shadow is melee.

Edited by richardya
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So i was under the impression that jedi shadow was primarily a melee class, but what dissapoints me is the lack of melee abilities. You have your basic attack and the double strike. Thats about it. You have some highly situational attacks besides that, kick, that AoE saber strike and backstab. Its kind of dissapointing and boring to look at when you see the jedi knight class, without skills, have maybe 10 or so. Combat looks way less dynamic and varied because of the lack of melee abilities i feel.


It's odd that you feel that way. I love the versatility of my Shadow. Interestingly enough, I treat him as a melee class. Considering that he tanks constantly in PvE and wrecks face in PvP, even though skills like Project and TT aren't necessarily "melee" skills, they work fine in that range.


Which in turn gives you a lot of options. If someone goes toe-to-toe with you, you can spam Double Strike if you wish. When they try to run, you can snare and hurt them with a TT + Project combo. Our short range attack options are one of my favorite things about the class. Nothing gets away, and in PvP, peeps will try to run from and kite you. ;)

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What possessed you to believe that an advanced class of the Jedi Consular was primarily a melee class in the first place?


The Jedi Knights are the warriors and champions, the Jedi Consulars are the masters of the force. Advanced classes determine the specialization within the class, they don't change the basic direction of the class.


Whether fighting in melee range or at distance, the greatest weapon of the Jedi Consular is the force.


Well I know this will hurt the feelings of some, but outside of using two key abilities, the Shadow's attacks are short range, just barely outside of melee range. The shadow is a primarily melee class, they just use their force powers more than just swinging a light saber around like a lumberjack.

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I always saw a melee class as someone who fought at melee range. its not like you step back a few feet to use your ranged skills. even though they aren't physical attacks, you do execute them from melee range for the most part. I like the combination as well...you really start to miss those ranged attacks on a guard when the ranged mob is just out of melee range. on my shadow i just smack it with a rock. very handy.
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Maybe you dont have tons of melee-strikes as some of the other classes but compensate that with some of the most used skills of a shadow class - STEALTH, SPRINT, MIND MAZE and FORCE CLOAK. I would never ever replace these amazing skills for some other attack skills. NEVER!
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