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An open letter to Bioware about the latest patch.


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Dear Bioware,


You claim you value my opinion as a long-time subscriber (CE pre-order + sub since Day 1) and encourage my honest and forthright feedback. So here it is.


While I understand and support the existence of the Cartel Market, I want to begin by pointing out that its very existence may not be Pay-to-Win, but it is certainly P2W by proxy. How so? Because players who spend real money to acquire Cartel Packs are then able to turn around and sell the rarer items on the GTN. In turn, the profits they earn from such sales enable them to re-invest in elder game upgrades such as armoring, mods, hilts, etc. This gives them a distinct gearing advantage, not to mention the endless flow of credits to make other in-game purchases that less wealthy subscribers or F2P customers cannot do without a serious investment of time. (And I won't even bring up the ludicrous availability of starship upgrades on the CM...) As such, you have created a sort of SWTOR 1%. And we all know how many in the US feel about the 1%. :rolleyes:


Like I said before, I understand the existence of the CM. It is necessary for you to generate revenue and keep producing new SWTOR content. Please, by all means, continue to do so. But please realize the slippery slope you are on. A slope you seemed to have slipped on with the introduction of this new Rep faction in this week's patch.


You have crossed a line, Bioware. You took what was (mostly) a market filled with cosmetic items and other perks that didn't affect the ethical progress of players, and turned it in to a massive cash grab with the Contraband Resale Corp. While you might not see it this way, here's how it looks from this player's perspective:


You spent several months giving us fun and (mostly) useful items on the CM.


You then introduced faction Rep by creating what is admittedly a cool event, the Gray Secant. Rep with these factions (Voss, Gree, etc.), and their subsequent rewards, could be obtained freely by subscribers with an equitable investment of hours played. This was fair.


But where you crossed the line was introducing the Contraband Resale Corp faction. (1) You removed items from the CM and made them available only via Contraband rep. (2) You then took other items of high value or high demand that exist in current Cartel Packs and made them available for purchase from the Contraband faction. (3) Rep can only be obtained with this faction by purchasing the related Cartel Pack. (4) Currency to purchase some items from this faction can only be obtained by purchasing MASSIVE amounts of the related Cartel Packs and rolling the proverbial dice.


It is shocking how no one at Bioware looked at what is essentially a cash shop within a cash shop and thought maybe, just maybe, a large portion of customers might be offended by the obvious greed being displayed here. :eek:


And what do you offer to us, your loyal customers, as the reasoning behind this new faction? To paraphrase, we were told that the reason for this new faction was to reward players who bought a lot of Cartel Packs by giving them something in return: a semi-exclusive faction rep. The problem is that a "reward" is something you give to somebody for doing something (past tense). These players have already bought a ton of Cartel Packs from you. Thus, it is not a "reward" to ask them to turn around and spend even more money to buy more packs to increase rep with a faction whose currency is both cash-bought reputation + an arbitrary and random currency token, the Cartel Market Certificate. Indeed, the fact that the Contraband Corp rep can be advanced by 36,000 per week, whereas other ("free") faction reps are only advanced by 12,000 rep per week, just provides more evidence to your customers that this is a blatant money grab.


Frankly, I find the way this was handled offensive. As I said before, I get the existence of the Cartel Market. I have bought items from it. I have bought packs from it. I like the concept. What I do not like is being treated like a drug addict with Bioware as my pusher, being hooked on a product only to be told later, "Sorry, the price has gone up. If you REALLY want to party, you gotta pony up."


Granted, neither the Cartel Market, the Cartel Packs, the Contraband Corp rep, nor the "free" in-game reps like Gree, Voss, etc. are necessary to enjoy the game. But when new content is few and far between, and Bioware ties new content to rep/faction grinds (which you did), and consistently pushes the Cartel Market and makes highly desirable items ONLY available through the CM (which you did), it creates an atmosphere of necessity for many players who want to get their $15 worth every month.


Want an Overlord's Command Throne? Buy some packs and hope to get lucky. Or do some dailies and earn rep and build up credits and buy one from the GTN. Either way, you are fostering the Cartel Market, since supply for these items on the GTN only exists if people are obtaining them through cash-bought Cartel Packs.


It would be different if even just SOME of these items existed as world drops (hint hint), or Mission rewards (cough cough), or were rare drops from Operation bosses (wink wink), or could also be bought for Warzone Comms (nudge nudge). But they're not--they are ONLY available via the Cartel Market.


In the real world, we call that a monopoly... or a racket.


While I know some players will not agree with my opinions (and that's fine--to each his own), I imagine many will. But I'm not posting this for them--I am directing this at you, Bioware. It's not that you've lost me as a customer, but you have lost some of my faith in you. The current way this new faction/market is being handled is a punch to the gut for players like me who want to see SWTOR succeed, and are willing to pay a subscription fee to help that along (and maybe buy a few Cartel Coins, too), but who also feel mistreated right now. I implore you to take another look at how this is all being handled and find a more equitable arrangement that doesn't come across slimier than a greased Hutt.


On a related note, and perhaps equally annoying, I want to conclude by mentioning my disgust at seeing some of the new weapon skins in this latest round of packs. Up until now, many of the weapon skins found in previous Cartel Packs were unique to the packs themselves. This was a nice touch--a true way to show it wasn't P2Win--it was P2Bling. But many weapon skins in the new packs look disturbingly similar to Arkanian/Underworld weapons we've seen in 2.0 PTS thus far. These are weapons that aren't even out yet. And even when 2.0 is released... even when Makeb goes live... people still won't be obtaining those weapons until level 55 elder game content. Yet here they are--those same weapon skins (or ones eerily similar) already available for purchase on the Cartel Market, weeks/months before the expansion, available to anyone with (on my server at the time of this writing) anywhere from 10k to 250k credits.


Bioware, do you not see how this is also a slap in the face to your subscribers? You have Ops team and guilds champing at the bit to get into the new Operations and work hard to earn the new gear so they can have something to be proud of that sets them apart. Yet you are practically giving away those weapon skins to any Tom, Dick or Wookiee already. It's like having your mom and dad tell you to wait for Christmas for that brand new toy, only to see them buy it for your siblings the day before Thanksgiving.


Moving forward, I'd like to see less blatant greed, and perhaps a bit more attention paid to your subscribers. Instead of throwing stuff against a wall to see if it sticks, how about some regularly surveys linked in the game launcher? How about asking us BEFORE you make introductions or changes to the game that you cannot then easily undo if the tide of public opinion turns against you? I, like many of your fans, want to continue my adventures in the Old Republic. I just ask that you please don't make me regret it.



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I think Bioware broke this rule: 'Don't develop free2play content which relies on making subscribers pay real money ON TOP of their subscription". We do not get our money's worth anymore, we'd have to pay on top of our monthly fee. Edited by Frumyrfrenzy
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Since there was a patch today, the title was a little confusing tbh.


EA had to fix what it was breaking with their patches.


As to the OP, spot on.


Ea is a cash cow and not consumer friendly.


lol, just think of the CE market, what? None of the promised updates, and now bugs from expanding only the CM.

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I agree with the OP.

That being said:


This isn't Bioware.

This is EA, which has not been a gaming company for over 10 years now.

Nowhere in the EULA does it say that EA has to respect us as a paying subscriber or give you want you thought you paid for.

The only motivation for EA is profit.


If this succeeds, well then gamers of your ilk may lose, but as long as EA makes money they have no incentive to change.


The only way this will appeal will work if it hits EA in their wallet.

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Dear Bioware,

As such, you have created a sort of SWTOR 1%. And we all know how many in the US feel about the 1%. :rolleyes:



My sincere thanks for placing this statement early in your post, so that I could skip the remainder of the gibberish contained therein.


You know there used to be a time in this country when the "evil" 1% were admired and held up as inspirations for those that wanted to leave the station of life that they were born into. It is very sad to me that the successful have become an objective of such derision and hate.


It's even more unfortunate that you show total ignorance as to how businesses and - more importantly - wealth is created in the real world. You are only hurting your own chances of future prosperity with your views. Whether it is a large multinational company like EA or a entrepreneur trying to bring his dream to life, no one is going to put their capital at risk if it cannot return a sufficient ROI to justify that risk.


So whatever design flaws EA had in its original business model for SWTOR, I am all in favor of EA finding new ways to generate a positive cash flow, if for no other reason than that I am a fan of SWTOR and a fan of Star Wars games in general and would love to see SWTOR's continued operations and to see future SW games developed.

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Dear Bioware,





And what do you offer to us, your loyal customers, as the reasoning behind this new faction? To paraphrase, we were told that the reason for this new faction was to reward players who bought a lot of Cartel Packs by giving them something in return: a semi-exclusive faction rep. The problem is that a "reward" is something you give to somebody for doing something (past tense). These players have already bought a ton of Cartel Packs from you. Thus, it is not a "reward" to ask them to turn around and spend even more money to buy more packs to increase rep with a faction whose currency is both cash-bought reputation + an arbitrary and random currency token, the Cartel Market Certificate. Indeed, the fact that the Contraband Corp rep can be advanced by 36,000 per week, whereas other ("free") faction reps are only advanced by 12,000 rep per week, just provides more evidence to your customers that this is a blatant money grab.






To add to this, when the new content does come out, there is going to be (from what I have read) a cap on how many commendations you can have, Classic I think.


My point is...Why let people with extra money to spend, buy and have no limit with the amount of reputation they can gain in this instance, but then restrict others that have put a lot of time in and saved up commendations for future items? I understand the 2 things are different, but the idea is the same... fairness.


I have paid my monthly fees, why can't i keep what I worked for all this time, why is there a cap on commendations when they get converted in the future? I will certainly go over on several characters unless I use them to buy stuff that will be obsolete for me, when the new content comes out.

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I agree with OP.


The direction this game seems to be heading is a very sad one. Only this the recent patches brought are Cartel Market items and new bugs. Only very little is given to players who do not purchase anything from CM and who only play the game the way how it was originally created (subscribers) ...


Yeah, there are the Gree event, but given the fact that Gree event was being worked upon before the annoucement of Free2Play, it is only a sad testament to the lost vision BioWare once used to have.

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So, it's a bad thing when people use money from CM items to buy top-end mods..


Is it okay if I use money that I earned from selling other stuff to buy top-end mods?


I need to know what's okay by your standards before I proceed.


I'm an older fella that has plenty of disposable income. I buy a lot of the 24 mega packs. I break down half of them and sell the other half unopened. I take the credits earned and buy gear and mods for that gear. It IS unfair. I'm getting gear that I didn't "earn" by virtue of playing the game. I won't apologise for this but the OP has some very valid points.


I don't PvP and don't run OPs and flash points. In fact I don't do a lot of the social stuff in the game. I'm not opposed to it it's just I'm having fun soloing. It's also means my really unfair practices aren't really hurting anyone. But the CM really is a P2W cash shop now.

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To add to this, when the new content does come out, there is going to be (from what I have read) a cap on how many commendations you can have, Classic I think.


My point is...Why let people with extra money to spend, buy and have no limit with the amount of reputation they can gain in this instance, but then restrict others that have put a lot of time in and saved up commendations for future items? I understand the 2 things are different, but the idea is the same... fairness.


I have paid my monthly fees, why can't i keep what I worked for all this time, why is there a cap on commendations when they get converted in the future? I will certainly go over on several characters unless I use them to buy stuff that will be obsolete for me, when the new content comes out.



I tend to agree with the OP, even with the complementary Cartel Coins, Subscribers are out of the new CM-Reputation-Loop unless they invest more, wich I DO think is deeply annoying.


Also, see above quoted post: We should have a choice between throwing Cash or Throwing Time at the game to get new outfits, pets and such. We're being limited at the "throw time at it" aspect. Yes, we get DIFFERENT items from Cash and time, but we do get items from both approaches, but cash-throwing is practically unlimited, time-throwing is getting capped... really a pity.

Edited by LaynaTan
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I can grind dailies to get enough cash to buy BIS gear without doing the content.

I can grind crafting to get enough cash to buy BIS gear without doing the content.

I can resell cartel packs to get enough cash to buy BIS gear without doing the content.


Having items TEMPORARILY unavailable from the cartel market means nothing.


Rewarding people who bought the CE edition with CE only stuff is fair.

Rewarding people who bought the DDE edition with DDE only stuff is fair.

Rewarding people who bought the items that require CM packs is fair.

Rewarding people with a mount through the referral system is fair


OP your entitlement attitude needs to stop.

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Cheers OP I'd buy you a drink if I could.


"It would be different if even just SOME of these items existed as world drops (hint hint), or Mission rewards (cough cough), or were rare drops from Operation bosses (wink wink), or could also be bought for Warzone Comms (nudge nudge). But they're not--they are ONLY available via the Cartel Market."

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You have crossed a line' date=' Bioware[/i'][/b]. You took what was (mostly) a market filled with cosmetic items and other perks that didn't affect the ethical progress of players, and turned it in to a massive cash grab with the Contraband Resale Corp.




the Contraband Resale Corp only sells cosmetic items and other perks that dont affect the ethical progress of players.


So what was your point again? What has changed actually?

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the Contraband Resale Corp only sells cosmetic items and other perks that dont affect the ethical progress of players.


So what was your point again? What has changed actually?


Oh you mean the 'it doesn't impact me so I don't give a stuff' defence.


Linking it to a rep is the change. I'd be happy if they put in a vendor and the certificates dropped from the boxes, no problem, but linking it to a rep, which is something that I consider my end game, i.e. maxing out reps because I have no desire to raid, makes it P2W for my style of play, therefore I'm out. Don't worry though they'll get to your style of play eventually.

Edited by mothear
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Dear Bioware,


You claim you value my opinion as a long-time subscriber (CE pre-order + sub since Day 1) and encourage my honest and forthright feedback. So here it is.


While I understand and support the existence of the Cartel Market, I want to begin by pointing out that its very existence may not be Pay-to-Win, but it is certainly P2W by proxy. How so? Because players who spend real money to acquire Cartel Packs are then able to turn around and sell the rarer items on the GTN. In turn, the profits they earn from such sales enable them to re-invest in elder game upgrades such as armoring, mods, hilts, etc. This gives them a distinct gearing advantage, not to mention the endless flow of credits to make other in-game purchases that less wealthy subscribers or F2P customers cannot do without a serious investment of time. (And I won't even bring up the ludicrous availability of starship upgrades on the CM...) As such, you have created a sort of SWTOR 1%. And we all know how many in the US feel about the 1%. :rolleyes:


Like I said before, I understand the existence of the CM. It is necessary for you to generate revenue and keep producing new SWTOR content. Please, by all means, continue to do so. But please realize the slippery slope you are on. A slope you seemed to have slipped on with the introduction of this new Rep faction in this week's patch.


You have crossed a line, Bioware. You took what was (mostly) a market filled with cosmetic items and other perks that didn't affect the ethical progress of players, and turned it in to a massive cash grab with the Contraband Resale Corp. While you might not see it this way, here's how it looks from this player's perspective:


You spent several months giving us fun and (mostly) useful items on the CM.


You then introduced faction Rep by creating what is admittedly a cool event, the Gray Secant. Rep with these factions (Voss, Gree, etc.), and their subsequent rewards, could be obtained freely by subscribers with an equitable investment of hours played. This was fair.


But where you crossed the line was introducing the Contraband Resale Corp faction. (1) You removed items from the CM and made them available only via Contraband rep. (2) You then took other items of high value or high demand that exist in current Cartel Packs and made them available for purchase from the Contraband faction. (3) Rep can only be obtained with this faction by purchasing the related Cartel Pack. (4) Currency to purchase some items from this faction can only be obtained by purchasing MASSIVE amounts of the related Cartel Packs and rolling the proverbial dice.


It is shocking how no one at Bioware looked at what is essentially a cash shop within a cash shop and thought maybe, just maybe, a large portion of customers might be offended by the obvious greed being displayed here. :eek:


And what do you offer to us, your loyal customers, as the reasoning behind this new faction? To paraphrase, we were told that the reason for this new faction was to reward players who bought a lot of Cartel Packs by giving them something in return: a semi-exclusive faction rep. The problem is that a "reward" is something you give to somebody for doing something (past tense). These players have already bought a ton of Cartel Packs from you. Thus, it is not a "reward" to ask them to turn around and spend even more money to buy more packs to increase rep with a faction whose currency is both cash-bought reputation + an arbitrary and random currency token, the Cartel Market Certificate. Indeed, the fact that the Contraband Corp rep can be advanced by 36,000 per week, whereas other ("free") faction reps are only advanced by 12,000 rep per week, just provides more evidence to your customers that this is a blatant money grab.


Frankly, I find the way this was handled offensive. As I said before, I get the existence of the Cartel Market. I have bought items from it. I have bought packs from it. I like the concept. What I do not like is being treated like a drug addict with Bioware as my pusher, being hooked on a product only to be told later, "Sorry, the price has gone up. If you REALLY want to party, you gotta pony up."


Granted, neither the Cartel Market, the Cartel Packs, the Contraband Corp rep, nor the "free" in-game reps like Gree, Voss, etc. are necessary to enjoy the game. But when new content is few and far between, and Bioware ties new content to rep/faction grinds (which you did), and consistently pushes the Cartel Market and makes highly desirable items ONLY available through the CM (which you did), it creates an atmosphere of necessity for many players who want to get their $15 worth every month.


Want an Overlord's Command Throne? Buy some packs and hope to get lucky. Or do some dailies and earn rep and build up credits and buy one from the GTN. Either way, you are fostering the Cartel Market, since supply for these items on the GTN only exists if people are obtaining them through cash-bought Cartel Packs.


It would be different if even just SOME of these items existed as world drops (hint hint), or Mission rewards (cough cough), or were rare drops from Operation bosses (wink wink), or could also be bought for Warzone Comms (nudge nudge). But they're not--they are ONLY available via the Cartel Market.


In the real world, we call that a monopoly... or a racket.


While I know some players will not agree with my opinions (and that's fine--to each his own), I imagine many will. But I'm not posting this for them--I am directing this at you, Bioware. It's not that you've lost me as a customer, but you have lost some of my faith in you. The current way this new faction/market is being handled is a punch to the gut for players like me who want to see SWTOR succeed, and are willing to pay a subscription fee to help that along (and maybe buy a few Cartel Coins, too), but who also feel mistreated right now. I implore you to take another look at how this is all being handled and find a more equitable arrangement that doesn't come across slimier than a greased Hutt.


On a related note, and perhaps equally annoying, I want to conclude by mentioning my disgust at seeing some of the new weapon skins in this latest round of packs. Up until now, many of the weapon skins found in previous Cartel Packs were unique to the packs themselves. This was a nice touch--a true way to show it wasn't P2Win--it was P2Bling. But many weapon skins in the new packs look disturbingly similar to Arkanian/Underworld weapons we've seen in 2.0 PTS thus far. These are weapons that aren't even out yet. And even when 2.0 is released... even when Makeb goes live... people still won't be obtaining those weapons until level 55 elder game content. Yet here they are--those same weapon skins (or ones eerily similar) already available for purchase on the Cartel Market, weeks/months before the expansion, available to anyone with (on my server at the time of this writing) anywhere from 10k to 250k credits.


Bioware, do you not see how this is also a slap in the face to your subscribers? You have Ops team and guilds champing at the bit to get into the new Operations and work hard to earn the new gear so they can have something to be proud of that sets them apart. Yet you are practically giving away those weapon skins to any Tom, Dick or Wookiee already. It's like having your mom and dad tell you to wait for Christmas for that brand new toy, only to see them buy it for your siblings the day before Thanksgiving.


Moving forward, I'd like to see less blatant greed, and perhaps a bit more attention paid to your subscribers. Instead of throwing stuff against a wall to see if it sticks, how about some regularly surveys linked in the game launcher? How about asking us BEFORE you make introductions or changes to the game that you cannot then easily undo if the tide of public opinion turns against you? I, like many of your fans, want to continue my adventures in the Old Republic. I just ask that you please don't make me regret it.




I know how I feel about the "1%". I strive to try and be successful like many are. I don't know at what point striving to be successful became a bad thing but I will continue to try and be one even if I never make it.


What's with the war and peace novel here BTW? Brevity is your friend.

Edited by Hyfy
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I agree with the OP.

That being said:


This isn't Bioware.

This is EA, which has not been a gaming company for over 10 years now.

Nowhere in the EULA does it say that EA has to respect us as a paying subscriber or give you want you thought you paid for.

The only motivation for EA is profit.


If this succeeds, well then gamers of your ilk may lose, but as long as EA makes money they have no incentive to change.


The only way this will appeal will work if it hits EA in their wallet.



And if that happens, they will simply shut down the game and move on to destroy another...

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