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Can't wait for youlot to join the other side of the barricade once this testing has been completed and then they start bringing in true P2W, a.k.a as cartel market items THAT WILL NEGATIVELY AFFECT YOUR GAMEPLAY.


see you then :)


Can I borrow your crystal ball? You seem to know a lot about the future...

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I already hate myself for supporting EA and this P2W crap.


You clearly have no clue what P2W means. Or worse, you know and are being deliberately dishonest.


Clue: P2W does not mean that you pay money for a reskinned speederbike, a level 43 chestpiece or an comsetic eyepatch.


Dammit, I broke the OPs rules... again.

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You clearly have no clue what P2W means. Or worse, you know and are being deliberately dishonest.


Clue: P2W does not mean that you pay money for a reskinned speederbike, a level 43 chestpiece or an comsetic eyepatch.


Dammit, I broke the OPs rules... again.


what you said, is true for now :)


Allow me a question though. If they racked in loads of money just for a bunch or re-skins, how long will it take them to realize how much, much, much MORE money can they rack if they start implementing powerful gear? :)


And don't worry about a rule which I would've rather not put, makes me look like one of those ego-trippers that I hate so much :( just wanted to make a clean thread with a clean message, something which evidentelly it was not allowed for me to achieve. :)

Edited by Tachenko_Yuri
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what you said, is true for now :)


Allow me a question though. If they racked in loads of money just for a bunch or re-skins, how long will it take them to realize how much, much, much MORE money can they rack if they start implementing powerful gear? :)


And don't worry about a rule which I would've rather not put, makes me look like one of those ego-trippers that I hate so much :( just wanted to make a clean thread with a clean message, something which evidentelly it was not allowed for me to achieve. :)


They already know they can generate revenue by putting stats on gear and putting that gear in the cash shop.


They also know that there will be some level of community backlash when they do it.


So they've designed a system in which white knights can defend items that are p2w as not p2w by making everything from the cash shop available for posting to gtn and giving subscribers a stipend of cartel coins.


Then they started putting items that give ingame advantages into the cash shop.


There was pretty much no community outcry over the +41 crystals. There was massive community outcry over the g7 ship upgrades.


So now they know the "breaking point" lies somewhere between those two extremes.


Give it another "shipment" or two and we'll see something that a bit more advantageous ingame than the +41 crystals, but still way less advantageous than the g7 ship upgrades.


They're not stupid. They're not going to push away a large portion of their subscriber base by jumping into the deep end. They're going to, as one of my favorite former forum adversaries calls it, "boil the frog".

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I'm still enjoying the sheer number of arrogant people who assume to know what BW will and will not do.


How about this -- stop worrying. If they've already hit your breaking point, by all means LEAVE. If they haven't, continue to play and enjoy the game.


They may release brand new gear above Hazmat/DG that is cartel-only. They may also continue to put nothing but fluff into the game. None of us knows for sure. No other large-scale MMO has done anything quite like this.


But, as I said -- you're welcome to leave when you believe it is P2W. Arguing the definition of P2W is pointless because we will never come to a consensus. STOP telling people they're stupid or sheeple or blind if they disagree with your definition of P2W.


I, for one, still highly enjoy the game. If useless vanity items allow it to continue -- so be it. If they truly want to turn the game P2W -- so be it. I'd like to believe they're smarter than that -- if I could pay $100 for a lvl 50 with top gear, how long do you really think I'll stay in the game? They've already been losing subs because of lack of content -- and that was before the CM. How many P2W iOS apps die within a month or so, because people drop the cash and stop playing?


Long-term, P2W is not sustainable, but this current system is. Don't like the direction? Take a break from the game for a bit and come back and see where it is. You're welcome to go play WoW, SC2, FFXIV, etc.

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Allow me a question though. If they racked in loads of money just for a bunch or re-skins, how long will it take them to realize how much, much, much MORE money can they rack if they start implementing powerful gear? :)


They in all likelyhood won`t. Why?


Well, lets put is this way: Look how this *****torm here is brewing only because of a few silly cosmetic items (which, for the sake of honesty, still can also be bought entirely by ingame money through the GTN)


Now imagine what will happen if they would introduce real P2W...


I rest my case.


To put it in another way:


Somewhat agonizing a few subscribers by introducing this new rep system while make other subscribers, which bring significant more money to the game (=CM users) happy, while making ****loads of money, is a SMART business decision.


Deeply agonizing a very large part (the clear majority?) of the playerbase by introducing P2W (so far I have not seen anyone really defending P2W at all) is a VERY DUMB business decission, no matter if you look at it.


Now, I am not saying that EA or any company do not make bad bussiness decisions sometimes, but this whole


"First they came for our cosmetic items, and we said nothing, because we didnt care. Then they came for our endgame gear..."


is just nuts. IMHO.

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I would stop worrying if this company wouldn't goad underaged kids into this gambling scheme for flashy pixel bits.


If there was one grindable way to obtain those points, I wouldn't be here causing all this ruckuss.


What underage kid can spend IRL money to get the gambling bits? Without said kid's parent's permission, I mean?

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If he's underage, his parents WILL find out and fix it though, right? I mean, one would hope anyway... :rolleyes:


yup, but by then, a number packs will already been bought, leaving the kid even more upset for the fact that he spent so much over it up to whatever point he managed to get to, and he will want to finish what he started, clouding his judgement even more.


No matter when and IF parents find out and fix it, money left kid's pocket to enter EA's.

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No matter when and IF parents find out and fix it, money left kid's pocket to enter EA's.


FYI, in almost all countries underage kids cant enter into legal binding contracts at all (without their parents consent), and therefore EA would have to pay the money back.


Which brings up the question again: How is the kid supoosed to buy cartel coins without the consent of his parents? And what has this to do specificially with SWTOR to begin with?

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