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who's your Nemesis?


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While I always have a mark on someone I have to keep in the respawn bay. I have to say, because of the history my nemesis has to be Tyrosine. I don't have to talk crap to the guy but to this day I couldn't bring him down 1v1 but i must say he doesn't take vigilance to well. We last dueled at west of novare coast and he got to start the fight on his own accord. If i didn't take the time to be a good team player, those precious seconds to call inc could have gone to me taking his remaining 6k HP. It was a good duel. You got me Tyro but we're not done. *Points at Tyrosine* your time is coming. I will tank you to death lol Raygon always gets his target. Lol


Who's your Nemesis?

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Urdnought's = Jordo/Feken

Those jerks know how to ruin your day by killing you


Racko's = Gunsmike/Melyn

Nothing is more annoying than healers who cleanse themselves and their team. When I see either one of them ill stop what I'm doing and respec arsenal


Ismashyou's = anyone because I suck at playing melee DPS

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I would have to say big boy smasher Deyvon(Devyon?). That guy destroys me, If i see Deyvon coming in the distance i throw my nikes on and run the other direction. The second i start healing one of his targets I get a big ole leap smash to the face.


Mad props to being a great fighter and objective player.

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Approxy, for a list of unfortunate reasons.


(1) He kills me (not the most important).

(2) He leads the other ranked team, so each week not only do we fight each other in warzones, but also our plans/strategies battle each other.

(3) I like the guy... this is the worst out of all of them.

Edited by MelliMelon
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On my marauder it's Melyn. Can rarely get the damn hutball when he's around even though I know he's stealthed right next to me :p Gotta throw random grenades around the column corners too on Voidstar cause I know he's waiting to stop the door cap! Definition of annoying but great competition.


On my sorc gotta say Scyn. Never seen anyone locate my arse so fast (reminds me of myself :p).

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On my marauder it's Melyn. Can rarely get the damn hutball when he's around even though I know he's stealthed right next to me :p Gotta throw random grenades around the column corners too on Voidstar cause I know he's waiting to stop the door cap! Definition of annoying but great competition.


On my sorc gotta say Scyn. Never seen anyone locate my arse so fast (reminds me of myself :p).


Melyn uses A hack called "always gets huttball first"

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Nice thread here, Twin. For me, I think it just depends on a variety of factors. I can't just name one here, so I will say anyone with a Grim Determination (GD) tag. Now, before you hit "reply" and qq about me being ______ and ______, and ______ 'ing with _______, please allow me to give you an explanation.


GD has good PvP'ers, some of them very good. Any time I see one of them in PvP, I tend to keep my eyes open on them because I'd say a moderate portion of the non-ranked PvP population (those that are newer to PvP) has no clue how good each of them really is. I also know that there is a good chance that they are smarter than the average bear and likely know how to play their class/spec to the best that it can be played (particularly in PvP), so I definitely keep an eye out for who's out. You don't have to believe me, but I do have respect for skills and objective based players, which they have many of.


On a side note, other people that I consider an "instant nemesis" (lol) are those people, whom shall remain un-named (both Republic and Empire), that use the wall "bug" in Novare Coast. My opinions of you shall remain my own, but do take note that you are reported (by me or other people) each time you are witnessed using that "bug" to your and your team's advantage. (Who knows what reporting those people actually accomplishes, but I feel like it's reportable, and it floats my boat/is my cup of tea/makes me feel jolly inside/etc. etc. etc.).

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Twin idk if you ever saw the comedy "Original Kings of Comedy" Cedric the Entertainer gave a spill which went something like this. See White people hope... "Well I hope GD insn't in the Warzone..." "Well I hope no one bites my head off for posting what I'm about to post" Then black people (like me) have this thing called "We Wish" Twin... I WISH a motha****a would try you for your post and i do agree with the wall cap exploit in novare. I told you i posted the pics of the GD guys admitting to doing it and throwing others under the bus in say chat. I also told you that the BW guys removed my thread in less than 12hrs and gave my posting infraction points against my account. But hey being me comes and at controversial price lol. as for staying on topic... I take it the GD guild as a whole is your thorn in your side? lol i feel you on that. From an RP point of view its awesome to have beef with the opposing faction.
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I started a reply to this thread, but it turned into a "who kills me a lot/who do I have trouble killing" list. The list was very long. It was depressing. :(


don't be like that Ardy post your nemesis man I want to hear who it is that makes you drop everything your doing sometimes just to kill him because its a matter of nemesis principal lol

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He hurts so bad I've fallen in love with him.


The sounds like a healthy romance :D


For me? Liva. No one else consistently singles me out for the bad kind of attention the way Liva seems to. I'll be innocently minding my own business in a warzone, when a gentle rain of pebbles hit, then-- crap-I'm-already-down-30%-of-my-health-yeesh-Jaadis-is-right-there-KILL-HER-NOT-ME." That's the subjective experience anyway. It just feels unfair.


(Jaadis, don't read the part where I mentally throw you to the wolves. That's not for your eyes.)

Edited by stringcat
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I have despised and respected Ush since back on Vrook when I was running my vanguard. Nothing infuriated me more than to have him open up on me and be dead before I could figure out what to do. My eyes still occasionally turn red when I'm on Moco and I give chase..... it never seems to work out though. I'm not really sure why....
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you know... based off what your sage wears I figured you liked it rough.


LOL, sorry to say, but thanks to the kindness of friends that look will be changing in about 24 hours for something a bit less revealing. Apparently Bioware is listening and finally putting out some nicer things sages can wear in cartel packs. (Thank goodness)


The sounds like a healthy romance :D


(Jaadis, don't read the part where I mentally throw you to the wolves. That's not for your eyes.)


LOL to both lines

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When on my healer Wrecks and Fekken are two that I try to avoid, kite, run away like an English Kniiget.... unless I see my entire team intercept them. Even then I sometimes think that Wrecks just looks at my sorc and I lose 50% of my health bar.


As my tank or DPS, I would say I go after the opposing healers so I suppose Cupcake and crew are my nemeses.


Other than that my only other main nemesis is my complete lack of PVP skill.

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If i were to name a nemesis it would pobably be the most talented and down to earth juggernaut i have ever played with: Azazelle. He no longer plays =( but when he did i always wanted him and I to queue for wzs as i could always rely on him to have my back but primarily because i never wanted to see him on the other team. He is one of the best duelists i have ever encountered and whenever pops were slow we could spend hrs in BT practicing our craft. I am fortunate to have learned so much about the intricacies of jugg play and i took great joy in being able to teach him the ins and outs of tankasins. Whether it was his pride to never succumb to using medpacks or his insatiable hunger to kill pubs in wzs i could always count on him to flip the switch to objective game play whenever it was needed. There is no doubt in my mind that if he were to return to the game he would send numerous pubs screaming for the hills.
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lol i guess i should have included this...the guy always kicked my a**. The only way i ever stood a chance is if played cheaply and stealthed out -> mindsap -> heal myself and even then i wasnt guaranteed the win. But yes he was my broski :D
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