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Current list of Suggestions


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It may have already been said but...


Realistic water depths and underwater environments.


Sound to go with the huge list of emotes.


Ability to freely fly you own ship, pvp zones, or maybe even sections of raids with ships and customization of ship appearance.


Chat bubbles.

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  • The possibility to "opt out of loot"



Let me explain.


I'm very lucky with loot drops. So lucky, that they are naming Flashpoints after me.


In fact, I'm so lucky, that I have all the stuff that could drop from all the flashpoints I've done, on normal and HARD.

I am a healer, and it has helped me a lot. Thank you BW. Also my companions thank you, and my companions companions (should they have any).


Unfortunatly, my buddy the main tank, who has been going to each and every flashpoint with me, in an attempt to gear up his char, has so far only been able to get a bracer from his low level set. The guy is fit to jump out of a window, ragequit and roll a BH like myself just to get some loot.


He also makes me feel very guilty every time ANOTHER +aim item drops, and I've now come to a stage that by the time we kill a boss, I'm crossing my fingers that it won't be +aim.


It would be nice for me to be able to opt out of loot, lets say at the start of the flashpoint, so that the flashpoint ignores that there is a BH in the group, and thus gives the others a bigger chance of getting gear.


This would also be nice if you're helping low level guildies for instance.

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I would like to request a simple feature:


Please put a count down before the dialog's end as a system message or something, or an optional/switchable 3-5 sec delay after the dialog's end, so we can know when it is going to end so we can press ESC to do it again, because it is very unpredictable and without save and load sometimes it is really annoying. Or after the conversation some switchable button to replay it so who dont want to replay it doesnt see it at all. No i do not want to reset the mission, some conversation can't be repeated/reseted, because they are not in the quest log.


Could you pls add this to the list?


thank you

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I wish the game had:


Account-based Friends list

If I add a character to my Friends list I want that character to appear on all of my characters.


Account-based Ignore list

If I add a character to my Ignore list it is because the player behind the character has done something to annoy me. I do not want to see anything from any of that player's characters on any of my characters.


I also don't want to see their sales in the GTN. If they have annoyed me then they are not getting my credits.


I also don't want to see their posts on these forums.

Edited by Havokk
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This is a lot and I've tried to filter out everything that's already in your list:


For future content, add more class story material and more companion stories. Don't make content updates all about operations and flashpoints. Running the same operation 100 times to grind gear gets boring very quickly. The game is supposed to be about story so keep adding to the class stories and companion stories as well for end-game.


On mail, there should be a button to take all attachments (gear/loot plus credits). Seems a little odd that you have to select the gear/loot and then also select to take the credits separately.


Items on the GTN and Hutt Trade Network should have longer expiration times. 2 days seems very short and results in a lot of unnecessary time spent having to re-list stuff. There should be an option for a 1 week expiration date on a sale item.


A character's running speed and jumping ability should have slight increases as the character levels.


Move sprint to level 10, when you become eligible for your AC.


It would be really nice to have a companion armor vendor. Since you only get companion armor in quest rewards, you basically end up on the next level of companion armor by the time you get one set put-together. Sort of defeats the purpose of a companion armor set if you've out-leveled it by the time you can fully obtain it. Add a companion armor vendor on each planet who sells companion armor pieces in that level range for commendations and/or credits.


For the regular armor and weapon vendors, they need more useful gear selections. Having armor vendors sell basically only grey gear on higher level planets is pointless. As it stands, there's almost no reason to ever visit a regular armor or weapon vendor after the starter planet. The only useful stuff comes from the commendation or speciality goods vendors.


Flashpoints should have level cap adjusments. It is silly that a level 50 can run through Esseles as a level 50, for example, and farm it repeatedly for LS/DS points and social points and orange gear. I'm all for letting people repeat flashpoints, but they should have a level cap where some scaling kicks in. For instance, on Esseles, anyone who is above level 15, should have their hit points, damage, etc. scaled down to level 15. So you can repeat flashpoints, but people shouldn't be able to just repeatedly steamroll them because they are way over-leveled. Farm them all you want, but it should at least require some effort to farm them.


For the LFG issues, I'm against some sort of LFG-finder that puts people in a que (either same-server or cross-server) but perhaps a LFG chat tab would be helpful. The tab would only display comments on a server-wide LFG channel and whispers. That would give people looking for flashpoints and operations their own channel and tab separate from the general chat but also open it up beyond their planet.


On the UI, they should add the ability to keep the character sheet open while using the GTN interface. The tool-tips show the gear comparison, but if you want to compare the mods in your gear to a mod on the GTN, you have to keep switching back and forth between the interfaces.


For the character creator, instead of adding more body types, just add sliders for height and build. Instead of having 4 body types or even 5-6 types if you add a few, then you'd have hundreds of combos and add much more differentation to characters.


For the legacy system, one of the features could be a legacy cargo area where you can store items that any of your characters on a server can access instead of having to repeatedly mail items to alts. You could also have a legacy credit bank where you can deposit credits and any of your characters for that legacy can make withdrawals.


They need to bring back some sort of commendation swap or trade-in option. I know they had this in beta and got rid of it but they need to re-consider it. Once you've out-leveled a planet, your commendations become useless if you have less than needed to acquire a piece of orange gear. The only thing you can do with them is by mods to give to an alt. There needs to be some sort of ratio-based trade-in option. Swap 3 Tython commendations for 1 Coruscant commendation, for example. To prevent farming at low level planets, just put a level cap on earning commendations such as preventing anyone above level 15 from earning a commendation on Tython as a reward or drop.


Companion stories should be staggered more. Currently, they are so heavily tied into finishing chapters in the class stories (which take several levels to reach), that you end up triggering 5-6 conversation immediately in a row because you can gain affection points so easily but can't advance the companion story until you reach a certain part in your own story. This makes the companion conversations feel mechanical and forced without any natural flow or progression to them. Instead, the triggers for the companion story should be more periodic. For example, instead of having 5-6 conversations all triggering when the next chapter in the class story ends, have 1-2 of them trigger each time you finish the next planet in that chapter. That way your companion story progresses more naturally instead of long lulls with big spurts.


Datacrons should not require multiple people to get them or require such a complicated series of well-timed jumps. The purpose of datacrons was to reward exploring. Currently, they don't do that at all as there are numerous sites and youtube videos showing the exact location of every datacron and the locations were already set and known back in beta. In order to make them more about exploring and less about simulating Super Marios Bros, the more difficult to reach datacrons should be slightly more accessible but make the whole experience more challenging by moving the datacrons to different locations on the planet at periodic intervals such as every 48 hours or every week. Then it becomes more about exploring and less about the limited jumping ability in the game.


This is probably unchangeable due to the story elements, but companions should enter the game sooner. Having the same 2 companions for 35 levels and then getting the other 3 companions in the next 7 levels kind of spoils the fun of companions. You don't get as much of a chance to use the late-arriving companions and build affection and progress their stories and use them on your adventures. With 5 companions and 50 levels, seems like you should be getting a new companion around every 8-10 levels. The 3rd companion should be coming into the picture by around level 25 instead of 35.


Also, definitely agree with the suggestions of adding a filter option for specific types of armor, adding a GTN on every planet and having orange gear as a separate filter option from prototype gear and having an option to send companion crew missions to pending rewards upon completion so they don't interrupt gameplay during quests or cause the GTN interface to drop, and adding a mailbox to the ship.

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There needs to be and Android App for SWTOR - both iphone and Android friendly. Think full immersion here.


It should


Security Key - Done

Global Chat - like a Holo call

Give orders to my crew, go on crew missions

Manage Inventory including the global trade network.


When I'm logged in, I want to play, raid, quest, and pvp. let me mange the drudge work while I'm at work, or waiting in line at the super market.

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* Appearance tab ( Needed, in the bad. No, an AP tab doesn't affect stats.)

* Hood-up / Hood-down option.

* Roleplayer title. (There's lots of interesting ways one could earn this.)

* Sit in chairs, lay down on a bed, and more object interaction in general.

* Bio space on character sheet.

* No-Speeder zones! ( See No-Fly zones)

* Tougher naming filters on Roleplay servers.

* Mail delivery on ship.

* Mission terminals for generic missions that award credits, loot, etc. (Called Missives in other titles.)

* Bounty hunting mission terminals. ( Random NPC bounties for any level.)

* In-game web browser.

* Direct transport to group. (Useful if your group is far away.)

* Auto-sort inventory.

* Stats from Bioware. ( Most popular class, race, etc.)

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I have seen a lot of posts about a smart phone app or a web based portal that would allow you to pop in and send your crew out on crew skill missions. This would give people who can't live on the servers a chance to do some training from the airport, work at lunchtime, etc. This seems to be a popular idea and is certainly worthy of being added to your list for consideration.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Personally I don't want to see a game with all the same features that another game has. Keep the game unique. While some things should be brought over lets keep the feel and uniqueness that this game has.


A good way to look at it is like this. Does it streamline and enhance the content without removing the challenge of the content? If yes then add it, If no then leave it out.


Make challenges for us to actually over come, its not just enough to have story and cool features. No challenge makes it boring very fast for a lot of players.


My list of things that could be improved on with how to improve them.


Group Content:


Currently there is no real way other then spamming chat (general or trade) to find a group to do group content. While I personally do not want to see a cross server looking for group tool as it destroys server community and the ability to build a rep on your server, I would like to see some kind of LFG tool put in the game that is better than the current system. Add in a Flashpoint finder that you can pull up and see who else is looking for a group on your server without having to parse thru the who list.


No random die roll for master looter in the game to help determine loot. The only way to roll on an item is to use the need before greed system that is built in or a third party program outside the game. Being able to roll in game for an item is key to many of the tried and true methods of loot distribution that guilds use to encourage their members to show up to raids ect. Please add in a /Roll or /Random command via the social interactions already in the game.


There is no real incentive to do group content while leveling, yes the gear drops are a tiny bit better then what you get from doing the normal quest lines but gather enough commendations and you can get gear that is just as good if not better, especially at the higher levels. Make the gear out of the flashpoints and raids actually better then the gear you get from questing and a challenge to get. However do not make it necessary to have in order to do the solo content. Yes this brings up the issue of players complaining that they can't get the gear but lets be honest here its not due to them not being allowed to access the gear. Its them not wanting to do what is necessary to get the gear.



Quests and Questing:


While the story lines for each class are well done and interesting the rest of the quests could use some work. Currently you are limited in where you can go to quest to level up and pretty much railroaded in the planet progression. This causes a lack of diversity in leveling, both gear and experiencing the story that is available. Adding in some more planets to give the player a choice on where to go to level would be a nice touch and honestly improve the leveling experience, especially when leveling an alt.


A generic quest that everybody can get does not take into account class choice except in the reward. I will use a quest from Taris as an example. In this quest you find deserters, no matter what class you play the choices are the same. Force them to go back to work, or allow them off planet, or remain silent about the whole thing. A Jedi would rectify the situation by talking to their commander and convincing him to give these guys some needed R@R. A trooper would take matters into his own hands and make a leadership call to maybe reassign the troops to another planet. A smuggler would of course talk them into owning him a favor for passage off world. The main point here is that your class should change your available responses to a quest. A little late to change it now due to the voice acting for each quest in the game, however something that you can change in the future by keeping the quest system the same minus the voice acting and coding in those options. It has the added benefit of replay value on those quests while leveling an alt. Yes, you are basically doing the same thing but now the choices and impact of those choices change.


Your choices should affect how things turn out in the future on quest chains. If I decide to let’s say push a button that kills a bunch of imps and sacrifices a bunch of civilians at the same time. I should gain more than just dark side points for it. My quests maybe are a bit easier due to the fact that I don’t have to face as much opposition during the next phase of the quest chain. If however I take the light side options and spare the civilians then my quest should be a little harder with having to face a bit more opposition during that phase. This gives the feeling that my choices directly impact more than just my alignment standing or companion affection.




I won’t comment on Illum or Warzones having not really played enough in those to make an informed comment. What I will comment on here is world PvP.


As it stands world PvP is lacking a couple key things. First and foremost is the lack of a reward for killing another player outside of the war-zones. I see an empire player that’s flagged there is no reward for killing him. I gain no valor, no tokens, no nothing other than the satisfaction of seeing him die. Give us some kind of reward for killing other players outside of war-zones or free for all pvp zones please.


Allow more access between the Empire and Republic on shared worlds to help facilitate more world PvP. Create some world PvP objectives in other areas of the game besides Illum that have a direct affect on the players in that zone.


Companion AI:


Use of companion skills, seriously my companion favoring a CC ability that the mob is immune to should be removed. While yes it is funny to see Holiday dancing around the boss, I would rather Theran heal me or shoot the boss then channel a useless ability. Yes I know I can turn it off and thank you but it gets rather tedious to turn it on and off constantly and it is actually a useful skill in a lot of different situations. Make them a bit smarter please by coding in a check, if boss is immune then ability is not used.



Space Combat:


No incentive to keep doing it after level 50, the money is no where as good as doing other activities and the rewards from the Tokens is not that good to keep striving for something after you hit cap. Adding in some gear that is only gain-able via space missions and provides some unique effects would be a good way to provide that incentive. I would suggest graphical affects or bonuses to your ship combat skills or companion abilities.



The Galactic Market:


I shouldn’t have to click on a ton of filters when I know the exact name of the item I am looking for. I should be able to just type it in and have it pull it up if there is any for sale. Aka right now in order to search for Smart Cells, I have to click on crafting material, diplomacy, and hit search. Then and only then does it allow you to type in the name of the item you are looking for. Let us just type in the name from the get go please.


Addition of some more filters by category would be nice. For example if I want to look for a set of bracers for my class I have to go thru every light armor item on the market in the rarity category I have selected. Adding in the addition of another filter to further refine this would go a long way to making the TGM a lot more streamlined.

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Change how the login screen sorts characters.


Not sure what it is based on now, but I think the character arrangement should be user defined and not what every autosorting they are using, and turn off the auto. place logged in at top thing. Just highlight the last logged in character, but keep user defined sorting.

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A few suggestions, sorry if these are repeats, I didn't have time to read the entire thread.



-Remove, or create variations of, all pregame voice over audio in the 50's war zone bracket. New players may need a general explanation of the war zone in question. But, I'm sure a majority of players do not want to hear the same audio introductions over and over again.



-DoT breaks all channeled actions while out of combat. e.g. Meditation/Seethe, objective capture in war zones.


-Server imbalance seems so outrageous on my server most of the time, I'm sure its a problem for a lot of other servers as well. i.e. 3:1 ratios hurt...

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  • 2 weeks later...
There needs to be and Android App for SWTOR - both iphone and Android friendly. Think full immersion here.


It should


Security Key - Done

Global Chat - like a Holo call

Give orders to my crew, go on crew missions

Manage Inventory including the global trade network.


When I'm logged in, I want to play, raid, quest, and pvp. let me mange the drudge work while I'm at work, or waiting in line at the super market.


please add this kind of feature I would love to do all this on my phone god damn. It would make my play time much more enjoyable lol.

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Would love to have the ability to hide player's guild names, legacy names, titles and surnames - like EQ. Some people's titles and names are so long that it really clutters my screen and makes it hard to see who is who when they are all close together.
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* Hood-up / Hood-down option. (Being Addressed)

* Roleplayer title. (There's lots of interesting ways one could earn this.)

* Sit in chairs, lay down on a bed, and more object interaction in general.

* Bio space on character sheet.

* Tougher naming filters on Roleplay servers.

* Mission terminals for generic missions that award credits, loot, etc. (Called Missives in other titles.)

* Bounty hunting/smuggling mission terminals. ( Random NPC bounties and smuggling missions for any level.)

* In-game web browser.

* Direct transport to group. (Useful if your group is far away.)

* Stats from Bioware. ( Most popular class, race, etc.)

* Salon or refresher for making minor changes to appearance such as hairstyle, skin tone, etc.

Edited by Harlin
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  • 1 month later...

*Being able to hide/show grey quest from npc's or a different icon color for them.

Don't know how many times I've retaken a quest from an npc only to find out it's a quest I've abandoned before.

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I'm sorry if these are repeats.

In the crafting window, show what level the items are for.

I spend a lot of time trying to find an earpiece to make for an alt, lets say level 23. Going through the list would be so much easier if it showed what level the item is for.

The triangle over a quest giver could be a different color if it's an heroic quest.

When I'm out solo questing and go through the long cutscene just to find out it's a heroic 4 that I don't want to do right now. :mad:

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