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Help with ranked strats


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Hey everyone. As the title states, my guild has become rather bored with the endgame PvE content and to keep raiders around were getting into RPvP. We played around 25-30 matches so far and lost 3 of them. Here's where we need the help. We've crushed every single non-pure PvP guild we've come across and even the moderate PvP guilds don't give us many issues. Yet our 3 losses all come from the serious PvP guilds. In those matches, it's as if we're not even there. All of our group is in min/maxed WH with a few of us having EWH.


We run with 2 sorc healers (1 bubble stun), 1 Sin tank, and 4 mellee dps (2 smash monkey's, 1 deception Sin, and 1 Anni Mara), and 1 rdps (either a full madness sorc or a merc). Now, I completely understand our composition isn't ideal and were working on getting a sniper and PT, but that leads to my first question, what have y'all seen in ranked that, in your opinion, is the best combo of dps?


My next questions is about general strategy. Voidstar we kinda have down. Not too tricky; same with Hypergates and Novare Coast. My strategy questions mostly revolve around Hutt Ball. That match is the bane of us it seems. What is the general strat for it?


Thank you a for you help and if you need more details, I'd be happy to provide them.

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Well... you need a Tank! Guardian Tanks are boss in Huttball as they can not only leap to enemies, but also to teammates and in general can only be killed by getting fire-pulled... also switch one sorc with an operative /merc works, too but op is better overall) because sorcs are very squishy and two of them are easy to kill in a short period of time. if they fall, the rest will, too.


so yeah... every good rated team has a decent tank and he becomes extremely valuable in huttball!

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as you said your comp needs work. you would be better if you could bring at least one operative healer. plus, you never want to bring a Merc. even if they are really good, you would be better off taking a sniper.


huttball strats in ranked are usually based on controlling mid with 2-3 players, getting the ball to a tank spec'd player (usually a sin or a jugg) and then just running it in.

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Importantly, don't run your mara in Anni. That's really bad, even as a pressure spec in ranked. For a DPS comp the "ideal" comp is most likely a group with 1 carnage/rage mara, 1-2 PT's (one of them is interchangable with a jugg), and a sniper.

For healers/tanks, you want either 3 healers with 1 bubble stun sorc, and 2 ops or 2 bubble stuns and a op, or a comp of one op healer, one bubble stun and a jugg tank.


With all of these comps, you should have a stealth guard, preferably a tank specced sin on the offnode/objective. or fire pulling in huttballs/being in their endzone

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Importantly, don't run your mara in Anni. That's really bad, even as a pressure spec in ranked.


You know Crimzin right? He refuses to not run Anni. :p maybe you can convince him other wise. We're working on the comp and so far we've fixed a few things: have a bubble stun sorc to go along with our Operative healer. Fixed our dps comp to 1 carnage Mara, 2 smashers ( one Mara and one Jugg), 1PT, and one sniper. And have 2 tanks to choose from either a Jugg or Sin.

Edited by USCG_Davis
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You know Crimzin right? He refuses to not run Anni. :p maybe you can convince him other wise. We're working on the comp and so far we've fixed a few things: have a bubble stun sorc to go along with our Operative healer. Fixed our dps comp to 1 carnage Mara, 2 smashers ( one Mara and one Jugg), 1PT, and one sniper. And have 2 tanks to choose from either a Jugg or Sin.


Well, 5 DPS is a bit shifty. I ran it once as a comp in a kickball, and through sheer focus fire we were able to beat the team that had two heals and a tank but it was way too close for comfort everytime.

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Run an operative healer over the full heal sorc, get a powertech in over the annihlation marauder. You also need to get a juggernaut tank thats all you would need to fix with comp. I also am assuming the 2 smash monkeys are marauders, I would run one of them in carnage for at least huttball, and voidstar defence. (I would also have the deception sin respec tank) Also don't run full madness sorc or merc, i would suggest a sniper.


For huttball the goal is to grab the ball at mid then have a sin go to endzone and have a jugg tank go through the pit and intercede to the sin in stealth then hold the ball until mid is under your control. Make sure you cc and your sins have their cc immunity up(resillience or w/e its called).

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Thanks all for the advice. Ill take this back to the guild and ill let you guys know how we fared this week. Our compisition is going to be 1 Sin tank, 2 Maras (1 smash and one carnage), 1 Jugg, 1 sniper, and then 1 bubble stun sorc healer and 1 operative healer.
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Hey everyone. As the title states, my guild has become rather bored with the endgame PvE content and to keep raiders around were getting into RPvP. We played around 25-30 matches so far and lost 3 of them. Here's where we need the help. We've crushed every single non-pure PvP guild we've come across and even the moderate PvP guilds don't give us many issues. Yet our 3 losses all come from the serious PvP guilds. In those matches, it's as if we're not even there. All of our group is in min/maxed WH with a few of us having EWH.


We run with 2 sorc healers (1 bubble stun), 1 Sin tank, and 4 mellee dps (2 smash monkey's, 1 deception Sin, and 1 Anni Mara), and 1 rdps (either a full madness sorc or a merc). Now, I completely understand our composition isn't ideal and were working on getting a sniper and PT, but that leads to my first question, what have y'all seen in ranked that, in your opinion, is the best combo of dps?


My next questions is about general strategy. Voidstar we kinda have down. Not too tricky; same with Hypergates and Novare Coast. My strategy questions mostly revolve around Hutt Ball. That match is the bane of us it seems. What is the general strat for it?


Thank you a for you help and if you need more details, I'd be happy to provide them.


Ranked is scripted atm.


Op healer, bubblestun healer, hybrid sin (solo node guarder), jug tank guarding healers, carnage marauder for group sprint. If you don't have those 5? You are already at a disadvantage.


Only 3 are not penciled in. If you want to steamroll people with mediocre players? Make those 3, 2 pyro pt's and a smash jug. Why a smash jug? They can force push a healer away from a tank's guard or push/charge a kill target and in 2.0 they can push a sniper out of cover (snipers should be seen more). Why Pyro PT's? Single target burst (all that matters) and easy to play (MM sniper could earn this spot in 2.0). The penciled in carnage marauder is just there to sprint people around, and give on demand burst. Their overall dmg is going to be dwarfed by the 3 other dps you are bringing.


Aoe taunt is stupidly good to have on the dps classes. It slows down things and takes away the need for a quick reaction time.


I don't see the 5 "required classes" changing in 2.0. Merc healer might be as viable as a sorc though (high armor vs MM snipers). I do see the 3 DPS spots changing a bit though. Even then? AOE taunt/taunt dps classes will always be easier to dominate ranked with. People will still cry about smash marauders (worthless in ranked), snipers (could earn a spot now), and dps operatives (roll and countering snipers might be enough to earn them a spot).


There are still only 3 spots left up for grabs, which means the whole tank/guard thing needs worked on. Half of the players in this game don't play a tank/healer, yet half are expected to be one in a ranked match. That is called broken.

Edited by biowareftw
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You know Crimzin right? He refuses to not run Anni. :p maybe you can convince him other wise. We're working on the comp and so far we've fixed a few things: have a bubble stun sorc to go along with our Operative healer. Fixed our dps comp to 1 carnage Mara, 2 smashers ( one Mara and one Jugg), 1PT, and one sniper. And have 2 tanks to choose from either a Jugg or Sin.


You really need to convince him to run one of the other 2 specs. While great for pve because of its sustained DPS, anni is useless compared to the other 2 specs because it takes too long to build their stacks up. Also, you want more burst than sustained damage for PvP content. Smash works because of the damage output. Carnage works because of the single target DPS and Predation bonus is invaluable in WZs that you need to get around in.


If he wont switch specs, yall need to really consider only using him as a substitute rather than part of the main group.



Op healer, bubblestun healer, hybrid sin (solo node guarder), jug tank guarding healers, carnage marauder for group sprint. If you don't have those 5? You are already at a disadvantage.



And this.

Edited by ForsakenKing
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