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Scripts in PVP


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You probably think Columbus discovered America. We have evidence that the Vikings were here long before. Why don't you tell me about Marconi and the radio.


Also big foot?


Yeah here is a guy that saw big foot.


Seems legit.


Now if you want to question things, how about questioning the completely obvious, that people like you refuse to question.




Or MK Ultra. That was a pretty cool thing in our countries history! It directly relates to the Agent story in this game, with "key words", used to trigger "alters". They really did their homework! Funny how the whole "alien abduction" thing took off after we worked on programming false memories into people (including children).








How very interesting.


We have empirical evidence to discuss all of the above. Einstein? Hardly empirical.


"The theory [Relativity] is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king ... its exponents are brilliant men but they are metaphysicists, not scientists..."

- Nikola Tesla, New York Times, July 11, 1935


Now you go ahead and call me a "nutcase" and a "theorist", when you are the one who believes in things, that lack empirical evidence, when we have things like this...




To show just how badly people can be manipulated and fooled. Then again? His-story now views Tesla as a mad man also. It seems I am in good company.


Now open that wallet. Look at the SS card in it. Tell me why the name there is in all capital letters. Then again you probably think the Federal Reserve is part of this country and not a private bank? You probably don't care, in which case ewe deserve to be manipulated. Seeing I really don't feel like being banned on this forum, simply for posting a few news articles, this will be my last post on the subject. You are right though. The truth is out there, but you have to wade through complete b.s., and a counter culture that was also designed to manipulate. People like BS artists Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura.


You sir have made my day with this post, well done chap well done.


It's completely off topic and I think your one potato chip short of a full bag, but least we can laugh together about you.



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Honestly a good player is better without scripts than with scripts. The only people who benefit from it are those who don't know what abilities they should be using.


Honestly, you don't know Jack from ***. You don't have the patience to read what we are talking about yet you offer your uninformed opinion anyway, priceless.

Edited by LenrocNewDawn
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Honestly, you don't know Jack from ***. You don't have the patience to read what we are talking about yet you offer your uninformed opinion anyway, priceless.


Uninformed opinion? You ignorant **** as been said 100x in this thread that is exactly what you are ************ about



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Please dont resort to name calling and cursing to make a point, anyone wanting to offer an opinion/facts in the thread is welcome. I will not allow this thread to get removed because people cant dissagree without name calling.
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I spent a few hours researching the validity of the claims here. This is what I found:


There were quite a few bots programmed with random vectors that could only initiate a basic attack. These programs had no pathing or pixel recognition much less real time 3d spacial input/output. A step up from these programs were the pve farming bots which were limited in scope to very very small areas in which they could kill a specific pack of mobs over and over. These were still prone to game crashing system errors. The most advanced one I found allowed a player so much control over pvp as to preprogram ten (!) different pathing routes to obscure the potential for obvious botting recognition. I also copied and pasted a couple sections of text in this discussion from the 'hackers coming out of the closet' so to speak. I found several identical posts on multiple forums with join dates on the same day, all in March 2013. Most of them were referencing this thread in one way or the other.


So up until now those claims were pure hyperbolic rubbish. I did my due diligence though and checked into basic scripting theory and artificial intelligence. Scripting is not terribly challenging. I can probably build a program in Lua that will run through a pre programmed list i.e. macro. What it can't do, and what NASA isn't even capable of doing is constructing an emergent script that is capable of responding to a 3d spatial environment. You aren't going to get a script that lives up to the nightmarish claims this thread seems to make. It's simply not possible. The world has yet to create an AI that can traverse rough terrain over 2 miles and you think there is some god swtor bot that wins the game for you? Get real. Do your own darn research next time.

Edited by Ryvirath
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I spent a few hours researching the validity of the claims here. This is what I found:


There were quite a few bots programmed with random vectors that could only initiate a basic attack. These programs had no pathing or pixel recognition much less real time 3d spacial input/output. A step up from these programs were the pve farming bots which were limited in scope to very very small areaa in which they could kill a specific pack of mobs over and over. These were still prone to game crashing system errors. The most advanced one I found allowed a player so much control over pvp as to preprogram ten (!) different pathing routes to obscure the potential for obvious botting recognition. I also copied and pasted a couple sections of text in this discussion from the 'hackers coming out of the closet' so to speak. I found several identical posts on multiple forums with join dates on the same day, all in March 2013. Most of them were referencing this thread in one way or the other.


So up until now those claims were pure hyperbolic rubbish. I did my due diligence though and checked into basic scripting theory and artificial intelligence. Scripting is not terribly challenging. I can probably build a program in Lua that will run through a pre programmed list i.e. macro. What it can't do, and what NASA isn't even capable of doing is constructing an emergent script that is capable of responding to a 3d spatial environment. You aren't going to get a script that lives up to the nightmarish claims this thread seems to make. It's simply not possible. The world has yet to create an AI that can traverse rough terrain over 2 miles and you think there is some god swtor bot that wins the game for you? Get real. Do your own darn research next time.


I'm not debating it's effectiveness, but perhaps you should re-read your last line and apply it to your own post. Players have made simple scipts from less than great programs and was able to get it work. But again, I'm not saying anyone is doing it, merely that it's doable.



Edited by Pistols
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I'm not debating it's effectiveness, but perhaps you should re-read your last line and apply it to your own post. Players have made simple scipts from less than great programs and was able to get it work. But again, I'm not saying anyone is doing it, merely that it's doable.




I think simple was entirely my point. Anything more than a glorified valor farming script is completely unrealistic.

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I think simple was entirely my point. Anything more than a glorified valor farming script is completely unrealistic.


Possibly. I'm not really involved with this issue, as I cannot verify or deny this is prevalent or not, let alone effective.


But I have to ask, who in their right mind would make a valor farming script lol? That would be so facepalm lol.

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Possibly. I'm not really involved with this issue, as I cannot verify or deny this is prevalent or not, let alone effective.


But I have to ask, who in their right mind would make a valor farming script lol? That would be so facepalm lol.


YO dude you just got rolled and you seem to be flat out broke here!!

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What it can't do, and what NASA isn't even capable of doing is constructing an emergent script that is capable of responding to a 3d spatial environment. You aren't going to get a script that lives up to the nightmarish claims this thread seems to make. It's simply not possible. The world has yet to create an AI that can traverse rough terrain over 2 miles and you think there is some god swtor bot that wins the game for you? Get real. Do your own darn research next time.


Welcome the swarm bots.


Maybe NASA can't do it, but the Belgians can.

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Welcome the swarm bots.


Maybe NASA can't do it, but the Belgians can.


No, he's still right. Swarm bots in fact solve problems that single bots have difficulty solving, by pure virtue of the ability to communicate. One bot gets stuck, he looks for other bots that aren't stuck, and moves towards them.


Anyway, I think we're all clear that this thread is a rubbish nonsense thread.

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No, he's still right. Swarm bots in fact solve problems that single bots have difficulty solving, by pure virtue of the ability to communicate. One bot gets stuck, he looks for other bots that aren't stuck, and moves towards them.


Anyway, I think we're all clear that this thread is a rubbish nonsense thread.


It's a little more complicated than just that, and this thread is not rubbish nonsense. It is completely within the power of today's processors to run a scripting program to maximize ability usages without having a negative impact on game performance. The OP never said this was a pure botting program, you still have to pilot and select targets, but the script would run an optimal DPS rotation, that is entirely within the realm of possibility. As far as latency causing issues, SWTOR already has a built in latency compensator, you can queue up actions before the GCD is finished, so minor lags in latency can be easily compensated.


Are tons of people using it? I can't say, I don't, but I seriously question whether they do or not when I see people standing still for a few seconds after you break a rotation. I've seen it happen on pros and terribads. So I wouldn't exclude the possibility that it could be happening, alot of talented computer programmers also play.

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