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BW: Will you change FIELD RESPEC in WZs?


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What if your team does not have any vanguards who can alternate between tank and dd?

What if your team consists of 2 Sentinels and 2 Snipers who can only go DD?


This feature needs to be disabled for Rated Warzones.


I don't see any problem to this. So what if they're all tanks? If you're good at playing Marauder you have comparable or better defensive cooldowns than they do.

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Yes, in your 2 opinions. I'd like to think there is also a challenge and competition in forming solid group comps and countering others straight up. Without the respec side of things. There is a case to be had for both styles of play. I simply am discussing the alternative of removing it from the warzones.


Why did you underline opinion, as if to understate our posts. Yours is just an opinion as well....

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Talent respecs in rwz let you be a little more flexible with your comps, I don't see the issue here. It just adds another level of complexity and challenge


Exactly why these ppl don't want it, they can't adapt.

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And thats cheese, so just because this exists it doesn't justify mid-game respecs. Both should be taken out simple as that.


And the initial respec isn't even a big deal, but mid wz respec'ing is the real issue.


/stuck is cheese, yet peeps do it lol. Justification has little to do with this tbh.

Edited by Pistols-GS
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I've always been for restricting respecs mid match. You should have just the beginning to change your spec. That way you can't get the upper hand then go all out defensive. Apparently, none of you have played against a 5 healer 3 tank team on void star defense or when owning two nodes in cw/nc. It is a cheap tactic. Now had they been those specs during their offensive rounds it would be fair. Not many ppl abuse it to this extent, but it is painful when they do.
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I've always been for restricting respecs mid match. You should have just the beginning to change your spec. That way you can't get the upper hand then go all out defensive. Apparently, none of you have played against a 5 healer 3 tank team on void star defense or when owning two nodes in cw/nc. It is a cheap tactic. Now had they been those specs during their offensive rounds it would be fair. Not many ppl abuse it to this extent, but it is painful when they do.



And this mechanic isn't fun for either side so it should be disabled.

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Next step to make things equal, will be removing skills.

Every AC will have 2 buttons to attack (1 basic attack, one special attack on 6 second cooldown - ofcourse you can makro it if you are rich and filthy), so those who can manage more keybinds and procs will not be in favor.

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I don't understand why people try to lobby to have things removed from the game because they are too lazy or stubborn to get on the wagon with the rest of the people who want to win..


PSA Complete.


This is so ignorant it hurts. Of course people use it and LOL and calling not repecing "lazy", what a backwards way of thinking. Convinced 99% of pvp forum posts are troll posts, these people aren't even rated players and they come in here like they know whats actually going on in this game.

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This is so ignorant it hurts. Of course people use it and LOL and calling not repecing "lazy", what a backwards way of thinking. Convinced 99% of pvp forum posts are troll posts, these people aren't even rated players and they come in here like they know whats actually going on in this game.


Meme for Mr.Elite please pistols

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Again, this doesn't really concern people who don't play rateds. So I'm not sure why half these people are even posting.


Because things like this would have an impact on those trying to get into rateds?

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Because things like this would have an impact on those trying to get into rateds?


Because the thread devolved into a "take it out of RWZs" and "who cares leave it normals" which is fine, but some think its just dandy for rateds and others come in here to say nothing. It has an impact on people trying and playing and thats the issue.


At the end of the day it doesn't really matter because its too much coding for bioware to change how it works for just RWZ so the whole thread is bunk.

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That would never, ever happen in Ranked (Taylor Swift voice), like ever!


It is possible as long as your team is marauder/sniper-less. Might be 4/4 or something other than 5 heals/3 tanks. The point is, going from a more balanced comp to one of winning through attrition. I'm all for those combos as long as they spec it before the match starts.


Sometimes only 2-3 ppl do it but the end result is the same.

Edited by Ravashakk
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I'm failing to see how any tool usable by anyone is imbalancing? You have a problem with people respeccing in the second phase of Voidstar to become more defensive, then match and balance them? Best person playing defense with their defensive skills wins.


I don't see a balance issue. If anyone can do it, how is it imbalance?

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I'm failing to see how any tool usable by anyone is imbalancing? You have a problem with people respeccing in the second phase of Voidstar to become more defensive, then match and balance them? Best person playing defense with their defensive skills wins.


I don't see a balance issue. If anyone can do it, how is it imbalance?


Who said it had anything to do with balance? Just because both teams can do it doesn't mean it is fine. It trivializes certain war zones, and that should not be the case.

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I'm failing to see how any tool usable by anyone is imbalancing? You have a problem with people respeccing in the second phase of Voidstar to become more defensive, then match and balance them? Best person playing defense with their defensive skills wins.


I don't see a balance issue. If anyone can do it, how is it imbalance?

first of all, I don't think it's a big deal either way, if you're referring to my statement about a balance issue. the reason I say so is that it makes certain classes more preferable to others. so class balance in the sense that it leaves others out. for example, you'll always want a guardian for hb. and if you can respec 2 smashers on top of that...well that's 2 really really hard hitting dps that oh by the way, can own a map by respecing. so disallowing the respec should, in theory, make grp compositions more varied. personally, I don't think it would do a whole lot right now b/c the best tank is also a fotm dps (jugg/smash). it might, however, make the difference between taking a mara smash or a jugg smash. assassin versatility is also a selling point for them. respecing deception for the burst while attacking in vstar but going hybrid or straight tank on defense.


as I said, I don't think it drastically affects balance in either direction.


from a personal standpoint, I would rather not have ppl respecing once the wz starts. it's kind of "cheap." but I don't begrudge anyone for doing it. it's perfectly "legal." I wish it was not. but only mildly. more because I would like things to play out with what you have, so to speak.



Edited by foxmob
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Yes, in your 2 opinions. I'd like to think there is also a challenge and competition in forming solid group comps and countering others straight up. Without the respec side of things. There is a case to be had for both styles of play. I simply am discussing the alternative of removing it from the warzones.


And that is exactly you alternative: removing it from warzone?


How else will you change it? I could see the merit of only being allowed to change specs at beginning of the round but that is it. Anything more will make field respec near useless for someone who primairly pvp's, for example.

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