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Ban all premades outside of ranked 50


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Well yes, then we are in agreement. I don't see the point of this arguement. And i do understand, i just didnt point out the obvious.


If you can win hutball in under 2 mins. 600 - 0 CW, 3 CAP novaire, then the other team is terrible.


But i wanted to point out that winning is what matters, and in PUGS respectable numbers means next to nothing. Jug can leap 3 times to end zone in hutball. 2 person defend caps in CW can hold 3 for a whole game, 1 person can cap a whole node in novaire.

great we got that out of the way;)


now back to the topic as i posted earlier, i`m still waiting on a response by the guys that refuse to group up

"Why do u refuse to group in a Multiplayer?isn`t it obvious ur gimping urself for no reason in the end its a 8vs8 not a 1vs1 who has the less nr of headless ppl on the team wins fact

If u don`t group why do u even expect to win a teamplay based fight? if u don`t play to win.....why do u pvp at all? fun? winning is fun or a very close match where even if u lose it was OK u did ur best, enemy had a better composition or outmanuverd u tacticly, nothing to rage about unless ya u see that guy(s) on ur team trying to kill an enemy and does not notice or chooses to ignore the enemy healer free casting heals on his target, or ppl that do not call, pass the ball, leave node/door unguarded yadayada and so on "

Edited by iDraxter
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these threads are quite frequent, and I made my opinion known long ago: I'd prefer to have separate queues. one for solo only and one for grps and any solo who dares. I can only speak for my own (stateside pve) server, but the server's pvp population can *certainly* handle two queues. aside from about 5 hours in the *very* early morning, there are always multiple WZs open with more than enough premades to comprise two teams and more than enough solo heroes to do the same.


I'm only posting here now because I have this thought to add: superQ (2 grps of 4 purposely manipulate the Q system in order to land in the same WZ). it is impossible for BW to allow groups of any size and still prevent ppl from manipulating the system via superQs. superQs are most detrimental to solo pugs (of whom there are very many). Creating a solo-only Q option would go very far in alleviating this problem.


and folks, you can justify your superQs all you want. it's patently obvious that the system was not designed to accommodate them (else you'd be able to Q with an 8m ops just as you must in rated). however, the way in which ppl manipulate the Qs to get their superQs is impossible to stop without completely eliminating grp Qs altogether. with the split Q solution, at least the superQs will be up against other premades who - let's face it - stand a much better chance of being organized and functioning as a unit than a bunch of pugs.

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Well, until the game allows me to queue into RWZs with only 4 men, I'll continue grouping up with my friends to PvP.


Me too. But I also agree with the OP that the queuing system should preferentially match premades against premades even in the unranked WZs.

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I premade so I don't lose anymore. It works 99% of the time. Which part of it is cheating? What do we do that you can't do yourself, exactly? Communicate? Work as a team? Pull your weight? I'm curious.

Nothing. What's wrong with matching your team against other teams, preferentially? What part of that can't you handle? Fair competition? Not being able to ROFL facestomping pugs? I'm curious too.

Edited by MotorCityMan
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Nothing. What's wrong with matching your team against other teams, preferentially? What part of that can't you handle? Fair competition? Not being able to ROFL facestomping pugs? I'm curious too.
I solo queue as well, but usually run with guild mates now that I'm in one where someone is usually on at all times. Sometimes it's one other person, sometimes it's 6 - 8. We go against other premades too, so it's not like we're doing anything not normal.
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this subject keeps coming up over and over, its NO ONES FAULT but BW's. The match making logic is NON EXISTENT. If a premade of 4 queues in the non ranked queue they should ONLY ever be matched against a team with another premade of 4 - if both teams are full of solo PUGs for the rest everything has the most chance of being fair. I think if BW actually put any effort at all into the matchmaking things would be fine. Yes, it might mean that a 4 man premade isnt going to get pops as often, that's life, suck it up! It also means they could solo queue and end up together anyway, again, suck it up! PvP populations are simply not big enough, hence why this type of problem keeps coming back up.


With that said, as we dont have any data to work from its hard to know if the population is so small that any change would kill WZ pops so badly it would all backfire.

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There simply is no valid argument for putting a premade group up against a bunch who solo queued. Anyone making an argument to the contrary is simply trying to maintain anunfair advantage.


The game is being ruined for many more players than those are who would be harmed because they won't get their daily ego stroke when the can't cheat their way to the top anymore.


Yes, ALL premises are cheats. They may not be hacks but the very concept of a premades, and it's often unfair advantage, is cheating every player to go up against.


Certainly not all premades meant victory, but the many groups out there that are class and level balancing their groups have ruined it for everyone.


On top of this many of them have become quitters when they can't get thei two groups of four into one single match.


So you basically wat to take out MM of MMO , smart thing to do. As a hint : There is a bunch of singleplayer games out there. Those prevent the pesky people from cheating in a kinda effective way. Dont let them get down on you, this game is only about you being the lone wolve...btw. i have heard that some people out there are actually able to make friends with other players and get some premades running themselves. Those must simply be the worst cheaters possibly as the have a secret hack called *social skills*...may they be damned forever!

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So you basically wat to take out MM of MMO , smart thing to do. As a hint : There is a bunch of singleplayer games out there. Those prevent the pesky people from cheating in a kinda effective way. Dont let them get down on you, this game is only about you being the lone wolve...btw. i have heard that some people out there are actually able to make friends with other players and get some premades running themselves. Those must simply be the worst cheaters possibly as the have a secret hack called *social skills*...may they be damned forever!


You missed the point. It's not about single player versus multiplayer. It's all multiplayer. A person joining the queue solo should not be punished for that action. They are still playing an MMO.


Trying to mask it is with an excuse that "they aren't social" is total BS and you know it. The queue is open to everyone. Everyone includes F2P, people with an hour to play, people with 10 hours to play.

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When I queue solo I don't care if I go up against pre-made groups, and actually prefer the challenge.

Also, groups =/= automatic win. I've been in countless WZ's where 8 solo pugs beat out a 3 man, 4 man team.


This is an MMO, I suggest finding some peeps on the Fleet to run with.


All of this.


4 man voice coordination is vastly overrated. Many nights I won't even join mumble when I am guild queued (I'm not the biggest fan of voice chatter in general). Even when I'm in mumble, I'm still communicating in Ops.

Why? Voice doesn't help the other 4 people on your team not in your mumble. This isn't ranked with 8 people in the same room. Everyone's gotta be on the same page to maximize success.


Anyone who's been in a warzone with me (Gillies) knows how much I talk in Ops chat. I'm convinced it works even if it comes at a minor cost to myself.

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All of this.


4 man voice coordination is vastly overrated. Many nights I won't even join mumble when I am guild queued (I'm not the biggest fan of voice chatter in general). Even when I'm in mumble, I'm still communicating in Ops.

Why? Voice doesn't help the other 4 people on your team not in your mumble. This isn't ranked with 8 people in the same room. Everyone's gotta be on the same page to maximize success.


Anyone who's been in a warzone with me (Gillies) knows how much I talk in Ops chat. I'm convinced it works even if it comes at a minor cost to myself.


This is true, but sometimes you see guilds with 2 4 man quit and rejoin to try to get on the same team. That probably needs to stop, but I doubt it happen as often as some would try to claim.

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Umm...no. I play this game to play with other people and thus, I like being able to group up with my guildies and friends to fight in warzones together.


God, if I have to queue with noobs like you, I may just go back to solo queuing :p


On a serious note, has anyone else noticed super long queues for groups to match you with other groups on your side and play against a bunch of PUGs on the other?

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There are some valid arguments for not putting a premade group up against a bunch who solo queued, and lots of invalid ones made by whiners. Anyone making an argument to the contrary is simply trying to enjoy playing with their friends



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I don't see a problem with allowing people to group together for PVP. That's perfectly fine and is a fun playstyle. However, they should be matched with people who enjoy a similar advantage. Premade queues should be seperate. There really is no argument stated in this thread that doesn't sound like "I want to maintain an unfair advantage."


We are not advocating removing the ability to premade altogether. We are asking that premade queues be seperated from casual queues. The only thing this does is make the games more competative at all levels.


Now, this will undoubtedly make the premade queues take forever, and is a change I would not suggest until a cross server queue is implemented - for pre-mades at the least if not for everyone. This serves to fix all possible issues with the idea. Queue times are improved, premades get the 'real games' that they profess to want, and casuals get competative PVP.

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This is true, but sometimes you see guilds with 2 4 man quit and rejoin to try to get on the same team. That probably needs to stop, but I doubt it happen as often as some would try to claim.


Yeah, I don't really see that on Pot5 much. About once every 20-25 warzones I'll see two 3 or 4 person premades together (different guilds), and ops chat is like " umm..so yeah...we best not be losing this warzone.."

Edited by islander
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This is true, but sometimes you see guilds with 2 4 man quit and rejoin to try to get on the same team. That probably needs to stop, but I doubt it happen as often as some would try to claim.


Have a nice day seems to do this, I have ran into an 8 man group twice now in the last week. I find it funny.

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Yeah, I don't really see that on Pot5 much. About once every 20-25 warzones I'll see two 3 or 4 person premades together (different guilds), and ops chat is like " umm..so yeah...we best not be losing this warzone.."


Me neither. I actually don't see a lot of premades in general on 50 PvP there. Sub-50 from time to time, I will see groups of 4. Maybe they are leveling together, or something, but you want to talk about hard. An organized group who protects their healer vs a PUG where half the team is missing the means to interrupt heals gets to be nearly impossible to beat.

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this subject keeps coming up over and over, its NO ONES FAULT but BW's. The match making logic is NON EXISTENT. If a premade of 4 queues in the non ranked queue they should ONLY ever be matched against a team with another premade of 4 - if both teams are full of solo PUGs for the rest everything has the most chance of being fair. I think if BW actually put any effort at all into the matchmaking things would be fine. Yes, it might mean that a 4 man premade isnt going to get pops as often, that's life, suck it up! It also means they could solo queue and end up together anyway, again, suck it up! PvP populations are simply not big enough, hence why this type of problem keeps coming back up.


With that said, as we dont have any data to work from its hard to know if the population is so small that any change would kill WZ pops so badly it would all backfire.


This ^^.


I think people would be satisfied with a queue system that preferentially matched groups. If only one group joined the queue in a set period of time, perhaps 3 mins, (time interval would depend on population data) then it would be fine if they were matched against solo players. But if 2 or more groups joined then a system could easily be coded to match them preferentially and fill in the remaining slots with solo players. This would result in more competitive group vs group and solos vs solos play without a noticeable increase in queue times. If the queue system were expanded to cross realm, I am confident a system like this would be very workable and result in more competitive matches and increased player participation and enjoyment in pvp.

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Ban all badds that fail to do 75k damage/healing/protection from 50 pvp.


Dude, you can stand defending a nod and not meet so many attackers..But your still doing your job. So why ban someone for doing there part for the team?

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