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A Day in the life of a Solo Queuing Imp


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At first, I wanted to get to level 50 on my Imp for the purpose of adding to the recruit geared Imp list.. but now, oooohhhhhh, I can't wait to hit level 50 on my Imp.. There are some ... ummm.. special... players coming up the lowbie ranks.. this Imp experiment is going to be FUN!!


Just got out of a lowbie warzone with a healer that was marked within the first 30 seconds of the warzone overall taking the least amount of damage.

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good lord. it took me a while to figure out what was wrong. he had expertise. he was working on the same set bonus. then...d'oh! vanguard? lol


Dude I just laughed so hard after I finally saw it....


The "shut up" comment up top had me Rolf-ing even harder.

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Will be adding some more tonight so we'll get a flavour of a friday night


Maybe you can add more variables to your data. For instance:


-# of healers for each team

-# of tanks for each team

-which team had higher overall dmg/healing/protection


Just a few off the top of my head. Keep up the good work.

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Queueing imp side builds character =p







I don't post, but when I do it's to compliment Anore for putting a team on his back! He solo capped mid and saved the game! I still can't believe we won, we had one guy with 450k damage and the next highest was 73k. The other team had crazy damage output. Meanwhile Anore had 800k damage taken and I had 600k. I felt bad for Honorof and them, Anore stole that game. Anore is the only tank a team ever needs.


Edit: More on topic though, I solo queue frequently, and it really isn't as bad as people make it out to be, it's really just luck based whether you keep getting the under geared people or the good ones. A couple good players can carry a bad team, even against a double premade sometimes depending on the warzone.

Edited by Broward
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I don't post, but when I do it's to compliment Anore for putting a team on his back! He solo capped mid and saved the game! I still can't believe we won, we had one guy with 450k damage and the next highest was 73k. The other team had crazy damage output. Meanwhile Anore had 800k damage taken and I had 600k. I felt bad for Honorof and them, Anore stole that game. Anore is the only tank a team ever needs.


don't talk to me anore!


(yeah. it's a stretch. I'm bored crafting)

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I don't post, but when I do it's to compliment Anore for putting a team on his back! He solo capped mid and saved the game! I still can't believe we won, we had one guy with 450k damage and the next highest was 73k. The other team had crazy damage output. Meanwhile Anore had 800k damage taken and I had 600k. I felt bad for Honorof and them, Anore stole that game. Anore is the only tank a team ever needs.


Edit: More on topic though, I solo queue frequently, and it really isn't as bad as people make it out to be, it's really just luck based whether you keep getting the under geared people or the good ones. A couple good players can carry a bad team, even against a double premade sometimes depending on the warzone.


I think after raid tonight Anore needs to log and you too Trevin on repub side kk thanks! Anore better be on Anoree tonight:p maybe sneak in ranked tonight after your raid or before lol!!

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So all you Imps know. Rep has alot of horrible pvp'ers also. I mean check out this beast of a sentinel.

Thats 12 and a half minutes of pure awesome.




I can take a SS of the imperial fleet to show you 200 imps worse than that guy. :)

Edited by Ravashakk
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lol @ pubs with the false equivocation... **** outta here



imp dps... so much struggle this morning


in the rare event we do get more than 1 decent healer, there will only be 1-2 dps over like 200k


pub team will have two 200-300k healers and pretty much all dps over 200k

Edited by ace_boogie
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lol @ pubs with the false equivocation... **** outta here



imp dps... so much struggle this morning


in the rare event we do get more than 1 decent healer, there will only be 1-2 dps over like 200k


pub team will have two 200-300k healers and pretty much all dps over 200k


What are you talking there aren't any good healers on pub side! I know I just wand!

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I can't tell you guys how many games we win when myself and another ld dps are basically the only dps on our team. We'll be 3-400k+ while our next closest teammate is 90k.


I'm a sage so my ability to carry a team dps wise isn't the easiest and I hate having to. But someones got to right?


I just bust out my shoulder handlebars and say, "Hop on my back pugs <3"

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What are you talking there aren't any good healers on pub side! I know I just wand!


lol... been months since i played a pub team with less than 2 healers. 3 is about normal



I can't tell you guys how many games we win when myself and another ld dps are basically the only dps on our team. We'll be 3-400k+ while our next closest teammate is 90k.


I'm a sage so my ability to carry a team dps wise isn't the easiest and I hate having to. But someones got to right?


I just bust out my shoulder handlebars and say, "Hop on my back pugs <3"


and im willing to bet the imp team you played was just as horrible... exception being your healers outhealed theirs by far.




sometimes i feel so bad for the 1 healer im lucky to get on my team healing his *** off, only to see that it was basically me and him vs the world lol

Edited by ace_boogie
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