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A Day in the life of a Solo Queuing Imp


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I was on CO for a few months before the server merge. Before that I was on the Fatman pvp server which had alot more of a balance to it, and before anyone says i know its a pve server but that's still no excuse.


So i know how a server balance should look, and this servers balance is just ridiculous.


But yes, I agree with you the server merge although necessary, only compounded this issue further.


Fatman got rolled into POT5, which has an incredible faction imbalance of like 3:1 imp: pub. JC is far from that in terms of population on each side.


Unless you're referring to skill imbalance...

Edited by randiesel
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xilriso is an average player at best and here he is starting a thread complaining how bad solo q'ing is , like he's too good to lose or something ? like he's better then the average player and when he's in a warzone it shouldn't be a losing warzone.


the comparison between pubs and imps are numerous but no one wants to hear it from a scrub who super q's with 7 other scrubs claiming its the only way to win regular wzs xilriso get off your high horse you're part of the problem not part of the solution.


Thats some pent up rage right there.


on a scale of 1-10 i reckon I'm probably about 7 pvp wise. Not that I really care too much about if you think "

I'm "average at best" lol.


Not sure where you get your information but I'm currently guildless and don't super queue and haven't done so for the longest time. 3 Months in fact, and even then i didn't do it to win, I purely did it cause my Ex guildies were doing it so I didn't want to be left out.


I don't think I'm too good to lose lol, I just think the proportion of (extremely bad) losses when solo queuing imp side is high enough to constitute being an a big issue in game particularly for more casual players.


So yeah, your clearly an unreliable source. Ragggggeeeeeee luls

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Why does anything involving PvP incite arguements now lmao. Ill try to bring this back on topic >_>

Only managed to sqeeze in 10 games after class, Ill continue to add to this if you'd want to compile a list Xil.



Selva, Assassin DPS Gear (Its on the Wishlist) Start Time: 1:28pm EST

| W / L | Zone | End Score | Comments

1. W | Hyper | 640 - 0 | No Recruits, 3 without a Stim

2. L | Novare | 0 - 100 | Backfilled in at 16 - 100, 2 Recruits

3. -- | Civil | --- | Crashed 1 minute in, sorry Powertaco :(

4. L | Void | 0 - 6 | 2 Recruits, 1 Imp quitter

5. W | Hyper | 691 - 194 | 2 Recruits, 1 PvE, All without Stim

6. W | Void | 3 - 2 | 1 Recruit, 1 PvE, 6 without Stim

7. W | Hyper | 606 - 0 | 1 Recruit, 2 without Stim

8. L | Civil | 0 -170 | 2 Recruits, 6 without Stim

9. L | Pit | 0 - 6 | No Recruits, 5 without Stim

10. W | Void | 5 - 4 | 1 Recruit, 5 without Stim

End Time: 3:53pm EST. Outcome: 5W 4L 1Crash ;-;



I will add these to this list as i believe these genuine. Thanks for your input. these seems to being the ratio up a fair bit. I will be adding more tonight at some point so we will get more weekday stats up also

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I've solo queued for most of my time in this game (9/10 times I'm solo queued). I've played both sides at 50 and this is my experience as a casual PvPer: Pubs have better communication, more guilds that are serious about PvP, and with those two points will win more than Imps. Don't take what I said wrong though, cause I have great respect for a lot of Imperials (many of whom I've played with and against since Day 1 CO) and I've had more than my fair share of getting absolutely stomped by Imps (I play the squishiest class in the game as a main).


Basically, if you solo queue you're gonna lose often (depending on if you tag onto a 3-4 man premade). Having Pubs reroll Imp to "even the odds" is moot IMO because many of the players that are even semi-serious about PvP have 50's on both sides. Just roll with the punches and if you can't deal with losing as much as you are, group up with players you know are good. Personally, I enjoy the wins with pugs against premades or against better players.


Back to work,



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I've solo queued for most of my time in this game (9/10 times I'm solo queued). I've played both sides at 50 and this is my experience as a casual PvPer: Pubs have better communication, more guilds that are serious about PvP, and with those two points will win more than Imps. Don't take what I said wrong though, cause I have great respect for a lot of Imperials (many of whom I've played with and against since Day 1 CO) and I've had more than my fair share of getting absolutely stomped by Imps (I play the squishiest class in the game as a main).


Basically, if you solo queue you're gonna lose often (depending on if you tag onto a 3-4 man premade). Having Pubs reroll Imp to "even the odds" is moot IMO because many of the players that are even semi-serious about PvP have 50's on both sides. Just roll with the punches and if you can't deal with losing as much as you are, group up with players you know are good. Personally, I enjoy the wins with pugs against premades or against better players.


Back to work,




^^Yeah this and me too, though I missed out on CO. This toon started out on The Constant from early release. By the time we got merged into CO I had already re-rolled on both The Fatman and ToFN. I think it was mostly nostalgia that had me longing to log back on my first toon in this game.


We don't superqueue intentionally ever, some nights we might have 3 or so groups running and it just happens.


If that was for my comment, I'm not even positive it was a full 8 in those instances anyway. It was meant as tongue in cheek comment (doing my part to fan the flames hehe). I probably should have used the :p emote. I usually don't even bother checking guild tags of opposing players unless we are getting rolled really badly.

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I believe your exact words were "Marisela... You're terrible. Reroll." Lol


I only made the shadow because some guildies wanted to try pub for a while, but they still to this day have not gotten to 50. So I did, in fact, reroll to the assassin.


But not because of you.


Plus I like lightning better than rocks anyway. I got a few friends from Mexico who play pub so sometimes I comeback for an hour or 2 but she's pretty much retired.


Trash talk is trash talk. It never means anything. :D I'm just trying to get the upper hand is all.

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It's the most fun when people trash talk you from the spawn :p


That's when I always do my /rude. :D What else should I do while waiting for the door to pop? And, for the love of all things holy, I hope "call 'inc'" isn't the answer...Unless you're imp side; then it's perfectly normal.

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That's when I always do my /rude. :D What else should I do while waiting for the door to pop? And, for the love of all things holy, I hope "call 'inc'" isn't the answer...Unless you're imp side; then it's perfectly normal.


Call them hackers! Everyone knows you can't be good at this game without having a crit,teleport and movement speed hack.

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I saw that guy too. I actually got a chance to talk with him once and he asked me what he should be using. Said it was his son's game, but I never got a chance to respond and haven't seen him since.


I kinda feel bad for him to be honest, all that time and effort for the wrong gear. Yeah I have not seen him for a week or two.

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