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Enough Bioware tell us whats going on with the client issues.......


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I've had one CTD during space missions. Game seems to generally play fine, but every now and then FPS will drop under 30 for no apparent reason. Usually it's at or over 100. Running an OCed 5870, a Phenom II x4 965 @ 3.7ghz, 16BGs of ram. Even when FPS drops, the game is never taking up more than a small fraction of my processing power or memory, so I'm really not sure what's causing it.
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I've recently started having performance issues as well. Core i7, 8GB of RAM, and a GTX580. There is no reason I should be getting below 60fps. Poorly optimized client.


I've actually had the exact opposite thing happen since the last patch. I was having stuttering problems, especially in the imperial fleet, and just generally low fps. After the patch, boom, my fps shoots way way up and the game is smooth as silk. Was having problems running it at 2x MSAA, now I can run it at 8x no problem. I have no idea what they did, but I'm grateful.

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Ignore the trolls guys, there the same ones in most topics.


End of the day these problems exist for ALOT of players and that is fact, you can dney it all you like and bioware can be silent all they like, they just will lose those players as subscribers....


There are major performance issues with the client and its using up far more resources than it should, fact....


Has Bioware bothered to communicate anything about it? No, they have stayed silent and not said anything about it.


For those having no problems well good for you, there are still a large amount of players with these issues and please respect the fact its the swtor client causing these issues, nothing else.....


Getting 1-10 fps on computers than can run this game 10 x over while the client is soaking up well over 4+ GB of ram to run and overheating GPU's causing them to fry on low settings with everything off and 800x600 res....... is ridiculous.


Keep trolling trolls, still waiting on bioware to give us any or some sort of communication about this or to even admit it, they should be ashamed.

Edited by TRONEON
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I've recently started having performance issues as well. Core i7, 8GB of RAM, and a GTX580. There is no reason I should be getting below 60fps. Poorly optimized client.


...and yet, I have a similar system, except with an AMD 6600 series, and am having zero troubles. Is this really Bioware's fault?

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Neither me nor 200% of players I play with have any problems. I can alt+tab and come back with no issues, I run at 1080p all maxed out and 4x AA forced through Catalyst, between 30 and 60 FPS (I have V-Sync on, probably would go higher). The only thing I experienced is that when you quit the game, it takes a bit to unload from memory but for the rest everything perfect


Check your drivers, upgrade your PC, dunno


But generalizations like the OP does are a bit ridiculous

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I've recently started having performance issues as well. Core i7, 8GB of RAM, and a GTX580. There is no reason I should be getting below 60fps. Poorly optimized client.


I was running an E8400 duel core, 8GB RAM, and a ATI 4870 in beta....and it ran fine, a few video glitches and such.


upgraded to a 6950, the rest is all the same, and I have all the settings jacked up, running 60 FPS.


The client is not the issue...

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I had Some CTD issues while Zoning and some random CTD issues. Also one BSOD, changed up my RAM and the Game runs for hours without any issues. The Problem are hundreds of different hardware combinations that need to work. There will always be some issues at the start. And most errors will be caused by user Error or hardware/driver issues.


The Engine still has room for improvements when it comes to performance but i never played a launch MMO that was as stable as TOR.

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Usual troll comments trying to make it out like its user error and BUY A NEW PC newb! Go read the forums and the 100+ posts over the past week about these issues, ask players in game, check the specs of the computers.


Don't get me wrong im not saying its everyone having these issues, it isn't there are players who are reporting no problems with both old and new rigs, but the majority of the players who I have spoken to and read on the forums are having these issues, atleast enough to warrant some serious concerns about the swtor client.


You can pretend the issues are not there all you want, fact is they are and for many players, if they care about there game they need to communicate how there planning to solve these issues.


Saying its all on your end go fix yourself or blaming it all on user error is not going to make this go away. Communicate and admit to the issues and we can go from there.


Thanks. o7 o/


You do realize the number of players who even use this forum are a tiny minority of the playerbase in general?


Now factor in that the number of people on the forum with BSOD and other serious tech issues are a tiny minority of the forum users...


So out of the entire playing community you can see that the actual number of players with serious tech issues is tiny.


This would suggest that each case IS based on individual hardware issues and/or bad drivers etc.


Which means it IS down to the users PC and not BW's game software.



Edited by ImperialSun
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I guess I will be classified as a troll but before you blame the client maybe post how you determined it is the client...for example:


1) Checking what caused the BSOD and STOP code:



2) Analyze the crash dump with windows debugger:



3) Reinstalled the latest driver for your chipset/GPU/NIC


4) Ran memtest AT LEAST for 1 hour:



5) Ran Prime95 for AT LEAST 1 hour:



6) Scanned for malware using AV of your choice (personally would use Malwarebytes/Spybot/CCleaner combo)


7) If all else fails and these issues still happen you reinstalled your Operating System, reinstalled latest drivers, installed the client


Now if you have done all of this and the Client is crashing you system by all means seek answers from Bioware. However if all you have done is simply run other games and they work good it is rather ignorant to assume Swtor client is immediately to blame.


PS: Not enough sleep this post is probably filled with spelling/grammatical errors I am too tired to proofread :)

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I guess I will be classified as a troll but before you blame the client maybe post how you determined it is the client...for example:


1) Checking what caused the BSOD and STOP code:



2) Analyze the crash dump with windows debugger:



3) Reinstalled the latest driver for your chipset/GPU/NIC


4) Ran memtest AT LEAST for 1 hour:



5) Ran Prime95 for AT LEAST 1 hour:



6) Scanned for malware using AV of your choice (personally would use Malwarebytes/Spybot/CCleaner combo)


7) If all else fails and these issues still happen you reinstalled your Operating System, reinstalled latest drivers, installed the client


Now if you have done all of this and the Client is crashing you system by all means seek answers from Bioware. However if all you have done is simply run other games and they work good it is rather ignorant to assume Swtor client is immediately to blame.


PS: Not enough sleep this post is probably filled with spelling/grammatical errors I am too tired to proofread :)


Here's what I don't think people trying to offer help don't understand. A lot of people (including myself) on this thread are only experiencing BSODs with SWTOR. Why should I believe I have a bad stick of RAM when all the other games I have played on my system haven't caused a single BSODs while in the last week I've experienced SIX BSODs while playing SWTOR.

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alot of these responses really make me not like this game that much more. so much blind fanboyism. i know i know, no one cares and i should go back to wow (even though i havent played wow in years). all the responses are the same, you guys are sad. we cant even have a decent discussion without "duuuuuuhhh!!!! not me!! i no have problems you must be stooopid!! durrrr!! /drool"


seriously, go back and read what you guys have said. i see jaded eyes, a half smile and a little burst of schmucky euphoria inside yourselves as you spew your ignorance.


ah the masses....

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There have been and still are issues with the client with some rigs.


I played the beta on an overclocked rig and had no issues and it ran as well as I could expect (old rig - hence the overlock). Got in EA and although the client ran fine it had dropped 20fps from the beta. Played it all day Saturday (14 hours), logged in on the Sunday and after a small update it Blue screened, ctd and was unplayable. I spent a few hours looking into it and it was definately 100% the client at fault. Left it, tried on Monday after work and after a small update it all worked again - I had done nothing between giving up and trying it again... That is/was a client problem. Still won't work with an overclock though as it originally did.


I'm running fine again now but I feel for the users that are struggling - THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN.

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Feel your pain infuriating when a game you buy has major problems had it many times over the years.


Best thing to do all those experiencing client or in game issues should post on the customer services if not done so already with full details of machine specifications.


Should be done in a specific format so developers can try and trace the possible issue, we just have to accept that these things happen BW cant get all hardware together over the passed 4 years and test each config so these problems will arise.


Processor=AMD Bulldozer 8 Core

Mother Board=ASUS Formula V

Ram=16GB Gskill 1600

Graphics=Geforce 570 GTX 2x sLi (include drivers being used)

Operating System=Windows 7 Professional 64bit (Patch level)

Other Software running= like antivirus, firewall, diskkeeper.


Details of when the crash happened and what you noticed as much information as possible BSOD code should be included and any event log errors.


Hopefully the root of the problem can be found soon so you can enjoy the game.

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Thankyou im just ignoring all the troll posts from players who don't understand how big an issue this is and how many players are having problems with it, its enough to cause concern and gets some communication from bioware.


I know for a fact its not a user issue and is a swtor client issue and so do the players with these problems.


So, everyone that's having no troubles is a troll?


And you wonder why you're not getting more help with the issue.


EDIT: By the way, I've been getting 160 FPS everytime, all the time, max settings.

Edited by Warlocc
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Here's what I don't think people trying to offer help don't understand. A lot of people (including myself) on this thread are only experiencing BSODs with SWTOR. Why should I believe I have a bad stick of RAM when all the other games I have played on my system haven't caused a single BSODs while in the last week I've experienced SIX BSODs while playing SWTOR.



You still haven't posted your BSOD. The Stop error code will TELL YOU what the problem is.


BSOD = hardware/driver issue. The OS is built to handle a software crash because it's run in a different layer.

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I have an i5 2500k clocked at 4.7Ghz, an ATI Radeon HD6950 2GB GPU with unlocked shaders and overclocked to be better than the HD6970, Asus P8p67 pro R3 motherboard, 8GB of CrucialX 1600mhz ram, X-Fi titanium sound card, with watercooling on the GPU and CPU, and I too am getting random FPS drops as I run around, it's especially annoying because the camera / mouse movement is tied to the FPS, so your camera swings around wildly because its speed changes with your FPS.
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I have an i5 2500k clocked at 4.7Ghz, an ATI Radeon HD6950 2GB GPU with unlocked shaders and overclocked to be better than the HD6970, Asus P8p67 pro R3 motherboard, 8GB of CrucialX 1600mhz ram, X-Fi titanium sound card, with watercooling on the GPU and CPU, and I too am getting random FPS drops as I run around, it's especially annoying because the camera / mouse movement is tied to the FPS, so your camera swings around wildly because its speed changes with your FPS.


All I see is the word "overclock" being used to extremes followed by "fps drops" with no mention of voltages or what your PSU is. Might want to start there. Prime95 and a good burn-in.

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Here's what I don't think people trying to offer help don't understand. A lot of people (including myself) on this thread are only experiencing BSODs with SWTOR. Why should I believe I have a bad stick of RAM when all the other games I have played on my system haven't caused a single BSODs while in the last week I've experienced SIX BSODs while playing SWTOR.


I recently found a bad memory stick in my system. I had 16 gigs, and a huge library of games, including Battlefield 3, Call of Duty, etc.


Anyway, one particular game was trying to use some of the memory on the bad stick, when none of the others were. I thought it was the game. After a memtest though, I discovered the ram was bad and took it out. I'm down to 12 gigs now, but everything is fine.

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All I see is the word "overclock" being used to extremes followed by "fps drops" with no mention of voltages or what your PSU is. Might want to start there. Prime95 and a good burn-in.


do you think with my kind of hardware I wouldn't know enough to have a suitable PSU? I have a corsair HX-750w PSU, and my overclocks are rock solid stable


I can also play BF3 on maximum settings without issue, which is arguably a more demanding game than SWTOR (or at least, it should be, all things being equal)

Edited by SunwindIon
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do you think with my kind of hardware I wouldn't know enough to have a suitable PSU? I have a corsair HX-750w PSU, and my overclocks are rock solid stable


I can also play BF3 on maximum settings without issue, which is arguably a more demanding game than SWTOR (or at least, it should be, all things being equal)


Except all things are not equal. By all accounts you technically have a better PC than me, though idk what your HDD situation is, yet I've yet to experience any "FPS drops."

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